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Young teen girls and tampons-what's your opinion/experience?


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Just wondering for dd13 1/2. She'd be ok either way. Hasn't got her period yet, prbly due any time. I'd prbly lean toward having her not use them quite yet due to age (and she is skinny and tiny), but I was wondering with swimming this summer (if she gets it) what people do with their young teen girls. I guess I just don't want her to think her period stops her from doing things she wants to do, and I don't want her to think there's anything wrong with or weird about tampon use.

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I gave my daughter the choice and she started when she was 10. I just think that it's such a personal thing that they have the right to try every option available to make it as comfortable as possible for themselves.


Turns out she hated tampons, and still does. She chooses to alter her activities if she has to (mainly swimming).

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I don't see tampon use as an age thing at all. I think any girl should use them if she feels comfortable with it and wants to swim, etc. during her period. They make smaller ones for young teens now which I think is great!


DD12 (almost 13) recently started her period. She isn't comfortable with the idea of using them yet, but I have already purchased some for her if/when she changes her mind.

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My dd started at 12.5. She used pads to start, but switched to tampons for summer and hasn't looked back. She uses pads at night, but I know many girls who use tampons at night. I don't and recommended dd not either.


It is such a personal decision and whatever your dd is comfortable with.

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I started using them at 14 (I also started my period at about 13.5). After 6 months of pads I was DONE. I actually found a box of tampons in my mom's bathroom, read the instructions, did it myself... and I have never looked back. It made a huge difference for me in high school to be able to do all my activities without the pad.

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Why not tampons?


I wore pads all through my teen years just because it's what my mom wore, and in retrospect it was so limiting Plus made periods seem smelly and gross compared to the tampon experience.

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My dd learned to use tampons for swimming. I got just about every brand I could lay my hands on, in the smallest size. We talked about different positions for putting them in. One article I read suggested lying down in the bathtub -- dd didn't even want to think of that, lol. But the important thing is that she understood that there was not one -- and one only -- right way. It took quite awhile for dd to learn, but she is so glad she did, as she is on a swim team. The most important factor -- for us -- was getting ds OUT of the house and FAR away. Absolute, guaranteed privacy gave dd the peace of mind to relax.


Btw, before dd started her period, she tried wearing pads at home. That way, when her period came, there was one less thing to get used to.

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DD started right before her 13th birthday. Two months in, she decided she HATE pads. She asked for some of the slender tampons, and we had "The Care and Keeping of You" hygiene book from American Girl - there was a very informative, cartoon that showed how to insert one. She grabbed the box and the book, went into the bathroom, and came out five minutes later smiling. She's never looked back and usually uses them at night. She's a medic and aware of toxic shock syndrome and the symptoms, but doesn't seem concerned. Nine years later, so far so good.


I played some rather serious volleyball in high school as well as lap swimming and was very glad when I made the switch at 14.



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Oh, this is good, thanks! I wasn't sure if there were reasons a young teen shouldn't use them. I can't remember using them when I was younger--just pads, prbly because that's all my mom used? (I use them now--about 1/2 the time-it's great to have the option!)


I'll just give her the choice then. Thanks for the help!

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I started my pd at 13, used only pads at first, but was using tampons (exclusively) not long after and it was not a big deal. We always used a brand that was 100% flushable (including wrapper/applicator). It helped me to be less self-conscious. The last thing I wanted to do was hear comments from my brothers about my period. ;)

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I started using tampons shortly after starting my periods. I think I was 12. It made a world of difference to me, they have made the whole experience tolerable. I'm 46, waiting/praying/hoping for menopause now, and am considering writing a thank you note to my favorite tampon company for "being there" all these years. I'm only half joking.

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dd got her period at 11.5 and started with tampons from the start. She's a dancer and you can't really use a pad in a leotard or dance dress. Her other activity has been swimming.


I swam growing up. My mom didn't want to let me use tampons. I think I started sneaking them them from her and my older sister and using my babysitting money to get them.


There's no reason you can't where them your first period. They come in different sizes. I got dd pads, tampons and panty liners before her period started and explained how they were all used. She also had Care and Keeping of You. Then she just chose what she wanted to use on her own.

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I bought a menstrual cup when I was 18 (I know this is much older than the age you are talking about) and never looked back. I didn't know about them before that and at the time, needed to import one from Canada.


