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What curriculum does it seem "everyone" loves...but didn't work for you?


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I'll go first:


1) Ellen McHenry Science--love the idea, but just doesn't get done. We tried the Elements one and had better success with the Brain one, but DS just doesn't seem interested, particularly in Biology (this, I do not understand).


2) MCT--meh. It just wasn't a fit for us. I don't know why. Maybe I should try again with my younger, who might be more receptive. Or maybe not.


3) CPO Science: just too. much. prepwork. And the textbook? Blech.


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1) AAR.  I really don't see the love here...lol.


2) MUS...it isn't that MUS hasn't worked for us...it has....for my severely dyscalculic DD.  I would not use it as my sole math curriculum with a typical average math student.  Aside from it's very incremental approach, leaving behind grade levels in favor of single topic study...I just find it to be very shallow.  It doesn't explore math as much as I like to see.  


3) Apologia.  Ok...we are fundie christians.  But much of the content of Apologia makes me roll my eyes.  The author speaks down to her reader, and includes anecdotal stories from her own life.  I get that she is trying to relate to her readers, but I don't find it appropriate to read a story about the author's son getting a scar from a dog bite...not in a science textbook.  Plus...the material is too in depth for elementary kiddos.  IMO, of course.  


4) FLL and WWE.  I wanted to pull my hair out with FLL1.  40+ lessons on what a noun is.  Enough said.


5) LLATL.  It really is just a terrible language arts curricula, imo.  Its obvious 90's datedness doesn't help.  



Edited to add


6) FIAR.  Loved the concept...could not implement it.  


7) ToG.  Wow, was that an expensive mistake.  Again, I loved the concept, I just couldn't implement it.  It was WAY too much...and WAY too complicated. I might have liked it better if I'd had a hard copy.  

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We are this family!!!! If the general consensus seems to be that XYZ program is awesome, you can bet that it's a total flop here. We seem to be too weird even for homeschoolers.


Here's our list:




Math Mammoth


Singapore Standards with HIG








Edited to Add:


FIAR (forgot about that one!)


Mystery of History


Heart of Dakota (flop for me as a teacher, but I still love the idea behind the program)

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my big problem with lof is that it is just waaay too easy to be considered a stand-alone for most kids. It's a fun supplement for some, but I had a friend who raved that her 7th grader was doing Algebra and her mom said she was "done" in 2 months. Methinks the topic is broader than that.

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Singapore math. Which includes Math in Focus. Used both. Ditched both.


Apologia elementary science. All our eyes just glazed over.


Science in the Beginning. Better for 4-5th graders than early elementary, I think. It was too much for us in 2nd.


I'm sure there are others, but it can't think of them at the moment.

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That I can think of at the moment:

100EZ lessons (daughter cried), Phonics Pathways (daughter cried), Miquon Math (couldn't wrap my head around it), Singapore Math (daughter cried), Life of Fred (not enough practice, but fun supplement), Michael Clay Thompson (too involved and I needed more support for writing--ended up outsourcing), Powerglide French (fun but no retention, perhaps because of lack of interest on her part in elementary), focusing an entire year on one science in elementary, trying to do foreign language at home, and basically anything Christian-specific (we did try a couple of things but they required too much modification to be worth it).

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Latin?  :lol:


I'm with you on Ellen McHenry's science.  I just don't see the fantastic there.  It's ok, but not fantastic.


I liked LOF at first, but quickly fell off that bandwagon.


AoPS texts - I tried and tried and tried to like them, but, I just don't.  Neither dd or I learn well from them.


Hmm, what else?  BFSU for science, but I think I'm in the majority when I say I liked the idea but the reality didn't match up! 


WWS for a 5th grader.  


FLL for anyone.  :zombie:  (oo, when did we get a zombie emoticon?)


Oh yeah! Literary Lessons from the Lord of the Rings.  Love the books, but the analysis is overkill. 


That's all I got at the moment. I'm sure if I looked back to see what I've sold over the last couple of years I'd think of more.  :leaving:

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I never use any overtly religious curriculum so I know there are others that folks love that would not work. These are just ones we tried and failed.

LOF, DD thought it was too weird and I have no desire to have political, religious, and social opinions during math

FLL, too much repetition, too slow, too scripted

CAP W&R, just not for us at all. DD begged me to stop. Still need to sell them.


AAS, didn't move fast enough

BFSU, love the concept but don't have time to pull it together

Singapore, didn't work for us at all when she was younger...used bits of 5A/B but still not good fit

Sassafras Science, weak science, poor plot, grammatical errors, couldn't finish

Math Mammoth, too much going on

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Over the past couple decades I have often come back and again used things I thought I didn't like so much when I was younger.


All curricula is starting to become a big blur to me, with few extreme feelings of passion and disgust. Everything is becoming a shade of grey.

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LoF - kids didn't like the samples

Jacobs Geometry 2nd Edition - borrowed plenty of times from library and kids don't like the style.


Prof Edward Burger videos - sends my kids to sleep. He has a monotone voice I guess because even I feel sleepy watching his videos on the samples at iBook, Thinkwell and CTY


FLL and WWE - kids didn't like it after reading through at B&N.

SOTW - read the library copies and they rather read exam study guides. The AP world history study guide was a easier read for them. They like their history books concise and watch documentaries for content.

