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CC - Can I just vent about the peace sign please

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Can I please vent!!! This is driving me nuts and has been brought up 3 times over the past month about my daughter because she wears the peace sign on her clothing. I don't even care if people choose not to wear it. That's fine with me. But it is NOT a broken cross! Really. It is not that at all!! I don't care what Pat Robinson or anyone else says. The person who actually created it should know for goodness sake, and it has nothing to do with God at all.


I'm so sick of people acting like my child is doing something wrong by wearing a peace sign on her shirt or purse. It is so frustrating!!


Thank you!




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I wasn't aware of any controversy, but...really? I'd have thought that the single thing just about everybody could get behind would be peace.


Sorry your daughter is experiencing such silliness.


:iagree: People can be dumb. Sorry dumb people are ruining your dd's peace;).

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My parents still believe it is a broken cross :glare: and comment regularly if my kids wear one.. even after having the conversation about it.. I have just learned to roll my eyes and walk away. I am in GA so CC runs deep here naturally.. heck people get shunned from friendships if they aren't in church regularly enough (as in a minimum of 3 times a week).. I just can't please everyone so I just please what is our own family convictions!

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Can I please vent!!! This is driving me nuts and has been brought up 3 times over the past month about my daughter because she wears the peace sign on her clothing. I don't even care if people choose not to wear it. That's fine with me. But it is NOT a broken cross! Really. It is not that at all!! I don't care what Pat Robinson or anyone else says. The person who actually created it should know for goodness sake, and it has nothing to do with God at all.


I'm so sick of people acting like my child is doing something wrong by wearing a peace sign on her shirt or purse. It is so frustrating!!


Thank you!





You need all new people. :D

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When I was in elementary school I was at a private Christian school. My favorite shirt was this hot pink shirt with a black peace sign. The school never said anything about me wearing it, but a boy in my class told me it was a broken cross and a sign of devil worship. I cried and cried and tried to hide the shirt the rest of the day, walking around with my arms crossed. I never wore the shirt again.

It's stupid, and I don't believe it, but it affected me so much that I rarely let my kids have stuff with peace signs. :glare: Like I said dumb, but it was, for some reason, emotionally trying for me. The kids don't seem to mind and the few times they've ended up with something with a peace sign on it I've not made a big deal about it, just if there is a choice I don't choose it for them.

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i've heard that too, but i can honestly say it was news to me. i had never heard of that growing up (or half of the things i hear sometimes! ...i had no idea some people disiked the smurfs or cabbage patch dolls!). my SIL won't let her 3 girls wear anything with a peace sign and she was the first person to tell me this. my daughter LOVES things with the peace sign & she wanted to make sure i knew what she was wearing. the thing is, my SIL obviously did not research the information at all and took it based on heresy. i googled it when i got home and discovered in 60 seconds that the peace sign is not a broken cross. she still chooses to "play it safe" though. that's fine. my daughter wears it without issue at all. i find it ridiculous.

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Well, then. All the folks at the conservative Christian church we attend must think we are quite the heretics. DD7 loves peace signs and I think nothing of them.


Broken cross? That's nutty. The new, "relevant" evangelical church has wavy crosses of all sorts on billboards and bulletins. I've not heard anyone speak of them as broken.

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I've never heard of that before either!


But people think and say crazy things. I have a pretty crystal pendent necklace. I've had it for years and just think it's a pretty piece of jewelry. Once I wore it to church and someone came up and asked "Is that a crystal?" in a very disapproving voice. I wasn't sure what to say! I thought it seemed crazy that she was disapproving my piece of jewelry.

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I wasn't aware of any controversy, but...really? I'd have thought that the single thing just about everybody could get behind would be peace.


Sorry your daughter is experiencing such silliness.


:iagree: Considering all of the offensive things your dd could be wearing, I can't believe anybody would be upset over a peace sign. :confused:

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Thank you all. I feel better knowing that I am not crazy & I'm so glad to hear it is not an issue in your circles. You can be a Christian and wear a peace sign. Amen!:)




My 17yodd is Christian and wears peace earrings and has a peace shirt. We run in very conservative circles and have never heard the "broken cross" before. When she went through a heavy dark eye makeup stage, we heard comments. :glare:


I wonder what they say when they hear we occasionally drink and decorate for Halloween--sometimes simultaneously. ;) :D



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We were told (at a private school open house, talking to a teacher, oddly enough) that it was an N and a D for nuclear disarmament. I can't remember how the N and D worked out to the symbol, but it made sense when it was explained. We also are in a very conservative crowd, and I have never heard the broken cross story. Reminds me of all the Christmas symbol stories you hear.


Wikied it.... it is the semaphore signals for N and D.

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I have heard that before. I think it's nonsense, but apparently there are some people who think that and would be offended by a peace sign.


