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What does your DC want to do when an adult?


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Well, I am happy to state we have moved up in our dreamed up expectations. Last year, my boys told me they wanted to work at gamestop, live together and play video games their entire life... Yeah, I was overjoyed with their expansive imagination :/


I am happy to report that my oldest (11) has announced that even though a job at NASA sounds awesome, he just could NOT handle being an astronaut. Therefore, he has decided to be an Astronomy college professor. Ok, I'll take that!


One girl wants to be a famous Painter and the other wants to be a Veterinarian. Again, I like those answers being that they are DIFFERENT. They usually answer the same as the other.


and my other son (10) wants to be a Police Officer! I can not express how happy I am that the dream of working at Gamestop and doing nothing but playing video games is out of their future agendas!


What are your children dreaming of doing this year?

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DD has been saying pretty consistently for the past year or so that she wants to be President & live in the White House. It would definately be a first for our family!


She got really into the elections & politics during the last presidental election, I expected the interest to dissappear as soon as the elections were over, but she's still really into it.

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My 11 year old has dreams of owning his own software company.  He has been talking about it since he was 4.  My 8 year old told me the other day that he wants to work for a company that shreds documents because he saw one of the big shredder machines on a Youtube video and thought that looked wildly fun.  LOL


I love the shredder job. When I was about his age, I didn't care what I did as long as I got to write and fill out forms on duplicate copy forms, you know the ones that copy onto the other layers with pressure. I thought anyone in charge of such a document was really special! :D


What kind of software company has your oldest been pondering on? Has he narrowed it down yet? Will be interested to see where he goes with it!

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DD has been saying pretty consistently for the past year or so that she wants to be President & live in the White House. It would definately be a first for our family!


She got really into the elections & politics during the last presidental election, I expected the interest to dissappear as soon as the elections were over, but she's still really into it.


awesome! That is a great passion to pursue. Who knows where it will take her!?

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DD wants to selectively breed snakes (especially venomous ones) and go to reptile shows and do educational presentations. She plans to go to University of Florida, major in wildlife management or biology, then get a grad degree in herpetology-and use it in an area that everyone I know of who does it says that you need a day job, because it's an expensive hobby, at best.


She's also discussed becoming an exotic vet or a national park ranger.

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My 11 year old is currently talking vet or vet tech.  Really it boils down to how much school she's willing to do.  lol


My 13 year old has been saying, "Engineer--either the kind that drives the trains, or the kind that designs stuff."   :D

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My 17 yo thinks he'll major in economics, and possibly go on to law school.  Over the years this has changed from construction worker to absolutely set on investment banking to absolutely set on becoming a lawyer to *maybe* economics and *maybe* going on to law school.


The 14 yo has no idea and doesn't even want to think about it.

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So many girls want to be vets!! My dd13 has always wanted to become a veterinarian. However, after a recent hospital stay, she is considering nursing since she really appreciated the nurses who were so kind and compassionate (not all were..). With her personality, I know that she will do something that involves helping animals or children.


DS10 wants to create video games.


DS13 has autism and loves trains. He plans on working for CSX when he is old enough.

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My 10 year old wants to be a garbage man, possibly a carpenter.


My 6 year old wants to be a construction worker.


My 4 year old wants to be a garbage man.


My 2 year old says she wants to ride bikes when she grows up. Quite a unique answer. Out of seven children, she's the only one that has given that answer.


*I'll be honest, we are really trying to impress on them the jobs that people don't want...Electricians, carpenters, plumbers, garbage men, factory work, etc. Whatever they choose, though, is fine by us. As long as they are happy, it doesn't matter the job.*

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I will ask them once Pink gets up from her nap.  :)


In the past, Link has said all sorts of things - from art teacher to bus driver to archaeologist to archaeologist who drives a bus.  :lol: 

Astro hasn't ever said much about it.  I think about a year ago he wanted to be on the rescue squad like DH, who is a volunteer lol...


I'm interested to see what they all say today. ;)  I haven't asked in awhile.

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My Youngest use to want to wander the woods looking for dead skunks to duct tape to his body. (So he would get a lot of respect).


But happily the new plan is to buy gramma's old trailer and travel around the country. That way whenever someone gets close to finding them they can just drive away. 


Even they aren't sure who they are running from, but at least this future doesn't involve dead skunks. 

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Dd loved emergency medicine, and began a chemistry major with the intent of heading to medical school. She decided she would rather not spend 10-12 years in school, became a paramedic, and will complete nursing school in the next year or so - BS in nursing...thankfully, between paramedic classes, chemistry, biology, microbiology, etc. from college, she didn't lose much changing programs. She ADORES being a medic, but feels that eventually she'll want to make the leap to nursing because it will be more family friendly.


