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S/O How did you meet your husband/wife/partner?

Lisa in SC

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This has probably been discussed before, but I haven't seen it, and so I thought it would be fun. I'll go first, although it's not particularly flattering to either dh or myself.


I was moving into a condo complex my sophomore year in college. I was 5' 5" and weighed somewhere around 100 lbs (sigh...those were the days). I also had a fiery temper. I was wrestling a tv out of my car and upstairs to the second floor. I spied dh sitting on the couch on his condo watching me with an amused expression. After I moved the heavy tv, I went back outside and fired a snarky comment his way about chivalry being dead. He answered that it seemed as if I had everything under control. Grrr...


Later that night, he and his roommates showed up to our unit with bottles in tow and suggested playing a drinking game. I wasn't much of a drinker, but reluctantly agreed with everyone else. Shortly into the game, dh offered to take my drinks. I asked why somewhat sharply. He answered that chivalry wasn't completely dead. After a while, he disappeared. I later discovered he had overdone it with his "chivalrous" consumption. He never said a word. His roommates squealed.


Not long after that, we had our first date, and the rest is history. In dh's defense, I should clarify that he is not a heavy drinker, nor am I. The drinking game was a one time thing that the guys dreamed up as an excuse to get to know their neighbors. I guess it turned out well for the two of us, because we're happily married 25 years later (married for the last 23 of them). :)

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DH1 - I was his boss.   :huh:   I should have known.....


Current DH - I went into the piano store looking to trade in my piano.  Someone else was helping me.  Now-DH came over and "rescued" me from the very weird guy.  I didn't buy a piano that day, but he gave me his card and told me to feel free to find him on Facebook if I needed additional information   :coolgleamA:   He was pretty cute, so I sent him a note saying that my wallet thanked him for not selling me a piano that day, and he said I could make it up to him by buying him a drink.  And the rest is history.

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We had a college class together. It was a fairly big class, and we didn't sit near each other. I spotted him in the library one day and took the computer across from him. He pretended he didn't know how to use the computer and asked for my help. The next time we had class together he brought me a card thanking me for the help in the library and asked me out. Eta: that was in October is 1991. We have been married nearly 20 years now.

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We met on a blind date.  My best friend was dating his best friend and they set us up.  My dear friend called me up one morning just as I was leaving for work to let me know we were going out that night and she was picking me up that evening.  DH's friend did the same to him.  Our friends have been married 18 years now.  DH and I have been married 17.

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We met at church. He came into my bible study class one day with a girl. I was polite and welcoming because they were visitors but didn't really think anything of it (besides noting that he was really hot!). He came back the next week by himself and my sister was also there (she wasn't there the first time). Afterwards, she was like " WHO was that hot guy and WHY were you not talking to him?!?" I told her he'd been there last week with a girl. He kept coming back by himself though (he said she was just a friend from grad school who was in the area, so she was staying with him for the weekend) I found out later that while the relationship was platonic from his end, she was certainly hoping for more.

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Oh, I love these stories :D


I was hired to replace DH at the Internet marketing company we worked for. I was blown away by how good-looking he was on my first day, and it only got worse from there :lol: I mooned around after him for a year, then I saw my opportunity and pretty much threw myself at him. After a few months of us hanging out and having fun, he realized he couldn't live without me, and the rest is history. I still need to put the full court press on him for major decisions, but he always ends up seeing reason  :smilielol5:

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Okay, I have to go WAY back... :tongue_smilie:


When my parents were in college, my dad's roommate and my mom's roommate were dating each other. They were at different colleges about three hours away from each other. My parents' friends decided my mom and dad would be perfect for each other, so they cooked up a party at the guys' college to introduce them. Except my mom was getting over a bad break-up and had sworn off men... and my dad showed up with another date. But eventually they really did end up getting married, and so did the other couple.


Fast forward a few years, and the other couple's son, J, and I are born just a few months apart. (No, he's not my DH!) Our families were close growing up -- went on vacation together every year, etc. We went to different schools, though, so I met a few of his friends but never really paid attention to them. When we were 15, I spent about 5 minutes chatting with one of them, W -- he was actually trying to set me up with another one of their friends! About six months later, J decided it would be funny to tell me that W had a crush on me, while telling W the same thing. We wound up talking on the phone for several weeks because neither of us had a driver's license. When we finally met for our first date, he was so nervous he let the door slam back and hit me in the nose. But he had really pretty blue eyes, and we've been together ever since -- 19 years this month (married 13)!


For years my mother said we would have to send my two younger sisters over to her friends to find them husbands!

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He was my kung fu instructor.  I started kung fu when I was 19 with a friend of mine (my brother and 2 cousins had been doing it at that school for 2 years already.)  He was married at the time so I thought of him as nothing other than an instructor.  At some point in time his marriage failed and luckily for me she did not have any interest in working it out.  So they filed for divorce.  While going through all that he realized that all of his friends were also friend with her so he needed to find new ones.   A group of us from the kung fu school went out every Weds after classes to Buffalo Wild Wings for cheap wings.  He started joining us in order to socialize with new people more.


