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Is it legal for kids to play in the street where you live?


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It appears its not in this town we just moved to. My dd8 wasn't even playing in the street but another child told the officer she was so I got to met the neighborhood police officer. Wondering if CPS will be showing up next, when did kids playing outside become a crime? School is out for summer and she was doing a puzzle with another child on the sidewalk yet the cop took the kids word that my dd was in the street (the boy did get busted for being in the street) because the cop knows the mom and kid and I'm new to the complex and an unknown. Doesn't help matters this place is full of drugs and crime it appears, it looks pretty darn quiet in my building but just living here makes you a bad parent I guess.

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I have never heard of it being legal or advisable to allow kids to play in the street, though it was a daily occurrence in my old neighborhood. In Chicago there are basketball hoops set up on curbs all over in the city.  Technically the only time kids are allowed to play on the street is when the block has been cordoned off for a block party.

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I think that kids as young as 8 should have some adult supervision esp. in an area known for crime and drugs.  If it is an urban environment then even without crime and drugs, supervision is good because of traffic.  I don't think that meeting neighborhood police officers are a bad thing when they are trying to keep things safe for everyone.  

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Apparently it is illegal in Loudoun County, VA.  I only know this because my good friend (who has 5 kids, 4 of them boys) has a really obnoxious neighbor.  They live on a cul-de-sac, and obnoxious neighbor backs really, really fast out of her driveway and comes really, really close to any kid who is out in the cul-de-sac (playing kickball, riding bikes, or whatever).  My friend talked to the neighbor, and the neighbor told her it was illegal for kids to play in the streets.  And since then, their HOA has sent out a reminder in their summer newsletter that it is illegal--although it is a big subdivision, with lots of cul-de-sacs, and I always see kids riding bikes and playing in the streets.  So probably only those cul-de-sacs with obnoxious neighbors have to worry about it.  


My kids play football and street hockey in our street all the time, and they all ride bikes there, even the younger ones.  We also live on a cul-de-sac (same county), and no one has ever said a word to us about it.  We get very little traffic, so that is certainly not an issue.  


Geesh--people complain about obesity in kids, but then they buy houses in family neighborhoods (on tiny lots, so not much yard space), and then they complain about kids being out in the streets getting exercise!  You can't win!  

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I can only assume it isn't illegal here. Kids play in the quiet neighborhood streets all day long. There's basketball hoops and street hockey courts chalked out on most streets. On just about every street a few people have those plastic neon "children at play" things set up at the end of the driveway. The neighborhood officers that drive around and hand out stickers to the kids during the summer never say anything.


Incidentally, it IS illegal for any wheeled conveyance beyond a stroller or wheelchair to be on a sidewalk here, which includes toddlers on trikes. An officer at a library bike safety event told us about it. He also said that although technically illegal, that no officer would give a citation for it and if they did, every judge in town would toss it out, unless it was an adult or older kid riding recklessly or failing to yield to pedestrians. As a rule we don't have bike lanes, and we have some very crazy, curvy, hilly roads that aren't otherwise safe for both bikes and cars to travel at the same time.

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IDK if it's legal, but my cul-de-sac gets used for U-turns by people passing through the neighborhood, sometimes at high speed. (We had our mailbox knocked over by a truck once, and there are regularly tire prints at the edge of the lawn.) So my kid is not allowed to do it.

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I assume it's not illegal here.  The people across the street regularly play football in the street and he's the HOA president.  No one said anything to us when we, as a family, were out in the street playing with our jahng bongs (taekwondo weapons - bo staff).  We live at the back of our tiny gated community, though, and so car traffic is not common and it's very, very safe crime-wise.

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Good grief.  What a waste of police time.


I doubt it.  Kids play in the street all the time here.  It's gotten too busy on our street, despite the speed bumps.  But they used to.  I don't especially think it's advisable usually unless it's a cul-de-sac, but I do think those are great for playing in the street.

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I don't know if it's legal or not, but it's definitely something I wouldn't want my kids doing if I had any in this house. Cars zoom around the corner at all hours of the day and night, they don't pay attention, they don't slow down, etc. Just not something I want to risk as I've seen my neighbor's kids come real close to being hit countless times.

