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What's all the hype about the Frozen movie?


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I really don't understand the hype.  It was cute....but so are a bunch of other Disney movies.


However, in my own house we have my 18yo who thinks it's the Best Disney Movie EVER!  And my 15yo who wrote a scathing review of it on her blog, basically ripping her sister's opinion to shreds.

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We finally went to see it at the cheap theatre yesterday. 


The three of us (48yo female, 16yo female, 12yo male with Down Syndrome) enjoyed. I don't know that it was "best ever", but it held my attention well. I really appreciate how they handled the "act of true love"--moving away from previous Disney stereotypes. 

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I really liked it.  My girls will not stop singing "Let It Go" at the top of their lungs.  My boys hate that and hate it even more when I join in instead of telling them to be quiet.  :001_smile: I liked how true love was portrayed as laying one's life down for someone rather than all the gushy feelings a girl can get when she first meets someone. 

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Things I liked about it:


Quote from Elsa, "You can't marry someone you just met!"


Quote from one of the male characters, “You mean to tell me you got engaged to someone you just met that day?â€


The girls save themselves with no interference from anyone else. The final message of the movie is self-sacrifice.

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I loved it.  The more I watch it, the more I catch.  My 13 yo non-literature loving kid caught on that every time Elsa and Anna are in the same area, the ice starts melting.  Love!!!!  I didn't catch that!


I loved the theme of self sacrificial love.  I loved the music.  I really love Olaf ("Some people are worth melting for!").  


But, maybe the reason I love it so much is that I got to see it the first time in 3-D on a Disney cruise!  So, I was in the Disney spirit and mood.


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I wouldn't say it was the best movie ever, but I really enjoyed it, and my daughter loved it.  


I think it's just one of those cultural currency things right now... all the parents of young kids are aware of it and have seen it, so if you make a joke about it everyone will get it.  People like making in-jokes that their peers will get, and people like getting in-jokes too.  Makes everyone feel current and funny :)

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We loved it.  


Did anybody notice Rapunzel and Eugene in the movie?  DD picked them out and I had to pause the movie to see them.  


There's a theory out there that the King and Queen were going to Rapunzel's wedding when their boat wrecked, and that that's the shipwreck that Ariel is exploring in the beginning of The Little Mermaid. 



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There's a theory out there that the King and Queen were going to Rapunzel's wedding when their boat wrecked, and that that's the shipwreck that Ariel is exploring in the beginning of The Little Mermaid. 




I saw that yesterday.  Funny thing was in the theater DD kept insisting she saw Rapunzel in the movie.  

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I enjoyed it but WAY over the top hype on it. My 9 year old daughter is over the moon about this movie. I have a 17 year old niece that has hundreds of dollars in Frozen merchandise already and she posted pictures of it all over facebook. Weird! SPOILER - I do like it was about 2 sisters sticking together, and not a typical the prince saves the princess story.

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We saw it twice in the theater, own the soundtrack, and bought the DVD when it came out. My oldest dd, 14, and her friends love it. We had a big sleepover a few weeks ago and they kept singing parts of it so often that it was annoying.


ETA: The hype is crazy though. We were just at Disney and people were waiting up to four hours to see the characters at Epcot. :huh: The Norway section was so busy we just walked right past.

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Well, I'm glad you all are listing things about it that make me want to watch it. 

I guess I'll have to get over my extreme "miff-ted-ness" that they (Disney) once again took a classic fairytale (The Snow Queen) and twisted it beyond recognition. The Snow Queen is probably my favorite fairytale ever, so it's hard to Let It Go.

(See what I did there?)

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Initially, I just thought it was a pretty good movie. I thought it was pretty to watch. Had a bit too much singing for me. Then... My 15 year old daughter told me why she loved it. Oh my goodness... It brought me to tears. She is the proud owner of being diagnosed with depression. Since her brother died, it hit her hard. It took me awhile to see it and even then it was more because she told me that she needed help. She has spent a year working on finding a better place. She told me that the Let It Go song summed up how she felt perfectly. I told her that made me sad that she suffered. She told me that I shouldn't be sad because I saved her just as Anna saved Elsa in the movie. She said true love saved her. Oh... It still makes me cry when I hear the song. I bought her the DVD and gave her a card saying I would walk to the ends of the earth to save her.

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Well, I'm glad you all are listing things about it that make me want to watch it. 

I guess I'll have to get over my extreme "miff-ted-ness" that they (Disney) once again took a classic fairytale (The Snow Queen) and twisted it beyond recognition. The Snow Queen is probably my favorite fairytale ever, so it's hard to Let It Go.

(See what I did there?)


I love The Snow Queen as well. 