We became great friends very quickly and could trust each other with personal things if we needed advice.  We started hanging out regularly as friends and chatting on AIM while I took my online college courses and he worked on late night computer projects.  After a HUGE fight I had with my best friend(the one I started kung fu with)  he invited me to hang out at his place with his band mates since she lived with me.   We hung out all night jamming and getting to know each other.  Around 6am we all walked to Wawa for coffee and on that walk we realized we weren't just friends.  7 months later we eloped and have been happily married for almost 6 years.

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My parents' story is better than mine though.  My mom lived in Delaware, my dad in Illinois. When they were 16 they spent 5 weeks at a summer college program in Ohio.  On the last night my dad randomly asked her if she'd "save him from the monastery" (they hadn't talked at all before this.)  The spent the entire night getting to know each other and in the morning went back to their own states.  Somehow 2 teenagers were able to have a long distance relationship for 3 years after only knowing each other for one night.  They married when they were 19 and have been together for 47 years now!

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DH and I met in 10th grade Literature class. He was the class clown and he made me laugh. Took me a week to realize he had been hinting for my number. So, to make up for my obliviousness, I asked him out on a group date (after getting my Dad's permission!) and I knew from that date he was the one. Serious fireworks. We have been married nearly 12 years. Together 15 years.

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We worked for the same division of a large company, but in different departments.  When we decided to get married, I applied a job in another division.  My boss thought it was salary-related, and offered me a sizable raise to stay.  I had to explain dh and I were dating, and it was serious.  Boss said it was not an issue because dh and I didn't have the same boss -- so I didn't have to switch jobs and I got the raise anyway. :)

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Lisa in SC, your story has similarities to mine. I moved into a new apartment, and later a guy from the block next door came over and introduced himself. Later that week he phoned and said he and a friend were going to a pub, and did I want to join them. It was 9pm on a Friday and I was getting ready for bed. I'm an introvert, and hate doing things with people I don't know, but I went along. Dh was the neighbour guy's friend. He bought food for a homeless guy which impressed me. We were together from that night on. We socialised a few times with dh's friend (the neighbour), but I didn't much like him, and he made it very clear he didn't like me (or like me dating his buddy), and dh lost touch with him. We've been together about 22 years, I think, married 17.

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My parents' story is better than mine though.  My mom lived in Delaware, my dad in Illinois. When they were 16 they spent 5 weeks at a summer college program in Ohio.  On the last night my dad randomly asked her if she'd "save him from the monastery" (they hadn't talked at all before this.)  The spent the entire night getting to know each other and in the morning went back to their own states.  Somehow 2 teenagers were able to have a long distance relationship for 3 years after only knowing each other for one night.  They married when they were 19 and have been together for 47 years now!


Wow, that is a great story!

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I married my guitar teacher.  ;)


I started playing at 24. I had a friend who played who was looking for a new guitar. While at the library one day, I saw an ad on the bulletin board: GUITARS FOR SALE. I grabbed the number and a few days later we went to see what this guy had available. He had about a dozen used guitars in his apartment. My friend didn't end up buying one, but I signed up for lessons. We became friends. Eventually, he was doing repairs in a music store that I was working at. We were hanging out a lot. Finally, my boss asked when we were going to start dating. LOL We've known each other for over 20 years, now and in Dec. will be married for 16. 


Yay for libraries! 

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We met at a church single's group.  I had gone because I was  bored and thought it was worth a try.  There was a guy that liked me, but I really didn't care anything about him.  Anyway, he invited his friend (dh) saying there were a lot of single girls there except this one girl (me) that he was interested in was off limits.  Anyway he brought dh, introduced us, and the rest is history.  Dh and I started dating and shortly afterwards, we left the singles group.  His friend always regretted bringing dh to the group, but I've always been very thankful he did.  I can hardly believe that was over 31 years ago.

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In a bar........... a Cheers kind of bar, where people mostly hung out with friends, not a pick up kind of place (lol). He asked for my number. I went home and called my boyfriend & broke up with him. 8 months later, we were married. Been married almost 26 years!

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We met in Kindergarten. We went to school together, mostly in the same homerooms and major classes. Unfortunately, we couldn't stand each other and barely spoke. We ran with different crowds. Then in college (we went to the same college near our hometown) we 'met' again through mutual friends (oh the irony). He worked in a video store, and I'd come in and hang out all night with him and whoever else was working that night--we were all friends. The one night I really looked at him for the first time. I asked him out that night and we have been together ever since.

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Well............I met my dh at a funeral. Yes, a funeral.


He was there as it was for his best friend who died at 22. I was there as a young 17 year old girl who was serving the punch at the luncheon following the funeral (his best friend attended our church). I remember exactly where dh was sitting during the luncheon and he remembers what I was wearing.


