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Yep, still hate Mother's Day.

Miss Peregrine

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I got called stupid(not by a child). I asked for one very tiny request ( chocolate covered strawberries). I had to make them myself and then the kids ate them all before I got any.


I am sitting by myself at the lake, crying, and wondering where I went wrong? :(


anyone else have a craptastic day?

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I'm so sorry, that sounds awful! We always avoid mothers/fathers day celebrations because it just is so much stress and fuss! I'm sorry, it isn't fair!


I guess its just important at times like this to think about the fact that you would be devastated to lose one of those little people who call you mom. I'm sorry you had a craptastic day.

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Yes.  I have always been the "least-favored" even though I essentially turned out the best.  I do the most for my mom, provide her with a free cell phone, yet she complains about everything I do.  Especially right in front of my face when one of my other siblings decides to show up.  I am the most dependable and the one that gets called when something is wanted or needed.  Yet, I get treated like poop.


Dh had to work (he's actually pretty awesome), it just sucks that I skipped church to go to lunch with my mom and a few other family members only to get crapped on. 


Happy Flipping Mother's Day, Ma.  Good thing the Bible says to "Honor thy mother and father"!!

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Yep. Not so bad as missing chocolate strawberries I'd made, but so much whining, whimpering and complaining which of course only highlighted my failure to properly train my children to not engage in these behaviors. Can we just not do this for one day? I don't care about gifts (handmade stuff I received and love) or perfect meals, but could we take a day off of the bad attitudes? Sigh.

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My mother did. My sister and I don't live near her. My brother and his girlfriend do. They just had a baby. They stopped in for a few minutes and right away my mom knew that the GF did not want to be there. She just played on the iPhone. When asked about the baby's weight she was right snarky with my mom. My mom made a comment about how she didn't realize how much weight the baby had lost. GF is having trouble getting baby to latch. She said my mother only asked about the baby not because she cares about the baby but only because she keeps going on about everything. Which I'm assuming is my mom offering advice about breast feeding. Between my sister and I we have 9 kids and mom has seen all our struggles with breast feeding. What worked and didn't. What the midwives would suggest, etc. I think my mom is trying to help but GF doesn't see it that way. Anyways, my mom called me after they left crying. In think she wishes us girls were nearby instead.

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I got called stupid(not by a child). I asked for one very tiny request ( chocolate covered strawberries). I had to make them myself and then the kids ate them all before I got any.


I am sitting by myself at the lake, crying, and wondering where I went wrong? :(


anyone else have a craptastic day?

Kinda.  See this thread..http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/514581-it-is-not-a-good-sign/


Sorry about your day.

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I didn't have a lousy day (just an ordinary day), but it started out kind of crappy because one of my kids decided to go on one of her pout-fests.  I told her I really didn't want to miss the Mother's Day church service because they always do something special for moms.  She just dug in and we ended up being 15 minutes late.  She wouldn't even say what she was mad about - turned out to be something I could have easily fixed if I'd known about it.  Bah.  I was really disappointed that my kid wasn't willing to put my wants first this one morning of the year.


Then the church sermon ended up being about Jack Kevorkian and Terry Schiavo and lusts that will ruin our lives.  LOL.  Made me wonder what the pastor was smoking.  :P

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I didn't have a lousy day (just an ordinary day), but it started out kind of crappy because one of my kids decided to go on one of her pout-fests.  I told her I really didn't want to miss the Mother's Day church service because they always do something special for moms.  She just dug in and we ended up being 15 minutes late.  She wouldn't even say what she was mad about - turned out to be something I could have easily fixed if I'd known about it.  Bah.  I was really disappointed that my kid wasn't willing to put my wants first this one morning of the year.


Then the church sermon ended up being about Jack Kevorkian and Terry Schiavo and lusts that will ruin our lives.  LOL.  Made me wonder what the pastor was smoking.  :p

Still not as bad as the Mother's day sermon I heard several years ago at our old church.  Very small church mostly homeschooling moms and the pastor preached on and on about how we (meaning mothers) need to be more sacrificial while staying within our proper boundaries and how we need to question ourselves to see if we are really doing enough for God.  That's one sermon I'll never forget.  Also never going to forget the mom I talked with afterward who thought it was so inspired.  I wanted to offer her a hair shirt as a Mother's day gift.  