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we have no law against it here, which is good since a also have no police officers to enforce said law. But since I live rural and we are the only ones in a5 mile radius and we're on a dead end, that doesn't help you does it?

I agree with Jean. If I was in an urban area with crime/drugs... No way would I want my Littles unsupervised. The street could be the least of your worries. I think it is good that the police officer stepped in, it's good to know that you have cops in your neighborhood and that they will step in ( even if you don't agree). I would politely tell the officer " she was on the sidewalk playing. Not in the road as we know that wouldn't be safe. thank you for taking the time to check on her. have a good day officer"

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Never heard of it being illegal.  Street hockey is played and everyone grabs the nets and moves to the side when a car is coming.  Same in the suburb where I grew up, they still play street hockey like when I was a kid.  Now on a busy city street or on the high way I would not recommend it, but a fairly quiet residential street big deal.  They ride bikes on the street here too since there are almost no sidewalks in our town.  I can't imagine a cop doing anything about it unless it was a toddler wandering in the streets and there was a concern called in.  But a schoolager, even if it was true, big deal.

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Unless you live off of a busy street I can't imagine why it would be illegal or unsafe.  Sure kids need adequate supervision and cars get preference to the road, but what happened to riding your bike around the block?  I know there are many free range parents on this board, I'd be quite interested to hear their take of the situation.

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sometimes when I read threads on this forum I get a very strange view of America. I am not sure if it is an realist glimpse into American life, or just specific locations or what but is sounds like an awful place. illegal for children to play on the street with police getting involved but OK for people to Hoon drive and drugs everywhere. What a strange place. I am so glad I live in a place where Hoon drivers are illegal, can be reported and are followed up by the police and children can play in the street

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It isn't illegal here. We have kids riding bikes in the street a lot in the summer since there are no sidewalks. Some younger then I would allow but oh well. I think it is good for kids to play with other kids. I wish we had sidewalks because street make me nervous but there aren't a lot of sidewalks here. Our street isn't busy. Only the people who live on the street use it. I need to know my kids are extremely aware of cars and how to never assume before I allow it but I think it is fine that others allow their kids to ride their bikes or walk to friends houses.

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sometimes when I read threads on this forum I get a very strange view of America. I am not sure if it is an realist glimpse into American life, or just specific locations or what but is sounds like an awful place. illegal for children to play on the street with police getting involved but OK for people to Hoon drive and drugs everywhere. What a strange place. I am so glad I live in a place where Hoon drivers are illegal, can be reported and are followed up by the police and children can play in the street

I am sorry that you are getting mostly the bad side.  Honestly, this is not the norm for a significant portion of our population.  

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Our streets are too busy for kids to play in, but we have a huge communal back yard area so there are lots of safe places to play.  It sucks that authorities want kids to play outside and keep fit but don't provide the means to do so...


However, street hockey was a regular occurrence back where i used to live, so it wasn't illegal there.  

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I am sorry that you are getting mostly the bad side.  Honestly, this is not the norm for a significant portion of our population.




And let's face it, most people don't start threads because everything is just fine and wonderful in their neighborhood, or with their relatives, or whatever. They're usually having a problem and are hoping that people will give them some ideas on how to deal with it. It can often appear that things are pretty terrible everywhere you go, when that's not really the case at all.

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sometimes when I read threads on this forum I get a very strange view of America. I am not sure if it is an realist glimpse into American life, or just specific locations or what but is sounds like an awful place. illegal for children to play on the street with police getting involved but OK for people to Hoon drive and drugs everywhere. What a strange place. I am so glad I live in a place where Hoon drivers are illegal, can be reported and are followed up by the police and children can play in the street

What is Hoon?


The picture you get of the US can vary widely depending on where the person lives - city, country or suburb.  How big a city.  Where in the country.  What state.  What part of the state.  Etc.  


In my suburban city kids play in the streets with no problem.  Adults are out supervising small children and are talking to each other.  We know our neighbors.  The only crimes in the entire city are related to car break-ins and even that is pretty much just around certain apartment buildings.  No drug problems here (though I'm sure that there might be some behind closed doors).  The police come to our neighborhood picnics and truly are seen as community helpers, not some kind of a boogey man.  

