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Would you say something?Large screen TV, looks over backyard, R rated shows


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My neighbors put in this great pool system, complete with a big screen TV and an outdoor kitchen, everything. They have been watching MA and R rated shows on this large TV (I estimate 60 inch TV) that faces our backyard, where, even if I am in my house, on the first floor, I can see the TV plain as day. We are seeing nude bodies, cussing, and a beheading tonight. 


Would you call the neighbors and ask if they are outside, please keep it PG or lower?

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Oh, wow, that is a tough one!  They probably are going to really resent any changes to what was probably an expensive set up and may not be willing to change the content choices...but honestly that just isn't a good situation at all.  I guess maybe you could write them a really politely worded letter expressing your concern over the content that is easily visible and hearable ( :) ) from your yard.  See if they might be willing to limit "R" content to much later?  What time zone are you in?  Do you know if there are any city ordinances that might apply?  I wouldn't go that route unless necessary since it might tick them off quite a bit that you didn't approach them first but it might be an option further down the road...

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I just think outdoor TVs are the worst invention ever.


You can ask them to tone it down. Or you can ask them to angle the tv so you don't see it. Honestly, that would drive me crazy regardless of what they are showing.


I don't think you can demand it, but you can ask.


Or you could have a row of good screening trees put in.


Or you could put in a tall fence.


Or you could buy a chain saw, and just go cut up wood when they are watching tv:). Make them unable to enjoy it:).


I would be so annoyed!

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Pulling down the shades will not work, as my children play in the backyard. No shades on the backyard. And telling my children they just can not go in the backyard anymore is not acceptable either. Until about 8pm, the shows are things like Frozen, because they have a child. But she seems to have an 8pm bedtime, and they have been in that pool every day since the weather turned good, and before that. Their pool is heated and they have  hot tub too. I think that is why they play it so loud is they are trying to be in the hottub, which is on the far side of their yard, near my fence, while watching.

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About the pool being heated, they were out swimming on Jan 1. So, this is nonstop. And they seem to be quite the swimmers! It has been there less than a year so I keep hoping things die down. It did die down when it got cold out, maybe in Oct/November. But started up again, Jan 1. 

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How frustrating for you! 

Our dear friends had a similar problem a few months ago - a new neighbor moved in, and from their daughter's bedroom window she could clearly see into the neighbor (older teen)'s window...and he was up to no good on his computer, if you know what I mean :) The mother was glad to hear about that, actually.


I'd check into ordinances about noise/visual pollution. This sounds like an area for new lawmaking, actually.

I'd let the neighbors know that you can see their television, or that you're bothered by the loudness, or both. 


I'd probably also put up some kind of fencing. Perhaps a trellis? Something that would say "look, I'm blocking out this obnoxious screen you've put out here."

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I kind of feel bad about saying something because they have 1 child, and I have several children, none of whom are quiet. So while they were watching their TV show in the backyard, my children were chasing each other in a game of hide and seek in the back yard. And I kind of liked the neighbors. But, it really is getting bothersome to have that TV blaring all the time like that, and with inappropriate shows. If I stripped naked and beheaded someone in my backyard, or had sex, or cussed up a storm, I am quite certain someone would say something to me.


LOL..ok..I had to laugh...I have been having troubles with my 2 yr old stripping naked out there...But that doesn't count and she is much shorter than the 6 foot fence. 

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I think something should be said. I would probably send a certified letter unless I was close enough (relationship wise) to have a sit down. It doesn't sound like this problem is going to go away.


I would be really surprised if your city/county didn't have some sort of public decency ordinance.

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I think something should be said. I would probably send a certified letter unless I was close enough (relationship wise) to have a sit down. It doesn't sound like this problem is going to go away.


I would be really surprised if your city/county didn't have some sort of public decency ordinance.



They might. I just hate being the nit picky high maintenance grouchy person. So I was running it by this group if I should say anything at all in the first place. As far as I know, they have always been nice, good people. The show they were watching tonight, my husband was watching (but in the privacy of his office). I feel like Mrs Grumpy sometimes. I did call them and mentioned it. I only got their machine. Then after I hung up, I felt awful. Like I am just grumpy and nitpicky.