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my big problem with lof is that it is just waaay too easy to be considered a stand-alone for most kids. It's a fun supplement for some, but I had a friend who raved that her 7th grader was doing Algebra and her mom said she was "done" in 2 months. Methinks the topic is broader than that.

Oh yeah. I almost forgot about LOF. Definitely did NOT feel it was a stand alone - despite the author e-mailing back and forth with me assuring me that it was.

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MFW /Sonlight / really, any type of curriculum like this

Abeka math/ saxon math

Apologia science, elementary and general science ( except astronomy) too wordy and looong

Truth in Science ( big bust) wha? don't even know how to make it work. 

Queens language lessons,..just didn't work for us/ not enough. (5 days of copy work in a row for language..:/ )

Serls language lessons 

Hake grammar ( my dd called it "hate" grammar lol ) 


Personally, I really love what we are doing right now ;) I LOVE math u see. SOTW is awesome...  ;) Sweet, simple, easy,...no big guide book to tons of books with a chapter here, a chapter there. EIW made my 12 year old daughter write some awesome reports!! Love!


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In no particular order...


Life of Fred


Jacobs Geometry 3rd ed

Literary Lessons from the Lord of the Rings




Winston Grammar

Growing with Grammar

Spelling Workout

Spelling Power

R.E.A.L Science


SOTW 3 & 4

100 EZ Lessons


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LOF - I really thought we'd love that one.  Nope.


Van Cleave Science  -  I'm just too lazy to gather stuff.


MM - ugh!  I had dreams of never buying elem. math again.





Over the past couple decades I have often come back and again used things I thought I didn't like so much when I was younger.


All curricula is starting to become a big blur to me, with few extreme feelings of passion and disgust. Everything is becoming a shade of grey.



You need a break, my friend.

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LOF - Admittedly, Dd loved Fred. But it was more the wacko story than the actual math instruction. It was just too bizarre to me. I let her read it on her own but I can't see this as a kid's only math  :confused1:


IEW- No. Just not working for us at all. DVD curriculum is annoying. I guess I just prefer to teach it myself 


100EZ lessons, RSO anything, some aspects of MCT, Mr. Q's Earth and Life, ToG, GWG, Hake Grammar, MEP, Saxon Math, MUS.


Wow. I kind of want to cry over the amount of money that was wasted!!  :crying:  I could probably buy a nice car with my failed curric stash 

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I've been pretty lucky with what we use and we don't supplement much or curriculum hop, so there haven't been too many real flops. But these stand out as fails for us over the years:


Khan Academy: DS loathes this with a burning passion


Bravewriter: We needed a highly scaffolded writing program. This one looks fun for natural writers, though.


MBtP: Just no on all levels. DS got nothing out of this at all.


RSO Chemistry. Bored my science lover to near tears.

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Of local homeschoolers I know, I feel like it would be MFW/HOD...I feel like at least 75% of the people I know use one of those programs and love them. (Ok, maybe not really 75%, but it feels like it). I so cannot use that kind of curriculum.


Of things people here seem to like, I guess it would be WWE.

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LOF - Admittedly, Dd loved Fred. But it was more the wacko story than the actual math instruction. It was just too bizarre to me. I let her read it on her own but I can't see this as a kid's only math  :confused1:


IEW- No. Just not working for us at all. DVD curriculum is annoying. I guess I just prefer to teach it myself 


100EZ lessons, RSO anything, some aspects of MCT, Mr. Q's Earth and Life, ToG, GWG, Hake Grammar, MEP, Saxon Math, MUS.


Wow. I kind of want to cry over the amount of money that was wasted!!  :crying:  I could probably buy a nice car with my failed curric stash 



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Teaching Textbooks-  I loved the concept but both of my kids that used it didn't seem to retain what they had done.

Saxon- I have tried it 3 times and just not a good fit for our family

TOG-  It was way too much.  I like the concept but it was too much for me to pull together.

MFW- I've used 4 different programs from them.  I like some of it but overall realized it wasn't for us.  

FIAR- I like so much about this program but could never really implement it.  I finally realized I just prefer to read the kids the books.  

LLATL- I've owned 4 different levels of this and not completed a single one.  I really hated it but obviously it took me awhile to give up on it.  



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LOF as main programme - it worked fine as a supplement.  


Trail guide to World Geography - the questions and answers just didn't seem to hang together properly, even though I spent a lot on shipping the specified text books over.


Sonlight LA 3 - their big grammar year.  It might have changed now, but Calvin and I were looking at each other after a while, trying to work out why we were spending so much time learning this stuff, when he was an intuitive writer who just needed a little guidance.

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Oh, I forgot about Saxon!


Actually I liked Saxon but DD... oy.   She'd love to go to a brick-and-mortar school but has stated that she will NOT go to the local private school strictly because they use Saxon math.  That's how much she hated it.  It went WAY too fast for her, and the tight spiral left her dizzy.

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We're still using some MCT stuff because I haven't found anything better, but his writing makes my skin crawl right off my body. We just use it for grammar, vocabulary, and poetry, since I'll saw off my own right arm before I use his writing to teach my kids writing. We were going to use MUS Algebra as pre-algebra as some have done here, but when I compared it to AoPS Pre-A, there was no contest. I sold the MUS. I loved RS B and started out loving C, but it was too slow very quickly. I don't think we've had any other flops, though. Things tend to flop for us during the planning stages (recreational researcher here).

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