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What different things do you keep in your car?

Flowing Brook

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I was cleaning out my car tonight and the junk especially paperwork that I found in there was just plain crazy. The thing that is probably the most out there was a bottle of cayenne pepper. I keep it in there at all times. I was thinking I am probably the only one that keeps cayenne pepper in their vehicle on a regular basis.  So tell me what do you keep in you vehicle that most people probably don't? What is the reason?

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Some basic tools, trash can, box of tissues, beach towels for covering seats and seat belts during the hot summer, steel insulated water bottles with ice water, the dog hair that refuses to come out of the carpet (it's been 2 or 3 months since we dog-sat for FIL and MIL), a charge cord for my phone, a pencil, paper napkins, a couple shopping bags (to line the trash can), sun shades, sunglasses, barrettes and other miscellany that fall under the seats, a couple of CDs I never remember are there, girl supplies, tire gauge, some microfiber towels to clean windows.


Wow, I didn't realize it was so much -- this is with it cleaned up and ready for us to go. There's more when I have my infant nephew in my car, too.


When I was younger (during college stints and the lengthy break in between stints trying to save money for more college) some people thought I lived in my car due to the sheer amount of stuff I kept in there. Those were the days I also carried a backpack laden with junk "just in case" I needed something. My backpack put Dora's to shame, and my car was worse.

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I forgot to mention -- on road trips we also loaded up a camping toilet. We learned the hard way the usefulness of such an item when traveling through remote locales with small children.

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first aid kit

jumper cables


nail clippers

hand wipes

zip-top bags

paper plates--for emergency pizza stops :D



plastic spoons--because sometimes when I'm out I grab a yogurt from the grocery store and I need a spoon to eat it with


ETA: box of tissues and AC adapter

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Probably the oddest things I keep AND USE are my pruners and the extra YSB cords for phones. I end up charging more people's stuff for them. I got them in RED so they are clearly my cords.


The pruners let me cut flowers from the garden on the way to church without rooting around in the garage. :0)

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The most unusual things I can think of that I keep in my car is a bag with two blankets and a tote with paper cups, napkins, plates, and cutlery in case we need to eat something outdoors...I will sometime buy a big smoothie or lemonade and divide it up with the cups I have in the tote...Or use the plates for sandwiches or pizza...The tote really comes in handy ;)

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I have trouble keeping things in the car.  I have tried to keep extra water bottles, an umbrella, a thing of baby wipes, an extra sweater in winter, and a few other things, but often dh "cleans" the car and brings them in the house and leaves it all in a heap somewhere weird.  Sigh...

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Sorry, nothing interesting.  My car is kept clean.  I spend a lot of time in there and it is my little mini-environment of which I am queen and you are expected to 'pack out what you pack in'. 


Glove box: normal paper work, car manual, straws, napkins, plastic spoon/forks.

Console: Pen, sticky notes, multi-tool,  power cords for phones, tissues, hand wipes, hand sanitizer, gum, snack bar, a few coins for parking meters, 

Back cargo area: Large umbrella, blanket with a fuzzy side and a water proof side, first aid kit with basic care and meds, bottles of water, reusable grocery bags, 

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The standard diapers/wipes/changes of clothes for the littles.  Apparently my girls like to store all their jackets in the van, or either just never want to bring them inside.   :huh:  A Baby Bjorn little potty for those emergency middle-of-nowhere stops for the girls (man, the boys are so easy).  A chux pad for any car seat/booster accidents if we don't get pulled over in time.


Emergency supplies & first aid kit.  Barf bags & Dramamine for DD1.  (They're purple and sold under the cloying name of "Morning Chicness bags" or something like that.)  

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I don't really know...I can't find it under all the trash ;)


Actually I don't really keep things in the car...I just pack it with what we need for each trip.


The usual is normally extra pants for DS2 who is potty trained but sometimes holds it too long when we go out and a complete change of clothes and plastic baggies for DD ( my carsick kid). Jackets if it might get cold. Sunscreen and hats cause it's Australia.


Ibeprufon for me for backpain if I drive a long way and water bottles cause my kids are ALWAYS thirsty.

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Kleenex, baby wipes, bandaids, Swiss Army Knife, sun tan lotion, cell phone charger, two camping chairs, a picnic blanket, side walk chalk and bubbles. I also have two containers of some engine fluid stuff...don't ask me which ones, dh put those in there!

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I've read you should always keep a pair of scissors in your car to cut seat belts Here's the story that is prompting more parents to do this.


I cleaned out my car the other day and lo and behold, I did have a pair in there! But I wouldn't have been able to find them in an emergency--too much paperwork, etc on top!


Since I dog walk, I keep my schedule in my car, along with client profiles. It's basically my office.  I also have a giant church history book to go thru and keep one copy there and one in my home.


Pens, notebooks, extra books I haven't put away yet, and various flotsam and jetsam round out the contents.


Kids look first in the car if I can't find something...

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Bottled water (my niece calls this my apocalypse water..lol. Really it is just because we get thirsty a lot and I don't want to stop and buy water!)

Plastic cutlery and napkins

Crossword puzzle books (I sit and wait a lot with three teens!)


An emergency roadside kit

Extra glasses cleaner

Misc chargers

A car game

A brush

Nail clippers

Salt and pepper

Baby wipes


Reusable shopping bags




I'm sure there is more...we have a van.

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I don't think there's anything that hasn't been mentioned by others.


Car paperwork

Paper towels

Grocery bags

Jumper cables

Travel potty

Bottled water

Multi tool


Phone charger

Jackets in colder weather

Change of clothes for all kids

Stocked diaper bag, Ergo, and stroller for baby


A lot of the smaller stuff, like nail clippers, hand sanitizer, and band aids, I keep in my purse.