It is works so much better for sports. I never got the hang of tampons and they always leaked. When I played soccer in high school, I would wear a pad and a tampon.


Another benefit of a menstrual cup is that it makes it easier to keep track of how heavy your flow is. I had a problem with my cup leaking for a year or so and after we got my thyroid hormones balanced better, it stopped leaking. Looking back, I realize that I should've taken the leaking as a sign that my flow was much heavier than it used to be. (I never mentioned it to the doctor because I thought that the birth of my second child had messed up the way it fit.)

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My mom made me use pads as a teen because she thought tampons were "dirty" :rolleyes: and it was an absolute nightmare. I've always had very heavy periods, and I don't know how many times I had, shall we say, overflow incidents. When I moved out and finally started using tampons, it was such a relief. I've never used a pad since.

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I couldn't imagine telling my DDs what they could or couldn't use or what time of day they could use it. That seems so strange to me.

When they were of the age to expect their first periods, we bought a wide variety of pad and tampon types. We discussed the symptoms of TSS so they knew to be aware. Beyond that, they were free to experiment and use whatever felt best to them. After that, they just let me know what they needed me to buy when I went to the store.

I, for one, could never imagine wearing a pad voluntarily but several of my daughters use them at times for some activities. To each her own. It seems way to personal a decision for someone else to decide.

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I've left the decision up to my daughter and she really didn't feel ready for tampons, but I think she is about to change her mind since it has really interferred with swimming. I keep looking for "slender" tampons, but haven't seen any (not at Walgreens or Target.) What brand and where to find them?



ob used to make a teen tampon. I know they changed the name of their sizes. I think their teen size is now "regular". or whatever their smallest size is.

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I presented all options to my dds and let them choose. The look on their face when I told them how tampons work was priceless! Needless to say, they chose to give up swimming for a week or so rather than use tampons, lol.


I recommended no tampons until they were regular and had an idea of what their cycle would be like. (the better to gauge needs)
That's a great idea.
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I used them from my second period, never looked back. Now with mine, there have been plenty of times I used pads as a backup, but I've been using tampons for 25 years now. Like EL, at menopause I may send the company a gift, LOL!


Ellen, the only slender I've seen recently (not that I've really been looking) is the U by Kotex "Sleek" line. I think it might have been Walmart.... I just looked and they are on their website.

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I think it makes a difference if the girl is a little older when she gets her period. Dd was younger, and even after 1.5yrs found the idea of tampons distressing. After a number of dramas involving not being able to swim at birthday parties she eventually had her period on the day of a swimming play date she herself had organised. I very strongly encouraged her to at least try tampons. She did, and hated it, but at least she knows the option is available, and it won't kill her. I bought two different mini styles, gave her links to info online, showed her the brochure in the box, gave her advice from personal experience, and a tube of KY to make it a little easier, then let her make her own decision. (It's worth saying that she's a very capable girl, we're straightforward about such things and she uses cloth pads so is not 'squeamish'. Tampons were just too much for her, though.)

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My daughter swims competively so we had always discussed using tampons and the Diva Cup. She is still trying to master the cup. She uses tampons when she has to swim and pads when she does not. Purely her choice.


Tampax makes a Jr. size.

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I use a diva cup now. But I think the learning curve, not to mention the need for familiarity with your vaginal cavity, is probably too much for young girls. Not saying I'm opposed to it, just, it's not where I'd probably start with a kid. I got my first period at 10.


I presented all options to my dds and let them choose. The look on their face when I told them how tampons work was priceless! Needless to say, they chose to give up swimming for a week or so rather than use tampons, lol.


That's a great idea.


I think it must have been how you presented it. Tampons make your period an afterthought, while pads are - to me- like wearing a diaper. What did you tell them?


I wouldn't worry about flow. See blood on the string = change it.

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I don't see any reason to wait. If you are concerned have her change it every 2 or 3 hours. Playtex Sport is good for active young ladies and a heavier flow. If the first try doesn't work try again later in the day. They will figure it out. It took us a while to find the favorite style. If it's uncomfortable it's not in correctly. Also check on scented or unscented. Some woman are allergic to the scented. It's like some are allergic to bubble bath.

