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I got one present from dh.


A CD sized box that says:





He says that the contents of the box will not make sense until Feb when the rest of the present arrives, so for me to not bother peeking in the box.



Our 20th wedding anniversary is Feb 19.  I have no idea if that is coincidental or on purpose though.  He will not give me any clues. 





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I got one present from dh.


A CD sized box that says:





He says that the contents of the box will not make sense until Feb when the rest of the present arrives, so for me to not bother peeking in the box.



Our 20th wedding anniversary is Feb 19. I have no idea if that is coincidental or on purpose though. He will not give me any clues.

I could not handle that. I literally cannot control my free will in those situations!

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I got one present from dh.


A CD sized box that says:





He says that the contents of the box will not make sense until Feb when the rest of the present arrives, so for me to not bother peeking in the box.



Our 20th wedding anniversary is Feb 19. I have no idea if that is coincidental or on purpose though. He will not give me any clues.

Ugh! That's so mean!! Lol!

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I got one present from dh.


A CD sized box that says:





He says that the contents of the box will not make sense until Feb when the rest of the present arrives, so for me to not bother peeking in the box.



Our 20th wedding anniversary is Feb 19. I have no idea if that is coincidental or on purpose though. He will not give me any clues.

I would consider that torture!


You could always peek!!

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I got one present from dh.


A CD sized box that says:





He says that the contents of the box will not make sense until Feb when the rest of the present arrives, so for me to not bother peeking in the box.



Our 20th wedding anniversary is Feb 19.  I have no idea if that is coincidental or on purpose though.  He will not give me any clues. 


We'll all be waiting on Feb 10th to find out what this is all about.

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I got one present from dh.


A CD sized box that says:





He says that the contents of the box will not make sense until Feb when the rest of the present arrives, so for me to not bother peeking in the box.



Our 20th wedding anniversary is Feb 19. I have no idea if that is coincidental or on purpose though. He will not give me any clues.

My bet is on tickets to something (concert, musical?).


My odd but totally awesome gift was a fondue pot. I mentioned to dh how fun it would be to have one and he got me one! I'm seriously excited about it.

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I received a 2nd hand turkey baster from ds4. Every year, the local school has a room set aside during their holiday craft fair for the children to do their holiday shopping, no adults allowed. It's stocked with donations that are collected from the community and are usually priced between $0.05-$0.50. They even offer free gift wrap for the kids so that the presents are a surprise on Christmas morning. Ds saw this "water squirter" and just knew that it was exactly what his mommy needed. We've taken it apart and given it a bath in vinegar and then another in bleach water, and now it will probably find a home in the bathtub for awhile. He was so proud of himself that he was practically glowing when I opened it. It definitely made me smile. It'll be one of those things we talk about for a long time,.... Remember that year when ds gave mom an old turkey baster?,....


So, what funny/odd thing did you receive today?

My three year old gave me a meat tenderizer! It goes well with your turkey baster. :) My DH said my little guy saw it in the store and just knew it was the thing I needed. lol

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my daughter painted a couple plates at the pottery place out of some of her own designs. I've no idea what I'll do with them. they'd made great cookie plates, or such. (she doodles on post-it notes while she waits for computers to run whatever.  they're very graphic.  abstract and precise.  they remind me of b&w italian pottery..  her bff took dd's fav design and made a platter for her for a christmas gift.  dd drooled over it.  she hugged the mixer I got her.  :) )

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I got one present from dh.


A CD sized box that says:





He says that the contents of the box will not make sense until Feb when the rest of the present arrives, so for me to not bother peeking in the box.



Our 20th wedding anniversary is Feb 19.  I have no idea if that is coincidental or on purpose though.  He will not give me any clues. 


How cruel of him!  You mean WE have to wait until Feb to find out??? Tell him the Hive MUST know what's in that box RIGHT NOW!  S


Seriously though, I din't know how you'll stand it.


Our annual bag of hand-me-downs and used knick-knacks from one aunt.  Some are perfectly nice; some, like the dented bird thermometer for ds16, rather odd.


A Groupon for a tour on Segways!  


That bag sounds like it would be exciting.  It's like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get!


I would so go on a Segway tour!



I haven't gotten anything odd in years, but several years ago (pre kids) some older relative (I can't think of who off the top of my head) sent James Bond and me "seat belt buddies," which are these lambswool things that wrap around the seat best to keep them from rubbing your neck.  Weird.

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I had mentioned at Halloween how back in the dim dark ages of my childhood we'd get a few packs of candy cigarettes and pretend to smoke.  Can't even find them in the stores now.


So of course my oldest dd found me an entire retro CASE of the blasted things!   I am "smoking" one right now as I type this - yuck - same old rock hard sugar that I remember....but I can channel Don Draper (no, make that Peggy) now.....

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Little odd. A kit to sand, stain and assemble my own clothespins. I admit the sample one does look nice and had sturdy hardware but it was a little odd too. DH mentioned it being winter that it would be a nice project, I might stick with sewing instead. Plus I don't have a clothesline anymore.

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Little odd. A kit to sand, stain and assemble my own clothespins. I admit the sample one does look nice and had sturdy hardware but it was a little odd too. DH mentioned it being winter that it would be a nice project, I might stick with sewing instead. Plus I don't have a clothesline anymore.

This made me laugh. Who knew such a thing existed?

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I got one present from dh.


A CD sized box that says:





He says that the contents of the box will not make sense until Feb when the rest of the present arrives, so for me to not bother peeking in the box.



Our 20th wedding anniversary is Feb 19.  I have no idea if that is coincidental or on purpose though.  He will not give me any clues. 


Since people are guessing, I'll add mine.  I say it's a DVD that of a movie that takes place in some fabulous location he's going to whisk you off to on a trip for your anniversary.


