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s/o Things you were once told were evil...


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In fairness, I added Madonna to my exercise playlist and was surprised at just how obviously suggestive "Like a Prayer" seemed to me now-when I'd totally missed that response as a teenager.


Oh, I agree. I actually feel that way about a lot of songs I used to like. I also see it in my own dds now. They sing along and I'll point something out. They look at me like I'm crazy. :001_smile:

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In fairness, I added Madonna to my exercise playlist and was surprised at just how obviously suggestive "Like a Prayer" seemed to me now-when I'd totally missed that response as a teenager.


Oh, yeah, love the music of the 70s and 80s. I remember singing very loudly, "If you can't be with the one you love, love the one your with" at an age when I wasn't sure what "love" they were talking about.

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Not much was outlawed in our home for religious reasons (or because they were "evil"). The only thing that comes to mind is that spirit board thing (ouija board or something?). I received one (from a friend or something) one year and it disappeared only to be found many, many years later buried in storage. Lol.


We weren't allowed to watch certain things - but not because of "evil" content; more because they were "garbage". The Simpsons, Beavis and Butthead among them; which, of course, meant that we watched them at friends' homes instead.

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Oh, yeah, love the music of the 70s and 80s. I remember singing very loudly, "If you can't be with the one you love, love the one your with" at an age when I wasn't sure what "love" they were talking about.


Boy was my jaw dropping when I realized what the lyrics of 'Greased Lightning' really were. My cousin and I would stand on picnic tables and sing the song at the top of our lungs - never realizing just what they were talking about.


Ditto Frankie Goes To Hollywood's 'Relax'. :ohmy:

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These are hilarious, but really, don't the same type of churches today say the same type of things are evil? Isn't it Pokemon, Harry Potter, and evolution? Has anything actually changed?


Nope, which is why we don't go too much. (I did find a church that I agree with the bulk of their teachings, but some members still have weird superstitions that they try to pass on to kids....) I strongly believe in God and Christ's redemption of us, and His ongoing re-creation/renewal of us, but much of today's organized religion gives me the heeby jeebies for the most part. I don't want church tainting my daughter's faith.

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Nope, which is why we don't go too much. (I did find a church that I agree with the bulk of their teachings, but some members still have weird superstitions that they try to pass on to kids....) I strongly believe in God and Christ's redemption of us, and His ongoing re-creation/renewal of us, but much of today's organized religion gives me the heeby jeebies for the most part. I don't want church tainting my daughter's faith.
This is true. :confused:


Somebody say something funny again. :D


ETA: My daughter wanted me to post that when we were in our previous religion she was shunned for watching Kung Fu Panda. I didn't want to bump the thread back up.

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Do you know what IS evil?


The fact that many of you are listing "things" in this thread as being part of your *childhood* that were part of my *parenting* years. :glare::tongue_smilie:


I have heard most of the stuff in this thread being talked about as evil; but only in my adult years and from news as a child.


Growing up, there was no one in my circle of influence who had that kind of perspective.


I've been thinking the same thing. The things my parents were against were R movies, witchcraft, speaking in tongues, recreational drug use, and "sexual immorality." When I was 10, my father made us give up Halloween and Christmas. I picked up the rest from adults and teachers in the churches we attended. There was even more influence from other homeschool moms when my oldest kids were young. I got rid of a lot of our movies, and wouldn't let my kids watch many of the tv shows their friends would watch. I was strict about many things that seem so unimportant now. My youngest two have a different mother than my oldest three had.


My good friends were Gothardites and I am so glad now that my husband would not embrace that lifestyle. I wore only skirts and dresses for a few years. I became so full of guilt that I went into a depression. It is such a relief to be out of that mindset.



When I was in high school, Jimmy Carter was the anti-christ.

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I FORGOT that YOGA was evil. I learned that over at HSR. I think I left shortly thereafter.


Another MIL 'evil':

Magic School Bus.


Seriously, she had a meltdown in my livingroom b/c I put a video on for the kids.


Yea, those types HATE science lessons. :D


I was told the Pope was the anti-Christ.


Which Pope???


That would be all of us then--Mormons love dancing. A lot. :001_tt2:


How do Mormons feel about The Book of Mormon on Broadway. I saw the clip from the Tony awards and wondered if it was embraced as hysterical or shunned as sacrilege.

