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1st day of school when you were young

Night Elf

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When you were young and in school, did you look forward to the 1st day of school or dread it because it signaled the end of summer? I absolutely loved going back to school, until about my junior year in high school. When I was in grade school, I went to Catholic school so wore a uniform. We moved when I was 11 and I started public school which meant I could wear regular clothes. So from then on, school shopping for clothing was such a treat for me! And I loved new school supplies. New crayons, new pencils, new notebooks, etc. I just loved it all!

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In elementary school I loved going back to school. All the new supplies. The promise of learning new things. I was also sad because summer was over.

As I got older it did not hold the same thrill because there were no more crayons in my supplies but I still love the promise of new information.

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Summer was hot and boring, so even the years when I really did not like school (~5th through 8th grades), I did like going back to school. Lisa Frank folders were the only school supply I was interested in, I think.


I did hate that my mom had me try on all my school clothes (think CT winter--corduroy pants, turtlenecks, etc.) in the August heat to find out what I'd outgrown.

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I always dreaded going back to school. I would rather be bored at home alone (although i was rarely bored or alone) than be bored in a classroom with 30 other kids. Our summers weren't as long as yours but i dont think that would have made a difference.

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I liked the school supplies, but school was neither excitement or dread.  I was a latchkey kid with a bookish bent.  In hindsight, I unschooled in the summers.  So that was good.  But then I liked textbooks too.  I hoped for new friends but dreaded that I wouldn't make any.  Even clothing was balanced.  I loved the new clothes, but I went to school in Texas so school started when it was still hot and shorts weren't allowed.  

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I loved it. I was always anxious, though, which was kinda dumb since I went to a private school and always knew my teachers and friends. Guess it was the possibility that something would change? 

I still love walking the school supplies section at the store. It's so bright and colorful and new! 

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I liked the school supplies, but school was neither excitement or dread. I was a latchkey kid with a bookish bent. In hindsight, I unschooled in the summers. So that was good. But then I liked textbooks too. I hoped for new friends but dreaded that I wouldn't make any. Even clothing was balanced. I loved the new clothes, but I went to school in Texas so school started when it was still hot and shorts weren't allowed.

I could have written this...except the Texas part. I am an Okie.


No shorts allowed and no air conditioning in the schools back then. In elementary, Mom always bought me Garanimals mix and match clothing, probably because it was inexpensive, but they were lighter and cooler than stiff new blue jeans.

Today all our schools have air AND kids can wear shorts. Go figure.

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Loved the school supplies. My parents didn't have money, so school clothes were bought from Goodwill. I didn't know how to find appropriate fashion at Goodwill so I went to school dressed like a 40 year old mom. My mom didn't know how to do hair and makeup, so neither did I.


Due to my insecurities about my looks (clothes/messsy hair), I was painfully shy so I didn't make friends.


School was misery. I hated going.


But, if I'd had nice clothes and didn't have to worry about my weird haircuts, I probably would have loved it. Once I grew up and could control my looks I became an outgoing person. I can see where other people would have had fun at school, but for me I was embarrassed all the time by how odd I looked.

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I loved going back to school in elementary school and middle school.  I hated it once I got there but I always remember those few days of excitement before the new school year started - new notebooks and pens (always had a thing for notebooks and pens) and the new clothes.  I remember never being able to sleep the night before because I was so excited. 


In high school I remember being more upset that the loosey goosey summer living was coming to an end.  But I still liked the new clothes and notebooks.

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Summer got boring by early August. Then mom would take us clothes shopping and supply shopping. She'd pick out a special dress (yes, she always had us wear dresses the first day) to set aside for the first day of school. We'd always take a picture in front of the mural at our school, all together, and you could always see how much we'd grown.


I always looked forward to seeing friends. :-) 


I should do some of these things...


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My school year starts on Jan 2nd after 6 weeks of school holidays. We have school uniforms for both public schools and private schools in Singapore. Textbooks, workbooks and school supplies are bought during the school holidays.


Before the first day of school we would write our names on all our textbooks, workbooks and exercise books. Buy new shoes and new bag if needed. Since we have Boxing Day sale, that's when some people do last minute shopping. The only classmate I know who brought lunch if staying for extracurriculars is a vegetarian because the school canteen serves Chinese vegetarian which is more oily than Asian Indian vegetarian. The rest of us buy food from the canteen for recess and lunch if needed. School ends by lunch time (1pm) for 1st-10th.


If staying for extracurriculars or remedial classes, we could walk home for lunch and walk back, buy food from school canteen, walk to the nearby cafes and eat and walk back.

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I don't remember buying school supplies and stuff.  I think I went to school back in the days where schools supplied most everything.  I maybe had a Trapper Keeper binder....and some pencils....but no major shopping.  We wore uniforms so no new clothes shopping either.


I remember feeling major anxiety on the first day of school.....on the bus....or in the car.....even though I went to the same school my entire life.  Major butterflies/nerves.  I was OK once I saw some friends, but I was always extremely anxious the first morning.  

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Around early-mid August I started looking forward to the first day of school.  Anticipation, new clothes, new school supplies, new gym shoes.  The excitement lasted through the first week of school, and then I started looking forward to summer vacation again!  :P

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For me it was a combination of excitement and nervousness, as I wondered about my teacher and whether my friends would be in my class. The enthusiasm never lasted very long.


