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s/o Slide Thread- No Coats Outside


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Am I the only horrible parent that let's my children be the judge as to whether or not they have to wear a coat in the cold? If we're going somewhere I make them at least bring a coat, but if my son wants to go play outside without his coat I really feel that it is his decision. If he's cold he'll put on a coat, right?!


Apparently, I'm in the minority because now 3 different parents have yelled at my child to go back in the house and get a coat on. After the same parent yelled at my child for the 3rd time last night I told her that I was perfectly capable of yelling at my own child if I felt that it was something worthy of yelling at. ;)


The kicker? We're from a northerner state, and so what they consider cold here isn't too cold to us. All of the parents are worried that he's going to get a cold from not having his coat on. I thought that was an old wives' tale?

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I insist on socks in winter boots and mittens on hands when there is snow on the ground. I've dealt with frostbite from wet hands and it's not fun. But I don't insist on coats. I feel that when my kid is old enough to do up their own jacket, they're usually old enough to decide whether they are cold enough to need it or not. I'll walk across to the barn or to check on the horses in the field at -30 in just a sweater. My dd usually puts a coat on as soon as there's freezing temperatures but my oldest ds will often run across the yard without a coat and play outside in just his sweater, until -10C.

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I insist on socks in winter boots and mittens on hands when there is snow on the ground. I've dealt with frostbite from wet hands and it's not fun. But I don't insist on coats. I feel that when my kid is old enough to do up their own jacket, they're usually old enough to decide whether they are cold enough to need it or not. I'll walk across to the barn or to check on the horses in the field at -30 in just a sweater. My dd usually puts a coat on as soon as there's freezing temperatures but my oldest ds will often run across the yard without a coat and play outside in just his sweater, until -10C.



:seeya: Hi Dory! :)

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I insist on socks because otherwise their feet stink up their shoes.


Shoes? shoes? Why not just wear flipflops?


(I live really close to a pool, as in a 3 minute walk. I don't like wrestling socks and shoes onto wet feet for the walk home, so my kids wear flip flops well past flip flops weather. ... and I sort of encourage it.

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I do insist on coats when it gets below 45/50. But mine are still little. If it's in the 40's and they fight me on a coat, I don't force the issue too hard. They've been going out without mittens (in the snow) because they lose their mittens every.single.freaking.year.

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I once had an discussion with another mom where she was talking about the insane battles she had with her dd to get her to wear her coat and how dug in she was about it and how it was driving her crazy and taking literally hours of her week every week all winter. And she was like, what is wrong with dd!?! And I was like, what's wrong with her? Good grief, what's wrong with YOU!


I tell my kids to get their coats or hoodies. If they argue, what do I care? Go be cold. Unless we're planning on being outside for a really long time on a day when it's actually below freezing, I'm not even going to suggest it a second time.

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You're not alone. I stopped fighting the coat/shorts vs. jeans battle about the time my boys hit double digits. It just wasn't worth it. One is always cold and the other always hot, none of which tended to match myself or DH or the actual temperature.


I'll suggest it, but that's it. I figure if they're cold, they'll put more clothes on and if they don't and get cold, that's on them not me. Of course, it's a lot easier to not pick that battle now that they're teenagers. :)

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Here in Alaska I see people in WalMart wearing shorts when its 20 degrees outside. Summer-wear comes out when there is still 6 inches of snow on the ground. My 11 year old constantly lounges around the house in short - and we keep the house set at 62.


I figure, if they're cold outside, they're smart enough to put on a coat.


Mom's policy: "If you're cold, put on a coat. If you're hot, take it off.

Mom's corollary: If I suggest that you be prepared 'just in case' and you choose to ignore my suggestion, I don't want to hear about it.

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I am the mom who is always cold. My kids had better have a coat with them just in case. What I can not stand is when someone ( a kid I tutored) would complain of being cold in my house and he is wearing shorts and a t- shirt and is 45 degrees outside. Send a coat for your kid. Of course my dd when 3 refused to wear a coat because it would crush her pretty dress.

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I tell my kids to get their coats or hoodies. If they argue, what do I care? Go be cold. Unless we're planning on being outside for a really long time on a day when it's actually below freezing, I'm not even going to suggest it a second time.


I totally agree with this. The ONLY time I force the issue is when I know we will be outside for a good chunk of time.

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Am I the only horrible parent that let's my children be the judge as to whether or not they have to wear a coat in the cold?