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Still not as bad as the Mother's day sermon I heard several years ago at our old church.  Very small church mostly homeschooling moms and the pastor preached on and on about how we (meaning mothers) need to be more sacrificial while staying within our proper boundaries and how we need to question ourselves to see if we are really doing enough for God.  That's one sermon I'll never forget.  Also never going to forget the mom I talked with afterward who thought it was so inspired.  I wanted to offer her a hair shirt as a Mother's day gift.  


Our church's Sunday School had a video series to that effect.  Preached by a screamy woman speaker.  After sitting through the first session, I couldn't even be on the same floor with that.  Ugh.


As if a mom needs to be told about sacrifice.


Sorry, I should not have gotten off the topic of the thread....

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Our church's Sunday School had a video series to that effect.  Preached by a screamy woman speaker.  After sitting through the first session, I couldn't even be on the same floor with that.  Ugh.


As if a mom needs to be told about sacrifice.


Sorry, I should not have gotten off the topic of the thread....

I know!  I remember looking around at the women in the church and wondering 'who on earth is he talking to?'  One poor retired missionary called a few days later extremely upset b/c she couldn't figure out what more she could do since she suffers from physical problems and can hardly walk.  Anyway nothing like a good sermon to make your mother's day.  Now we should be back on topic.

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My day was pretty good except for one thing.  My youngest children gave me some small gifts and homemade cards and my older children called...except one.  He's in the military and can't call unless the drill sergeant gives them a few minutes for a phone call.  I was really hoping to hear from him today.  His girlfriend posted on Facebook that she got a call from him today and I said "Hey, no fair that he didn't use his call to call his mom for Mother's Day".  She got rude, deleted the post, and made a snotty post about how she was happy for a change and I was just trying to bring her down and she wasn't having it, blah, blah, blah.  Really?  She would begrudge a mom being disappointed that her son used his very rare phone privilege on Mother's Day to call his girlfriend?  She didn't appreciate that I might also have been happy to hear my son's voice on this day?  Then she had to make it all about me trying to hurt her?  Ugh, it took quite a bit of willpower for me not to say what I really think of her attitude.

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I shouldn't complain. My husband has 2 very good jobs. But, those jobs take him away from home every time he works. He has been home only sporadically over the last 5 months. So, just when I thought he'd be home for the weekend, he got called away 24 hours after he got home. Turned into a major b/+€h fest by me - and I basically cried Friday night and fought Saturday night. Worst weekend of our marriage. My eldest graduates Saturday, has finals at community college this week and works a lot. Never see him either. So 8th grade ds and I need to clean, shop, do school, and get ready for descending company this weekend from out of state. I'm stressed and really lonely . So I totally understand your pain.


It must be very frustrating and disappointing to know that your son didn't call you, but called her.


In order to cope with the stuff that has been upsetting to me, sometimes I need the slap of reality to stop and think of how Absolutely devastating Rosie's Mother's Day was (or to think of my friend with 6 kids who is dying of cancer). It doesn't necessarily help me, but it does help me realize that things could be worse. (I am not trying to diminish your hurt, just telling you something that may help take the edge off your pain).

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I got called stupid(not by a child). I asked for one very tiny request ( chocolate covered strawberries). I had to make them myself and then the kids ate them all before I got any.


I am sitting by myself at the lake, crying, and wondering where I went wrong? :(


anyone else have a craptastic day?