Another thing is..outside TVs seem common here. But where we moved here from, no one had them, at all. So this whole, share what you watch with the world, just seems so wrong to me. If I am saying or doing anything outside, it is G rated.

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Oh my word!  I would absolutely say something!  They are free to watch whatever they choose in the privacy of their own home.  However, having it outdoors and showing pornography that can even be possibly viewed by other neighbors let alone children is not acceptable.  My hope is they don't realize the tv is visible above your fence line.  I would look into the city ordinances before making contact with them.   I would also be very frank with them regarding the things you & your children have seen. 

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Maybe take some photos from different locations in your house and yard that clearly shows how the television looms over the fence and peers in your windows. Then when you do decide to have a conversation, you have examples of how bad it is. They are probably unaware of just how intrusive it is.

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It isn't porn, it is just R rated. I think when they think about it, they will realize that if they can see and hear it from the hot tub, they can hear it from our backyard. And it is mounted so high, it is clearly visible over the 6 foot fence.

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They might. I just hate being the nit picky high maintenance grouchy person. So I was running it by this group if I should say anything at all in the first place. As far as I know, they have always been nice, good people. The show they were watching tonight, my husband was watching (but in the privacy of his office). I feel like Mrs Grumpy sometimes. I did call them and mentioned it. I only got their machine. Then after I hung up, I felt awful. Like I am just grumpy and nitpicky.


Another thing is..outside TVs seem common here. But where we moved here from, no one had them, at all. So this whole, share what you watch with the world, just seems so wrong to me. If I am saying or doing anything outside, it is G rated.


Well, I don't think you should feel bad. I would probably not specify a rating to them, just ask them to avoid nudity and heavy gore. I know that will leave a grey area, but hopefully they will become a little more aware of what they are putting on the screen and who all can see it. I pointed out the likelihood that it is a local ordinance so that you would realize that all you are asking is for them to follow an already established standard. You are not being nitpicky or grouchy.


I have not heard of outdoor tvs honestly. It seems odd to me. What about bad weather? Do people put up and take down tvs that large whenever rain is coming? Anyway...the neighbors should not be deciding what tv/movies the neighbor kids have access to view. If you (or kids) had to go out of their way (peep through the fence, climb on the roof etc) to see the screen then that would be different.


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Well, I don't think you should feel bad. I would probably not specify a rating to them, just ask them to avoid nudity and heavy gore. I know that will leave a grey area, but hopefully they will become a little more aware of what they are putting on the screen and who all can see it. I pointed out the likelihood that it is a local ordinance so that you would realize that all you are asking is for them to follow an already established standard. You are not being nitpicky or grouchy.


I have not heard of outdoor tvs honestly. It seems odd to me. What about bad weather? Do people put up and take down tvs that large whenever rain is coming? Anyway...the neighbors should not be deciding what tv/movies the neighbor kids have access to view. If you (or kids) had to go out of their way (peep through the fence, climb on the roof etc) to see the screen then that would be different.


I wonder about the weather thing too. Those TVs are still out there in bad weather.  They are still out there in hail storms and I do not know of damage. I have not asked, but I have never seen any. It seems to me if they got damaged in hail, people would not have them like this.


I know their roof was extended to make it a huge covered patio. All our neighbors have one actually, but this one has a huge one, and it is loud. To the sides of us, it is much smaller and they don't try to watch them while swimming or in the hot tub. I am assuming they are swimming or in the hot tub because it is so loud actually. It is quite loud to hear it so clearly from over here.


And, really, the nudity does not bother me so much as the beheading. My husband told me he was watching the same show tonight and there was a beheading. There is a lot of violence. I googled it and I guess there is a lot of sex too. Tonights show was "Game of Thrones." My sight is not the best and I have never seen the show before, but from inside my house, I could read the title of the show when it came on. The backdoor was open so I could clearly hear the music, which seemed like very cool music, so I turned to look and could see the intro sequence and saw the title. I know there have been other such questionable shows on too. So, no porn or anything THAT bad. But stuff with enough that my husband would watch it in private in his office, not out in the open on the regular TVs in the house.