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What is Hoon?



We live on a cul-de-sac in a town with no sidewalks. So kids riding bikes or scooters (or merely walking) have to resort to riding (or walking) in the street. Our street is very short, so this means we've had to insure proper road rules for bikes along with safety wear because they would like to ride over to a friend's house on an adjacent (ie., perpendicular to our) street. Whether or not it's legal here, I do not know. I just wanted to be sure they were prepared to be on the road and riding safely. (Mine are currently 9 and 10. This would differ for their currently 2 yo brother if he were say 5. Then I would always be accompanying any ride or permanently outside to monitor.)

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We live on a quiet neighborhood street in a large urban, East coast city   Not only do all the kids play in the street, most families with kids (including ours) have basketball hoops set up facing the street.  We don't get much traffic though.

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Definitely not illegal around here and my kids have been playing in the street since we moved to our farm.  We get roughly one car per hour - maybe.  We might get 3-4 during rush hour.


But even in local suburbia/town kids play in the street choosing streets that are not main thoroughfares.   The police, around here, would be far more concerned with the drug dealers if they dared to be so open.

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sometimes when I read threads on this forum I get a very strange view of America. I am not sure if it is an realist glimpse into American life, or just specific locations or what but is sounds like an awful place. illegal for children to play on the street with police getting involved but OK for people to Hoon drive and drugs everywhere. What a strange place. I am so glad I live in a place where Hoon drivers are illegal, can be reported and are followed up by the police and children can play in the street

What's a hoon driver?


I think you formed your image of American streets from the first post only, and not the 30 following it that clarifies it's either legal, or too busy, for kids to play in most American streets.

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sometimes when I read threads on this forum I get a very strange view of America. I am not sure if it is an realist glimpse into American life, or just specific locations or what but is sounds like an

awful place. illegal for children to play on the street with police getting involved but OK for people to Hoon drive and drugs everywhere. What a strange place. I am so glad I live in a place where Hoon drivers are illegal, can be reported and are followed up by the police and children can play in the street


Well, you guys came up with the expression, so obviously someone is Hoon driving over there!  :laugh:


Obviously it is just specific locations, because numerous people have answered that the kids in their neighborhood do play in the street. There was quite a variety of answers, so I'm not sure why you only 'heard' one of them. 


You happen to live in a place where it is common for children to play in the street. So do I. But, just as my experience does not mean that all American kids play in the street, your experience does not mean that all Australian kids play in the street. A quick google popped up numerous links, academic studies and newspaper articles, that bemoaned the lack of outdoor play available to Australian children. Not playing in the streets anymore was specifically mentioned, although Hoon drivers weren't, lol. 


They used words and phrases like dangerous, overcrowded, unsafe, bullying, stranger danger, and high pollution. Based on what I read, Australia sounds like an awful place to live. 


Disclaimer: I do not actually think Australia sounds like an awful place to live. I recognize that it is a  large and varied country, and that the existence of certain problems does not mean it can't be a wonderful place to live. 

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It's quite legal here, and on our block it is safe. It is not a feeder street, the only traffic is the neighborhood. On our block there are no less than 5 basketball hoops facing the street and on summer evenings there is a mob of kids riding bikes, roller blades, playing basketball, throwing football.... The street is the playground.

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Those who have basketball hoops on your street, doesn't the noise drive you crazy??


A very nice family moved out of our neighborhood a few years ago, and I was so glad they took their hoop with them. Their teens would play in the evenings when we were trying to do bedtime as the sun went down and the streetlights came on. (We have a lot of parks close by, but only a church playground/parking lot close enough to walk to easily.) I don't blame the kids for wanting to play, but what a loud sport!

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Perfectly legal here. Kids ride bikes in the streets here all the time. It's actually illegal for anyone over the age of 12 to ride them on a sidewalk. Kids also play basketball and street hockey in the street. They just move over when needed.