I am really sorry about your day. I don't think it is the least bit stupid or unreasonable to want a little bit of fuss made over you for one day, to think of you, to *at least* expect those you take care of every day to show you the consideration of saving you some strawberries!! I think whomever said you were stupid for wanting to be shown love and consideration is a GIANT jerk. In my world avoiding holidays in order not to create expectations would come across as lazy and thoughtless. I don't think it is shallow or selfish to expect a little bit of consideration. It can certainly be hurtful. Other people's pain or suffering doesn't erase the hurt feelings at being ignored on a day that should be about you. ((HUGS))
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My day was pretty good except for one thing. My youngest children gave me some small gifts and homemade cards and my older children called...except one. He's in the military and can't call unless the drill sergeant gives them a few minutes for a phone call. I was really hoping to hear from him today. His girlfriend posted on Facebook that she got a call from him today and I said "Hey, no fair that he didn't use his call to call his mom for Mother's Day". She got rude, deleted the post, and made a snotty post about how she was happy for a change and I was just trying to bring her down and she wasn't having it, blah, blah, blah. Really? She would begrudge a mom being disappointed that her son used his very rare phone privilege on Mother's Day to call his girlfriend? She didn't appreciate that I might also have been happy to hear my son's voice on this day? Then she had to make it all about me trying to hurt her? Ugh, it took quite a bit of willpower for me not to say what I really think of her attitude.

Considering that his phone privilege most likely came with the order "go call your mother" you have every reason to be more than disappointed.

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Mother's Day almost always sucks around here. Wish we didn't even have to celebrate it. One of my adopted kids has a really hard time with it. This year, I got cursed out and whacked on for a couple hours. We topped that one off by kicking in the bathroom door and breaking the jam. Hard to do on an 80 year old house with rock hard wood. Dinner out obviously didn't happen. Feeling a wee bit sorry for myself this morning, though honestly I feel worse for the kid. Wish we could just forget about all these Hallmark holidays and move on. It's easier that way.

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The only person in my house who had anything for me was my 5yo, who made something in his co-op class last week.


9yo, belatedly: "Oh, it's Mother's Day!"

Me: "Yes, it is."

9yo: [crickets chirping]


Husband: "What do we need to get done today? Groceries, laundry, I need to mow the lawn..."

Me: "I need to put in a few hours working, and at some point you should tell me Happy Mother's Day."

Husband: "Happy Mother's Day."


My family has been incredibly supportive as I've been recovering from the surgery I had last month - they've waited on me and done my usual work and given me lots of extra time to rest. I think that at this point they may just be Rivka'd out. Ah well, I had it when I needed it.

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I got called stupid(not by a child). I asked for one very tiny request ( chocolate covered strawberries). I had to make them myself and then the kids ate them all before I got any.


I am sitting by myself at the lake, crying, and wondering where I went wrong? :(


anyone else have a craptastic day?



Sorry your day sucked and you feel unappreciated.


I say:  Get yourself right online and order some chocolate cov. strawberries from Sherri's Berries (they are soooo good, I asked & received last year).  Way better than any I can make and no work involved.  Then go sit somewhere nice and relaxing and EAT THEM ALL YOURSELF. :D :D


I'm kidding, but not really.  Sometimes when we don't get the love/attention we deserve, then we just have to make it for ourselves.  You still might feel a bit resentful... but at least you'll have strawberries! ;)


(I have had stinky holidays in the past, where DH hasn't responded like I wanted.  This year was an improvement -- maybe I'm finally getting him "trained."   :D  And it only took 15 years...)

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yup.  I worked 7-3, got home the kids screamed and yelled at each other and me.  My father was driving through on his way back home so he stopped by to have the kids sign a card for me, dd14 acted like someone was asking her to sign away her soul, finally signed it them stomped back into the house slamming the door.  Later both she and ds15 took off and I had to go searching for them.  Finally got everyone into bed, went to get the chips I had bought to enjoy after they went to bed to learn the teens had taken them when they took off with their friends.  

All I asked for was to come home from work, take a bath and have a nap.  That's it.  Neither of those things happened. I hate mother's day it has been years since it has been a decent one.  

At least at work everyone wished me a happy mothers day.  Of course when it was dead quiet they sent home the 20-something year old early and I kept working another 3 hours, though I did learn a new station in that time, it would have been nice if they thought to send home the only mother that was working all day (yeah every other mother there was given the day off).

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I'm sorry so many of your mother's days sucked. Mine wasn't bad for a change.