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I've read you should always keep a pair of scissors in your car to cut seat belts Here's the story that is prompting more parents to do this.



I hadn't heard of this. I've kept scissors in the car for a long time as it's handy for cutting tags off shoes or opening certain snack bags when we're on the go.

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I've read you should always keep a pair of scissors in your car to cut seat belts Here's the story that is prompting more parents to do this.



I didn't know this. A friend sold me on keeping "car scissors" just for convenience. I'm surprised how

Often the do come in handy.


My van is fairly new, and I have teens, so my list is:




Sunscreen (blanket in winter)


First aid kit

2 phone chargers

Collapsible bag to contain grocery bags or costco purchases



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When my son had surgery they sent us home with these very compact, flick to open bags for throw up.


These are awesome. They are in every car now. Just in case.

When I was pregnant and nauseous family, friends, and coworkers collected air sickness bags from every flight they took. I kept them everywhere, and carried them with me. So handy!

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Other than the usual first aid kit, double stroller, Beco Butterfly II carrier, and diaper bag, we also have an emergency potty that everyone laughs at when they see it. That's about it for us though, we have our van full of kids so I try not to have much else in there. Oh, other than my flip flops that pretty much live in there because I'm barefoot 99.9% of the time.

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picnic bag with plates, plastic cutlery, napkins


roll of tp


bug repellent


hand sanitizer

hair brush


packs peanut butter crackers (in plastic container so they don't get squished 

tool kit

kiddie scissors



salt & pepper shakers

jump starter -  thing that will jump off a vehicle without needing another vehicle also will air up a tire

camp chairs

ball equipment

collapsible cooler

reusable shopping bags 


Yeah we look like we live out of the van, especially during ball season

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I hadn't heard of this. I've kept scissors in the car for a long time as it's handy for cutting tags off shoes or opening certain snack bags when we're on the go.


I just saw a keychain car escape tool on Amazon that I was planning to order. It can cut seat belts and break glass windows.


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I like to keep my vehicle clean and tidy.  So not too much unusual stuff.  I guess the most "different" thing I carry is a kennel leash.  'Cause I'm always on the lookout for stray/lost dogs that need rounding up.

I appreciate this


About 7 years ago my moms beloved companion dog escaped. She was going blind and could not find her way home. A nice couple was able to lure her to their car with chicken nuggets and take her to the 24 hour animal hospital that I had contacted in case she was found. 


Thanks to them my mom got her dog back. 


Though she weighed 90lbs and would not get in a kennel. 

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I was cleaning out my car tonight and the junk especially paperwork that I found in there was just plain crazy. The thing that is probably the most out there was a bottle of cayenne pepper. I keep it in there at all times. I was thinking I am probably the only one that keeps cayenne pepper in their vehicle on a regular basis.  So tell me what do you keep in you vehicle that most people probably don't? What is the reason?



Why cayenne pepper?


My question, too.  What's the cayenne pepper for?



I hadn't heard of this. I've kept scissors in the car for a long time as it's handy for cutting tags off shoes or opening certain snack bags when we're on the go.


I have this, though I need to get a pair of scissors in there for other uses, too.

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I like to be prepared ........


I keep scissors, reading books for the kids, diaper wipes, hand sanitizer, blanket, first aid kit, paper cups, plates, plastic cutlery, girly supplies, 2 extra outfits per child, cooler filled with bottles of water, salt, pepper, straws, snacks, reusable bags, nail clippers, hairbrush, hair ties, barrettes, crayons, markers, glue, paper, ipod, book of dvd's  and a pair of shoes for each child.  I also have several bags packed for different activities that we just grab on the way out of the door.  Its a running joke in our co-op that if we need something the first place to look is my van.   :lol:

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I was cleaning out my car tonight and the junk especially paperwork that I found in there was just plain crazy. The thing that is probably the most out there was a bottle of cayenne pepper. I keep it in there at all times. I was thinking I am probably the only one that keeps cayenne pepper in their vehicle on a regular basis. So tell me what do you keep in you vehicle that most people probably don't? What is the reason?

So why keep cayenne pepper in the car?

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Not weird for TWTM but I keep books in my van. Lots and lots of books. People always comment.


I also keep my mascara out there. I don't usually wear it any more. I mainly just use eyeliner. Sometimes I put some on if I want to look extra put together.

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Empty or full bottles? I waste so much water from accidentally leaving it in the car or drinking part of it and then never finishing it. I prefer not to drink from a bottle that has been in the car longer than say, the drive home from the grocery store or something. Supposedly they debunked that myth about cancer and most bottles aren't made with BPA, but it just doesn't sit well with me. I don't bring ice in the car and the liquid is too hot.


I don't know if I keep anything strange in the car. A lot of the same things others have said. Ds is always sneezing so we keep a box of tissue on hand in the back seat but someone else said tissue box, too. I guess screwdriver is the weirdest? It comes in handy if I need to take my car tag off.



I leave empty metal reusable ones in.  Unless we're specifically going somewhere without water fountains, I generally just carry them empty anyway because we're more often in the city and can get water somewhere if we need to.

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So why keep cayenne pepper in the car?


We've read in some health books that It can stop a heart attack. Or make a difference in you being able to make it to the hospital in time. Does it? I don't know but my dad requested I put it in there. If it makes him feel better I don't mind doing it. Plus Who else gets to say they carry cayenne pepper with them at all times.? :)

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 Plus Who else gets to say they carry cayenne pepper with them at all times.? :)


I knew a woman who always carried a bottle of Tabasco in her purse in case they went out to eat. I found out when we all went to Wendy's after church one day and she was splashing Tabasco all over her spicy chicken sandwich. She said it wasn't spicy enough.

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