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Stuffing or dressing? Cornbread or bread? No meat or sausage? Veggies? Nuts? Fruits?


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So, how does it break down in your family?


Stuffing -- we call it stuffing but I don't stuff it in the turkey so a misnomer, LOL.

Dried Bread cubes

Sage sausage

Onions & celery, liquified in blender (family tradition!)

Bell's poultry seasoning

Chicken broth



(I'm salivating just thinking about it!)

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Dressing baked in a casserole dish



chicken broth





garlic powder

celery cooked down in butter (no onions because I despise onions!)

a tiny bit of white bread

turkey drippings

cream of chicken soup



all mashed and stirred together until the consistency of thick cake batter

Baked until golden brown. Yummy!!


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Italian bread cubed


Italian sausage




Fresh stock

Whole cream


Parmesan cheese

Parsley (though I usually use carrot tops for this and no one is any the wiser)


Not a diet food. I call it stuffing because that's just what I do but I don't stuff the bird. When it is my turn to cook a turkey, I stuff the cavity with aromatics and bacon and cook the whole thing upside down until the last bit. Very juicy.

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So, how does it break down in your family?


Stuffing -- we call it stuffing but I don't stuff it in the turkey so a misnomer, LOL.

Dried Bread cubes

Sage sausage

Onions & celery, liquified in blender (family tradition!)

Bell's poultry seasoning

Chicken broth



(I'm salivating just thinking about it!)


I don't know whether I say stuffing or dressing, lol. I put some in the bird, and some in a casserole dish, so I guess we have both. :-)


I've done cornbread (with my own homemade cornbread) but we weren't excited about it. I'll go back to bread.


I've done it with sausage, but we just like the traditional onions, celery, sage, chicken broth, etc.

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Definitely Dressing here because I don't like to add all that cooking time to the turkey - more work for me!


And ... to continue the heresy.... Stove Top Cornbread mix from the box.  Replace the butter with bacon grease and mix chopped up bacon and crab right after it comes out of the microwave.



(yes, I know how to make it from scratch of course, but everyone seems most fond of the spices and seasonings in the box mix.....)


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I grew up with stove top stuffing, straight from the box, as a side dish.  When my aunt made thanksgiving, she would put stuffing in the bird, which my mom hated, but i liked.  She didnt like that it absorbed the drippings, making it harder to make home made gravy.


I'm gluten free now, and I found this spicy corn bread whatever, which i bake in a casserole.  Its southwestern spicy, corn bread, eggs . . . Oh, and I cut the recipe way back, because its just my family  http://allrecipes.com/recipe/creole-cornbread-stuffing-2/detail.aspx

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We call it stuffing too, even though we don't stuff it in the turkey either.


Stuffing is one of the things my mom always offers to bring over to our house for Thanksgiving.  I don't know exactly what she puts in there, but it's always yummy and it's one less thing I have to make - so I don't ask questions.  :p

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I grew up with my mom's homemade stuffing/dressing.  We called the stuff in the bird stuffing and cooked outside dressing, although we had both and it was the same thing just cooked different.


My always made her own bread both regular and corn bread and did a mix of them about half and half.  She always added in onions, celery, seasoning (salt, pepper, sage, etc.), and I am not sure what else.  I hate the taste of it, but the house doesn't smell right without it on Thanksgiving.  One year mom decided since she was the main person who liked it she wasn't going to make any, and didn't tell us ahead.  My brother was very upset.  We never knew he cared so much, so now mom always makes sure to make some.

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Pennsylvania Dutch Bread Filling


(Which actually 'fills' nothing because we don't shove it in the turkey)


Onions and celery sauteed in a ton of butter

Homemade mash potatoes made extra 'loose'

cubes of fresh soft bread


Mixed together and baked along side the turkey

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Two types of stuffing, both cooked in huge crockpots (we are stuffing fiends):


(1) "regular"

day old bread, cubed

chopped onion and celery

moistened with stock from the turkey giblets (brown all bits slightly along w coarsely chopped carrot and onion, add a cup(ish) of white wine, some salt and pepper and poultry seasoning and cover with chicken stock or broth, simmer for an hour)


(2) apple-walnut stuffing (an actual recipe that I'm too lazy to pull out of the box right behind me)

chopped celery and onion, sauteed in butter (yum) until tender but not brown

day old bread, cubed

cooking apples, finely chopped

walnuts, finely chopped

some parsley, again finely chopped

salt, pepper, poultry seasoning

and some other things

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Definitely Dressing here because I don't like to add all that cooking time to the turkey - more work for me!


