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I had a pie-less thanksgiving.


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When discussing food assignments, DH told MIL that we'd bring a pumpkin pie cake (pie filling topped with dry cake mix, drizzled with melted butter and baked). It's a favorite of his and the kids.


Well. That was the ONLY dessert besides some freezer burnt vanilla ice cream MIL dug out to go with it. And I like the pumpkin pie cake ok, but IT IS NOT PIE. I assumed that there would be other dessert contributions. Namely PIE. There were 20 people at dinner after all. Nope. My little 9x13 was scraped clean.


So now I am lounging in bed, watching "The Holiday" and lamenting my lack of pie *sniff*.

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at least we had pie....but our turkey, which hubby always smoke grills, refused to finish cooking this year.  All the sides were ready and on the table, the thermometer read 180, started to carve the bird...dark meat was still RAW.  Put it in the oven for a bit ( giving up on grill) and nuked the white meat to make sure it was safe to eat.


Hour later smoke alarms go off as smoke fills house - wings on bird black and crispy so it must be done, right?  Open windows, take out bird to cool, ....later I go to cut off legs and dark meat STILL not done. So, I have a possibly unsafe to eat bird in the fridge now, have told kids to NOT eat any...and trying to talk hubby into letting me get and oven roast a small turkey today so we can toss the other one.


I filled up on taters and stovetop stuffing yesterday. Did not dare try the turkey!


But at least we had pie!

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at least we had pie....but our turkey, which hubby always smoke grills, refused to finish cooking this year.  All the sides were ready and on the table, the thermometer read 180, started to carve the bird...dark meat was still RAW.  Put it in the oven for a bit ( giving up on grill) and nuked the white meat to make sure it was safe to eat.


Hour later smoke alarms go off as smoke fills house - wings on bird black and crispy so it must be done, right?  Open windows, take out bird to cool, ....later I go to cut off legs and dark meat STILL not done. So, I have a possibly unsafe to eat bird in the fridge now, have told kids to NOT eat any...and trying to talk hubby into letting me get and oven roast a small turkey today so we can toss the other one.


I filled up on taters and stovetop stuffing yesterday. Did not dare try the turkey!


But at least we had pie!


I had this happen one year...the turkey just would not cook. After hours and hours it still wasn't done, so we ended up tossing the whole thing.


I still don't understand how it was possible...heat cooks things, right? So, in theory, it should have had to have been done eventually? I don't get it!

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I suddenly got sick to my stomach after small portions of turkey and vegetables, so could only gaze longingly at the pies and whipped cream in between runs to the bathroom.


I'm cranky and want a do-over, but am going to have to wait until I can eat something more exciting than tea and toast.

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No pie for us yesterday. But I did have some nice custards and white-wine poached pears which were very good. There was leftover Red Velvet birthday cake for those who wanted something else.

I like pie, but I already made pie just a few weeks ago, and I was kind of tired of doing pie crusts. So no pie this Thanksgiving.

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I am so sorry. We had too much pie and would have been happy to share. We also had brownies and cheesecake, so too many desserts in general.


and my BIL also had a problem getting the turkey all the way done. He's never had that problem before and he is a master turkey cooker. The dark meat wasn't up to temp and dinner had to wait. He had spatchcocked it to make it cook quicker and more evenly, but this time that dark meat didn't want to cook.

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When discussing food assignments, DH told MIL that we'd bring a pumpkin pie cake (pie filling topped with dry cake mix, drizzled with melted butter and baked). It's a favorite of his and the kids.


Well. That was the ONLY dessert besides some freezer burnt vanilla ice cream MIL dug out to go with it. And I like the pumpkin pie cake ok, but IT IS NOT PIE. I assumed that there would be other dessert contributions. Namely PIE. There were 20 people at dinner after all. Nope. My little 9x13 was scraped clean.


So now I am lounging in bed, watching "The Holiday" and lamenting my lack of pie *sniff*.

My husband made homemade pies and homemade whipped cream....want me to send you a virtual piece?  ;) 

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at least we had pie....but our turkey, which hubby always smoke grills, refused to finish cooking this year.  All the sides were ready and on the table, the thermometer read 180, started to carve the bird...dark meat was still RAW.  Put it in the oven for a bit ( giving up on grill) and nuked the white meat to make sure it was safe to eat.


Hour later smoke alarms go off as smoke fills house - wings on bird black and crispy so it must be done, right?  Open windows, take out bird to cool, ....later I go to cut off legs and dark meat STILL not done. So, I have a possibly unsafe to eat bird in the fridge now, have told kids to NOT eat any...and trying to talk hubby into letting me get and oven roast a small turkey today so we can toss the other one.


I filled up on taters and stovetop stuffing yesterday. Did not dare try the turkey!


But at least we had pie!

how strange. We had this happen this year too! White meat was cooked just perfect. Dark meat never did get done. Since the breasts were obviously ready, we cut that meat off and went ahead and ate. The rest went back in the oven to finish cooking. Two more hours later and it was still no where near done. We just tossed it. We don't like the dark meat much anyway. But, it sure was odd.

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Sometimes I will make a pumpkin pie just to have on hand to eat for breakfast. Aside from that, I am not such a pie fan. I would rather have cake. I decided next year I will make a chocolate cake, maybe two and hold one back to be sure to have leftovers through the whole Thanksgiving weekend.

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That sounds awful! We had 6 people (DH, 2 kids, my dad, his wife, and me) and we had 5 pies;2 pecan, 2 sweet potato, and 1 pumpkin cheesecake (made extra to send home with dad).  Wish we could have sent some your way. I'd break out the mixing bowl and make some or go to a real bakery and spend way to much money on an amazingly good pie.

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I suddenly got sick to my stomach after small portions of turkey and vegetables, so could only gaze longingly at the pies and whipped cream in between runs to the bathroom.


I'm cranky and want a do-over, but am going to have to wait until I can eat something more exciting than tea and toast.

How are you doing Gail?


I got some kind of food poisoning Tuesday night and have only eaten saltines, applesauce and a bite of turkey since then. Nothing even sounds palatable after being so ill.




And I love Thanksgiving.

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We had a table full of pies at our Thanksgiving, but the desserts that absolutely flew out of the pans were my cousin's cherry cheesecake and my Dd's lemon bars.  I was internally blessing everyone who took one of her bars!  She desperately wanted to make them but I was reluctant.  I've been on the receiving end of having a slaved over treat return home virtually untouched just because it didn't fit what the family traditionally eats and it's disappointing.  I didn't know if people would eat her bars because it's not "Traditional Food."  But they were a hit and she was so happy!

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