Nope, I'm exactly the same way. If we're going out I'll make him TAKE a coat, but it's his choice whether he wants to wear it. When he's playing outside, I feel the same way. I would rather be cold than wear a coat, so I understand why he often chooses not to. DH, on the other hand, doesn't get it and forces him to wear a coat or put on a sweatshirt whenever he's home. Drives us both nuts.

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I let him decide for himself. I figure if he chooses wrong then that is a natural consequence to be cold. He also chooses to wear shorts sometimes when I would think it is too cold, but it is his body, and he never complains. He has yet to get sick from being cold. ;) I also don't wear a coat unless it is REALLY cold outside, so I can't bust his chops for not wearing one if I'm not either.

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I put the 20 month old in a coat. The other two, I bring a coat for them, if they are cold they can put it on, if they aren't no skin off my nose. I figure they are smart enough to know when they are cold and ask for their jackets then and they do. Then again my kids were also the ones going up a slide barefoot with no coats last Wednesday in 55 degree weather at the playground.

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Mine are little and for now I generally do make them wear coats when it is cold, but I expect as they get older I'll let them choose. There are enough battles over really important things....I think I'll save my energy for those!


It isn't a huge deal here as winter is mild and short. Mine actually love to have it cold and to dress up in their winter gear. I buy mittens, hats, boots and jackets at consignment or Ebay or yardsale.

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Am I the only horrible parent that let's my children be the judge as to whether or not they have to wear a coat in the cold? If we're going somewhere I make them at least bring a coat, but if my son wants to go play outside without his coat I really feel that it is his decision. If he's cold he'll put on a coat, right?! Apparently, I'm in the minority because now 3 different parents have yelled at my child to go back in the house and get a coat on. After the same parent yelled at my child for the 3rd time last night I told her that I was perfectly capable of yelling at my own child if I felt that it was something worthy of yelling at. ;) The kicker? We're from a northerner state, and so what they consider cold here isn't too cold to us. All of the parents are worried that he's going to get a cold from not having his coat on. I thought that was an old wives' tale?

I agree.


We do keep sweatshirts in the car, just in case we need them.


IMO - people where I live go really overboard on coats. Our family doesn't even own coats except for ski coats, which we only wear skiing. One day we were coming out of ballet and DD had on a tank leotard, tights, and shorts. Another girl from class had to put on pants, a sweater, and a coat before she was allowed to leave. :confused1: Maybe there is something wrong with my internal thermostat, I never think it's cold here (grew up in the midwest).


ETA - "here" is Southern CA, I forgot we don't have locations listed.

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I agree.


We do keep sweatshirts in the car, just in case we need them.


IMO - people where I live go really overboard on coats. Our family doesn't even own coats except for ski coats, which we only wear skiing. One day we were coming out of ballet and DD had on a tank leotard, tights, and shorts. Another girl from class had to put on pants, a sweater, and a coat before she was allowed to leave. :confused1: Maybe there is something wrong with my internal thermostat, I never think it's cold here (grew up in the midwest).


ETA - "here" is Southern CA, I forgot we don't have locations listed.



We also keep hoodies in the car usually, in case someone is forgetful, or wises up suddenly.


We were chided by the ballet studio for letting ds leave in his ballet things (not the shoes, of course, but his black leggings and white shirt. They said it was indecent or something and too cold besides and he had to be fully dressed to leave. I'm still annoyed. Black leggings on an 8 yo is perfectly decent and if he wants to brave the two minute walk to the car in 45 degree weather in them, then I think that should be up to him.

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We also keep hoodies in the car usually, in case someone is forgetful, or wises up suddenly.


We were chided by the ballet studio for letting ds leave in his ballet things (not the shoes, of course, but his black leggings and white shirt. They said it was indecent or something and too cold besides and he had to be fully dressed to leave. I'm still annoyed. Black leggings on an 8 yo is perfectly decent and if he wants to brave the two minute walk to the car in 45 degree weather in them, then I think that should be up to him.


Get him a cool bathrobe or long trench coat. :tongue_smilie:

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Am I the only horrible parent that let's my children be the judge as to whether or not they have to wear a coat in the cold? If we're going somewhere I make them at least bring a coat, but if my son wants to go play outside without his coat I really feel that it is his decision. If he's cold he'll put on a coat, right?!


Apparently, I'm in the minority because now 3 different parents have yelled at my child to go back in the house and get a coat on. After the same parent yelled at my child for the 3rd time last night I told her that I was perfectly capable of yelling at my own child if I felt that it was something worthy of yelling at. ;)


The kicker? We're from a northerner state, and so what they consider cold here isn't too cold to us. All of the parents are worried that he's going to get a cold from not having his coat on. I thought that was an old wives' tale?