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Tampax and Playtex both have a slender size. If you can't find them in a local store, you can get them on amazon.




O.B.'s regular size is also the slender size. Just renamed product.


I didn't use tampons until my late teens. I wish I had known about the menstrual cup sooner but I doubt I'd have used it as a teen.


Once a girl is comfortable using them, tampons are great. But I'd recommend using a pad at night and/or using pads for a full period on occasion.

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Whatever you decide, please talk to your daughter. I got my first period at 11 and would steal pads from my mom. She eventually figured it out, and started buying me my own boxes.


Then, at 14, right before my first high school band camp, my mom stuck a box of tampons in my bathroom. Not a word spoken. I was and am now fine with the whole "process" (I now use cloth pads and a menstrual cup), but I had to figure it out pretty much on my own. I was super shy/embarrassed, so I didn't even talk to my friends about it.


Not that I think you wouldn't talk to your DD, but I just wanted to reiterate the importance of it.

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I think it must have been how you presented it. Tampons make your period an afterthought, while pads are - to me- like wearing a diaper. What did you tell them?
Lol, trust me, I just presented the facts in a way that was nothing but informative. They quickly made their own decisions.
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I started using tampons from my first period. I have always preferred them to pads so I'm glad my dad presented the option.


ETA: There were a couple of days I'd wear a tampon AND a pad every month. But always at least the tampon. Sometimes I wish I'd known that bcp would help with heavy flow. Other times I'm glad I did not.

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DD will be 14 in November, but is not cycling yet. I think she is close though. At any rate, she wants to use a Moon Cup like I do; I have no problem with whatever she wants to use, but I am hoping the smaller "B" size will be small enough for her. If not I'll discuss other options and help her make up her mind.

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I don't remember my mom teaching me "how" to use tampons. I used to always read the boxes of everything we had, so I had read the tampon instructions enough times before I even needed them, LOL. That and a little trial and error were enough. I would have been too embarrassed to ask for help.

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I used Our Bodies, Ourselves. What an eye opener. It was "here's an anatomy lesson, and also, everything else about sexuality in one book with weird pencil sketches of hairy men". It was a lot to take in. (But was glad to have it!)

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My mother was adamant about me not using tampons. I mean, like I would have gotten in a whole lot of trouble is she ever caught me. That is was never, ever meant for teenager. That you don't use tampons until after you are no longer a virgin.


I didn't try one until I was almost 27/28, when offered one, so I could go swimming with my friends. I wore it for like twenty minute and took it out because it was so painful. (Honestly, even after 10+ years I find sex painful at times, so it just might be me.)


Honestly, it never crossed my mind to give my daughter one when it's time for her period to starts. I find it interesting that it seem to be the norm.

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My mother was adamant about me not using tampons. I mean, like I would have gotten in a whole lot of trouble is she ever caught me. That is was never, ever meant for teenager. That you don't use tampons until after you are no longer a virgin.


I didn't try one until I was almost 27/28, when offered one, so I could go swimming with my friends. I wore it for like twenty minute and took it out because it was so painful. (Honestly, even after 10+ years I find sex painful at times, so it just might be me.)


Honestly, it never crossed my mind to give my daughter one when it's time for her period to starts. I find it interesting that it seem to be the norm.


Talk to your Dr. Sex shouldn't be painful. Sometimes very simple things can cause problems that are easily fixed. Like yeast infections.

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I was not allowed to use tampons for a long time after I got my period. It was messy, embarrassing, and inconvenient . When I would want to go swimming, i would have to wear a pad, go into the bathroom and change it, get in the pool, get out and go right to the bathroom and use a new pad. Once I was allowed to use tampons, I never wore pads again until the stuff about toxic shock came out. Then I switched to night only.

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Just wondering for dd13 1/2. She'd be ok either way. Hasn't got her period yet, prbly due any time. I'd prbly lean toward having her not use them quite yet due to age (and she is skinny and tiny), but I was wondering with swimming this summer (if she gets it) what people do with their young teen girls. I guess I just don't want her to think her period stops her from doing things she wants to do, and I don't want her to think there's anything wrong with or weird about tampon use.



My daughter started right away with tampons - age 12. I gave her some explicit instruction and she started using them immediately. It has been fine.

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