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Are teachers allowed to say "God bless you" after children sneeze?


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I think it's pretty clearly cultural more than religious at this point.  I mean, the fact that so many people also say it in German of all things says to me that it's not really about religion or God per se.  It's about a sort of ritualized greeting/saying.  It's practically, "excuse me" or "See you later, alligator."

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I think it's pretty clearly cultural more than religious at this point. I mean, the fact that so many people also say it in German of all things says to me that it's not really about religion or God per se. It's about a sort of ritualized greeting/saying. It's practically, "excuse me" or "See you later, alligator."



Are you saying when people tell me "see you later, alligator" they are not making an effort for me personally?


I am shocked.


And feel the urge to chomp someone on the leg.

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Are you saying when people tell me "see you later, alligator" they are not making an effort for me personally?


I am shocked.


And feel the urge to chomp someone on the leg.


I had a dream about an alligator last night.  Maybe it was you!

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I had a dream about an alligator last night. Maybe it was you!

If it bit you, it wasn't me.


Talk to the crocodile down the street; her sister said, "after awhile", when she left for the gym.........


She was last seen as a clutch and matching pair of pumps.


Clearly a croc with issues!

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I think it's pretty clearly cultural more than religious at this point.  I mean, the fact that so many people also say it in German of all things says to me that it's not really about religion or God per se.  It's about a sort of ritualized greeting/saying.  It's practically, "excuse me" or "See you later, alligator."


It's such a weird cultural thing, though. I mean, in all other situations, a person's bodily functions are politely ignored by any onlookers.


I don't say anything when other people sneeze, and I say "excuse me" when I do. I don't believe my cultural revolution has gained much traction, though.

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It's such a weird cultural thing, though. I mean, in all other situations, a person's bodily functions are politely ignored by any onlookers.


I don't say anything when other people sneeze, and I say "excuse me" when I do. I don't believe my cultural revolution has gained much traction, though.

Because it is late and I am over-preoccupied by staying awake to monitor a sick kid I decided a bit of research into society's preoccupation with oral expulsions was in order😷

Lots of interesting information, including the fact that nearly every culture around the world has a variation.



Funnily enough, although there is some evidence for the thought that a person's soul could be expelled via a sneeze and thus needed a blessing; apparently other bodily noises did not such a portent indicate and could be ignored:)



I did like the reference to the fact that apparently Pope Gregory decided that every sneeze should be immediately blessed as it might be an indication they had contracted the plague.


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Bless You is more common in our school than God Bless You, but if/when someone sneezes, one is quite likely to hear at least 4 or 5 responding to it (the teacher being one of them).  It's not even always the same kids responding.  It's more like a "see who can do it first" thing and once enough respond, that covers it.  It would be unusual if the teacher weren't one of them though.  By high school we rarely have to tell them to cover their mouth and if they do it properly with their arm, there's no need to wash hands.  If they use their hands, whether they wash them or not is up to them,

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I have a kid who always sneezes in 3s. So the sneeze/bless conversation goes like this:


Her: a-choo!

Me: Bless!

Her: a-choo!

Me: You!

Her: a-choo!

Me: Pebbles!

Her: thank you. *snuffle, snuffle*


I'm 100% sure that all through my public school student career and teaching career people said "bless you" and other people either said "thank you" graciously or at worse just ignored it.

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I know it is a relatively harmless saying.....but it does bug me when people say it to me and makes me feel uncomfortable.  I just graciously try to ignore the comment and the person intruding on my personal space!  Makes me sound like a grouchy person - I'm not but it is one of life's little annoyances to me. 


Just like before my husband's surgery, the nurses asked if it would be okay to give him a blessing before they wheeled him out of his room.... inappropriate as it was not wanted or desired on any level but sort of "jinxing" him if we didn't....not something you want to have hanging over your head as you are rolled into surgery!




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My math teacher in high school would scream at anyone who said that, because he said it was a violation of the separation of church and state.


He also took off all possible Jewish holidays as vacation days [along with about 75% of the student body, although curiously their enthusiasm for Rosh Hashana had dwindled by Yom Kippur ;) ].


He was an interesting character.


I also had my first cavity filled as a kid, by a dentist who paused for me to say Hail Mary. I am not Catholic and gave no indication that I was (I wasn't wearing a plaid skirt or something). It was kind of funny, as in, funny weird.


Re other bodily emissions - I had a kindergarten aged kid insist that I needed to say "Bless you" when anyone burped.

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I have a kid who always sneezes in 3s. So the sneeze/bless conversation goes like this:


Her: a-choo!

Me: Bless!

Her: a-choo!

Me: You!

Her: a-choo!

Me: Pebbles!

