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What "birth control" do you use?


Birth Control Options  

211 members have voted

  1. 1. What form of birth control do you use?

    • The pill- no negative side effects
    • The pill- but I experience negative side effects
    • Dh/partner had a vasectomy- no negative side effects
    • Dh/partner had a vasectomy- but he experienced negative side effects
    • I had a tubal ligation.
    • Copper IUD- no negative side effects
    • Copper IUD- but I experience negative side effects.
    • Paraguard (hormonal) IUD- no negative side effects
    • Paraguard (hormonal) IUD- but I experience negative side effects
    • I use a diaphragm, and I love it.
    • I use a diaphragm, but I hate it.
    • Dh/partner wears a condom.
    • We practice NFP religiously and do great with it
    • We practice NFP only, but we do not do well with abstinance so we tend to keep conceiving
    • I and/or my partner is infertile, we do not use birth control to prevent conception
    • I am post menopause, so this is a nonissue.
    • Other

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You forgot the "other people's children" option. That option worked for me for years and years. After my own son turned three or so, that option changed to "my own child." :)


After my son was born but before my hysterectomy, I was using Paraguard IUD. I liked that a lot and went with it because I did not want to take any hormones. My periods did increase on it. After removing it, we tried two different pills to help my period decrease and become more regular. It only got worse and a fibroid was discovered.


Before I met my husband, while I was at boot camp and then A school (2003), I had two doses of the Depo shot. I did it to, hopefully, help decrease my period while I was at boot camp. I had two slightly decreased periods at boot camp, then nothing for a couple of months, then constant spotting. I did not go back for a third shot because the constant spotting was too much and I wasn't with anyone at the time anyways.

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Other. We do a combo of FAM and withdrawal. It works. 

We had one surprise, but I totally dropped the ball that month.  In the past  7 years, we've used no  other method of bc and we've only conceived when one or both of us wanted to. 

I wouldn't say that we use it religiously. I don't temp. I just keep an eye on my dates and symptoms.

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I've had Paragard, the copper IUD, for a bit over 4 years. My period and cramps were a bit heavy at first but now it's fine and I like the peace of mind, as well as the flexibility of knowing we can change our minds any time before I'm 40 (roughly when the IUD will "expire") about whether to have just one more kid.


Before that we used FAM to good effect, we had one semi-planned (extremely weird cycle and low motivation to avoid conceiving) and one very planned kiddo over the course of 6 years or so.


Before that I used the pill for several years but it wasn't usually very pretty. I was very on-edge emotionally during that time.

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Other.  Breastfeeding round the clock has been reliable for me for at least the first year, if not longer.  Not sure what we'll do after this baby is a year; in theory, I'll be 37, and my fertility should be declining, but if anything, it seems to have increased in my 30s as opposed to my 20s.  I'm good at tracking my cycles via NFP/FAM/temping/charting, but that second year of nursing can be some back and forth, not regularly ovulating, so I don't know if we'll end up abstaining or not; we've never actually tried to avoid getting pregnant, because we've never really felt done before, but I don't know how we'll feel this time.

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My body does not do well with hormonal control. I've debated the IUD several times but just can't convince myself it is the way to go.


I use FAM/Fertility Awareness Method and we use condoms or abstain during fertile periods. I've used it pretty effectively over the past 18 years and will continue to do so - though I do wish there was a better option. But neither dh or I are willing to physically change our bodies and we both feel pretty confidently that interrupting the body's regular function isn't wise either -- so FAM it is.

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I use either Implanon (now Nexplanon), the implantable arm device, or the NuvaRing, with no issues. Well, I had the Implanon removed because as my DS started nursing less, starting when he was around 18 months old, I started having unpredictable and annoying spotting. I tried the Mirena IUD, but my uterus expelled it after a few weeks.



Other.  Breastfeeding round the clock has been reliable for me for at least the first year, if not longer.  Not sure what we'll do after this baby is a year; in theory, I'll be 37, and my fertility should be declining, but if anything, it seems to have increased in my 30s as opposed to my 20s.  I'm good at tracking my cycles via NFP/FAM/temping/charting, but that second year of nursing can be some back and forth, not regularly ovulating, so I don't know if we'll end up abstaining or not; we've never actually tried to avoid getting pregnant, because we've never really felt done before, but I don't know how we'll feel this time.


