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stupid karma (updated post #36)


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I recently posted so casually about kids going to 20-week ultrasounds. No big deal! We've done it for all of ours!


Today, as I walked into Target of all places, I got a call from the OB's office confirming a positive genetic screening result, dates for a meeting with a genetic counselor, and a receptionist who pulled the rug out from under me. (Can I say that shopping for Magic Erasers and hangers feels so trivial moments after a phone call like this?)


A good friend will take the four little ones while DH and I figure out how the DF (darling fetus?) is developing. An ultrasound without the kidlets, just as many suggested. 


Good thoughts appreciated :)

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:grouphug:  I'm so sorry. We dealt with something like that while I was pg with oldest DD, and my OB dropped the bomb on me via a voicemail at 4:00 on a Friday, then left for the weekend. It's some scary stuff, and the waiting is just terrible. I'm sending good thoughts your way and hoping everything works out just fine. 

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I say this with complete empathy because I saw this bumper sticker on my way into my amnio (which I swore I would never do) because of a scary Triples Test 20+ years ago:


My karma ran over my dogma.


Somehow, that gave me a little bit of humor in a scenario that had me TOTALLY freaked out.


God be with you. It's a surrealistic situation.

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Hoping further testing indicates everything is fine.


But even if it isn't, it will be okay. There may be lots to go through, but even if it's different than your hopes and dreams, it will be okay. We still wish things had been different for our oldest dd, but she has a happy life and we have a happy life. Hugs to you.

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Thanks, all.


We'll find out more tomorrow morning. DH and I were appalled to realize that tomorrow's appointment with the genetic counselor is the first time we've been alone since our daughter was born exactly two years ago. 

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Thanks, all.


We'll find out more tomorrow morning. DH and I were appalled to realize that tomorrow's appointment with the genetic counselor is the first time we've been alone since our daughter was born exactly two years ago. 


I hope it goes well for you - and that you're able to sneak in a meal together too.   :grouphug:

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Our meeting with the genetic counselor went very well. All tests were normal except for Down Syndrome, which came back at a risk of 1 in 130. Our anatomy scan showed a healthy baby girl, with none of the physical markers of DS. I had blood taken for fetal cell DNA testing, which has a good accuracy rate and should eliminate the need for any further testing, especially if it comes back negative (combined with the physical evidence in the U/S).


I found myself very relieved by the entire experience. The genetic disorders screened can be so "catastrophic" (counselor's words) that we had no clue what we were facing. I'm happy with this risk rate as well. 

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Our meeting with the genetic counselor went very well. All tests were normal except for Down Syndrome, which came back at a risk of 1 in 130. Our anatomy scan showed a healthy baby girl, with none of the physical markers of DS. I had blood taken for fetal cell DNA testing, which has a good accuracy rate and should eliminate the need for any further testing, especially if it comes back negative (combined with the physical evidence in the U/S).


I found myself very relieved by the entire experience. The genetic disorders screened can be so "catastrophic" (counselor's words) that we had no clue what we were facing. I'm happy with this risk rate as well. 



:hurray:  Good!  I am glad you are relieved!

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I just saw this thread for the first time a few minutes ago and was almost afraid to read it through to the end because I was afraid you might have gotten bad news. I am so relieved to hear that you got such encouraging news! But wow, you must have been so incredibly scared and worried! :grouphug:

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