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Does your spouse support you in homeschooling?

Does your spouse support you in homeschooling?  

  1. 1. Does your spouse support you in homeschooling?

    • Yes, s/he fully supports homeschooling.
    • No, s/he only tolerates the idea for whatever reason.
    • S/he is ambivalent but lets me do my thing.
    • Other

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Wait for the poll. Does your spouse support you in homeschooling your child(ren)?



  • Yes, s/he fully supports homeschooling.
  • No, s/he only tolerates the idea for whatever reason.
  • S/he is ambivalent but lets me do my thing.
  • Other

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My husband was initially against it, then came around (we started discussing before any of our kids were school-age). About a year ago, as our twins started Pre-K, I was questioning my ability to homeschool and insisted we do another round of school tours. My husband talked me back into it, and now he tells all of his friends how great it is!

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I voted "other" because the homeschooling was my spouse's idea.


He's fortunate that *I* fully support homeschooling, since I am the one doing it! So it was really myself I needed to convince, not him. :)


So far so good, are on Year 3!

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I'm actually "looking" for a school that he could succeed with and not be bored... My husband said, "Maybe the next year" :) He's happy with him home... funny how he was pretty much anti-homeschooling and now he's pretty much anti "school".... :) Our town is small so it's kinda hard. Our whole town is centered around the schools....

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I voted he lets me do my thing. I don't think he has strong opinions, which is at least better than it used to be, which was slightly against it. Maybe with more time, he'll come around.


He lets me buy what I want though, and sometimes listens to me talk curricula, so in that way he supports me. I think that he thinks I'll change my mind as the kids get older.

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At this point in time, dh fully supports my homeschooling the children. In the beginning, he was against it though. He was worried that the kids would end up weird and that I wouldn't be able to handle teaching them. I managed to convince him to let me just try it out for kindergarten. It went well, and he agreed we could do another year - this is going to be our 10th year this year and now we both agree that homeschooling is the best for our family.

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He is 100% on board. Sometimes he reminds me why we're doing it when I feel like I'm going to fail them. When I first made the decision (when Pigby was 2) DH was on board for doing it for a few years then sending them. With my rosy glasses, I was sure it would all be perfect until high school. Now he's on board for high school and I'm less certain about it. We'll just figure it out, year by year

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Yep, it was initially his idea. I made sure that he realized what he was signing himself up for since he's a SAHD but he understood the consequences of his decisions. I still have to do all the planning and oversight though or nothing gets done. :glare:

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DH has always, and is always telling me I am perfect. It is almost embarrassing. He thinks I can literally do anything. Me? Not so much, but I try to do everything.


Sometimes I get stuck explaining something and he helps, but other than that it's all me. He likes to hear about what we do though.

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It took some convincing on my part initially, and we approached it with a one-year-at-a-time mentality (for his sake). Now, he's 100% on board and touts the benefits to people who ask him about it.


DH supports the decision completely, although he is very hands-off.


My DH is completely on board with homeschooling. :001_smile:


This is us. :001_smile:

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Yes, it was his suggestion initially. Now, he does have days when he gets frustrated with being the sole provider, but on his sane days, he says we will always do whatever it takes to continue homeschooling--including living with my mother if it came to it. If you knew her, you'd know what an incredible statement that is!

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I had to pick other, as while my husband is totally on board with the idea of homeschooling, he sort of thinks I do a crappy job of it. :tongue_smilie:


He also occasionally helps, occasionally b*tches, occasionally undermines me, occasionally is supportive....


I would say he lets me do what I want, but that isn't really true either. I do many things in our HS to appease him, which I think sometimes screws up the flow and dynamic we would have w/o him being weird. The plus side is that he keeps me from being a total flake, lol.


I know so many people whose husbands take zero interest in what they're doing, they just are like "Ok, I trust that you're doing the right thing," which I sort of envy, and think is total BS at the same time.

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I voted other. Been single parenting homeschooling for twelve years.


I will say, though, that ex-husband does not criticize me for homeschooling now that he visits his teens. And his new wife, while a p.s. employee, doesn't, either. In fact, she brought us a nice bag of school supplies this weekend! That's all the support we get -- politeness and school supplies. It works!

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He is totally 100% wholly supportive. He has my back every single time I feel like I am sinking fast. We are blessed to have this man.


I have a neighbor who wants to homeschool but her husband just flat out refuses to allow it. His argument is that 'They went to public school and he turned out okay.' I have tried to help give her arguments and defense but he just won't budge. She won't do it without his consent. It's sad to watch. :(

Edited by MiniBlondes
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I voted 100% supportive. He has worked with lots of people under his command and he constantly sees the product of the public school system. He also has witnessed lots of homeschooling kids over the years in science fairs, speech and debate, robotics, etc. He thinks that homeschooling compares very well.

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He is totally 100% wholly supportive. He has my back every single time I feel like I am sinking fast. We are blessed to have this man.



:iagree: Beautifully put, and I can say the same thing about my dh. :D


I have a master's degree, with the potential to earn an income greater than what we would spend on daycare. I think he would like to have more of the vacations, luxuries, financial peace some of his peers with working wives have, but he has never once suggested we put the kids in school for those reasons.

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