I never tried to have a baby in my 20s, but goodness, I have had no trouble getting pregnant in my late 30s. We got pregnant the first cycle we tried this time, and I just turned 38. I think I'm just firing off eggs at a great rate. I would not trust waning fertility in the late 30s for a second.

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I put the copper iud with side effects, but really, after 12 years of perfect birth control, I can't complain too much about it. It was great, for what it was- we both hate condoms, I can't take hormones (circulation issues), so for what it was and how well it worked, the side effects (super heavy periods, anemia) were not so bad. Dh just did the big v since I had to have it removed (2 years past it's shelf life) and that was a breeze for him so really, we wonder why we waited so long. All those years with periods 2 weeks long...if he'd just had the v, we could have skipped that unpleasantness!


But for a non permanent, no think, low risk method of birth control, the copper iud was fantastic.

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We use condoms. We meant for DH to get a vasectomy but just never got around to it. Now, we are in our mid 40s and it doesn't seem necessary. I figure I've got a low chance of conception (we use birth control and I keep plan B in the house, just in case) and only a few years left of having to worry about it. 

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Dh got a vasectomy after baby #6. No negative side effects. In the past I've used the mini-pill (felt awful and quit after six weeks), a Paragard IUD (fantastic and I would have gotten another had dh not had a vasectomy), a Mirena IUD (awful, spotted every day for 18 months), and breastfeeding (worked great to space kids 21-30 months apart but after the fifth baby in 8 years I needed a pause button so I got an IUD).

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FAM / withdrawl. This works ok but dh naturally responds to me ovulating...like a teenage boy. I have to remind him I am ovulating, so it might not be a good idea. Three months ago despite that reminder he was not inclined to heed my warning :). And apparently forgot withdrawal would be a good second choice. Baby # 4 is on the way...

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We have used FAM/NFP with a barrier or enjoying other types of sexual contact as a backup during fertile days and it has been acceptable/good thus far but not perfect. Every method had its ups and downs. In the years we have used it, we have only had 1 pregnancy scare (31 day cycle very recently) and one time where we got foolishly swept away (opted for Plan B the next morning).


It's been more reliable for us than the pill (We have a 10 year old BCP baby). I have had negative side effects from depo, several forms of the pill and an IUD. I don't like messing with my cycle if I can help it. And all hormonal forms of bc we have tried have essentially killed my sex drive. Which defeats the need for bc IMHO.


That said we have benefited in NFP from me having very regular cycles and very obvious ovulation pain. My cycle is playing around a little now and is no longer quite as reliable as Seattle rain. We are considering our options after a bit of a scare a cycle back. For now we added ovulation prediction testing and alarm clock precision temps (I'd gotten a little lazy about bbt the same time every morning) to app charting/checking cervix. We are also more cautious with the back up methods, using them for a slightly wider window just to be safe.


We want to have another child in the not too distant future but now is not the right time financially or time wise (husband is in a grueling school schedule). As soon as it is feasible/we are satisfied with our family size, we are all about sterilization for one or both of us.

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I've used the BCP (almost killed me... turned out I have a blood clotting disorder and shouldn't take BCP), condoms/spermicide, diaphragm/spermicide (hated it), sponge/spermicide (meh), IUD (loved it), and DH had a vasectomy after our second child was born, so I'm off the hook. Other than almost dying, there's been no negative side effects.  :tongue_smilie:

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I've used the Pill, and the benefits of minimal periods, less pain and bleeding outweighed the negatives. But then I got "too old" to be on the pill comfortable for years.

Mirena IUD. Insertion was a bitch; I passed out short afterward (This from a woman who birthed a 9 pound, 3 oz baby at home.) It was great for years, but I do think it contributed to weight gain/lack of ability to lose.

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I said vasectomy with no side effects since I could only answer one answer.



I used the pill from age 14-30 for bcp and cycle regulation

Dh had his v when we were 27

I had ablation at 30, so even if his V failed, I still can't get pg. 



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Dh had a vasectomy about six months after having our second. No negative side effects; very happy with our decision.


In the past we've used the depo shot, the pill, breast feeding, and withdrawal. The vasectomy is by far our favorite form of birth control. :)

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