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Seriously people, why do you let your children climb UP the slide?


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That's what I thought too. But then, I had a parent yell at me once b/c my kids were jumping in a puddle. So, you never know of course.


I've had people yell at me because I let my kids carry "heavy" things (like board books or toys) when they "could drop them on their toes". Seriously. I can't imagine how I would get through the day if I had to try to police three small people from carrying anything that might hurt their toes if dropped.

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I'm just wondering....when was it decided that slides were for going down? I mean maybe, just maybe, they were invented with the idea of going up and all you slide downers got it wrong. And somewhere along the way going down slides just caught on. ;)


I say Up with slides! Go up the slide barefoot eating a cupcake and wearing a kilt.

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I've had people yell at me because I let my kids carry "heavy" things (like board books or toys) when they "could drop them on their toes". Seriously. I can't imagine how I would get through the day if I had to try to police three small people from carrying anything that might hurt their toes if dropped.


That's just bizarre. I really think it's more dangerous to raise kids who are scared of every little thing than to take "risks" like carrying "heavy" things or going barefoot or climbing slides (when you're the only one at the park) or a million other fun, childhood things that adults are now freaked out about. Seriously, the studies aren't out yet, but I think the psychological damage of helicopter parenting is going to be significant.

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The "safer" they make the playgrounds by eliminating all the fun parts, the more likely kids are to find ways to use the equipment that the designers didn't intend. Just sayin.


I think most of the stress and annoyance over kids on the playground is from some sense that you have to do something about them. I personally let my kids figure it out among themselves. They've gotten a face full of feet before. :) And not minded.

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Because it's fun and why not? She knows if there's a lot of other kids playing on the slide that she has to cooperate with them. Sometimes that means the slide becomes down only. Sometimes it ends up being up only. Sometimes they'll all go up then all go down. I try not to referee my child's every move at the park.


Shoes, eh. I don't see why it's a big deal. DD hates wearing shoes and it's easier to climb up slides barefoot. I definitely don't see why it would matter if other kids took theirs off.

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I remember being at the kid's museum and they have some enormous slides. DD was going down one, and there was a kid wanting to go up. I said "Hey S hang on a sec....." just waiting for the kid to get out of the way, and he did. Well then the mother had to do her "thing." She ended up telling her ds he must use his words and say sorry to my dd. SHe expected my dd to wait there while he threw a fit not wanting to. I just made a silly comment and told dd we should go up the slide again. She actually told me she needed her ds to use his nice words to appologize. I was like gee, well it doesn't look like he's going to and my dd wants to just go slide, and so we did. It was ridiculous. I'm fine with getting involved if it's necessary, like two kids fighting or something but that has never happened to me. My kids tend to be aware of others and not cause issues like that and I usually let kids work it out on their own. And the poor kid didn't even do anything in the first place. It was so odd. What I really wanted to say was "dd now we have to use our naughty words and tell her to eff off." But I smiled instead and went on playing. I don't know why parents can't just sit aside until they start throwing punches. Kids really ARE able to work out more on their own given the chance.


As far as shoes though we have to wear them. Playgrounds here have wood chips and it only takes one foot full of slivers to not do it again.

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Oh goodness.


I haven't read the other 100+ posts, but....


Kids climb up because it is fun, uses different skills, is healthy, and is FUN.


Yes, my kids need to be respectful of other people. I would not allow mine to start climbing up the slide when there is a child (or line of children) waiting to slide down. My kid has to wait his turn just like everyone else. ANd you're right, everyone should be respectful rather than taking extra turns or stepping on people.


I find it very judgmental for you to say it is irresponsible for us to let our kids play however we deem fit for them. I am not telling you that you are wrong (though I think you are) or all the reasons why (though I think there are some).


You raise your kids your way and I'll raise mine my way.


I do think it is perfectly fine to wish more children and parents were mindful of those around them. That seems to be a huge issue these days. I can hear your frustration about it. I could JAWY there :)

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Even if another child is waiting, it is still okay to climb up (in my books) if you aren't taking too much time and not hogging the slide. Equipment shouldn't be vacated immediately if another child approaches. The climbing child is also using the equipment and has the same rights to it as a child who wants to slide down.



