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Should I call CPS?


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I am really struggling here. I tend to think that government intervention into individual's personal lives should be strictly limited, BUT


there are a number of women, homeschooling crazies one and all, who are wasting precious instructional time DURING SCHOOL HOURS debating the value of thrift stores. And garage sales. Seriously.  WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN?


Any and all advice will be appreciated. Unless I disagree with you. Then, stop the hate.









H/T to the bored Creekland.

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I am really struggling here. I tend to think that government intervention into individual's personal lives should be strictly limited, BUT


there are a number of women, homeschooling crazies one and all, who are wasting precious instructional time DURING SCHOOL HOURS debating the value of thrift stores. And garage sales. Seriously.  WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN?


Any and all advice will be appreciated. Unless I disagree with you. Then, stop the hate.









H/T to the bored Creekland.

It's for occasions like this that I have SWAT on speed dial. 


Sounds like the neighbors that let their kids play in the front yard during school hours.  SWAT put an end to that.  Send the right message to the other hs'ers in the area.

Same kind of baloney home "schooling" that encourages that free expression during art time instead of careful detailed instruction with precut, predrawn materials. 


Trust me CPS is too slow.  Valuable instruction is being wasted.  

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:laugh: It's my son's birthday so we're all just hanging out doing nothing all day. I'm enjoying all the pot-stirring threads. Or should that be crockpot-stirring?  :lurk5: My daughter is sitting with me randomly choosing smiley emoticons. That's got to count for some kind of school, right?  :grouphug:

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Hey, we did our Latin declensions today! Thrift store threads and all. Who says I can't multitask?

(Um, I didn't do History and Science in favor of disinfecting the toilets and faucets and doorknobs and light switches and toothbrushes...thinking only of myself, naturally!)

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Gah! You mean to tell me that they are wasting time debating the usefulness of thrift stores when they could be using that time to teach Latin declensions instead?!? I'd call CPS! The educational neglect is so obvious!


Now that would have been fun... trying to teach Latin in ps math classes that were half to three quarters full... esp considering I've never actually had Latin myself nor taught it to my own guys.


I do recall my dad's view of Latin and that might have colored my view of it growing up:


From Dad:


"Latin is a dead language as dead as it can be.  First it killed the Romans and now it's killing me."


:laugh: It's my son's birthday so we're all just hanging out doing nothing all day.


After learning about your son's plans for his future I have an entirely different picture of this in my mind.  It might not be a totally accurate picture, but nonetheless, it's what first came to mind.   :lol:

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Hey, we did our Latin declensions today! Thrift store threads and all. Who says I can't multitask?

(Um, I didn't do History and Science in favor of disinfecting the toilets and faucets and doorknobs and light switches and toothbrushes...thinking only of myself, naturally!)


You left out science in favor of Latin???  Ok, we are definitely NOT friends.  I don't know that I can ever even read any more of your posts to be honest.   :crying:

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I am really struggling here. I tend to think that government intervention into individual's personal lives should be strictly limited, BUT


there are a number of women, homeschooling crazies one and all, who are wasting precious instructional time DURING SCHOOL HOURS debating the value of thrift stores. And garage sales. Seriously.  WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN?


Any and all advice will be appreciated. Unless I disagree with you. Then, stop the hate.









H/T to the bored Creekland.


ps  Thanks for the thread... ;)


Now I'm not bored at school.  Now I'm recovering from pt after being with the dude who informed me it doesn't really stand for physical therapy, it stands for pain and torture... and only sort of in jest... though hopefully for a good cause.

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Now that would have been fun... trying to teach Latin in ps math classes that were half to three quarters full... esp considering I've never actually had Latin myself nor taught it to my own guys.


I do recall my dad's view of Latin and that might have colored my view of it growing up:


From Dad:


"Latin is a dead language as dead as it can be.  First it killed the Romans and now it's killing me."



After learning about your son's plans for his future I have an entirely different picture of this in my mind.  It might not be a totally accurate picture, but nonetheless, it's what first came to mind.   :lol:


Ha! Different son. This is my oldest. His plans for his future involve figuring out how to maximize the time he can spend with a book. And I'm pretty sure he plans on being clothed. 

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won't somebody think of the CHILDREN??


Two of mine are in college and the other is married.  I might NOT want to know what they are doing right now.  


Middle is likely studying as he has a BioLinguistics test Thursday.  I've no idea if skipping Latin hindered his chances to do well or not.


Youngest is likely eating dinner or hanging out at the beach.  


Oldest should be doing whatever his wife has planned.  ;)


Ok, I thought about the children.  Now back to checking threads.  (Empty nesting has its perks.)

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WSS. :001_wub: 'Cuz they even let me, the empty-nester homeschool mom, play here.


They'll do better than just let us play.  They'll work hard to keep us entertained when needed and they do a terrific job.


Of course, my mind is now wandering to thinking that this is what families do - entertaining the old members while continuing on with their daily activities and keeping life going.  


But I guess I'm having to learn to live as an older human.  How did they do it in The Giver again?  I seem to recall they moved into a home for the older and childless...  Does that mean I can give up the farm chores?  

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