We should have a contest!  Guess what's in Tap's tiny gift!

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Nothing odd this year, but two years ago, when my oldest boys were 12 and 13, MIL gave them a Disney Cars themed matching game that said "for ages 3-6" on the box.   :crying:


My dh once received a game for ages 3-6 from his aunt -- when he was nearly 30 years old! Ds hadn't even been born yet. Just a little wooden block game for her adult nephew. :lol:


We've received a lot of odd gifts over the years, but nothing strange this year. One box hasn't arrived yet, however, and it's from the branch of our family most likely to give unusual gifts, so we'll see.

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My husband (who shaves his head completely and smoothly bald) was given a hair-drying towel from his boss.


While all the posts are great, this is my favorite so far! 




Here's mine. Ds gave me the following. The gift tag said, "From the worst offender"


Pic removed 9-11-14. I got a sign that said "KEEP THIS DOOR CLOSED".


If the laundry room door is left open in the winter, the cold air comes right into the kitchen and gets the downstairs cold. Kind of defeats the purpose of the wood stove, kwim? I am convinced ds is trying to send me to an early grave w/ the way he leaves it open.


I don't know whether to scratch my head that he gave me this sign or hug him because he, at least at one point during his time on this earth, has contemplated closing that door. 


***Editing to add what the sign I got as a gift says, verbatim (because I love the use of the word "must" and, again, am in awe that ds chose it.):




Sorry I didn't get it right the first time. It's on a different level of the house than I am. 

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My youngest got an outfit from grandma that is a size too small. No problem, but it came with this explanation,

"So you can pass it down to (younger cousin) sooner!" and a big smile. This fantastically awkward sentiment was accompanied by a gleeful cheer from the cousin and her mom, and a round of hugs.


How wrong would it be for me to ask for the receipt to exchange it?

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My youngest got an outfit from grandma that is a size too small. No problem, but it came with this explanation,

"So you can pass it down to (younger cousin) sooner!" and a big smile. This fantastically awkward sentiment was accompanied by a gleeful cheer from the cousin and her mom, and a round of hugs.


How wrong would it be for me to ask for the receipt to exchange it?


I'd exchange it without the receipt if the store allows that. If I thought it was some kind of "Well I HAD to get you something but the Favored Child likes this so I got it for youknowing they'd get it soon" I'd donate it or use it to check the oil in my car.



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An entire set of garnishing tools. You know- lemon zester, julienne slicer...


I CAN cook. I NEVER do "fancy" things-  I appreciate them, but they are a complete waste of time & effort IMO. I also hate washing extra dishes (no dishwasher here!)  Plus, I can do all the tricks these gizmos do with my nice set of knives. I just choose not to.


And it;s from HSN and I can't return it. Partly because I'm too lazy to go to the post office, and also because DH used the box as a coffin for our recently departed pet lizard. :glare:

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DH was waaayyyyy out there this year. I had never heard of this, asked for this, yearned for this, looked at this in a catalog, or googled it. And yet it appeared under our tree. With my name on it.



My DH gave me....














Rock 'em Sock 'em Robots






The children are enjoying it anyhow.

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Shouldn't the planting be a part of the gift?


Hope you feel better soon.


My parents did offer but my father's back isn't in good shape so I didn't take him up on it. I think I'm just probably more frustrated than anything else with trying to find places for two 30' foot trees (their eventual height) that won't block the light to my orange trees. Sigh, the life of a suburban gardener.

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An entire set of garnishing tools. You know- lemon zester, julienne slicer...


I CAN cook. I NEVER do "fancy" things-  I appreciate them, but they are a complete waste of time & effort IMO. I also hate washing extra dishes (no dishwasher here!)  Plus, I can do all the tricks these gizmos do with my nice set of knives. I just choose not to.


And it;s from HSN and I can't return it. Partly because I'm too lazy to go to the post office, and also because DH used the box as a coffin for our recently departed pet lizard. :glare:


But what a lovely hostess gift it will make for somebody! You should probably find a new box, though. Sorry about your lizard.


My odd gift wasn't exactly odd...I just had no idea what it was. Now that I know it is a gnocchi board, I'm quite pleased with it. Still have to look into how to use it, though.

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Here's one thing a little odd. My dad sent us a set of LED flameless candles. They are sort of nice and decorative, but identical to a set he sent last year. I'm not sure how many flameless candles one house needs! This in addition to camping lanterns and flashlights he has sent us in previous years. I guess he really wants to make sure we are properly illuminated. :)

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DH was waaayyyyy out there this year. I had never heard of this, asked for this, yearned for this, looked at this in a catalog, or googled it. And yet it appeared under our tree. With my name on it.


My DH gave me....


Rock 'em Sock 'em Robots


The children are enjoying it anyhow.

Maybe he was thinking of Sweet Home Alabama?

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A pepper grinder.


My husband and I don't really exchange gifts. I don't cook. At. All. He basically bought the pepper grinder for himself and put my name on it. I was not amused.


At least for the new cordless drill I wanted I actually labeled it for me :). See why we don't exchange gifts?

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My ex-MIL mailed me a cowgirl skirt. She knows my style, and usually does a great job picking out clothes for me. LOL  Even my ex-husband was like :huh: "WTF??" when I opened it. When I called to thank her, she said she thought my daughter would like it. My daughter is going through a cowgirl phase, it's true, but I don't typically dress for her whims!


I'd totally trade it for the face/butt towel. I had to stop leaving my towel in the bathroom to dry because I couldn't trust the kids not to use it (the wrong way!) and I'd get icked out wondering if they had, in fact, used the unofficial face side to wipe their southern hemispheres. They don't share my issues, or yet see the importance of a really thorough cleaning. ;) I just shivered thinking about it.

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