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I left a certain church when I was 13, mostly based on some items in the following list that were considered evil:


wearing shorts

wearing swim suits (what were we supposed to wear since we also could not wear shorts)

movies, ALL movies



Catholics (my best friend was Catholic, so I was in BIG trouble at the church so I just left and never went back)


this was in Texas in the late 1960's


also we were really supposed to go to church Sunday morning and night, and also Wed and Thurs. nights. My dad refused to go Sunday night and miss Bonanza so I often stayed home with him and also got to watch Wonderful World of Disney

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That's a funny one. I really didn't hear much of anything like that growing up, and I grew up VERY conservative Christian (still am). My mom once told me she didn't think I should watch Scooby-Doo, but that was because it was a "dumb show and beyond my intelligence" (and that was saying something, because I was dumb as a doorknob :D). They didn't care for pop music or movies, although I was allowed to go see "Run for Your Life, Charlie Brown" and "Pete's Dragon" in the theaters. Again, I think they were just making judgement calls over what was worth spending time on.


My MIL, however, believed (and I think still does at heart) that smoking is a worse sin than murder. Pretty much, you couldn't get any worse than that.

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There actually was a group of teenagers in our town that claimed to be Satanists and they did some pretty creepy things. (Including one kid bring a bat to eat at lunch at the public high school).


Oh. My. God. That is....just horrifying.


Clearly Satanists are quite creepy. It shouldn't be forgotten. I think the trouble is when every minor infraction or even general weirdness becomes the end of the world, and the world becomes framed as us vs. them, where almost everyone else is on the wrong side.

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I FORGOT that YOGA was evil. I learned that over at HSR. I think I left shortly thereafter.



I forgot about Yoga too!! I was never really religious and started doing yoga in high school, having no idea that it was apparently affiliated with the devil. Several friends were sure I was involved in something REALLY evil because of that.

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Some of these are really interesting.


There must be people who walk around all day feeling anxious because signs of evil are everywhere. I think I have a new-found gratitude for the fact that I don't have to spend time considering whether things are immodest, Satanic, or whatever.


I never had any of this growing up, although later on my mother-in-law told me a few. I particularly remember that yoga nidra is bad because if you clear you mind then devils will enter it. Also teddy bears with clothes on or books that show animals with clothes, houses, etc, are bad. This is because they imply that animals are similar to people, instead of being created for the use of people, as described in the Biblical narrative.


A school friend of mine was forbidden to accept Christmas cards. I'm not sure of the exact reasoning behind this, but I think it was something along the lines of jollification at Christmas was disrespectful to Christ (she was Christadelphian, but I don't know whether not being allowed to do Christmas is an actual rule or just her weird family interpretations?)

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I haven't read this entire thread--just saw it! Just about everything on the first page I had seen referred to as evil or satanic at one time or another, though.


But has anyone mentioned unicorns yet?


I had a Christian friend whose mother prohibited unicorns because they were evil, and so God didn't allow them on the ark and they became extinct in the flood.


They were accidentally left behind you know. There's even a song about it! I can't believe no one has posted the link. My kids find it hysterical for reasons I don't quite understand. :tongue_smilie:



wow. this list is blowing my mind. some of these things i wouldn't allow my kids to play with either, such as tarot cards or ouija boards. and i do care what music we listen too (although i'm not anti-secular...we just don't rock out to marilyn manson). but most of this stuff i've never even heard of (let alone thought of!).


IRL, i'm uber conservative compared to my parents, sisters, and many of my friends. i do have some friends here that are much more conservative than my family, but i sure hope i'm not being judged by these standards listed. i must look like evil knievel to them if any of these things really matter to them.


This Evel Knievel? Or did he have an evil twin? :D



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They were accidentally left behind you know. There's even a song about it! I can't believe no one has posted the link. My kids find it hysterical for reasons I don't quite understand. :tongue_smilie:





This Evel Knievel? Or did he have an evil twin? :D




My kids love the Shel Silverstein poem they used in the song. :D

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They were accidentally left behind you know. There's even a song about it! I can't believe no one has posted the link. My kids find it hysterical for reasons I don't quite understand. :tongue_smilie:










Ha, yes!

I always wondered if the mom got a hold of that song and just assumed it was some sort of new scripture :)


Actually, I was amazed she actually believed unicorns ever existed. I was in 2nd grade at the time and just marveled.


What shocked me even more was hearing this same thing from several other families over the years. I thought it was just her--but my most recent neighbor had the same belief as well.

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Oh, I agree. I actually feel that way about a lot of songs I used to like. I also see it in my own dds now. They sing along and I'll point something out. They look at me like I'm crazy. :001_smile:


I remember belting out 'Angel of the morning' and completely not noticing ... anything. Yeah.

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I forgot about Yoga too!! I was never really religious and started doing yoga in high school, having no idea that it was apparently affiliated with the devil. Several friends were sure I was involved in something REALLY evil because of that.