Ds #1 - computer software engineering and database management...kind of following his daddy's footsteps with a minor in anthropology/archaeology. He's working on Java certification now, and is writing android aps...his first choice school already told him he'll be able to skip freshman programming classes by testing out because he's fairly advanced. He LOVES what he's doing.


Ds#2 - environmental science/ecology research with an emphasis in Great Lakes conservation and a minor in chemistry. He plans on getting a PH.D. and doing similar work to what my cousin is doing through the University of Duluth, though instead of working primarily with Lake Superior, he would like to work with Lake Michigan conservation. He'd also be happy to have an emphasis in temperate rainforest conservation and work in British Columbia. Thankfully, he's no longer set on living in Indonesia and Komodo Dragon research. GACK! I was not looking foward to visiting him on Komodo Island!!! Not a big fan of reptiles.


Ds #3 - aerospace engineering, mathematics, and astrophysics. He'd like a triple major and eventually work for NASA or a private company like Space One. Truth be known, he's showing a talent for robotics engineering and programming, but hasn't yet shown any signs of shifting his focus. Of course, robotics goes hand and in hand these days with aerospace engineering, so either one would still allow him to achieve of his goal.


Honorary daughter always, always, always wanted to go into criminal justice. She double majored in criminal justice and social work and has a job she likes in the justice system. She may eventually apply to the Federal Marshall program.


Three couch surfers have moved on in the last two years to vo-tech and college. I don't know that I'd say they are doing what would be considered their "dream" from childhood. But, given the circumstances of their lives, they have moved on to good things which is wonderful.

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My 10 year old wants to be a garbage man, possibly a carpenter.


My 6 year old wants to be a construction worker.


My 4 year old wants to be a garbage man.


My 2 year old says she wants to ride bikes when she grows up. Quite a unique answer. Out of seven children, she's the only one that has given that answer.


*I'll be honest, we are really trying to impress on them the jobs that people don't want...Electricians, carpenters, plumbers, garbage men, factory work, etc. Whatever they choose, though, is fine by us. As long as they are happy, it doesn't matter the job.*


My cousin is a garbage man. His Dad always wanted to be one, but ended up being a truck driver. 


Well my cousin loves his job. He really likes to drive - so he is happy to be the one driving the truck. Also some people throw out really good garbage. It's against the rules to pick things out to keep. But he had done so in a sneaky round about way. 


He has gotten a working generater - never used. (He did go knock on the owners door abotu that one to make sure he wasn't throwing it out by mistake. Turns out the guy wasn't to smart and got ticked off that he couldn't just plug it in during a power outage and then plug things into it and have it work. He tired to return it, but the store wouldn't take it back since he had never even put GAS in it. He said he wasn't the type or person to mess around with gas and was just going to buy a good generater that didn't need gas???)

A working goo condition complete drum set

A fancy bow that hunters use

A flat screen tv


He loves his job. His Dad is really envious. But his Dad is now going to soo have his retirement dream. He always wanted to retire and walk along the highway picking up glass beer bottles and bringing them to the beer store in exchange for money.

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My cousin is a garbage man. His Dad always wanted to be one, but ended up being a truck driver.


Well my cousin loves his job. He really likes to drive - so he is happy to be the one driving the truck. Also some people throw out really good garbage. It's against the rules to pick things out to keep. But he had done so in a sneaky round about way.


He has gotten a working generater - never used. (He did go knock on the owners door abotu that one to make sure he wasn't throwing it out by mistake. Turns out the guy wasn't to smart and got ticked off that he couldn't just plug it in during a power outage and then plug things into it and have it work. He tired to return it, but the store wouldn't take it back since he had never even put GAS in it. He said he wasn't the type or person to mess around with gas and was just going to buy a good generater that didn't need gas???)

A working goo condition complete drum set

A fancy bow that hunters use

A flat screen tv


He loves his job. His Dad is really envious. But his Dad is now going to soo have his retirement dream. He always wanted to retire and walk along the highway picking up glass beer bottles and bringing them to the beer store in exchange for money.

Julie, that makes me so happy that your cousin loves his job. I always think about them and feel bad that they are picking up trash. I think it is ridiculous that they can't take good stuff home. Good Grief. And I remember the generator story!


My son, when he was about 6 wanted to design happy meal toys. Then we had pet co phase. These days at age 13 he is leaning toward engineering of some sort.

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Julie, that makes me so happy that your cousin loves his job. I always think about them and feel bad that they are picking up trash. I think it is ridiculous that they can't take good stuff home. Good Grief. And I remember the generator story!


My son, when he was about 6 wanted to design happy meal toys. Then we had pet co phase. These days at age 13 he is leaning toward engineering of some sort.


It's a dream job to him, and he says all the guys are happy or at least content with the work.


If they want to pick up something small they put it in the cab. Other things he has driven with a short distance and hidden in bushes. He then comes by after work to pick it up. 


