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Things that make you happy


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Following MIch elle's comment that we're becoming a bunch of whingers  (I think she put it more nicely than that), how about a thread to post what made us feel happy / satisfied / grateful / positive. Like the 100 days of happiness Facebook meme, but no pressure to post photos or participate daily.

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OK, mine is a bit cliched, but we really did have a gorgeous sunrise this morning. After being sent outside to run off some of his hyperness, Mr 10 came rushing in to tell us how beautiful the sky looked in the east. We all went out to see, and it was such a lovely oasis of calm in the frenetic rush of morning activity.

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My Dh has been out of town for the week which would be a whine, except I'm REALLY enjoying having the whole bed to myself!!  I've slept like a baby this week!  No one snoring or stealing my covers.  And I can watch whatever I want in the evening, no Star Trek for me this week!  I've been having a Downton Abbey marathon.


I'll be so happy when he's back, but I do love being on my own for a while!

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Dh and I have breakfast together every morning. It's simple eggs and toast or something but we're both out there- I'm cooking eggs and he's pouring me something to drink and putting my vitamin out for me.   We talk, we laugh, we start our day together.   Having raised kids for 30 years, it's nice to have our time to grow old together. 

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There are too many things to list!  Time with my hubby and/or family.  Time outside on nice days.  Beautiful vistas of any sort.  Traveling for pleasure. Time spent with my equine or feline friends.  Eating good (tasty) food with family and/or friends.  A nice talk with friends.  A funny (clean) TV show or movie.  A good book and time to enjoy it.  Hearing good news from any source.


Almost anything short of housecleaning actually.

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Today I'm happy because I'm having a very productive summer break. Today I managed to sort through 4 years of school "stuff" which made me realize I have a lot less to buy than I thought I did. Which means I can get more delightful books instead of curriculum.

That's a happy thought. Where's my fairy dust?

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Sleeping. I love sleeping! Last night I got 10 straight hours after less than 4hrs the previous night, and I feel fabulous.


My first cup of coffee in the morning, with dh at work and the kids still in bed.

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The song "Happy".  And yes, I read the thread about how some people hate it but I don't.  It makes me happy.  So when it comes on the car radio I turn up the radio really loud and adjust the bass so that it thumps and immerse myself in it.  I get laughs from my neighbors but who cares?  I'm happy!  


I have other songs that do it for me too.  Like "Walk Like an Egyptian".  I turned that up really loudly the other day when I was alone and danced around to it - on repeat.  

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I found a cheap restaurant on the way home from the city that does some really nice tabouli. I'd never met a nice tabouli before.


I was grinning like an idiot last night when I got my "to be read" piles arranged nice and haphazardly at my new house. A home needs books, a bed and at least 6 different bottles of oil and vinegar. Or maybe that's just me. :D

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This is kind of gross so be warned.


DD is sick today with a stomach bug.  What made me happy today is that even with all the throwing up and explosive poop dd could still find humor in the situation when she told me, "it sounds like a trumpet in my butt!!"  and proceeded to laugh uncontrollably as she sat on the toilet. That's 4 year olds for you.

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I love it when my kids are laughing and genuinely enjoying one another's company. I pray that it continues and they remain friends through their adult years. Oh, I also love panda bears. It seems very child like, but I can't help it. Everytime I see one, I can't help but stare and smile.

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Watching something grow.  I cut some Clematis back to the ground this spring to regenerate and hopefully train it to grow properly.  While it takes it time coming back in, I planted Black Eyed Susan vines on either side of the arbor - just as annuals to cover it during the gap.  I can't believe how quickly it grows, and the amazing intelligence of the vine in wrapping itself around the support.  Every time I get into or out of the car, I go look at it, and it changes by the hour. 



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Watching soccer makes me happy. I never would have said that 12 years ago, but now I love watching the game at all levels. (I don't enjoy some of the other "fans," though, so I sometimes watch from a distance or with earbuds in.) From Arsenal to U9 Academy, I really love the game.