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Game of thrones... yeah, there's a fair bit of sex and violence in that one lol!


I have never seen an outdoor TV before except for the ones in some shopping centers/cities. I figure there must be some law about it... It would be illegal for him to display a pornography picture in a publicly visible place, so the same should apply to a TV (and if he's watching game of thrones there are certainly scenes some would consider pornographic, it's quite a graphic filming style). I guess the problem is technically it is in his yard, I don't know where the law comes in about public display, but surely there must be some legal repercussions. Otherwise, what would stop him (theoretically) playing actual porn or other very graphic shows in full view of the neighbourhood children in summer when school is out?


I am wondering whether the key could be in the height of the mounting. People can mount billboards in their yards provided they adhere to certain regulations, I wonder if the TV, being mounted so high that it's clearly visible, may actually be considered, legally, a billboard and subject to the same laws.


That's a really, really tricky one and I'd be inclined to ask the local council and find out what the laws and regulations are BEFORE complaining, so that you know if you have legal backup or if the laws haven't caught up yet and you are just asking for courtesy. I'd want to know what is legally required of him before I broached the topic. And if it is considered a billboard or in some other way regulated... I know it's kind of underhanded but I'd report him to council, because honestly, with the money he has spent on that setup I doubt he will take kindly to any criticism or restriction and I think you'd have less trouble if it came from council.

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Yuck! That really sounds unpleasant! I can't imagine it being easy to convince them to change their behavior, though. I think your best bet would be a higher fence on that fence line. Maybe you could inexpensively add something onto the existing fence. And, maybe a loud outdoor stereo system to out-blare them . . . with Disney tunes. I am sure it'd irritate them greatly if the noise interfered with their viewing . . . which might begin a conversation. 

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I'm laughing because after reading your initial post I was wondering if it was game of thrones!


I like Barb's idea of pictures from your house and yard.


They really ought to put alternate speakers by the hot tub if they watch from there often, so they could keep it from being so loud.

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It is against the law to exhibit sexually explicit material where it can viewed by the public. There have been arrests of people watching sexually explicit movies in cars because the screens can be seen by people outside the car. I think GoT qualifies as sexually explicit. I would find out what your local ordinances are. If you come across as concerned informative neighbor instead of naggy neighbor, would that help?

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Many places have laws on how loud things can be - esp. after 8 pm. If they are breaking those laws you can file a complaint.

Our town has laws like that. I would check with town's building/code department to see if there are any regulations sbout outdoor TVs.

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No advice beyond what has already been said, but I feel for you.


I would love an outdoor television, but I think they're rude, period.  My backyard is 99.9% secluded, but sound still carries. Even when I bring my laptop out to watch shows, I keep the volume very low or use ear buds.  If I can hear my neighbors tell their dog to poop already 2.5 acres away, I'm sure they'd be able to hear Gordon Ramsey reaming people out at almost any volume!

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This isn't watching something in the privacy of their own home. This is loud and public. Just because they are in their own yard does NOT give them the right to infringe on your activities any more than you have the right to infringe on theirs.They do not have the right to choose viewing material for your children, which is exactly what they are doing by playing something so loud and visible in a yard.


Check into noise ordinances.


Talk to them and see if they can be reasonable. They might have set it all up somewhat cluelessly.


If they will not be reasonable, come at this from the angle of noise ordinances and showing sexually explicit material to a minor without parental consent. Find out what the laws are and use them. Do not depend upon a local village employee to know the laws either--look them up yourself.

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No.  I definitely wouldn't say anything if it is on their own property.  If it bothered me that badly I would build some sort of privacy screen or plant some fast-growing trees.  The noise, on the other hand, I would mention if it's loud enough to hear every word in my home or on my property. 