Some of them really sting like The Little Mermaid, Pocahontas, and Mulan. I think if one separates it from the fairy tale then it stands alone as good. At least they changed the name of the story. :lol:


I hate it when they mess with Han Christian Andersen or REAL PEOPLE!

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I haven't seen the whole movie, just bits and pieces when my nieces were here with the DVD so I can't really comment on the movie itself but I am impressed that it is a movie that is appealing to the tween/young teen and even above girls.  SOOOOO much better than so many other things out there aimed at those age groups.

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Initially, I just thought it was a pretty good movie. I thought it was pretty to watch. Had a bit too much singing for me. Then... My 15 year old daughter told me why she loved it. Oh my goodness... It brought me to tears. She is the proud owner of being diagnosed with depression. Since her brother died, it hit her hard. It took me awhile to see it and even then it was more because she told me that she needed help. She has spent a year working on finding a better place. She told me that the Let It Go song summed up how she felt perfectly. I told her that made me sad that she suffered. She told me that I shouldn't be sad because I saved her just as Anna saved Elsa in the movie. She said true love saved her. Oh... It still makes me cry when I hear the song. I bought her the DVD and gave her a card saying I would walk to the ends of the earth to save her.

Oh my goodness!!!!  What an amazing story.  ((hugs))

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I didn't read all the replies, but why does it need to have a message?   Can't it just be a fun, cute movie?  That said, if I had to find a message, I could find a few.  


We really enjoyed it.  It was cute, Olaf was adorable and had some great one-liners, and the heroine decks the villain!   When we saw it, a whole big group of teenagers, all boys, stood up at the end and gave the movie a standing ovation.  These weren't young teens, either, they all looked old enough to drive.  That made me smile.  That a Disney movie could move a bunch of testosterone filled boys to find their inner child and appreciate a kid's movie.  My 17 ds loves the movie, and sings the songs all the time.  The theaters here do sing -alongs, and he really wants to go to one.  BTW- it's still in the theaters here, (not the dollar movie) even though it has already been released on dvd. 

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Well, I'm glad you all are listing things about it that make me want to watch it. 

I guess I'll have to get over my extreme "miff-ted-ness" that they (Disney) once again took a classic fairytale (The Snow Queen) and twisted it beyond recognition. The Snow Queen is probably my favorite fairytale ever, so it's hard to Let It Go.

(See what I did there?)


Seriously? Frozen is a Disney-fied retelling of The Snow Queen? I had no idea, so yeah, definitely beyond recognition for me. I always loved The Snow Queen. 

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I saw it and it was ok. I thought Rapunzel was better. There were weird plot holes in Frozen that bugged me. Here's the honest trailer for it (honest trailer tells what movies are "really" about, pointing out plot holes and stuff. They're funny.)



FYI - If you are going to watch this, kick littles out of the room.  There are some things I don't want my 8 yo dd repeating!!!!!  (Hans being "turned on" by reindeer being one of them!)

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Yeah, this does not really resemble the Snow Queen, if that is what Disney was after.  I do think the movie is about overcoming anxiety and/or depression or other personal mental health obstacles, and allowing those who truly love you to support and help you through it. 

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FYI - If you are going to watch this, kick littles out of the room.  There are some things I don't want my 8 yo dd repeating!!!!!  (Hans being "turned on" by reindeer being one of them!)


Ha ha, my friend had to explain to her 10yo daughter that singing "We're totally going to pork" was not appropriate.  The friend turned bright red and wailed "But I've been singing it all day!"  Oops.

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I don't think it is the best movie ever or anything but we all enjoyed watching it this week. My girls love it especially my 6 year old. Personally I liked Tangled better. I think the part where he says "You got engaged to someone you just met?" was hilarious considering the typical Disney princess movie. ;)

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I got dragged to see it by my 9 year old son. I ended up loving it. He owns the soundtrack and does a mean cover of "Let it Go" I like it because he loves it so much. And we tend to love musicals in this house, so it wasn't a stretch.


I am surprised that the boys ended up liking it much more than the lego movie. Don't get me wrong, they really like that one as well, but they haven't asked to buy the Lego movie or the soundtrack. They don't usually ask for stuff like that, so they must really like Frozen.

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I thought it was a cute movie.  Not great, but cute.  I think it has been popular with the FB meme crowd because of the never ending winter this year for the northern areas.  I have seen several pleas to make Elsa happy so spring could show up.

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I saw it and it was ok. I thought Rapunzel was better. There were weird plot holes in Frozen that bugged me. Here's the honest trailer for it (honest trailer tells what movies are "really" about, pointing out plot holes and stuff. They're funny.)



Oh my goodness, I laughed so hard I cried!

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