Fast forward 4 years and dh started attending our church and then later showed up at another local church near the college where I was attending. He asked me out and I said yes so we went on one date..........then I waited.......and waited.......and waited for another call, etc. Meanwhile he was at home waiting.......and waiting.......and waiting. I was raised that the GUY does the calling and if he is interested he will call you. Dh was raised that he calls for the first date but if she is interested SHE calls you back.


That waiting lasted almost a year even though we saw each other in college and career group settings almost weekly. Then a friend of mine was getting married so I asked him to come to the wedding with me. We were married a year to the day later and have been married almost 21 years.

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Super Bowl Sunday 1985 on Maxwell Air Force Base, Montgomery, Alabama.  I had already been there for two weeks taking a course on "how to be an Air Force Officer" before starting the eight week Judge Advocate course (course for lawyers on military law). DH arrived that Sunday for the Judge Advocate course.  He didn't need the two week course because he had been in ROTC as an undergraduate.  He walked into a Super Bowl party wearing a grey University of Arizona t-shirt.  We started talking about law and ended up talking all evening.  We were assigned to the same small seminar groups for the whole eight weeks.  We sat next to each other the first day and since we placed name tags in our spots that day we all sat in the same spots for the whole course.  We ended up studying together for tests and did a moot court case against each other(I won :001_smile: ) He ended up graduating 1st in the class and I was 2nd.  (My mom asked me if I "let him" beat me, no I didn't) He went to Okinawa and I went to Washington state but we stayed in touch as "friends." Of course this is all pre-email, internet, Skype etc.  We used regular mail and phone calls. I had HORRENDOUS phone bills!  I knew he was the one, I just had to hang in long enough for him to figure it out.  I visited Okinawa the next November and wrote lots of letters.  One year later I was stationed in Korea then  7 months later so was he. We were still 3 hours apart, but at least it was the same country.  Six months after he arrived in Korea we were engaged and got married in Korea four months later, a little over 3 years after we met.  We will have been married 26 years in March.  We just saw one of the instructors from the JAG School at a luncheon yesterday as well as a member of that class.  Made me feel old! :001_smile:

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We both were in graduate school (different departments), but attending the same parish church.  A friend of mine introduced us at a young adult meeting.  (Said friend was rewarded later by being asked to stand as godfather for our firstborn.)  We married a little over three years later, and will have been married for thirty years next spring.  I fear we are too old to end up married for as long as my parents have been married (69 years and still going).

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1 week into a computer programming class in high school.


He had a friend in his class who was friends with my friend in my class and our mutual friends kept trying to get me to think of him as more than just some nice high school guy. I'd just dumped a jerk and sworn to instead focus on a career and traveling the world solo and getting rich. LOL


In annoyance one day I turned to him and said, "Doesn't it annoy you how they keep trying to push us on each other?!"


He cool as a cucumber said, "No, not at all actually. I'm patiently waiting for you to notice we'd be perfect together and hoping you'd like to go out for dinner and a movie this weekend."


I just sorta mumbled, "oh. Uh. Oh. Um. 'Kay."


I tease him that he got me on a pity date. I felt awful. I can be rough, but I've never purposely sought stomping on hearts.


He proposed two weekends later.


He still swears he knew the minute he saw me he loved me and that come hell or high water he was going to marry me.


I still have no idea why, which doesn't change how grateful I am about it one bit.

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The summer after freshman year of college, a friend convinced me to join this little drum & bugle corps in NJ. Aa it turned out, that was the summer we merged with another litttle corps in Philly that DW had been marching with for several years.


DW conspicuously borrowed my sunscreen for the whole summer, but as I was a rather thick lad, I didn't take the hint until near the end of the season, when we finally became a couple at the 1984 DCI Worlds in Atlanta. We were both 19, but kept it going as a long distance thing between U Delaware and West Chester.

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When I was 16 years old, I went with a friend to Toys R Us to buy a ventriloquist doll.  The check out guy was a cutie and made lots of silly jokes about the doll being creepy.  But he was too old for me. (Turns out he was only 21, but he's always looked older.) I was a young 16 year old.  I remember thinking, "One day, when I'm older, I'll be able to meet a guy and ask him for drinks after he gets off work."  He looked a little bit like a modern Bob Cratchet and as I walked away I thought, "He's probably married and has kids and when he gets home from work at Toys R Us, they gather around him and he gives them little toys from his job."  And I felt soooo jealous of his wife.


Fast forward 2 years. The friend that I bought the doll with went to work at Toys R Us.  She often talked about her coworker, the lovely Bryan, and she became friends with him.  He called my friend one day when I was visiting at her house.  I talked with him on the phone and he had the niiiicest voice.  He offered to take me for a ride on his motorcycle.  I accepted.  


After we had gone on a couple of dates, my friend said, "You know, that's the guy who sold us the ventriloquist doll."


What?!?  You mean, I was dating my Bob Cratchet?  The one with the kids gathered 'round and the rosy cheeked wife I was so jealous of?


So I married him.  

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