I like reading about my extended family on Facebook. It's so fun to hear my distant cousin's guitar concert, or read my nephew's funny comments, or watch my niece and nephew's cross country team's winter training video or... I love the connection.


I love listening to musicals when I'm driving. And I sing along. I listened to Godspell today and sang along.

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Right now, I have that perfectly tired feeling that comes after a long, productive day, topped off with a nice dinner, a great workout, and a relaxing shower. I'm curled up on the couch for a little down time and can't wait to stretch out in the bed in an hour or so.



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Surprise visits from good friends.

I'm currently laid up in bed because of a herniated disc in my lower lumbar, and after a week of this now I was on the brink of a total meltdown.


My good friend and her kids (they are hs'ers also) showed up with coffee, timbits (donut hole type donuts from Tim Hortons).


Her son brought his laptop so he and my son played minecraft together while her daughter and mine ran off chattering about my little ponies and monster high. I got to visit with a dear friend and it all made me feel SO happy to have such a great distraction from what was starting out to be a truly horrible day.


Good friends make everything better.

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Teaching math or chemistry; I get really geeked about that kind of thing much to the chagrin of some - not all - of my children.


The piano...my first love, LOL! Bach, either of the Schumanns, Chopin, Mendelssohn, Debussey, Dvorak, Gershwin, Nat Cole, Frank Sinatra...


Dark chocolate covered caramels, daisies, Dh's smile that has caused all of the wrinkles around his eyes which I think look handsome, the exact moment the laundry is caught up before some sick soul in my house decides to change their clothes, singing alto in a really good group such as when a bunch of us do Gaither vocal band stuff and adapt it for both male and female voices, my Sunday School class - adore those kids - really authentic Mexican food, snow crab legs, horses, my kids when they aren't begging for food or making more laundry :D , rockets.


I have a pretty good list of things that make me feel joy in the moment.

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My awesome kids!


The lovely, cool air that came in with yesterday's rain.


Enough rain to soak the yard and get rid of the bug splats the car wash couldn't.


Chai (but only in reasonable quantities!)

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Verbally messing around with ds13 today. We just one-up each other. I like this age.

My almost-13-year-old is getting as punny as me! And this evening Miss almost-10 contributed her own impromptu lyrics to a song I was rewording on the fly.

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My family coming to visit this week (haven't seen them since November)

Skipping school to go play at the beach yesterday

A good book

Good beer

Good chocolate

Good wine

The knowledge that in only two days I'll be having heated in-person debates with my brother :)

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An excellent night of sleep.

A rainy day with absolutely nothing to do and nowhere to go.

Curling up with ds and a good movie after finishing school work early.

Snuggling with an animal.

A clear inbox.

Getting a package in the mail.

Absolute silence.

Eric Bibb's music.

A leisurely shower with enough hot water.

Finding a book I've been looking for at the thrift store.

Hiking in the woods by myself.

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An excellent night of sleep.

A rainy day with absolutely nothing to do and nowhere to go.

Curling up with ds and a good movie after finishing school work early.

Snuggling with an animal.

A clear inbox.

Getting a package in the mail.

Absolute silence.

Eric Bibb's music.

A leisurely shower with enough hot water.

Finding a book I've been looking for at the thrift store.

Hiking in the woods by myself.

When I read about the inbox my mind thought "catbox". Well, yes, that one, too!

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I look forward to my favorite time of day, 9:00pm. I get into my cozy bed with a couple of small snacks and start reading. The house is quiet as everyone is in their room. There is no screen distraction with tvs or computers. It's just the most pleasant part of my day. It's slowing down time and brings me great joy. Honestly.

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For years now, I've dragged babies/toddlers/little kids to the big kids' baseball and softball practices and games.  I've always found it stressful to tend to the littles instead of focusing on the game or trying to watch the game while worrying about the littles.


This year, I made the choice to let the littles run off to playgrounds or other fields without worrying about them.  Now I'm enjoying games, spending practices reading, and coming home with exhausted, filthy kids. Everyone's happy! :D

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