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Anxiety is stupid - update in #34

Night Elf

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I am not sure people without anxiety understand just how awful it can be. I'm supposed to have lunch with my DH today. I have to drive to his work to pick him up. I'm so nervous that my stomach is twisted in knots. It's been years since I've been over there. I was under the influence of a sleeping pill when I came up with the idea last night. He's looking forward to it, so I can't change my mind. It just feels terrible.

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One of the things that is bothering me is wondering if we're even going to find a seat at the restaurant. It's a really small, popular place. If we can sit down together to eat, I'll probably be fine. When I pick him up, I'm going to make him drive so I don't have to worry about going through traffic to find the restaurant. My doctor said it's good that I don't turn down things that make me uncomfortable because I could get afraid to leave the house. I don't ever want to be that bad. I do have anxiety pills that I save for emergencies. This might be a good time to take one. I didn't tell DH I am afraid, but I know he knows. We have a joke about my field trip anxiety. Ds has an outside homeschool class that has field trips. I only go if DH can take off work to go with me, and even then I'm anxious until we've been there a little while.

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Hugs.  I don't know if it really helps or is "just in my mind" but a friend (who is a PA) told me to take 400-600mg of Ibuprofen ahead of time.  I don't have much anxiety except when I was horseback riding on my new horse.  I loved it but I was in knots.  It did help.


I don't know if it would generalize to other types of anxiety but with my anxiety over horseback riding I would take baby steps and then remind myself of each babystep or NEW thing I had done (and lived to tell about it :-))


Like, I got on my horse today without someone else holding him.

I walked around the pasture without someone else leading him or walking next to me

I walked around the yard outside of the fence

.........on and on to things like

I rode a new trail

I rode out with a new horse

we cantered down the trail

We got passed on the road by a UPS truck and lived


It might not help this time but maybe take babysteps that are uncomfortable and then write down what you did and then the next time push yourself just a tiny bit more and keep building on it.  Again, not sure if it will help general anxiety but it sure has helped my horseback riding.


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I know exactly what you are talking about. One thing I have found helpful is some CDs by Claire Weeks called Pass Through Panic. I listen to them in my car when I am driving somewhere that I am anxious about. She has a very calming voice (Australian) and she just makes sense of the anxiety/panic that I feel in such a way that it takes the fear out of it for me.


I hope your lunch goes well!

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Hugs.  I don't know if it really helps or is "just in my mind" but a friend (who is a PA) told me to take 400-600mg of Ibuprofen ahead of time.  I don't have much anxiety except when I was horseback riding on my new horse.  I loved it but I was in knots.  It did help.





My daughter has major struggles with anxiety, and we have found that taking some Ibuprofen immediately before the event helps tremendously.  For me, I will get a migraine immediately after a high stress period (which I handle fine during the moment).  If I take Ibuprofen once a day (maybe twice) for a couple of days after the high stress situation is resolved, I can avoid the migraine,  It took me 30 years to figure that out (only after I had a daughter that I was trying to help with anxiety).


You WILL have a nice lunch with your husband.  It WILL be OK.   (((((hugs)))))

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I totally get it. I'm actually in therapy right now to get help for anxiety/a driving phobia that I've had since my teenage years when I got my license. It is very challenging, to be sure, especially doing this in the midst of the worst winter we've had in over 60 years but I wish I had gotten help sooner. I didn't realize until I started the process that our health insurance would cover the entire expense & we haven't had to pay a dime out of pocket for my treatment. It might be worth checking into. 


[some other things, besides Cognitive Behavioral Therapy & Mindfulness Therapy -- both approaches my therapist uses with me--  that are helping: getting an updated eye glass prescription, working on improving my driving knowledge base & skill level with some help, the works of Claire Weekes & Joseph Clough, breath work and then practice, practice, practice. I'm a definite work in progress but I'm starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel and that my life can be different.]


I hope that you have a nice lunch with your husband!  Two of my goals are to be able to meet my husband for lunch at work (requires highway driving & is over 30 minutes away) and to be able to take my DD on outings/field trips that are out my "driving comfort zone" so I really understand. Hugs. 

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Update: I really appreciate the well wishes, and knowing so many here do understand. I feel like such a fool when I'm anxious because logically I know there is no problem. The lunch went well, better than I expected. I had to drive on a highway and I hate merging, but the road was empty so it was no stress. I got to DH's work with no problem and let him drive us to the restaurant. It wasn't crowded and in fact, DH said he's never seen it so empty at that time of day. We were able to find a booth next to the wall which helped me feel better. DH drove us back to his work. Thankfully, after another no stress drive on the high way, I had no problem getting back to my local area where I'm comfortable. So now I'm home and in my comfy clothes because i don't have to go back out again. I might even make cupcakes tonight!


BTW, I have been diagnosed with general anxiety disorder and am under the care of a physician, but thanks for the ideas because I would wholeheartedly recommend that course to someone in my position.

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:grouphug: I strongly, strongly recommend that you look in to EFT (tapping).


Actually, if you go to tappingworldsummit.com, which is a free event going on right now, tonight's presentations are on releasing Anxiety and Anger. You can sign up, then watch the quick beginner's video to learn about the tapping points so at 8 EST (and for 24 hours after) you can listen and learn the audio presentation interviews.


I cannot stress strongly enough how much I recommend EFT. It's is what I will be known for on this board (thinking about the thread about Bill's well-known opinions). :)

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