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Where did you get your avatar picture?

Excelsior! Academy

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Mine is a reminder of our time in Europe. We lived in Germany for 4 years and loved it. The picture is the view from a window of Mont. Saint. Michel, I took the picture and cropped it square for an avatar.




I also use it on my phonics web page, with the quote, "Reading. Your window on the world. Phonics makes it happen."




I love the colors and the imagery. On my web page, you can more clearly see the ocean and the tree and the framing.

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I made mine myself. I steal the book cover pictures from various places. The theory is I would change it sometimes, and I did do so for a couple years.


But I am way behind now. Just pretend that I had a Percy Jackson one up for a couple months and now it's a myth-o-mania one, or a 39 clues one.


I do have a pile of my old ones. I liked being able to keep it the same, yet chance it.

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I made mine myself. I steal the book cover pictures from various places. The theory is I would change it sometimes, and I did do so for a couple years.


But I am way behind now. Just pretend that I had a Percy Jackson one up for a couple months and now it's a myth-o-mania one, or a 39 clues one.


I do have a pile of my old ones. I liked being able to keep it the same, yet chance it.

I never noticed it changed, that is cool!


Can you post all your old ones?

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Honda's website, Google, and some Photoshop (back when I actually had a bootleg copy of Photoshop on a now-dead PC).  Sorry, I don't really have a monster minivan.  th_Smiley26-1.gif    Kinda like I made this one for a CafePress shop years ago, but never really did anything with it:



So...You're going to do something with that now and link to it so all the homeschool wives can buy a stuff with that on it for their husbands, right?:D

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So...You're going to do something with that now and link to it so all the homeschool wives can buy a stuff with that on it for their husbands, right?:D

I suppose I could, but I'd have to change the text to read homeschool husbands, because, while I know from asking that "homeschool dad" is typically used to describe the working spouse of a hsing mom, as an actual dad-who-homeschools, I'm unwilling to water down the distinction. Now that you mention it, tho, maybe I should put all those other hs graphics and fleece the whole board for $29.99 a pop.


See, now I'll be up late plotting. Thanks.

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