On a slightly different note, DH recently told me that some of his friends, who are military, find the peace sign disrespectful, because it was used heavily in anti-Vietnam protests and can be seen as a lack of support for our troops. So while it's not something I would choose to make a huge deal out of, we also wouldn't be in favor of our young children using it a lot, if that makes sense.

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Someone recently posted on fb about all the evil things it meant. It had never crossed my mind.


Fascinating, but meh don't really care. Easter eggs are bad, Christmas trees are evil, the list goes on.


I once discovered the etymology of 'drat'. It was an old French expletive that took the Lord's name in vain. I asked my pastor [in passing, a sort of how about those Yankees conversations for pastors :D] what he thought about it and his response [which I now apply to a lot of things] was something to the affect of "if you are convicted using it, then don't". Works for me. :tongue_smilie:

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There's some history here. Apparently, it was developed in the 1950's for Britain's Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND). It contains the semaphore symbols for "N" and "D," but it's also supposed to look like someone standing before a firing squad in despair, with his hands lowered. :001_huh:


DH doesn't want the children wearing it -- not sure exactly why, but probably for some historical associations. That's okay with me, because I've always found it unappealing and a bit creepy (and reading the story above just solidifies that). There are other peace symbols, such as the dove, that we'd prefer to emphasize. But I've never heard about the "broken cross" controversy until this thread.

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The younger generation of military members is more likely to associate a peace sign with a flag or a B-52, the symbol is very popular repurposed, if you Google the images for "Peace through strength," you will see examples.


And, for the OP, it is clearly from those pictures a B-52, NOT a broken cross. :D

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I have heard that before. I think it's nonsense, but apparently there are some people who think that and would be offended by a peace sign.


On a slightly different note, DH recently told me that some of his friends, who are military, find the peace sign disrespectful, because it was used heavily in anti-Vietnam protests and can be seen as a lack of support for our troops. So while it's not something I would choose to make a huge deal out of, we also wouldn't be in favor of our young children using it a lot, if that makes sense.



Someone should tell my BIL and SIL. They are military and their daughter wears it all the time. Doesn't seem to bother them in the least.

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Someone should tell my BIL and SIL. They are military and their daughter wears it all the time. Doesn't seem to bother them in the least.


Dh and I are both former Sailors (nuclear Sailors to be exact). We have absolutely no problems with the peace sign. Seriously! Make our jobs easier? Like we are going to protest that:glare::lol:.

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I've always (only?) heard that the peace sign was a broken cross. It's exactly what it looks like to me. And the symbolism of that makes sense to me, also given how there is ugly in the world done in the name of the cross/religion.


I'm neither Christian nor American, so I'm quite amused that I've heard of this but so few others have. It's weird. It's no "Major Tom" but hey, I feel vindicated that at least I know *something* LOL.


ETA: I'll admit finding it weird when I saw/see Christians wearing it because my only understanding of it was that it was a broken cross. And even if it wasn't designed with that in mind, it's how some people associate it. Just like I wouldn't go around wearing a swastika, similarly co-opted and re-invented from its original intend/design. My kids' church is Christian, and the peace sign is part of their little tee-shirt campaign. Always seemed weird to me, but I never shared that with the kids. My girl loves peace signs.

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Check this out.


My eyes glazed over somewhere about when it said that Spock's Vulcan salute is evil because it's really an upside down penis, but I now know that finding signs of Satanism is easy once you know how. Prince William, Helen Keller, Spider Man, Amy Grant, and most of the presidents of the world are Satanists - who knew?


Seriously how can people get so worked up about this stuff? Sure the peace symbol could be a broken cross. But we could equally (and just as illogically) say that the cross is a warped peace symbol, proving that Christianity is the enemy of peace.

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I've always (only?) heard that the peace sign was a broken cross. It's exactly what it looks like to me. And the symbolism of that makes sense to me, also given how there is ugly in the world done in the name of the cross/religion.


I'm neither Christian nor American, so I'm quite amused that I've heard of this but so few others have. It's weird. It's no "Major Tom" but hey, I feel vindicated that at least I know *something* LOL.


ETA: I'll admit finding it weird when I saw/see Christians wearing it because my only understanding of it was that it was a broken cross. And even if it wasn't designed with that in mind, it's how some people associate it. Just like I wouldn't go around wearing a swastika, similarly co-opted and re-invented from its original intend/design. My kids' church is Christian, and the peace sign is part of their little tee-shirt campaign. Always seemed weird to me, but I never shared that with the kids. My girl loves peace signs.


I've never heard of the broken cross thing and would wear it.


I'm thinking the broken cross myth was a political creation to create a very easy, catchy lie that would be a shortcut to making some Christians fall in line with conservative thought without having to really think the issue through themselves.


It's a ridiculous and manipulative story someone made up. No need for Christians to buy into it.

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Check this out.


My eyes glazed over somewhere about when it said that Spock's Vulcan salute is evil because it's really an upside down penis, but I now know that finding signs of Satanism is easy once you know how. Prince William, Helen Keller, Spider Man, Amy Grant, and most of the presidents of the world are Satanists - who knew?