This is pretty much how I feel also. But sadly my kids aren't really into slides anymore :(


I think it's great to have rules that your family follows (e.g. in your family, you don't climb UP the slide), but I think it's unrealistic to think everyone is going to have those same rules. I always tell my kids - we're all different. If we were all the same, the world would be incredibly boring. So let's accept each other and our slide-using habits :)

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Guest submarines

I remember being at the kid's museum and they have some enormous slides. DD was going down one, and there was a kid wanting to go up. I said "Hey S hang on a sec....." just waiting for the kid to get out of the way, and he did. Well then the mother had to do her "thing." She ended up telling her ds he must use his words and say sorry to my dd. SHe expected my dd to wait there while he threw a fit not wanting to. I just made a silly comment and told dd we should go up the slide again. She actually told me she needed her ds to use his nice words to appologize. I was like gee, well it doesn't look like he's going to and my dd wants to just go slide, and so we did. It was ridiculous. I'm fine with getting involved if it's necessary, like two kids fighting or something but that has never happened to me. My kids tend to be aware of others and not cause issues like that and I usually let kids work it out on their own. And the poor kid didn't even do anything in the first place. It was so odd. What I really wanted to say was "dd now we have to use our naughty words and tell her to eff off." But I smiled instead and went on playing. I don't know why parents can't just sit aside until they start throwing punches. Kids really ARE able to work out more on their own given the chance.


As far as shoes though we have to wear them. Playgrounds here have wood chips and it only takes one foot full of slivers to not do it again.


I :001_wub: u.

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I let my kids climb up open slides if nobody is sliding down. We don't climb up tube slides because you can't see in them. When my kids were little, that's the only way they could get to the top to slide down as they couldn't climb the ladders. I don't know why it is so obvious slides are for down only. Who says? Are there signs at the playground? I thought playgrounds were for using imaginations and playing. I teach my kids to take turns and not to cut in when someone else is playing and to give way to littles. This means that if there's a slide climber and they want to go down, then they need to wait until the kid is up before going down. How is climbing up more rude than not taking a second to check if someone is climbing up (which is mostly obvious) or not caring and kicking a kid in the face? People need to take turns and be respectful. Once you climb up, your turn is over. Once you slide down, if someone is waiting to climb up, you give them a turn. It's not that hard.


And swings? Is there some time limit I don't know about and other people are then allowed to tell kids to get off?


Shoes? Not my problem. I don't let my kids go barefoot because I've seen kids peeing in the wood chips. Disgusting. This hasn't been at trashy unkept parks but nice middle class ones. Now, I think that's something we can agree on- no purposeful planned peeing in parks!

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I allow mine to go up only when nobody else is around...mostly because we play at parks where you can't see the top of the slide at the bottom.


I've also seen my fair share of uptight parents. One in particular made my jaw drop. Most parks here have foam or wood chips. We know of ONE with sand (nicely kept). When we go there, we bring sand toys and I know the kids are going to be covered in sand when we're done. They hardly play on the structure because the sand is SO FUN. One day we went there, though, and another mom came with her little girl and said, "You can play, but don't touch the sand." Seeing as the entire park is nothing BUT sand, the poor little girl was resigned to sitting on the sidewalk watching my kids bury themselves. She couldn't even do the slides because she couldn't touch the sand. :001_huh:

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I have always encouraged my children to climb up the slid,Reasons

1. way more fun

2. more exercises per minute of playground time

3 way more fun

4. more challenging

5. uses more muscles.

6. way more fun.

7.less dangerous than climbing up the ladder side

8. less chance of children charging themselves up with static electricity and zapping me when the come of the slid

9.did I mention it is way more fun

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Not only do mine go up the slide, they're often found on top of the slide if it's a tube slide or up on any other high perch. *gasp*


Exactly what I was going to post! We don't have many playground rules, but I will not allow my girls to play in sandboxes. I just can't go there.


I also let my kids ride bikes and scooters without a helmet and jump on trampolines without nets. Tsk, tsk.

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Yes, I originally taught my kiddos not to climb up slides...but that was when they were little bitty things. Once they hit about K age, I began to chill out a bit and let them do what kids do...which is climb up slides! For some reason, it seems like the natural thing. Now, if we are at a park with smaller kids, I will not let my kids do it, as it is rude and could cause problems. But if they are playing with kids their own age, go right on ahead and have fun!


