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My son fell 10 feet off a straw wagon this morning.


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My son fell 10 feet off the straw wagon the morning and landed on his elbow and hip. An ambulance took him in to the hospital. They have done X-rays and are sending him for a CAT scan on his hip next. He isn't in a lot of pain only if he moves or tries to weight bear. THe mommy in me thinks there is something wrong with his eyes. He tried to watch a youtube video on my iPad and his eyes started going funky and he said he felt nauseous. We don't think he hit his head and they have checked his eyes and said everything is fine. But the mommy sense is not calm right now. We could use your prayers. Thanks.

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Make them check his head also.  Think of the potential damage like shaken-baby syndrome.  You don't have to strike your head on the ground for damage.  Just the brain rattling in the skull can lead to swelling and damage.  If the doctors start to blow you off, Push for tests!  It can be as simple as a small concussion, or something much worse.  Either way, follow your instincts and get testing done now!


Article on concussions

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Ok, we are home. Chris has a fractured elbow, a fractured pelvis and a fractured growth plate between the "cup and ball" of the hip joint. We see a dr at the fracture specialist at 5:45am, they didn't think he would need any sort of surgery but the surgeon will make the final decision tomorrow. CCAC will be bringing a wheelchair tomorrow. He is now settled in bed with a Tylenol 3 for the next few hours. Thank you everyone for your continued prayers.  My parents are just arriving so I'll pop back on later.  Bye

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Apparently, Tylenol 3's make him WIDE AWAKE!  At least he isn't in pain and is laughing with his sister right now. No scan of his head, by the time we left he was tracking better.  My Aunt who is nurse has me checking on him every 15-20 minutes for the next few hours which won't be a problem because he is chatting up a storm (like normal) and is teasing his sisters.  He never blacked out and hasn't slept at all today.  We are wondering if he wasn't tracking right earlier because about 20 minutes before I noticed it, they had him get up to weight bear (which he couldn't) and when he laid down he broke out in a cold sweat.  My aunt thinks this was shock and isn't surprised that he wouldn't be able to track properly, she figures he was still in shock.  That being said, she has ordered us to call 911 immediately and have him taken to the children's hospital if he even thinks he might throw up or doesn't anything funky.  Why is it so draining to be sitting in a hospital all day?

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Apparently, Tylenol 3's make him WIDE AWAKE! At least he isn't in pain and is laughing with his sister right now. No scan of his head, by the time we left he was tracking better. My Aunt who is nurse has me checking on him every 15-20 minutes for the next few hours which won't be a problem because he is chatting up a storm (like normal) and is teasing his sisters. He never blacked out and hasn't slept at all today. We are wondering if he wasn't tracking right earlier because about 20 minutes before I noticed it, they had him get up to weight bear (which he couldn't) and when he laid down he broke out in a cold sweat. My aunt thinks this was shock and isn't surprised that he wouldn't be able to track properly, she figures he was still in shock. That being said, she has ordered us to call 911 immediately and have him taken to the children's hospital if he even thinks he might throw up or doesn't anything funky. Why is it so draining to be sitting in a hospital all day?

Oh, Amy! That poor kid! Poor you!


It is so draining bc you had adrenaline pumping through you throughout this whole ordeal. You're gonna need to crash soon.



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Hi there!  This morning we went to the fracture clinic at 5:45am and we were back home by 7:40am.  The dr was great.  Chris has a fracture in his elbow, one in his pelvis and one in the "cup" part of the hip joint.  Tylenol 2 seem to work better and don't give him the "WIDE AWAKE and absorbing every sounds, motion, smell" overload experience.  So, that is good.


The CCAC (Community Care Access Center) will be coming today to assess Chris and help select what equipment he'll need (wheelchair, bathing stool, bed bars so he can pull himself up, etc)  the wheelchair ramp is being built by friends overseen by a contractor friend who does this for a living.


My friend came and helped arrange furniture so he can move around better with the wheelchair.


Because my son was part of the Children's Rehab Centre in our area, they will most likely take over his Physio therapy since they used to do it when he was younger.  The CCAC will also coordinate with the Rehab Centre for his schooling.  Since, I'm homeschooling, I'm going to ask that they lend me a white board for him to use.  Everything else in the classroom, I can move upstairs (books, laptop, manipulatives, supplies) but the glass white board is mounted to the wall and I can't bring it upstairs.


My son fractured his right elbow and he is right handed.  So, I handed him the ipad and he is doing some Hands on Algebra on the ipad for math right now. Yes, I'm the mean mom who makes her kid do some schoolwork the day after an accident, but it's his own fault, he said he was bored. LOL


Today is my birthday.  Someone stated that it wasn't really much of a birthday and I told them it was a fantastic birthday.  My son is alive, he is not paralyzed, and he will walk and return to his normal in a little under 2 months.   It's a great birthday!

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