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How friendly are you?  It's on their property so that makes it really tough.  I wouldn't ask them to stop watching shows they enjoy (and, really, Game of Thrones is SUPER popular right now so no surprise they are watching it - and probably figure everyone else is, too).  I would, if we were friendly, tell them how easy it is to see their TV screen from my house.  But it's still their yard and they are not required to change it.  People who have been arrested for watching things in their vehicles, it's been porn.  They aren't watching porn.

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Wow, I'd not heard of private PERMANENT outdoor TVs. I know people put up screens for sports or movies, but regular everyday TV watching outside if you have nearby neighbors to hear is incredibly obnoxious.  What is wrong with people??


I think you are screwed, sorry.  I like the lattice fence extender idea.

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I kind of feel bad about saying something because they have 1 child, and I have several children, none of whom are quiet. So while they were watching their TV show in the backyard, my children were chasing each other in a game of hide and seek in the back yard. And I kind of liked the neighbors. But, it really is getting bothersome to have that TV blaring all the time like that, and with inappropriate shows. If I stripped naked and beheaded someone in my backyard, or had sex, or cussed up a storm, I am quite certain someone would say something to me.


LOL..ok..I had to laugh...I have been having troubles with my 2 yr old stripping naked out there...But that doesn't count and she is much shorter than the 6 foot fence. 


Are you on good speaking terms with them?   Invite them over sometime; tell them to turn the tv on before coming over.  Then they will be able to see and hear exactly what you do.  They might find a way to turn the screen and will turn it down.


Kids' noise and tv noise are different.  I expect to hear kids yelling in their yards in a suburban neighborhood.  I don't expect to hear a tv show or loud music.  It's different and it's an annoyance.  


There is an informal concert/party venue a few doors down behind us so summer weekends can be difficult because of the loud music, both live and recorded.  Sometimes the music is really good, but I still don't want it blasting in my backyard.  Unfortunately the township noise ordinance says anything goes before 10 pm.

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While I agree that you don't tell people what they should/should not watch in their own home....it's not really in their home. Besides, who the heck does that? How clueless and inconsiderate. An outdoor TV is one thing, but they know you have young children (and obviously they have some sort of standards for their own child), and they know the TV is huge, and they know they're turning up the volume loud enough to be heard over their hot tub, and...


Ugh. Sorry. I'd be grumpy, too. I love Game of Thrones, but I'd be upset if my kids watched it! The graphic violence bothers *me* sometimes.


The fence extender ideas are great, but I'd be pretty ticked off if I had to spend money to make accommodations for the neighbor's obnoxious TV. And it's not going to fix the volume issue.


If it were me, I'd politely let the neighbor know that your young children can see and hear their television, even when you're indoors. I certainly wouldn't try to tell them what they should or should not do, but *maybe* they are that clueless that they don't realize how visible/audible it is. Any normal person would not knowingly set up their TV and watch MA/R shows with young children within eyesight/hearing. And I wouldn't feel bad that you have several children who play outside and, you know, do what kids do in their backyards--play, sometimes loudly. I'm assuming they aren't outside causing a ruckus after the whole neighborhood is in bed, and I'm assuming they aren't cussing like sailors at the top of their lungs.



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Seems to me like there is bound to be some kind of regulations/laws about such things. I know around here, a guy got arrested and convicted of indecent exposure and something about liberties with a minor just because he was naked in his living room and a young girl saw him through his window. Now, whether it was on purpose or not (I bet so) is another story, but still. If you can get in trouble for that, inside your house…….

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I think you might be fighting a losing battle.  Outdoor tvs aren't a thing here, but even if they were, our noise ordinances don't even kick in until after 11 PM.  People have parties and such in their back yards and play music, drink, swear, whatever.  It has to be really offensive for law enforcement to halt a party going on in a back yard even if it's bothering us.   And this is essentially what's going on for you. I agree that a beheading is over the line, but it's after 8 PM and I think it's going to be difficult to get these folks to change things.  


