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Is this fun or stalkerish?


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Our friends and neighbors are soon to take their first-ever trip to Disney. We love Disney and have been there probably 10 times. Naturally, I think everyone else should love it, too. I know where they are staying and when they are checking in and was thinking of having a cake or cupcakes sent to their room (through the appropriate Disney bakery) the day they check in, with a "Welcome to WDW" note from us. My husband thinks that borders on stalker. Anyone else see it that way?


For background on our relationship--our boys go back and forth between our houses all day long. None of this "can X come over at 2 on Thursday" business. If I have extra whatever from the farmer's market, I just send it over, and she does the same. Several times, when they've been crazy stressed or busy, I've texted to say, "I'm sending dinner over," and I do, and it's always welcome. We borrow ingredients from each other on almost a weekly basis. Our husbands play poker together. We have a basement, and they don't, so they come to our house during tornado warnings. To summarize, these are not strangers. Is there really any possibility that they'll think it's weird?

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I love the idea of surprising them with a little bit of magic for their first trip! As I'm sure you probably know, the Disney Florist can put together a cute little gift bag with assorted items as well. Depending on the travel/ park schedule of your neighbors, a cake or cupcakes may melt in the room before they get a chance to appreciate them. Or they may feel obligated to tip if they are in the room during delivery. Just a thought.


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Unless you found out their plans by searching through their trash bins and hacking into their computers, I think it is fine!



LOL to this one.


I think it's a little much, personally, and wouldn't do it, but wouldn't think it's too weird if it happened to me. I might for a split second, but then think it was nice.

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As the recipient, I would find it to be a bit much. Not stalkerish, but overbearing. Why is your DH saying it seems stalkerish? Just because he wouldn't like it, or because he thinks they specifically won't like it for some reason? There is no firm answer to this question. Every person and every relationship is different.

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I think it's wonderful! If you helped them planned and that's why you know the info, I say go for it. It's a very thoughtful idea!


You can also send little goodie bags with snacks they can take to the park, water bottles, little disney stuffed animals, etc... If you google, you should be able to find that info.

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Thanks for the responses. I am baffled by--but appreciate very much--the responses for those who think like my husband. I think I used to be more on the "I won't do it because it might be weird" side of the fence generally, but then I got old and started to wear purple, or something like that. Now it isn't so much that I don't care--I just don't really think that maybe someone wouldn't like something I would think is nice. So I appreciate knowing that my husband is not the only one who would be a bit, shall we say, puzzled, by the gesture.


If it were anywhere but Disney, I don't think I would feel like it was acceptable, but their first trip to Disney, maybe. I am still on the fence but will have to decide by tomorrow.


Thanks, everyone.

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Unless you found out their plans by searching through their trash bins and hacking into their computers, I think it is fine!


Not for anything, Jean, but you're practically advertising your super-secret agent status again! :D


And as for the cupcakes, I would never think to do it, but I think it's a fun idea, and your neighbor's kids will probably love the surprise!


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I thought you were going to say something like we decided to plan a trip too and surprise them. That would be stalker like. Cupcakes not at all.



LOL! Surprise! We decided to crash your vacation!


Cupcakes seem so unobtrusive compared to that :D Seriously, I think it's an adorable idea and their kids would probably love it!

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Do it! Why is something nice stalkerish? You are also FRIENDS, not just neighbors. I think it's so sweet and fun and shows how excited you are for them to have a great trip and you want to somehow help it start out well.

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I have changed my mind.


I have decided that it would be a terrible idea to send the cupcakes to your neighbors.


It would be much better to send them to me, instead.


MUCH better. :D


Listen, I can put up with a lot on this board, but hogging the cupcakes? Them's fightin' words. Somebody hold my earrings and flip flops...

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Listen, I can put up with a lot on this board, but hogging the cupcakes? Them's fightin' words. Somebody hold my earrings and flip flops...


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


If she sends them to me, I'll be happy to share them with you -- come on over!

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I also hated WDW, so you may want to consider that :lol: . For fun I enjoy doing my taxes and returning library books on time. Also, flossing my teeth. What got me to even respond to this post was that your DH thought it was stalkerish, I just wanted to point out that he could have a point. He knows both parties involved, which is why I would take his opinion seriously. I just would want to know WHY he said that. Did he say it because he was grumpy at the moment, or didn't want to pay for the cupcakes, or he knows something you don't. That would just concern me, if I wanted to send cupcakes and DH thought it was stalkerish. And if he said, "I don't want to waste the money on cupcakes." Then I would know it was just about the money, and I was not stalkerish. BUT, if he said, "Well, Mr Neighbor told me last week that Mrs Neighbor thinks you're stalkerish." Well then, I would realize maybe sending cupcakes wasn't the best idea....

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I love the idea of surprising them with a little bit of magic for their first trip! As I'm sure you probably know, the Disney Florist can put together a cute little gift bag with assorted items as well. Depending on the travel/ park schedule of your neighbors, a cake or cupcakes may melt in the room before they get a chance to appreciate them. Or they may feel obligated to tip if they are in the room during delivery. Just a thought.



Yep, Disney Floral is my go-to resource for stuff like this. And I use them all. the. time. They're amazing.


And I don't think your idea is weird. I want everyone I know to love Disney, too!! :D


And it is NEVER wrong to sprinkle pixie dust.

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I keep coming back to this thread and I have to admit it's because I like the title.


Stalkerish is my New Word of the Day.


"He's not really a stalker; he's just Stalkerish."


"Funny, but you don't look Stalkerish."


I'm telling you, people, it's a good word. :)

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If it were anywhere but Disney, I don't think I would feel like it was acceptable, but their first trip to Disney, maybe.


Yes, Disney is different. Magical surprises are part of the experience. Go for it! I think it's a great idea.

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