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Alternative Swear Words...


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At my uncle's 80th birthday bash, his kids told about hearing him walk into the vacuum cleaner that one of his kids had left in a walkway, stubbing his toe in the dark of the wee hours. 


What came out of his mouth became family lore, and since we heard it, has made it into our family's usage:  Humphrey BO-gart!!!!!

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My kids love Slap Ya Mama. Sigh.

Mine are more of the elf variety. Cotton headed ninnymuggins, hot dog on a stick, jeepers criminy, fudge sauce. 

I don't often waste time on replacements. I go straight for the dirtiest words. I grew up on the dark side of Hollywood, and I served in the Navy. I left Marines speechless. It's a hard habit to break. 


I forgot the 2 I use most often, For crying in the rain, and cheese and crackers. 

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My MIL (whom I have heard use a real swear word exactly once in the 27 years I've known her) gets much mileage out of "piffle."


I'm partial to, "Ah, nuggets."


And bonus points to a friend who convinced her kids that when that semi cut her off on the freeway she actually said "truck axle." 

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I use them all the time, lol. I blame my grandmother (she had some good ones).

"Oh fudgesickles!"

"Son of a beaver!"

"Suger snaps!"

"Freaking A!"

"Well bless your heart..."

.... those are my favorites and I use them too frequently :p


ETA: we do not care if the children say "crap".

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LOL, funny thread.  I tend to pull things from movies:

crab nuggets! (Megamind)

son of a motherless goat (3 Amigos!)

good night nurse! (old movie)

love a duck! (old movie)


this reminded me of the Tim Hawkins bit:



Actually, after watching that again... I think I use a lot more.  Crud-muffin is pretty common here... :o

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'Fish' as in, "She's such a fish"


But it comes with a backstory... We were at the beach on day when youngest dd was about 4. She was swimming and diving through the waves and her sister older commented that she was 'such a fish.' Well, dd misheard her and started running up the beach yelling at the top of her little lungs, "She called me a b!$%h, mom. She just called me a b!$%h!!!"  Everyone within ear shot turns to look as poor older daughter is running behind yelling, "I said FISH! I said FISH!!!!!!!"  So, since then it's just been in the family lexicon.

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Well, poop on a stick


And nonsense syllables I string together.  I figure the more ridiculous it sounds, the more it will diffuse my emotions.  :)


Common ones like darn, dang, crap, shoot, dog gone it, and dad burn are used frequently, too.

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Oh, I say "good grief" all the time! 


That video was hilarious.  I use a ton of those, many times a day, and don't even notice doing it.  I bet that says something about my personality. 


"Good Grief" cannot be a swear word. The grandma on the Walton show said it all the time and she would not swear.  :laugh:

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