It is funny because my kiddos go to school now and I often let them play on the playground when I pick them up. ALL of the kids climb up the slides...and yet no one has gotten hurt! They take turns and work together. It is actually fun to watch.


As for the shoe thing...my kiddos have always been required to wear shoes outside because I am paranoid about bees. I was allergic as a child (grew out of it) and never wanted to deal with it with my own kiddos.

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I tell my kids no climbing up when someone is waiting but otherwise who gives a flying F what way they go up the slide. You know my oldest broke his leg at 22 months going up the ladder of a little tykes slide (2 rungs only, tiny little slide), yet none have ever been hurt in 14 years going up the slide itself. As a consideration to others they do not go up if kids are waiting to go down. Otherwise I don't care. As for the slide in my yard, the only time the kids go up the ladder is when they want to go down head first or backwards.


As for barefoot in the playground. Again not your kid, get over it. Some parks we all go barefoot, some we all wear shoes, it depends on the park, the ground cover, the neighborhood etc.


The park is a kids zone, it was supposed to be 1 of the few places that was all about the kid being a kid, not parents micromanaging their every move for the false sense of safety.


Guess what my kids love merry go rounds(when we can find them since most have been ripped out), climbing trees, hanging upside down fromt eh monkey bars, sitting on top of the play structure, and twisting up the swings. If they get hurt, they get hurt, that's part of childhood, using those gross muscles, experiencing the adrenaline rush of safe fears(swinging up high, climbing to the top of a structure, hanging upside down).


If you have a problem with a kid going up the slide when your kid is waiting, politely remind the kid to wait his/her turn, but otherwise keepyour opinions about how he/she is using it to yourself. And as for shoes, again keep your opinions to yourself. Each parent will decide whether shoes are needed or not.


*announcers voice* This week on mommy wars using the ladder or the slide, which way is up? Come see moms duke it out while their kids play happily on the slide. Stick around to watch Phobia intervention, and see Billy fight to over come his fear of playground sand touching his feet. A fear that began when his mother told him his feet would be destroyed and fall off if he ever removed his shoes at the playground. These shows and more on the I'm right, You're wrong channel.



THIS. You would not BELIEVE the number of times another parent has tried telling MY kid to get down from a tree. I usually call out that I can see her, she's fine, blah blah. And they still try to tell her she's going to fall and get hurt, or that the other kids are going to follow her, whatever. She's not inviting other kids to follow her, if you don't want your own kid climbing trees, fine. But leave mine alone! She's FINE. I promise.

Although I will admit to secretly giggling when she says hi and the parent is looking all around for the voice and they finally find her 2 stories up in a tree. Lol. *Brag Alert* She is actually pretty impressive. I've never seen a kid climb like she does. No fear at all. :) She also regularly gets to the top of the play structure and hangs out up there drawing or writing in her notebook.

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I hear parents telling their kids not to go up the slide all the time when we're at the park, and I never could figure out why it's so wrong.


One day recently we were at the park and a kid was there with his grandma and I felt so sorry for him. She was telling him how to swing- not too fast, with his legs only a certain way, she told him no going on the merry go round, it's dangerous, no running because he could get hurt, and definitely do not climb that tree, you could fall out. All the while glaring at me because my kids were climbing trees, spinning as fast as they could go on the merry go round (though they know to spin it slow if younger kids get on), and running around burning off steam. Isn't that the point?!

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THIS. You would not BELIEVE the number of times another parent has tried telling MY kid to get down from a tree. I usually call out that I can see her, she's fine, blah blah. And they still try to tell her she's going to fall and get hurt, or that the other kids are going to follow her, whatever. She's not inviting other kids to follow her, if you don't want your own kid climbing trees, fine. But leave mine alone! She's FINE. I promise.

Although I will admit to secretly giggling when she says hi and the parent is looking all around for the voice and they finally find her 2 stories up in a tree. Lol. *Brag Alert* She is actually pretty impressive. I've never seen a kid climb like she does. No fear at all. :) She also regularly gets to the top of the play structure and hangs out up there drawing or writing in her notebook.