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Apparently it is illegal in Loudoun County, VA.  I only know this because my good friend (who has 5 kids, 4 of them boys) has a really obnoxious neighbor.  They live on a cul-de-sac, and obnoxious neighbor backs really, really fast out of her driveway and comes really, really close to any kid who is out in the cul-de-sac (playing kickball, riding bikes, or whatever).  My friend talked to the neighbor, and the neighbor told her it was illegal for kids to play in the streets.  And since then, their HOA has sent out a reminder in their summer newsletter that it is illegal--although it is a big subdivision, with lots of cul-de-sacs, and I always see kids riding bikes and playing in the streets.  So probably only those cul-de-sacs with obnoxious neighbors have to worry about it.  


My kids play football and street hockey in our street all the time, and they all ride bikes there, even the younger ones.  We also live on a cul-de-sac (same county), and no one has ever said a word to us about it.  We get very little traffic, so that is certainly not an issue.  


Geesh--people complain about obesity in kids, but then they buy houses in family neighborhoods (on tiny lots, so not much yard space), and then they complain about kids being out in the streets getting exercise!  You can't win!  


Interesting, as my sister lives in that county. Kids play in the streets in her neighborhood all the time. She did tell me, after I read this to her this afternoon, that her HOA did have a rule about not playing in the street on specific major streets in the neighborhood. They can still ride their bikes on those streets, just not play. There were maybe ten streets on the list (humongous neighborhood). She's on small street, kids playing in it all the time.

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Too many speeding cars here with a few beating the red lights at times so no one plays on the street. We have bike lanes and mainly adults and seniors use them.

Lots of green space and parks within a 5-10 mins walk in my neighborhood though so plenty of places to play basketball, tennis, soccer and ride bikes. We also have a creek nearby with bike paths that are shared by bikers and joggers.

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Please don't take this the wrong way...

You live in a low income housing development, right? (I'm sorry if I'm mistaken)

My mother used to manage low income properties and there absolutely was a curfew. Was this after a certain time in the evening? When there had been a rash of problems, I have no doubt that they may have disallowed all playing outside in general, often for the safety of the children. The complex police officer would do laps to ensure this was upheld.


I would NOT worry about CPS. I can't think of a time a parent was reported to CPS because her child was playing outside, even if after curfew, unless they were doing something illegal/illicit. Just because it's the complex rules, doesn't mean it's a city rule; which essentially means it's a rule only at the place you live, and nothing can be done about it legally - the most that could happen is, if it's habitual, you may be evicted.


ETA: Yes, children are allowed to play in the street here.

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Please don't take this the wrong way...

You live in a low income housing development, right? (I'm sorry if I'm mistaken)

My mother used to manage low income properties and there absolutely was a curfew. Was this after a certain time in the evening? When there had been a rash of problems, I have no doubt that they may have disallowed all playing outside in general, often for the safety of the children. The complex police officer would do laps to ensure this was upheld.


I would NOT worry about CPS. I can't think of a time a parent was reported to CPS because her child was playing outside, even if after curfew, unless they were doing something illegal/illicit. Just because it's the complex rules, doesn't mean it's a city rule; which essentially means it's a rule only at the place you live, and nothing can be done about it legally - the most that could happen is, if it's habitual, you may be evicted.


ETA: Yes, children are allowed to play in the street here.

Hope this quotes right, on my cell.


Yes its low income housing and it was in the middle of the day. It was a regular city cop who is there on a regular basis. I know he was there 3x our first or 2nd day trying to pick up our neighbor for drugs after they raided her house and she wasnt there but her guests had drugs on them and they were found in the house. I hope shes evicted soon, last night she had a drunk guest who stayed less then 5 min who broke a glass beer bottle when it rolled out of the truck she was riding in. Didnt even bother to clean it up.


Found out were #3 on the list now in the city we want/need. The complex is run by a religious homeschooling family who lives onsite and we have a lot in common. Im hoping drugs are not such an issue there.

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Wow, that's crazy.  I have never heard of such a law.  It seems sad to me.


And those of you living in cul de sacs, I thought that's what cul de sacs were for!  


It's not illegal here.  They should use their brains, and there are some streets that have too much traffic for playing, but our street is fairly quiet and kids often play catch, basketball, and other games in the road.


When I was a kid, we set up street hockey in the road every day.

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