And ... to continue the heresy.... Stove Top Cornbread mix from the box. Replace the butter with bacon grease and mix chopped up bacon and crab right after it comes out of the microwave.



(yes, I know how to make it from scratch of course, but everyone seems most fond of the spices and seasonings in the box mix.....)

I need to taste this before I die.

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Stuffing or dressing? Cornbread or bread? No meat or sausage? Veggies? Nuts? Fruits?



Both cornbread and bread (usually sourdough)

Meat? Depends on if vegetarian SIL is coming

Veggies? Celery and onions chopped very finely

Nuts? No, just weird family members

Fruits? Sometimes

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So, how does it break down in your family?


Stuffing -- we call it stuffing but I don't stuff it in the turkey so a misnomer, LOL.

Dried Bread cubes

Sage sausage

Onions & celery, liquified in blender (family tradition!)

Bell's poultry seasoning

Chicken broth



(I'm salivating just thinking about it!)

This without the sausage and we stuff the bird and put extra in a casserole dish.  That is how it was growing up and what I love.  Now that dh is celiac it is cornbread dressing which I don't like nearly as well.  Dh grew up on Stove Top (yuck).

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When I do a turkey, I stuff it. I use Pepperidge Farms seasoned dried cubes, with onion and celery sauteed in butter, chicken or vegetable stock. No meat, eggs, soup, etc. There's always some left over that gets cooked in a baking dish.


My sister in law makes her famous dressing. I have no idea what all goes into it, but it ends up in a baking dish, and is served by cutting it into blocks. I've come to appreciate it over the years, although I don't go crazy over it like most of dh's family.

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home made bread cubes


onions & celery

turkey broth


no meat, no corn


stuffed into the turkey.  (and mixed afterwards with any that didn't fit.  huge difference in the two.  I'd happily forsake the stuff that goes in the pan because it didn't fit.)

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This without the sausage and we stuff the bird and put extra in a casserole dish.  That is how it was growing up and what I love.  Now that dh is celiac it is cornbread dressing which I don't like nearly as well.  Dh grew up on Stove Top (yuck).

whole foods has a GF bread cubes at the holidays.  I tried it with dudeling.  seemed to work okay.

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Stuffing, because if it isn't "stuffed", then it's dressing ~~ salad dressing, window dressing, etc.  :lol:  Sorry-- I'm feeling punchy. 


Family 'recipe' (no measurements--- it's done by sight & smell):

Whole wheat bread chunks right from the loaf bag, not stale, but I do let it sit out while prepping the turkey

An egg or two

Two dollops of bacon grease (I'm not saying this is a low-cal recipe!)

Diced onion

Poultry seasoning





Since this is a highlight of the meal and there is never enough, I was thinking of also making extra and try dressing~~~how would I do that? Do I need to alter my recipe at all? What about cooking time? I assume I should grease the pan?


Y'all have given me some good ideas to try!! :drool:


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Stuffing, though we are doing a turkey roast rather than a whole bird because it's just us so it will be baked in a casserole dish. I'm using Glutino boxed gluten-free cornbread stuffing because last year's attempt at making GF stuffing from scratch didn't turn out so hot. I will be adding sausage, apple, craisins, celery, and carmelized onions to the boxed mix.

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Dressing, but I don't make it (thanksgiving is a group effort). Best dressing I ever made was sage-y with cornbread and chopped roasted chestnuts.

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We call it stuffing.  I stuff some in the bird and have lots left over for baking in the oven too.  This year I'm thinking of not stuffing it in the turkey and putting it in a crockpot.  I did that once before and it turned out very moist.  You just put it in the crockpot for as long as the turkey is roasting as I recall. 


My stuffing recipe includes:


sauted diced onion and celery in butter

Franz seasoned stuffing mix (basically just the dried bread cubes)

salt, pepper, poultry seasoning, ground sage

turkey or chicken broth

cooked giblets and the cooked meat from the turkey neck chopped up



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My great-grandmother's stuffing, which is very specific.


Fresh bread, no crust, torn not cut

Onions cooked down but not browned (I use butter, my mom and grandmom never did)

breakfast sausage (Habersett's preferred, but we can't get it anymore, so I'm "allowed" to use anything but Bob Evans)

A little broth or water if it needs to be moistened.


It isn't Thanksgiving without this stuffing.

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celery cooked down in butter (no onions because I despise onions!)



I despise onions unless I cook them until well browned -- I'm never really sure that's what the foodies call caramelized, as I do it hot and fast instead of low and slow.  But I only learned to eat onions 5 years ago, so....yeah.


My stuffing is out of a box, though.   :blushing:

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