He he. I posted and then started scrolling up to see what other people thought about it. I could have written this, my kids climb everything, they climb the outside of the play structures at the park. And yep, people always act so scared of tree climbing.

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Kids do it because climbing up a slide is totes more fun and challenging than sliding down. And really, I had to laugh at 'irresponsible and dangerous.' Really? I have never, ever, heard of or seen a slide climbing accident that resulted in more than a bump and bruise, much less one that required a doctor or ER visit - and I live less than a half a block from a park.


Kids can climb up rudely (or politely) and they can slide down rudely (or politely). Like Soror said, a mouthful of shoes or bare feet is a natural consequence of climbing up rudely.


I have zero concern for parents who are affronted b/c my kids are allowed to do something theirs are not. Other kids are allowed to do plenty of things that my kids are not. Mom up and deal with it!


I still laugh every time I think about the time we were waiting at Disney World to meet Princess Tiana. The line was endless, and my girls were fiddling in the dirt and picking up rocks and acorns - the mom behind us was FURIOUS. She loudly proclaimed to her little girl, again and again, that no, she could not do the same, because it was dirty and disgusting, and she could not believe what some parents allowed. Yeah, that's gonna change my mind, random cranky lady. Get over yourself.

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We had a get together at an adventure playground and enjoyed ignoring our large group of mixed age kids, climbing UP a huge, wide metal slide, while jumping out of the way as some of their mates came barreling down on sacks. To spice it up, some of the others were chucking large lumps of dirt at them.

They knew we'd rag them if they let the smalls get hurt. No-one did, and when 'other' kids climbed to the top they would just get out of the way and take their dirt lumps with them until the 'other' had their slide.


This is the same group of kids, whose mums (us) caused distress to two teachers at a combined schools thing, because we were happy for them to climb trees in a park and 'fight' each other with sticks. We did eventually tell them in a loud voice, "Don't fight with sticks while the school teachers were watching."

These kids drive (off road), have knives, and look out for each other. They know the significant difference between rules and common sense. We love being able to sneak watch while ignoring them, they make us proud.

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It's actually a good exercise for developing muscles. My son was in PT and she encouraged walking up the slide. Of course, we didn't let him do it when there were other kids wanting to go down the slide, but when we have the park to ourselves, climb, explore, and PLAY away!



My son's pt told us to do it too. We tried to get to the slide when there weren't others around but sometimes I'd let him go up if there wasn't a long line, and we knew the kids in it. Then I could explain. It really did help him.

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My DH broke his arm as a child because he was sliding down one of those twisted slides and couldn't see that a kid was climbing up it—the kids crashed into each other and in DH's attempts to turn himself so as not to kick the kid in the face, his arm was broken. The other kid was unhurt, thankfully (although neither the kid nor his parent apologized).

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Was that your intent? To get people arguing? The only comment you have made after declaring the rest of us are bad moms is a wink about how this should turn into a cupcake thread.


Or did you really not know it would go this way, see that most of us disagree, and you just don't want to post anymore to your own thread?







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Was that your intent? To get people arguing? The only comment you have made after declaring the rest of us are bad moms is a wink about how this should turn into a cupcake thread.


Or did you really not know it would go this way, see that most of us disagree, and you just don't want to post anymore to your own thread?


My vote is she gets twitchy from lack of sugar and she really needs a cupcake?

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Another UP the slide family. We are also Down slides, under and over them. Teach your children to be thoughtful of others and then let them have fun at a playground. At the town playground, there is a sprinkler play area next to the play equipment. Unless you want your child to run around in wet shoes (wet sandals are slippery) then they need to be barefoot.


Sorry OP, I disagree with you.

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Was that your intent? To get people arguing? The only comment you have made after declaring the rest of us are bad moms is a wink about how this should turn into a cupcake thread.


Or did you really not know it would go this way, see that most of us disagree, and you just don't want to post anymore to your own thread?




I thought that perhaps she had not posted again because she was obviously outnumbered. One could interpret the wink at the cupcake comment that occurred early in the thread as seemingly realizing that a rant that she thought others would join was not going that way and she was going to be good-humored about it.


I remember posting a rant about women not wiping the toilet seats after standing to pee... most people agreed with me. I posted it because I thought they would agree and I just needed to vent a little. Maybe she was doing the same, but didn't realize that pretty much no one else agreed.