We're the same way. Sometimes I kind of wish Astro would wear at least a jacket outside, but I go out sometimes (and think it's cold - and I rarely get cold!) and find it laying on a chair on the deck. He may or may not have shoes on.

I don't fight it. :)


Oh, and I don't wear coats, either. I despise them. I might wear a hoodie/jacket if I absolutely have to, but in general I get by with a thin cardigan. I get hot REALLY fast. :p

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Am I the only horrible parent that let's my children be the judge as to whether or not they have to wear a coat in the cold? If we're going somewhere I make them at least bring a coat, but if my son wants to go play outside without his coat I really feel that it is his decision. If he's cold he'll put on a coat, right?!


Apparently, I'm in the minority because now 3 different parents have yelled at my child to go back in the house and get a coat on. After the same parent yelled at my child for the 3rd time last night I told her that I was perfectly capable of yelling at my own child if I felt that it was something worthy of yelling at. ;)


The kicker? We're from a northerner state, and so what they consider cold here isn't too cold to us. All of the parents are worried that he's going to get a cold from not having his coat on. I thought that was an old wives' tale?



I love the bolded!!


We are climber-uppers, shoes optional, pick your own outerwear people over here! We do bring coats in the car in case we would need to walk or got stuck.


People have so many rules!

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I think this depends on your child's age, the climate where you live, and what else they are wearing.


My son is 4 and chooses what he wears each day. If he decides to wear a short sleeved shirt in winter then yes I am insisting that he wear a fleece hoodie or warm jacket (and probably hat) when he goes outside (we live in Canada). If he runs around and gets too hot then he can choose to remove the outerwear.


When he is older it will be up to him to judge what clothing is needed.


It does bug me when I pass by the nearby elementary school and see almost no child ever wearing a coat when playing outside unless it is snowing (and often not even then).

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I'm in the 'Don't force it but bring the coats along' camp.


When my younger ds was 3 he went through a phase where he had to wear his swimming trunks and swim shirt every day. Every single day, for months. Of course he chose winter to do this. So that winter not only did he have no coat, he also was in his bathers. Oh, the looks from other parents. But he was a tremendously happy 3yo!

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couple things . . . .


i had one who wouldn't wear pants, only shorts. (and he didn't care if it was 32 degrees outside.) I finally made a compromise he HAD to wear a coat/heavy sweatshirt if he was going to play outside. needless to say, he ripped them off. I've since learned it's the way his brain regulated his perception of temperature. he never perceived cold, even if his body said otherwise.


when I was a child, I too hated wearing coats and would play outside for hours. I was always very hot when I came inside. In retrospect, I understand NOW that I was inadequately dressed and becasue of it my body temperature was adversely affected.


with dudeling, he has many choices for layers, and he will wear them. the thing about layers is they can be very warm, still easy to move, breathable (so they're not getting all sweaty which makes them feel hotter than they are), and if they truly need to peel off a layer, they can.

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I read something years ago that went something like this: "Whether or not you need a coat depends on how cold your mother feels." :rofl: It was certainly true with my mother when we still lived in NJ.


That said, it's rarely an issue in Central Florida.


And how much food you need to eat for dinner depends on how hungry your mother is.

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I am the mom who is always cold. My kids had better have a coat with them just in case. What I can not stand is when someone ( a kid I tutored) would complain of being cold in my house and he is wearing shorts and a t- shirt and is 45 degrees outside. Send a coat for your kid. Of course my dd when 3 refused to wear a coat because it would crush her pretty dress.


If the kid is over age 6 or 7, I don't have much pity for them. They are plenty old enough to get their own coat. If not the first time, then after being cold, they will likely remember the second time.


If my kid complains, I just look at them with raised eyebrow and comment, "Sorry about that. Bet you listen to me about getting a coat next time." and that's the end of that.


I remind my kids to consider the weather, but otherwise, whatever. Not worth arguing about it and they know I won't listen to complaints afterwards either,

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I don't make DD wear a coat unless it's very cold outside (below freezing) and we'll be out there for awhile. She has to carry her own coat if she chooses not to wear it when we'll be outside for a minute. We went to lunch with a friend and the friend had a pitched battle with her 5yo insisting that she had to wear her coat for the 30foot walk from the restaurant to the car in mid-40's weather. Both DD and I had chosen to put ours in the car. I'd rather be cold for 60 seconds than lug my coat, personally. DD seems to be the same way.


I do decide for the twins, but they are 2 and would just scream if they got cold. Next winter they will probably get to decidee for themselves.

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