Her: thank you. *snuffle, snuffle*


I'm 100% sure that all through my public school student career and teaching career people said "bless you" and other people either said "thank you" graciously or at worse just ignored it.


One of my kids is a serial sneezer.  My other kid likes to call herself Pikachu.  So I say, one kid is Pikachu, the other one is Pikachu-chu-chu-chu-chu.  :)


If I see it coming on, I will say "Pika" before each "chu."


We are weird.


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Anyone have a sunshine/bright light sneezer?


My one son sneezes when he walks outside into bright sunlight.


Photic sneeze reflex



Literally, though, it's me.  One of the boys might do it occasionally.  But for me it's the norm.


As far as the 'Bless you' goes, well, I say it and everyone I've ever known has.  I don't think it has anything to do with religion.  I never really have heard 'God Bless You' in this case, though.  Just the standard 'Bless you'.  

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I had a classmate who always had the cutest sneezes. She got "Bless you".

When I sneezed, people were mostly waiting for the roof to come back down, which gave me time to turn red and duck.


(Another child who loves dancing bacon. He says is a little strange, and a lot funny.)

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I'm an atheist, and I always say, "Bless you." 

I view it as a English-language and cultural convention. 

Sometimes I say "God bless you" because I said it that way for so long it just slips out. Not a big deal to me if I say it or anyone else says it.

Of course teachers should be able to say it. It is essentially meaningless in the situation. Nothing more than a convention.



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Another photic-sneezer here.  Sometimes it's so bad that even after I've been out in the sun and gotten past that initial hail of sneezes, just walking or driving past something that casts a shadow over my face will launch a sneezing fit when it passes.

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I think you'd have to really stretch a point to consider "bless you" after a sneeze, with or without saying "god", to be any form of endorsement of religion. And even if you did individually, the courts wouldn't agree. We can't even take god back out of the pledge or back off the money!

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  • 3 weeks later...
First, the teacher sounds like a loon or a person with serious control issues.


Second, it sounds like what got the girl in trouble wasn't so much the use of the phrase as the fact she shouted it across the room and proceeded to argue with the teacher about it.


When I was in 8th grade we had a group of Christian students who decided to make stands about two or three issues. They disrupted classes and refused to complete assignments. At the time I agreed with their stance on the issues but recognized that they were being jack holes about it.


Is it possible this girl is being persecuted in the middle of the 'can't swing a cat without hitting a church' state of Tennesee?




Is it very likely to be an 'if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck' .......


That's where I'd lay my money.

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First, the teacher sounds like a loon or a person with serious control issues.


Second, it sounds like what got the girl in trouble wasn't so much the use of the phrase as the fact she shouted it across the room and proceeded to argue with the teacher about it.


When I was in 8th grade we had a group of Christian students who decided to make stands about two or three issues. They disrupted classes and refused to complete assignments. At the time I agreed with their stance on the issues but recognized that they were being jack holes about it.


Is it possible this girl is being persecuted in the middle of the 'can't swing a cat without hitting a church' state of Tennesee?




Is it very likely to be an 'if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck' .......


That's where I'd lay my money.

I think the bigger question is if SKL is a Time Traveler.

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Anyone have a sunshine/bright light sneezer?


My one son sneezes when he walks outside into bright sunlight.


Photic sneeze reflex


I am.


I have a kid who always sneezes in 3s. So the sneeze/bless conversation goes like this:


Her: a-choo!

Me: Bless!

Her: a-choo!

Me: You!

Her: a-choo!

Me: Pebbles!

Her: thank you. *snuffle, snuffle*


I'm 100% sure that all through my public school student career and teaching career people said "bless you" and other people either said "thank you" graciously or at worse just ignored it.


DH and his sister are annoyingly serial sneezers.  After the first couple, I'm "over" hearing them...lol...  Fortunately, SIL's sneezes are cute.  Unfortunately, I start counting them, and her last episode was 7 in a row.

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One of my kids is a serial sneezer. My other kid likes to call herself Pikachu. So I say, one kid is Pikachu, the other one is Pikachu-chu-chu-chu-chu. :)


If I see it coming on, I will say "Pika" before each "chu."


We are weird.


Funny. My youngest sneezes at least 5 in a row every time. Maybe 3 times her whole life she's had just one sneeze. Every time she reacts like she won the lottery and runs around telling everyone in the family that she sneezed JUST ONE TIME!

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So in Tennessee, where the popular religious moral code inspired the "don't say gay" bill for schools, where LGBTQ students will be allowed to be... persuaded by their religious peers to adopt Christian moral preferred sexual standards, it's against the rule to say the customary "Bless you" following a sneeze? 


Methinks there's more to this story.

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