Seriously how can people get so worked up about this stuff? Sure the peace symbol could be a broken cross. But we could equally (and just as illogically) say that the cross is a warped peace symbol, proving that Christianity is the enemy of peace.


Satanists and penises, they're everywhere!!! Beware!!!

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Seriously how can people get so worked up about this stuff?


... having to explain to someone that the use of the name 'Dai Llewellyn' in Harry Potter was not a demonic symbol (there's apparently an occult publisher named Llewellyn). Not only is Llewellyn a common Welsh name (see the character 'Fluellin' in Henry V) but 'Dai Llewellyn' was a figure of some fun in British public life when Rowling was growing up.


As for the 'peace' symbol - I've known it all my life as the CND symbol.



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We are a clergy family, and I have no problem with peace signs.


I first heard of the broken cross idea when we lived in TX. The same person who told me that told me Odyssey of The Mind ("a creative, problem-solving competition for students K-12) was evil and not to get my kids involved in it because the acronym for it was OM, "Om" as in the syllable used in meditation.


Oh, brother. :glare::tongue_smilie:

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Bahahahahahahahahaha! I have officially heard it all.


Never heard of the broken cross thing....but I do find it ironic that some Christians would think a peace symbol to be anti-Christian....hmmm do they even KNOW Jesus? :glare:

This, exactly.


I think religion makes too many rules. God doesn't, Jesus certainly didn't, but it seems as if we just keep dreaming things up! Crazy world, people.

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Check this out.


My eyes glazed over somewhere about when it said that Spock's Vulcan salute is evil because it's really an upside down penis, but I now know that finding signs of Satanism is easy once you know how. Prince William, Helen Keller, Spider Man, Amy Grant, and most of the presidents of the world are Satanists - who knew?


Seriously how can people get so worked up about this stuff? Sure the peace symbol could be a broken cross. But we could equally (and just as illogically) say that the cross is a warped peace symbol, proving that Christianity is the enemy of peace.




Sorry. I really like the part that said Tubal Cain really meant "Two Ball Cane". Do they know that the original Tubal Cain didn't speak English? :lol:

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When I was in elementary school I was at a private Christian school. My favorite shirt was this hot pink shirt with a black peace sign. The school never said anything about me wearing it, but a boy in my class told me it was a broken cross and a sign of devil worship. I cried and cried and tried to hide the shirt the rest of the day, walking around with my arms crossed. I never wore the shirt again.

It's stupid, and I don't believe it, but it affected me so much that I rarely let my kids have stuff with peace signs. :glare: Like I said dumb, but it was, for some reason, emotionally trying for me. The kids don't seem to mind and the few times they've ended up with something with a peace sign on it I've not made a big deal about it, just if there is a choice I don't choose it for them.


I've got kinda the same thing going on. My parents didn't allow us to wear the peace symbol as children because of the 'broken cross' explanation. Now as an adult, I don't believe that anymore. But I still can't bring myself to wear it or buy it for my kids. It's funny; one sister and I were recently talking about this. She feels the same way I do! It doesn't bother her, but because it bothers mom and dad so much, she still doesn't wear it.

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yes, I have heard of it. My mom wouldn't allow me to wear it.


But for her, I believe it was a symbol of the hippie movement back when she was a teen, and she really didn't agree with much of what occurred in that movement.


It didn't have anything (for her) to do with the fact that it was a "broken cross" but more a symbol of a thought process and lifestyle that she, as a Christian lady, did not agree with.


Me personally, I don't care one way or the other.

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I've never heard of the broken cross thing and would wear it.


I'm thinking the broken cross myth was a political creation to create a very easy, catchy lie that would be a shortcut to making some Christians fall in line with conservative thought without having to really think the issue through themselves.


It's a ridiculous and manipulative story someone made up. No need for Christians to buy into it.

:iagree: The peace symbol is not my thing but I wouldn't not wear it because there are some crazy people that made something up about it. I've never even heard that before. There are people that believe all kinds of crazy things.

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I didn't know any one actually still thought that! I remember my grandmother saying something about it, but then musing that apparently "kids these days use it for something else, so, oh well." :lol:



:iagree::iagree::lol::lol: I was in high school in the '70s, I remember all the kids wanting to wear peace symbols and the adults saying it was the sign of the devil. I think the logic was that it was a devil's claw.


I just did not think anyone still believed that.


Pat Robertson is not relevant in anyway.


OP if your dd want to wear it, I would let her and tell the objectors that you have said it is okay.

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I have never heard this before. I think the proportions are off for it to be a broken cross. Looks more like a broken plus sign.


I am adding this to my list of knowledge acquired through TWTM forums, along with sister wives, domestic discipline, Jack Chick tracts, etc.


:lol: So really, it's the mathematicians that should be protesting.

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