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In labor and can't stay away from you all!


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So I'm waiting for the Pitocin to work and glad it's now daytime so the board will move and be interesting. I just got a smartphone a few days ago so I can keep up with you now. Maybe someone could start a kerfluffle so I can laugh this baby out?


My water broke 10.5 hours ago but I was still only at 5 cm 30 min. ago. Since my previous labor was 4.5 hours from water breaking to baby's birth, no one expected this!


I would love prayers that I could avoid a C-section.


And something interesting to read, so get going, please! :)

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Hmm. I don't know how to start a kerfluffle. Maybe we could discuss that. Do I just make some over generalized statement about politics/religion/education and see who gets ticked??? Ok here are a few talking points and PLEASE know that I am simply trying to entertain a poor woman in labor!!!!


1) Anthony Wiener's wife should run for public office. I LOVED her "this is MY business" speech! But seriously, I can't really vote for someone named Wiener. I know, I'm judgmental and stuck in my ways. Does this guy REALLY think he stands a chance? His wife might!


2) Have we ever had a gay POTUS? Hubby and I recently watched a movie (can't recall the name) which implied that one of them was gay. Made me wonder. I personally believe there are lots of secrets in Washington and we will never know the truth about anything ever!


3) How did Jimmy Carter become POTUS? I'm from Georgia so I feel I have a right to ask this question. HOW did a simple Georgia farm boy jump from Governor to POTUS when he wasn't even on the radar in Washington? hmmm


4) Aliens. Do they exist? How can we be so bold as to think we are the only people on any planet?


Ok, so now...will one of these make a kerfluffle??

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Praying for a wonderful and blessed birth!!




My water broke 10.5 hours ago but I was still only at 5 cm 30 min. ago. Since my previous labor was 4.5 hours from water breaking to baby's birth, no one expected this!

I would love prayers that I could avoid a C-section. 

Does the hospital have an exercise/birth ball?  If they do, sit on that!  Get upright and help that baby get down onto your cervix to help move dilation along.  :)  Anything you can do that's upright and moving a bit will help!  Sitting on the toilet is a wonderful place to labor.  ;)  Or just walk around your room a bit.  

Get up and move!!!  :)  

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Taking bets AndyJoy is hooked up to pit so she can't move around.... hope it goes quickly, pit is no fun...


You can always put a kilt on baby if its a boy :D


Best wishes!

Being on Pit doesn't mean you are bedridden.   :)  


You can walk around, get on hands/knees on the bed, sit on a birth ball, go to the bathroom, sway with dh (or whomever is a support person), etc.  


I've had several doula clients who have had pit.  We were all over the place helping labor progress.  :)  

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Good thoughts for your birth!

Since no one mentioned this and I saw someone made a spin off thread asking, the president most people refer to as having been gay was James Buchanan.

Huma (Weiner's wife) has a disadvantage because of her background. When I googled for the current article on them one of the first results were some ultra-conservative sites who insist on speculating she's secretly a terrorist with seriously the most ridiculous explanations I've ever heard. And I've heard some really ridiculous thins.

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I had Lyla Fae 2 hrs, 23 min after my post. She is a hearty 8 lbs, 8 oz and 21 inches long. Thanks for all the prayers and kerfluffle-rousing attempts! She's been sleeping most the day and doing wonderfully so far. I'll post a proper announcement with pics when I can.

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I had Lyla Fae 2 hrs, 23 min after my post. She is a hearty 8 lbs, 8 oz and 21 inches long. Thanks for all the prayers and kerfluffle-rousing attempts! She's been sleeping most the day and doing wonderfully so far. I'll post a proper announcement with pics when I can.





Welcome Lyla Fae!

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I had Lyla Fae 2 hrs, 23 min after my post. She is a hearty 8 lbs, 8 oz and 21 inches long. Thanks for all the prayers and kerfluffle-rousing attempts! She's been sleeping most the day and doing wonderfully so far. I'll post a proper announcement with pics when I can.

:hurray:  :hurray: :hurray:  :party: Love her name! 

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