According to what I know through him it's not considered a low or bad job in anyway. They are actually looked up to due to the cool perks of the job. (Cool free garabge, good exercise lifting, and getting to drive around the neighborhood and sometimes stopping and chatting with friends or neighbors. Also good pay with little or no trainning needed. )

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My dd wants to be a child psychologist. She has a strong interest in the entire field and is fascinated by the human mind. We've already started trying to figure out which universities have the best undergraduate psychology programs so she can investigate their websites and narrow down the list. 

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Yes, it is! Alas, she'll not make enough at either FF or police to support it!


DH and I were recently approached by a landman about leasing for oil exploration.  We only have 40 acres, so the likelihood of actual drilling is pretty slim, but one of the dreams for our ensuing riches was to expand the cow herd and finance pasture leases.  lol

"Woohoo!  We'd make enough money we could start ranching!"

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DD11- Wildlife rescue and rehabilitation and/or professional dancer.  She has already decided on Brigham Young University majoring in wildlife biology/ecology with a double major in theater/dance/music (they're the only school I found that has a "triple threat" major; LOL).  Of course, she's 11.  Things change... And with BYU, scholarships are needed.


DS10- Engineer or architect.  He wants to build things, and he's already resigned himself to going to Georgia Tech (we're big UGA fans) because Tech is an excellent engineering school.  LOL...

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DD 11   Most certainly a zookeeper.  (she just finished 3 days of zoo school)  This is much improved over the fast food worker who gives the people their food in the drive-through, because they make people happy phase that she went through at 5 years old.


DD 9    sign language interpreter  (she had a great summer school class learning sign language)   At 7 years old she wanted to be a dog groomer but changed her mind quickly because she can't stand the smell of wet dogs!

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DS 9 wants to be either an aeronautical engineer or a robotics engineer. He has been saying the same thing for a few years now.


DD 8 says she wants to live on a farm with 4 homeschooled kids and animals but she wants a degree first. She says either in the arts or in agriculture.


DS 6 Says he will be a farmer with a milk cow, his very own horse (doesn't like sharing a horse with anyone I guess), sheep and chickens. When I ask him if he wants to be anything else besides a farmer he says he wants to be a daddy and teach his kids lots of stuff. That's just for today though, he bounces between farmer and inventor.


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Take over the world, of course.  


Older dd told me yesterday that she might like to be a science teacher.  She certainly wants to blow things up.  She'd also like to be an astronaut.  She has decided that she will study math and science then see what opportunities arise.  She does have an idea of something she wants to invent which will require a specialty in material science along with energy and propulsion.


Younger dd has an idea related to robotics.  Her plan is to study robotics, develop her idea, start manufacturing on a small scale then open a factory. Once she has made a lot of money, she has ideas for things that can "make the world better."  She plans to use her robotics company to finance philanthropy because nobody wants to take over the world the way it is.  

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Well, I am happy to state we have moved up in our dreamed up expectations. Last year, my boys told me they wanted to work at gamestop, live together and play video games their entire life... Yeah, I was overjoyed with their expansive imagination :/


I am happy to report that my oldest (11) has announced that even though a job at NASA sounds awesome, he just could NOT handle being an astronaut. Therefore, he has decided to be an Astronomy college professor. Ok, I'll take that!


One girl wants to be a famous Painter and the other wants to be a Veterinarian. Again, I like those answers being that they are DIFFERENT. They usually answer the same as the other.


and my other son (10) wants to be a Police Officer! I can not express how happy I am that the dream of working at Gamestop and doing nothing but playing video games is out of their future agendas!


What are your children dreaming of doing this year?

As an ex cop, dd of a retired cop, d sis of a cop and wife of a cop, try to steer him into federal law enforcement. There's no money otherwise.


To answer your question, dd wants to be a dance instructor and open her own studio.

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DS14 has plans to join the army right out of high school.  He is hoping to go armoured and be in his father's former unit.


DD14 plans to graduate early, spend a year as a automechanic apprentice, then join the army and get into a unit as a mechanic.


DS9 plans to go to university for a degree in business, and then become a banker like uncle.


DD5 is going to be a jungle girl and save all the animals :)


They have all maintained their desire for these jobs for the last 2 years and continue to do so.  Before wanting to be a banker, ds9 planned to be a fireman but after his car wreck he was told that would likely never happen so he decided to go with plan B.

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Currently ds is into designing rockets, anything space program related around the world. If he truly wants to do anything aerospace related, he's going to have to increase his self-discipline for working on things he doesn't want to do. He has a few more years to build that though. 


However, he's not so concerned about what he does as where he wants to go. His big desire is to live and work in Japan. I can totally see him doing that with his personality. So he's still building the interests and strength for a particular career and we're focusing on exposing him to Japanese language, culture, food, etc. It's hard to do with limited budget, little to no Japanese resources in the area, yet I'm finding all the opportunities I can. 

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