But I'm so tired of all the adult women gushing about their fabulous mothers on FB. I don't think anyone needs to stop, i mean its their holiday, too. But it is especially annoying this year. Every time I read yet another one I think "great, how nice for you. Imagine going through life with mother who's only ever been disappointed in you. Yeah, not such a great holiday anymore, is it?"

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I had already said not to get me anything (we are on a tight budget) as I had ;-)  spent money on myself when I went to the local native  prairie plant sale to get seedlings for my garden.


My youngest was born on the 11th, so either her b'day has been on Mother's Day (like this year) or right next to it.  She turned the big 18 this year - my baby! - so the day rightfully revolved around her. You only turn 18 once! I did get cards, more seeds, a silly poster of a sloth (if you know me on FB my avatar there is a smiling sloth), and a garden hose that won't kink!


Prior years have been all about my MIL.  She passed last year, though.  My mom in California got sent a gift and card.

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:grouphug: :grouphug:

Pretty much hate any day that is "supposed" to be a day for me.  I am invariably and consistently disappointed.

That pretty much sums it up for me. 



I've had a hard time with all holidays since my parents died.

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Mom2Scouts said "My day was pretty good except for one thing.  My youngest children gave me some small gifts and homemade cards and my older children called...except one.  He's in the military and can't call unless the drill sergeant gives them a few minutes for a phone call.  I was really hoping to hear from him today.  His girlfriend posted on Facebook that she got a call from him today and I said "Hey, no fair that he didn't use his call to call his mom for Mother's Day".  She got rude, deleted the post, and made a snotty post about how she was happy for a change and I was just trying to bring her down and she wasn't having it, blah, blah, blah.  Really?  She would begrudge a mom being disappointed that her son used his very rare phone privilege on Mother's Day to call his girlfriend?  She didn't appreciate that I might also have been happy to hear my son's voice on this day?  Then she had to make it all about me trying to hurt her?  Ugh, it took quite a bit of willpower for me not to say what I really think of her attitude."


When my son was in the military I LIVED for those rare phone calls, Mother's Day or not. Looks like his gf has quite a bit of growing up to do; maybe you can be thankful it's only gf and not fiance or wife! Hope you get a call from him soon. :grouphug:

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I've spent a bit of money on new clothes for myself lately so I told DH he didn't need to get me anything (btw--how dumb is that?? The rest of the family gets new clothes because they need them. What is wrong with me that I feel guilty about that??)


I guess he heard "Ignore the day entirely" because that is what he did. It is really making me rethink Father's Day this year.

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I think this is the only year I've been disappointed, and that's only because DS gave me a load of bull about how he's going to put forth more effort at school this week.  Really?  That's my gift - something you're supposed to be doing as a matter of course?  I said, "so what you're saying is you didn't get me anything."  He blushed and said no.  I told him I really don't need or want anything, but trying to cover it up by handing me a line is ridiculous.  Just saying "happy Mother's Day" would have sufficed.


At least DH picked up a new watering can for me after I discovered yesterday that the old one had sprung a leak.  That made me plenty happy, and he didn't even claim it was for Mother's Day (of course - I'm not his mother!).


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I didn't have a lousy day (just an ordinary day), but it started out kind of crappy because one of my kids decided to go on one of her pout-fests.  I told her I really didn't want to miss the Mother's Day church service because they always do something special for moms.  She just dug in and we ended up being 15 minutes late.  She wouldn't even say what she was mad about - turned out to be something I could have easily fixed if I'd known about it.  Bah.  I was really disappointed that my kid wasn't willing to put my wants first this one morning of the year.