I would perhaps try to add some plants/trees/whatever that would block the line of sight. And as for the noise, if your kids are outside when they're playing unacceptable shows, add some music in your yard. Your kids would certainly hear music from your yard more clearly than sounds from the neighbors tv.   Maybe it sounds passive/aggressive but it's not.  You're solving a problem from the end that you can control. You can't control their behavior but you can take measures to protect your kids. 


I'm glad they aren't our neighbors! I watch a lot of tv but if I want to sit in my yard and read, I don't want a tv blaring.  

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I kind of feel bad about saying something because they have 1 child, and I have several children, none of whom are quiet. So while they were watching their TV show in the backyard, my children were chasing each other in a game of hide and seek in the back yard. And I kind of liked the neighbors. But, it really is getting bothersome to have that TV blaring all the time like that, and with inappropriate shows. If I stripped naked and beheaded someone in my backyard, or had sex, or cussed up a storm, I am quite certain someone would say something to me.


LOL..ok..I had to laugh...I have been having troubles with my 2 yr old stripping naked out there...But that doesn't count and she is much shorter than the 6 foot fence. 


This is what I would say to them (bolded above), including the part about "I like you."  No letters, no phone calls to police, just tell them this. It's not the tv, but the noise and the language and what's on it.  Of course you want them to enjoy their things on their property, and you know their intention was never to share the tv with the neighborhood.


When neighbor issues are brought up on this board, many people suggest getting someone else involved, writing a letter, etc.  BUT when a poster says, omg, a neighbor had the police visit me to talk about my dog, everyone says, "Why didn't the neighbors just TELL you about your dog?"  It doesn't always work, but it's a considerate, neighborly first step.


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I agree with others that it is their home, but they are not watching TV inside their home.  They are watching TV played extremely loudly and displaying it in a fairly public way.  If neighbors were blaring music until late on a regular basis in our neighborhood I guarantee people here would complain and would probably call the cops if it was happening all the time.  Watching adult TV shows (irregardless of popularity this show is for adults; it has nudity, extreme violence, gore, etc) where the neighbors cannot avoid what is showing when they are in their own backyard is invasive and rude.  It isn't inside their home.  It is on a huge TV screen, outdoors, clearly visible to other neighbors.  I would never do that to a neighbor.  But hopefully they genuinely are clueless as to how invasive this is and if you can keep things really pleasant and let them know you are not trying to mess up their wonderful set up, just trying to keep your own yard safe for your family to enjoy, maybe they will work with you one way or another.


If you can talk reasonably with them and perhaps come to an agreement they might be willing to add speaker extensions to the hot tub area so they don't have to blast the sound (we did this for our music since the kids love to swim around in the hot tub in the winter but they like music), and then you could possibly add some lattice fence extensions as others have suggested.  That way they still get to enjoy their outdoor TV and your yard can be your own again.


Edited to add I really like what ThisIsTheDay posted....


Edited again to add that I like Game of Thrones and have read the books (which I like even better) but I would not publicly display the show.

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It may or may not be possible for the OP to put up a taller fence or fence extender, if she's dealing with an HOA (and with lots that size, it wouldn't surprise me). Also, as to kids being outside after 8pm, from mid-April to late August here, the sun doesn't go down until after 8pm so it isn't uncommon for kids to be outside until dark. 



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It may or may not be possible for the OP to put up a taller fence or fence extender, if she's dealing with an HOA (and with lots that size, it wouldn't surprise me). Also, as to kids being outside after 8pm, from mid-April to late August here, the sun doesn't go down until after 8pm so it isn't uncommon for kids to be outside until dark. 

Really good points.  And our sun doesn't go down until after 9pm during the summer.  The kids in our neighborhood are out until 10pm or later during the summer since the evenings are cool enough to play outside but during the day it can be 100+.

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I'd suggest a polite conversation, letting them know the problem.


If that doesn't work I suspect there are some codes, ordinances, laws, and whatever broken.


I'd not approach the legal aspect until after I was sure it was necessary.


