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Mashed potatoes . . . odd question.

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(Humor me, please. My son is leavng for London with his choir tomorrow, and I'm a little nervous about the trip. So, I'm sitting here not sleeping and trying to distract myself.)


You may have seen this fad if you're on Facebook. People post pictures of nostalgic items and challenge others to admit whether they recognize the pictured item.


A few days ago, there was a picture of a potato masher with the challenge to like (or share?) the picture if you are old enough to know what it does.


And I'm a little flummoxed. Not only do I know what that utensil is, but I have one in the drawer in the kitchen and use it probably twice a week.


So, here's the question: Do you have and use a potato masher?

And the follow-up: If you don't have one, how do you make mashed potatoes?

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I know what one is, own one, and use it. I'm 30, so not really vintage just yet.


My DH makes "mashed" potatoes with a mixer. I keep telling him he's making whipped potatoes, but he thinks I'm being difficult. *sigh* He's probably right.


I hope your son has a great time in London and you find a way to get some sleep soon! :grouphug:

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You are being difficult, but you do make a good point. :D


I make my "mashed potatoes" with a mixer.




I used to use a potato masher, but my hands aren't as strong as they used to be thanks to arthritis. We still use the masher for squishing stuff, but my Kitchen Aid mixer does a great job making the potatos now.

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Have two; of different designs, use them fairly often.


Mashed potatoes should be mashed with a masher.

Whipped potatoes are those that have been whipped in a mixer.

Of this I am quite certain. :D


There is controversy, though, about the pre-mash process: boil vs. microwave. Dh prefers the former, I prefer the latter, as it results in fewer dishes to wash.


We are both of the skins-on persuasion, but feel no ill will towards those who prefer skins-off. Obviously, thin-skinned varieties are essential for a skins-on approach.

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Of course I own a potato masher!


I fear that many people probably make instant mashed potatoes from a box. *shudder*


Isn't this the trip that you thought your son wouldn't be able to go on? I hope he has a wonderful time!

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i have one. It used to be my grandma's. She gave it to me 14 years ago when I moved across the country.


I have a stand mixer and never, ever use it for potatoes.


I don't make mashed potatoes that often, but I do mash other things like beans with it too. Not really bananas -- I generally use a fork.


I like my potatoes lumpy anyway.

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I have a potato masher and use it for mashed potatoes.


Growing up, my mom always used a hand mixer, and I use that as well if I make mashed (whipped) potatoes for company (like Thanksgiving).


But dh has expressed a preference for "lumpy" mashed potatoes. So, a masher it is most of the time.

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(Humor me, please. My son is leavng for London with his choir tomorrow, and I'm a little nervous about the trip. So, I'm sitting here not sleeping and trying to distract myself.)


You may have seen this fad if you're on Facebook. People post pictures of nostalgic items and challenge others to admit whether they recognize the pictured item.


A few days ago, there was a picture of a potato masher with the challenge to like (or share?) the picture if you are old enough to know what it does.


And I'm a little flummoxed. Not only do I know what that utensil is, but I have one in the drawer in the kitchen and use it probably twice a week.


So, here's the question: Do you have and use a potato masher?

And the follow-up: If you don't have one, how do you make mashed potatoes?


Yes, I own one and use it. Previously I made mashed potatoes with a hand mixer. I think they are better w/ the potato masher.


ETA:I use it even when making potatoes for company. I'm able to get out almost all the lumps.

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I used one all the time until after I got married. Dh is a mashed potato snob and has to have them beat with a mixer. They are one of his favorites so that is now how I do it.


I'm so sorry, Mama Geek, that your dh demands that you make mashed potatoes the wrong way. So sad. Such sadness in mine heart today for you. :crying:


I'm about to mashed potatoes and use the RIGHT implement for the job-a POTATO MASHER!


I mean, I'm not trying to say that I'm better than you or anything, but......well, I am in this respect. ;)

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I make mashed potatoes with my hand mixer. That is the only thing I still use that mixer for. :)


I do have a potato masher, but I hate it! I bought it for my refried beans, but it doesn't mash.

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Of course I own a potato masher!


I fear that many people probably make instant mashed potatoes from a box. *shudder*


Isn't this the trip that you thought your son wouldn't be able to go on? I hope he has a wonderful time!


It's good to hear I'm not alone in hanging onto my "old fashioned" utensils!


Thanks to everyone who's answered.


Rivka: Yes, this is the trip. The choir director came through with a nice scholarship once we made it really, really clear that we had exhausted our other options.

Edited by Jenny in Florida
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I have one and it gets used all the time. I also have the pastry blender that I saw floating around FB this week as a "vintage" thing!


How can a pastry blender be "vintage?" What else would you make pastry with? Is pastry itself vintage? :confused::confused::confused:

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