Then the church sermon ended up being about Jack Kevorkian and Terry Schiavo and lusts that will ruin our lives.  LOL.  Made me wonder what the pastor was smoking.  :p

Oh my! That sounds like a really awful Mother's Day sermon! :ack2:

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I hesitate to post this because I had a wonderful Mothers' Day.  In the 23 years I have been a mother this is not the typical.  This was the highlight. This was the best!! Sometimes it was forgotten, or a card was given at the last minute.  I want to share this as an encouragement to those disappointed yesterday, to say it can get better.  :grouphug:


In the Love Languages analysis of me, gifts, cards, etc., don't even make the chart.  So Mother's Day has never been high on my list.  I usually don't even notice my birthday, but Mothers' Day was totally different for me this year.  Both my and dh's mothers passed years ago, so I'm the only mother around in our family.  Both dds are adults now (more or less), 19 yo and 23 yo.  I am out of the trenches of motherhood!!!  I gotta tell you it's wonderful!!! Hang in there ladies, you will get there too!


Oldest dd gave me a vase filled with only red and pink Starburst and two artificial flowers stuck in it  :001_smile: She also gave me a flower she had made (her 3rd grade class had made them) of  5 yellow construction paper petals and one green leaf fastened in the middle with a brad.  The leaf said, "I love you because . . ." and each petal had a reason written on it.  They were sweet, but I have to share two with you. One said, "You educated us for excellence" and another said, "You raised us to be responsible adults who can stand on our own feet." I gotta tell you it made me cry.  As a side note, she had to buy three bags of Starbursts to get enough pink and red.  I asked her what she was going to do with the orange and yellow. She said she'd use them as rewards for her class.


Younger dd gave me a computer made gift card for the next book in a series, she gave me the first for Christmas, and a sweet card.  She hand wrote a note, which she's never done before. She said many sweet things, but the thing that made me cry was, "You have always set a great example for me and have spent my life preparing me for the world--and you did a great job, I love you so very much." I gotta tell you to have your grown children tell you they appreciate what you did, particularly homeschooling, is the highlight of ALL my Mothers' Days.  And then to see them sitting next to each other at lunch joking with each other and being sisterly and kind with each other sent me over the moon.  I despaired for years over their arguing and prickliness and annoyance with each other.  (Of course they did have an argument last night, but quickly over :001_smile: )


I just want to say that there will be lousy Mothers' Days and fantastic ones.  Being a mother is a constantly changing experience as our children change.  Some days it seemed like we'd never complete homeschooling, and that I was a failure, or messing them up, or that they'd blame me, or never get along, that I was always losing my temper and yelling,  etc. And then last year we graduated the youngest and homeschooling was done! I'm still their mom, but the relationship has changed, and I gotta say it is better then I ever imagined when I was in the midst of it.  So hang in there!!!  Even if they don't say it on Mothers' Day, your kids love you and they know it.  You are all just in the middle of the process and sometimes it's hard, and busy and things like Mothers' Day fall by the wayside.  


Happy belated Mothers' Day to all you great moms on this board!!!!!

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well, fwiw, when i was a single mom, i decided one thing i was going to do for mother's day, and did it. 

(this was after a few years of thinking that i would rather have nothing than do it myself.  a few years of nothing and i realized i needed a new strategy ;)


a few years, i focused on making my mom's day nice.


then i added in choosing one thing for me, too.  i would buy myself chocolates or bagles or something else.


what i learned, is that i get to choose whether its a good day or not.  if i pin it on what they do for me, some years will be diamond, some years will be coal, but if do something for my mom, and something for me, then every mother's day is a good day.... and if my family does something, then its extra nice.


why not try having your kids make cards for their grandmothers and maybe bake a special treat and mail it off.  at some point, one of them make think to do something for you, too.  (or not, but you will have brightened your moms' day!)





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I got called stupid(not by a child). I asked for one very tiny request ( chocolate covered strawberries). I had to make them myself and then the kids ate them all before I got any.


I am sitting by myself at the lake, crying, and wondering where I went wrong? :(


anyone else have a craptastic day?


I'm sorry anyone called you, "stupid".  :crying:   I could get over not eating my favorite treat, but to be called that?  I'd be crushed.  I'm so very sorry.  :grouphug:


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I am truly sorry that it was a bad/sad day for you.  :(   You have the opportunity to help your kids be different.  Don't be too hard on them for not knowing how to celebrate mother's day; you might have to teach them how, and you can teach them to be respectful of what is important to other people.  Again, I'm sorry.  :grouphug:   My husband is from a family that didn't celebrate "Hallmark Days" and at first I took it personally.  But, my husband always treated me lovingly and respectfully and eventually I realized that Mother's Day really didn't matter so much afterall. 