It is very possible the OP is actually surprised to find the supermajority don't share her view of the situation. She isn't being argumentative or egging it on at all--she's not posting. I would guess a whole lot of us have said something judgmental before when we've been among people we thought would agree. Not a shining moment to be sure, but not an uncommon human phenomenon.

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I thought that perhaps she had not posted again because she was obviously outnumbered. One could interpret the wink at the cupcake comment that occurred early in the thread as seemingly realizing that a rant that she thought others would join was not going that way and she was going to be good-humored about it.



It is very possible the OP is actually surprised to find the supermajority don't share her view of the situation. She isn't being argumentative or egging it on at all--she's not posting. I would guess a whole lot of us have said something judgmental before when we've been among people we thought would agree. Not a shining moment to be sure, but not an uncommon human phenomenon.



Welll said. What I was speculating also.

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Aren't all slides now built to a legally safe height where no child could possibly get hurt... Surrounded by soft non PVC plastic safety ground... With queuing lines.... And Helicopter parent guards?


Now the 25' high old-school, all-metal, no-railing, burn-your-flesh-off-in-the-sun slides - that's a different thread!


What about large, fast, metal merry-go-round etiquette? Oh, none of those left. Might as well climb up the 4ft plastic slide for fun....






One time, when I was at the playground with my brother, I was running runnning running running around and around to spin the merry-go-round while he was on it. We did that all the time and then I would jump on and we'd spin so fast and hang on for dear life and laugh like crazy. This one time, I didn't quite make it and my knee dragged for a couple of turns on the rocks at the base. Oh MAN! That bugger bled like you wouldn't believe! Shredded! Totally! Stung like crazy! I had to walk home with blood pouring down into my sandals and I had the biggest gauze bandage because we didn't have any band-aids big enough.


My brother and I -- to this DAY -- still talk about that day. It was like super-sonic-fast. Like g-force fast. And then there was the bonus bloody walk home.


Best. Ride. Ever.

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I thought that perhaps she had not posted again because she was obviously outnumbered. One could interpret the wink at the cupcake comment that occurred early in the thread as seemingly realizing that a rant that she thought others would join was not going that way and she was going to be good-humored about it.


I remember posting a rant about women not wiping the toilet seats after standing to pee... most people agreed with me. I posted it because I thought they would agree and I just needed to vent a little. Maybe she was doing the same, but didn't realize that pretty much no one else agreed.


It is very possible the OP is actually surprised to find the supermajority don't share her view of the situation. She isn't being argumentative or egging it on at all--she's not posting. I would guess a whole lot of us have said something judgmental before when we've been among people we thought would agree. Not a shining moment to be sure, but not an uncommon human phenomenon.



I agree. I also think if the rant had been directed at poor park manners in general she would have found most jumping in to vent along side her.


I imagine even those of us who let our children do the unthinkable on playground equipment have had run ins with children whose behavior left our hoodlums looking downright angelic. (I would insert an appropriate smiley, but am on a mobile device. Hmm. :p seems right!)



ETA- oh my goodness- I actually got a smiley to show up! If only I had cupcake vodka with which to celebrate!

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When I first saw the post before anyone posted a reply, it actually crossed my mind that maybe the OP was trying to break the tension around here in a somewhat odd way.... :confused:
Anyone think the point has been made yet? ;) I'm guessing the OP has figured out that she's in a distinct minority.


OP here. I was completely joking with this thread. I was actually going to post a thread about why in the world won't people let their children climb up the slide but this was more fun. And we need more fun on the board right now. Unfortunately many won't see this post explaining things and every time they see my userid now will remember me as that uptight parent who won't let their kids climb up the slide. :001_unsure: Really, I promise I let my kids climb up. Only rule is not while others are waiting to come down, and be careful if there are little ones around.


I was at someone's house once and she would not let her kids climb up the slide in their backyard. She kept repeating to them 'Slides are for going down." :confused1: :confused1: :confused1: Um, okay. I don't know her anymore, I really hope she got over that.


And I get many glares for letting my kids go barefoot at the playground. :toetap05:


See, it isn't so fun now that I've explained myself!

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