Want a really crazy Yoga is evil story? The day before my wedding was hilarious!!!! My mother and step-father had their yoga class (an instructor would come to our house), a regularly scheduled thing since her cancer diagnoses...which she beat! ;) My very conservative, Pentecostal, maid of honor and her fiance were staying there as well.


As the yoga class was going on I walked to the back patio to see my friend and her boyfriend passionately praying for my parents. I raised my eyebrow a bit and she said, "Well, if your mom can bring in a yoga instructor we can speak in come out here and pray in tongues!"


Uuuummm, okay. I was seriously lost in my own house. The worst part was they could see each other between the living room (yoga class) and glass patio door (speaking in tongues intercession) at this point I wanted to elope!!!! :D

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Just to make things interesting ;). I was told religion was evil and responsible for all the bad things in the world.



Well, you can see how that worked out for me! ;)


And then there's the flip side: I was told science for the sake of knowledge would bring about spiritual downfall. So you can see how well that worked out for us! :lol:

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Just to make things interesting ;). I was told religion was evil and responsible for all the bad things in the world.


And then there's the flip side: I was told science for the sake of knowledge would bring about spiritual downfall.

Yeah, because you know that the two can NEVER work together *eyeroll* (not at you two, but at those that take these two extremes).

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My mother felt that The Monkees were evil... pure evil to the core and if we watched even 1 minute of the show we'd be damaged for life. She had the same feelings for The Electric Company.


Now THAT is pretty random.


We're gonna turn it on....We're gonna bring you the power...

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I was told religion was evil and responsible for all the bad things in the world.





And then there's the flip side: I was told science for the sake of knowledge would bring about spiritual downfall.


Yeah, because you know that the two can NEVER work together *eyeroll* (not at you two, but at those that take these two extremes).

This explains the evil Catholics. You know we have the priests that are scientists. Or is that scientists that are priests? ;):D:lol:

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This explains the evil Catholics. You know we have the priests that are scientists. Or is that scientists that are priests? ;):D:lol:



Well you know, I think it says somewhere in the Koran that the thinking Catholics are the ones who are going to bring down the world! :lol:

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In regards to evil Catholics...I never heard anything like that until I was an adult (Smurfs, sure, but nothing about Catholics). We tried a new church a few years ago and a lot of the service was talking smack about Catholics. We left in the middle because we didn't want our kids to hear anymore, and our best friends are Catholic. They were truly stunned we had never heard any of it before.

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In regards to evil Catholics...I never heard anything like that until I was an adult (Smurfs, sure, but nothing about Catholics). We tried a new church a few years ago and a lot of the service was talking smack about Catholics. We left in the middle because we didn't want our kids to hear anymore, and our best friends are Catholic. They were truly stunned we had never heard any of it before.

I often wonder how much of it is fear. The truth will set one free and all that jazz. ;):D

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I often wonder how much of it is fear. The truth will set one free and all that jazz. ;):D


I always like to think of it as being like the way students at UC Berkeley would talk about how much better UCB really was than Stanford, while it would never have occurred to Stanford students to talk about the shortcomings of Berkeley. (They were too busy discussing how favorably they compared to Harvard.)

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I always like to think of it as being like the way students at UC Berkeley would talk about how much better UCB really was than Stanford, while it would never have occurred to Stanford students to talk about the shortcomings of Berkeley. (They were too busy discussing how favorably they compared to Harvard.)

Perhaps you are correct. ;)

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Clearly Satanists are quite creepy.


Clearly kids playing at being Satanists are quite creepy.


I don't know about the rest. The only Satanist I know is merely an arrogant jerk with immature opinions about religion, who spends too much time trolling on FB when he ought to be paying attention to his son. There is nothing creepy about that guy, but he still disgusts me.


Personally I think anti-religious people naming themselves after a deity they don't believe in is very silly. But I think there are two kinds of Satanists and I haven't been interested enough to remember what I've read about them. All I can recall is I have no respect for one mob but some for the other.



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Yep. Definitely depends what kind of Satanism you're talking about. Anton Levay (sp?) and co created a set of principles that I find quite similar to those of more mainstream faiths. (I know they are different. I meant similar as in they're about equally (attractive to me - I sort of get them but some bits are just not my cup of tea.)


Then you have those people who are either atheistic Satanists or anti-theistic/anti-Christian. I can see how some people might get there, but I don't quite like the idea of basing one's faith on what you don't like rather than what you do like/believe.


And then there are what I think of the cosplay Satanists - the "let's all dress up and go do some seriously nasty stuff that will shock people just for the sake of it". I suspect that those people may just be viewed by the 'real Satanists' almost as dimly a Westboro 'Church' is viewed by real Christian people.

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