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You and Long Division

Long Division  

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  1. 1. Do YOU enjoy doing long division?

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What the...what kind of question is this?


Yes, my dh would probably find long division soothing. He probably could also do it all in his head.


Me, I'd almost rather have my toenails yanked out.


And teaching it....definitely would prefer the Chinese water torture.

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My kids just did that unit in 3rd grade (b&m school).  I was nervous.  But they got through it without a scratch, and now I'm just glad it's over.  :P


I still have bad memories from long division 40 years ago.  I missed school the day they taught it, so I asked my older brother.  He taught me short division.  All my work was marked wrong (though my answers were correct) until I finally figured out long division.  Then the next day the teacher introduced short division.  :/

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I still have bad memories from long division 40 years ago.  I missed school the day they taught it, so I asked my older brother.  He taught me short division.  All my work was marked wrong (though my answers were correct) until I finally figured out long division.  Then the next day the teacher introduced short division.  :/


I loathed teachers like that. Still do!


I came to long division the long way. FIRST I learned how to factor numbers, THEN I applied that technique to division. Eventually I understood what my teachers had been trying to do when teaching us division in the usual way, and now I can do long and short division with the best of 'em! (But I usually divide and multiply by moving around factors instead. It's just easier for me.)


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Take it or leave it.  I can do it.  I will do it if there is a reason to do it.  Otherwise, I do not go looking for opportunities to do any.  


Me, too. I'm not generally a math person, but I don't find long division difficult or intimidating or anything. I don't dread it when a reason for it comes up, and I can do it competently. I just don't find it "fun."


Now, give me a series of SAT-style sentence completion questions? I'm all over that!

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Just wondering if anyone else finds long division relaxing.  :D


Oh, my gosh, yes!


When I started driving I had to train myself to stop dividing the last digit (sometimes two) of numbers on signs into the entire number.  Because I did that for years pre-16 years old, I can do long division quickly in my head and know at a glance if a big number is divisible by various numbers.  I also loved long car trips on highways with lots of signs with numbers on them. I had to consciously stop when I started driving, though, because it was so automatic and really not something I should have been doing while driving as a new driver.


Long division is just an incredibly beautiful thing.

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Good grief. I thought I was the only one.


I find it to be a bit like coloring. You just get into a little zone with it. It's mindless is a good way. A bit like doing a sudoku. But only really long ones.


I did *not* feel that way as a kid though. I thought they were just annoying as all get out.

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I like long division, but love short division.  Did you all learn short division in school?  My elementary years are 35-40 years behind me but I did.  I've talked with some grownups like me, though, who didn't learn short division in school; they still didn't even know it was a thing.  That was weird to me because it's so useful.  With short division, I can do the problem in my head. 

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I like long division, but love short division.  Did you all learn short division in school?  My elementary years are 35-40 years behind me but I did.  I've talked with some grownups like me, though, who didn't learn short division in school; they still didn't even know it was a thing.  That was weird to me because it's so useful.  With short division, I can do the problem in my head. 


I always thought that everyone learned short division after (or instead of) long division.  I always wondered why they bother to teach long division at all, when short division is just as easy and makes more sense.


I generally do all division in my head if it is a manageable number.  If we're talking massive numbers (for work), I use Excel.  I usually need to keep documentation that I didn't pull a number out of my rear.  ;)


I have never thought of long division (or any division) as a fun pastime that I might decide to do when I have no practical need for it.  Perhaps I am missing a whole dimension of life....

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I like long division, but love short division. Did you all learn short division in school? My elementary years are 35-40 years behind me but I did. I've talked with some grownups like me, though, who didn't learn short division in school; they still didn't even know it was a thing. That was weird to me because it's so useful. With short division, I can do the problem in my head.

I can't say I've ever heard of it, but that doesn't mean I'm not doing it without knowing what it is called. Any examples you can explain?

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I have a math degree and don't really enjoy long division. It's pretty much just procedural. Actual problem solving I LOVE though!

Procedural is so zen for me, but puzzles annoy me. This could be why we are a Saxon family :D


... It could also be why I absolutely detest the teaching style of AoPS!

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Not really, but my mother mentioned that she used to do massive long division problems to kill time in boring classes.


I didn't "get" long division. I had my own algorithm involving fractions, that really was mathematically equivalent and is still how I do division.


When I was taught polynomial long division, it was as if a lightbulb went off over my head -- "oh! That's what they were trying to explain before! Just all the x's were 10s before!"

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I don't mind it personally but I will have a big party when I get my last child through long division. I am not good at teaching potty training or long division. I enjoy teaching just about anything else. I would brush up and teach Calculus or Differential Equations rather than teach another child long division. 1 1/2 children down...


i don't like to sew, but I enjoyed teaching it. I usually like teaching...

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Okay, I kind of get it, and I think I tend to do that automatically. But it doesn't seem easier or faster to me jnless I'm doing it wrong. It's basically long division without writing every step, yes? No?


I hate math explanation online, I suck at them. Badly.


Pretty much. It takes up less space on the page.


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Okay, I kind of get it, and I think I tend to do that automatically. But it doesn't seem easier or faster to me jnless I'm doing it wrong. It's basically long division without writing every step, yes? No?


I hate math explanation online, I suck at them. Badly.


Yes, I don't know why one would seem easier in the head than the other. They seem the same to me.

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I don't mind it personally but I will have a big party when I get my last child through long division. I am not good at teaching potty training or long division. I enjoy teaching just about anything else. I would brush up and teach Calculus or Differential Equations rather than teach another child long division. 1 1/2 children down...


i don't like to sew, but I enjoyed teaching it. I usually like teaching...

This is me (except for the Calculus part). I didn't like potty training; it always seemed like a miracle just happened one day and they cared. But until that day, I just felt like I constantly failed for a year.


Long Dvision: I am in the throws of it just now, presumably for the last time. I don't know why, I just suck at explaining this in a "sticky" way. It's as though every time the math book appears, we have never seen this before ever. I haven't started back since easter break yet, either, but I would bet the heirlooms DS will have no memory of long division.

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Re short division:  You basically do the divide step as usual and then the multiply and subtract steps in your head, writing the number you come up with after subtracting really small right next to the appropriate number in the dividend.  There's no "bring down" step (so there's no writing under the dividend).  See below. If it's not too huge of a number, and if you can keep the numbers pictured in your mind, you can do short division in your head. 




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Thanks for the short division information! It is what my mum taught me at home...we were only taught long division in school. I never knew it was called short division.


Most of what I really learned, at least what stuck, was from my mum. Learning at home from your parents...what a concept!

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