Yes, just be nice. If they already keep it G rated before 8pm, because of their daughter, it sounds like they are reasonable folks who get that some things are not appropriate for kids. What time do your kids go to bed? Can you just ask them to wait until after 9pm to watch anything adult, pretty please? By 9pm your kids should be in your own home, with the window shades drawn. 

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We have lots of people in this area with tvs outside, either on covered porches/decks or screened in porches.  I think they're used mostly for football season, tho.  I have a neighbor, in fact, who has a big tv (not as big as 60" tho) set up in their outdoor entertainment area - which is pretty swanky by the way - but we're far enough away it doesn't bother us.  They're also pretty considerate to call up to our house to let us know if they're having an outdoor party of some kind.


I'm quite certain they've invested quite a bit of money in their back yard and might feel a little put-off by someone complaining about the noise; however, as previous posters have said, they may be genuinely clueless as to how loud it is.  You might even approach it as a "wow, you really have a nice set-up!  I hope you don't mind us sitting over here in our yard and watching tv with you, do you?"  They may find it funny and you can joke your way into letting them know that even after 8:00, your kids can still see/hear the tv and maybe they can just keep that in mind for when they are choosing what to watch (FWIW, we love Game of Thrones).  I also like the idea of suggesting speakers near the hot tub.


As for screening trees, there are cypress (?) trees that grow really fast and offer good visual screening, but sadly, it may not do much for noise.  Good luck with this.  It isn't a good situation to be in.

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Wow really, a lot of you live in areas where the noise ordinances doesn't kick in till 10 or 11pm?? I am glad that here it is all day. Seriously if anyone is having a loud party or music or the like that "disturbs the quite enjoyment of another's property" then the police will stop by and tell them to knock it off. If they get called to the same address more than 3 times then they start arresting I think.


I would call the local non emergency number and ask about not only the noise but the display of a tv so others can see it. You said during the day it is like kid's movies, but even that would bug me. What if it is a kid's movie I choose not to let my kids watch? And when I send my kids out to play it is for fresh air and exercise, not to watch a video!


Here permits are needed for speakers over a certain watts (pretty small #, I forget) outside (even at a home), so that might be another avenue to pursue. Also I think the height it is mounted at might matter, because there may be ordinances about putting stuff in public view.


I would know my options before talking to them personally. Can any other neighbors hear/see it??

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Really good points.  And our sun doesn't go down until after 9pm during the summer.  The kids in our neighborhood are out until 10pm or later during the summer since the evenings are cool enough to play outside but during the day it can be 100+.

That is pretty much how it is here. It was over 90 today so once it starts to cool down, kids go out. And they stay out later as it gets hotter out.

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Oh I wouldn't like this.  I assume you have no HOA ??  No neighborhood rules about what can be in the backyard?  (While i hated ours, it would help in this situation)  


If it were me I would say something to the effect of your kids are outside and could they consider the show choice until 9pm?  Let them know from inside you can see the entire screen...maybe they could lower it?  And you can hear the entire show....maybe they could lower it?  Let them know it bothers you.  Give them a chance to correct their rudeness.  


Then I would go buy those plants that grow very tall and line my yard with them.  Pay for the ones already above 6 ft tall.  


I would also install outdoor speakers and play music appropriate for the kids to hear to help drown out the tv sounds.  


And I would continually call the police about noise from their place every time you can hear it past 8pm.  Even if your town has a limit of 10pm for noise, you can call sooner...most cities have a Db law for daytime.  And I would call often.  


Have you asked the neighbor on the other side of them what they think about it?  


I think it's rude to put the screen where you can see it so clearly.  I'm pretty sure legally no one can just put up a screen and show whatever they want to the public.....if more than one person complained I think you would see action on this sooner.  So rally the neighbors around you???  


I wouldn't like that at all.  Of course I hate public crowds at all these days b/c of the cursing.  We were at brunch recently and I was about to say something to the young ladies next to us and their language when one saw my look, my kids, and said something to the effect that she forgets kids are around and perhaps she shouldn't say those words.  Um, yeah, you think??

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