ETA: On the first day of 3rd grade, I broke my arm after a trick on the monkey bars went horribly awry. That was the worst first day of school ever.

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I loved school from K-5.


We moved and from grades 6-9 I was at a private all girls/uniform wearing school I despised.


10-12 was public school and by then I really just tolerated school.


I'm so thankful my kids are having amazing homeschool/school experiences they can look back fondly on.

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I found it exciting. I did love the new textbooks and supplies. We had a uniform, so no fun in buying for new clothes. The summers were long, hot and mostly boring. We rarely vacationed anywhere and there was not a lot of money to do things. I loved not having to rush in the morning and being able to read a lot, but other than that there was a lot of boredom. My home life was not particularly intellectually stimulating, except for some conversations in the latter years with my older brother. The excitement didn't last too long though. I liked seeing my friends and learning new things but the nuns were very strict and rigid, very restrictive in everything.

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I remember always wanting to go back to school so I had something to do and people to talk to. I wasn't an only child, but my sister was so much older that she didn't want anything to do with me most of the time. And my single mom worked a lot so didn't have a lot of time for me. As much as I wanted to go back, I was also very nervous right before school started. I was afraid I wouldn't be in classes with teachers I liked or with my friends. So, a love/anxiety relationship with back to school.

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I don't remember buying school supplies and stuff.  I think I went to school back in the days where schools supplied most everything.  I maybe had a Trapper Keeper binder....and some pencils....but no major shopping.  We wore uniforms so no new clothes shopping either.


I remember feeling major anxiety on the first day of school.....on the bus....or in the car.....even though I went to the same school my entire life.  Major butterflies/nerves.  I was OK once I saw some friends, but I was always extremely anxious the first morning.  


We never bought school supplies either.  Maybe a new backpack. 

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I loved new clothes and new supplies, but the actual act of going back to school made me sick.  I hated school.  I hated new things, new kids, new teacher, new routine.  I would spend hours obsessing about having to correct the teacher when my name was called so the teacher would call me by the name I use (nickname of middle name).  It caused me great angst.  In high school, college, and then grad school, I was stressed about making sure I was on schedule and made it to the right class.  I was the sort to have recurring dreams about getting to the end of a semester and not having gone to a particular class once.  I guess I was a introvert with anxiety!  After my last grad school class (two master's) and my exam for certification in my field, I vowed that, except for an eye exam, no one would EVER test me again for anything!  So.  No, I didn't look forward to the first day of school. 


I still love school supplies and back to school sales!

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Loved the school supplies. My parents didn't have money, so school clothes were bought from Goodwill. I didn't know how to find appropriate fashion at Goodwill so I went to school dressed like a 40 year old mom. My mom didn't know how to do hair and makeup, so neither did I.


Due to my insecurities about my looks (clothes/messsy hair), I was painfully shy so I didn't make friends.


School was misery. I hated going.


But, if I'd had nice clothes and didn't have to worry about my weird haircuts, I probably would have loved it. Once I grew up and could control my looks I became an outgoing person. I can see where other people would have had fun at school, but for me I was embarrassed all the time by how odd I looked.

Wow. Same here. It is somewhat amazing that I do buy clothes at Goodwill now because I felt so scarred from it when I was young. In my twenties, I never bought things at GW; I never even darkened the door. But I did learn "how" to shop at resale shops in my thirties. Despite the fact that my mother almost never bought new clothing for either herself or us, she didn't show me that there were skills involved. I also didn't realize that just because one tri to a resale shop yields no good scores, doesn't mean it will always be that way.


It also makes a big difference when you are going there because you choose to, rather than go there because you have no choice. Uh. Such bad memories. I had bad hair, too.

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Wow. Same here. It is somewhat amazing that I do buy clothes at Goodwill now because I felt so scarred from it when I was young. In my twenties, I never bought things at GW; I never even darkened the door. But I did learn "how" to shop at resale shops in my thirties. Despite the fact that my mother almost never bought new clothing for either herself or us, she didn't show me that there were skills involved. I also didn't realize that just because one tri to a resale shop yields no good scores, doesn't mean it will always be that way.


It also makes a big difference when you are going there because you choose to, rather than go there because you have no choice. Uh. Such bad memories. I had bad hair, too.



I'm the same way now, too!  I love thrift store shopping and find some really nice things there.  But my poor mama didn't have the skilz to take her daughter thrift store shopping.  I'm just so glad I'm not a kid anymore!

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I absolutely LOVED going back to school!  I was a child of the 60's.  We were required to wear dresses to school!  No one put too much effort into new school clothes back then, maybe just one new dress and new shoes, if necessary.  We didn't have to get our own supplies back then.  I loved going back to school every single year through college.  But the first year I didn't have to go back -- after I graduated from college -- was sheer heaven. 

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I always dreaded it. I did not like the end of the summer when there was a countdown to go back. I was really bored at school but not in the summer when I had freedom to run around. I liked getting supplies like trapper keepers and Lisa Frank folders and clothes at back to school sales but I did not like that it meant school was coming.

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