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Just for fun- your favorite avenger?

Just Another Jen

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And the Hulk. I wish they would make a decent Hulk movie. I read somewhere (maybe Pinterest) that for all the money they spend making crappy Hulk movies, they could have made a Hulk. :laugh:



I really liked Mark Ruffalo as the Hulk. He was much better than any of the previous ones. Hopefully they'll give him his own Hulk movie at some point.

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My family spends hours discussing this exact question. It's sort of embarrassing.


Younger dd is a fan of Hawkeye.


Dh is a fan of Ironman.


I have no clue about older dd, who is probably our leading authority on DC and Marvel, and the various fandoms of popular culture. I could probably tell you what she thinks of the various acting abilities in the movies, though, as she's been quite vocal about that.


For me it's a toss up, and depends on my mood. Either Ironman or Captain America. I really, really, really like Tom Hiddleston as Loki, though.

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Iron Man for entertainment. Personality I'd most like irl Captain America, although Hulk would be a close second in that regard. I appreciate his humility and his past experience being the little guy. Appearance/body wise I'd go for Hawkeye. Thor is just too pretty for me.

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Walked past a Dodge Avenger this afternoon at a car dealership. It was hotrod red...If I bought it (which I won't) I'd most certainly have to name it Tony or Stark.


I've always been a Hulk fan. Loved the TV show so many years ago. I don't care for the Hulk movies. So...Ironman gets my vote...smart and snarky.

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Prepare for the geek...


Captain Marvel (Monica Rambeau who's now Photon) at number one.

Captain America at number two (Yes, even though I'm a Canuck).

Ms. Marvel (who I'm soooo hoping is in the next movie. It would be so good to have a female character who could go toe-to-toe with the Hulk.) at number 3.


In the movie, Captain America.

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I really liked Mark Ruffalo as the Hulk. He was much better than any of the previous ones. Hopefully they'll give him his own Hulk movie at some point.



I'd probably go with Edward Norton, but that's only because I like him as an actor. Truth be told, I can't remember the difference between all the Hulk movies my husband seems to have collected. I've got lots of geek street cred in other areas, but I never really got hooked on comics or the comic-based movie genre.


And let's not forget Scarlet Johannsen as Black Widow in the movies. She has no powers at all but is still completely bada$$!



This was what my husband said when I asked him, but I think that was just so I would give him a dirty look.

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Hotly debated subject in this household also!


I'm a Thor girl, but DD14 is ALL Captain America.


Part of me was secretly really glad she didn't go for the "bad boy"...:-) DD's favorite line is when Cpt America says something like, Ma'am, there's only one God, and as far as I know he doesn't dress like that..." She positively swoons...

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I agree. Ruffalo is the best Hulk, hands down. I read that he was getting his own movie somewhere. I just don't remember where I read it.



I love his take on it. I saw an interview with him where he was talking about how the internet just blew up with negativity towards him when it was announced that he'd be taking the part. He said he never got upset, just worked really hard. His performance was his big "up yours" to all his detractors. I admire that attitude of letting your actions be your defense.

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