I'm especially sorry that someone called you Stupid.  :(

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I'm sorry so many of your mother's days sucked. Mine wasn't bad for a change.


But I'm so tired of all the adult women gushing about their fabulous mothers on FB. I don't think anyone needs to stop, i mean its their holiday, too. But it is especially annoying this year. Every time I read yet another one I think "great, how nice for you. Imagine going through life with mother who's only ever been disappointed in you. Yeah, not such a great holiday anymore, is it?"


Seriously! I was telling dh last night that it's so annoying to me to read all these FB posts about people's moms. What's the point---90% of their moms aren't even on FB!


I don't take it personally, and my relationship with my mom is okay, so it's not like it's painful to read. Just, I dunno, annoying.

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Yes. I have always been the "least-favored" even though I essentially turned out the best. I do the most for my mom, provide her with a free cell phone, yet she complains about everything I do. Especially right in front of my face when one of my other siblings decides to show up. I am the most dependable and the one that gets called when something is wanted or needed. Yet, I get treated like poop.


Dh had to work (he's actually pretty awesome), it just sucks that I skipped church to go to lunch with my mom and a few other family members only to get crapped on.


Happy Flipping Mother's Day, Ma. Good thing the Bible says to "Honor thy mother and father"!!

Sounds like my dad. Complain if I don't deliver according to impossible expectations, complain even more and try to put me in my place if I manage to accomplish something requested. I told him to go to h*ll a few weeks ago (in writing though in person, because I was sick with a sinus infection and had used the last of my voice accomplishing the very thing he was putting me in my place about), and haven't spoken to him since.


He will get greeting cards for his birthday and father's day, not phone calls.

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I got called stupid(not by a child). I asked for one very tiny request ( chocolate covered strawberries). I had to make them myself and then the kids ate them all before I got any.


I am sitting by myself at the lake, crying, and wondering where I went wrong? :(


anyone else have a craptastic day?

Stupid is as stupid does. That would be the moron who called you such, and not you.


I would send you dozens of chocolate covered strawberries, if I could!

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My husband and kids do a reasonable job with days like this.


But I had an experience that kind of illustrated for me why Mother's Day can be a hard day.


I went to the grocery store in the afternoon.  I was killing time because I had dropped my son off for a short visit with someone in that neighborhood, so I thought I would buy some shrimp to add to the grill, and picked up a few other things.


Two different store employees gave me a hard time for being there on Mother's Day.  Since I was actually having an OK day, I was friendly about it, told one of them that the kids had already made me breakfast (which was true).  He replied, "No, Mother's Day isn't two hours.  It's all day.  You should be home with your feet up." 


 I can't help thinking how I could have made his day really awkward.  He doesn't know me.  I could have burst into tears and said that I haven't been able to have kids.  I could have sobbed about my recent divorce or estranged adult children.   He doesn't know whether I lost my mother that week or am mourning a child or have just gotten out of prison for abusing the child I do have or have a terrible custody arrangement such that my kids are living somewhere else.  There are all kinds of reasons I might not be home with my feet up.  Since I was having a lovely day, it was OK, but if I were having a bad day, that would have  made it SO much worse.  What are people thinking?  I told the guy in the produce section that I have great children and every day is a good day for me, which is basically true.  But later I thought that he got off really easy, and I could have let him have an experience that would make him never say something like that to a woman alone on MD again.

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Seriously! I was telling dh last night that it's so annoying to me to read all these FB posts about people's moms. What's the point---90% of their moms aren't even on FB!


I don't take it personally, and my relationship with my mom is okay, so it's not like it's painful to read. Just, I dunno, annoying.

I think being annoyed that people gave a shout out to their mom on Mother's Day is pretty weird. My mom is on Facebook, so is my MIl, and she is over 70!

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