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How often do YOU replace your mattress?

How often do you replace your master bedroom mattress?  

  1. 1. How often do you replace your master bedroom mattress?

    • Every 4-5 years
    • Every 6-7 years
    • Every 8-10 years
    • More than 10 years
    • You are meant to change your mattress?????
    • Other (please explain)

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Well, we just bought a Tempurpedic bed, so it won't need to be replaced for a loooong time.


I love it. I think about it during the day and I now hate staying in hotels because I miss my bed.


We had our old bed for too long - 11 years! I can't believe we didn't buy a bed like this sooner. Worth every penny.

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All of the mattresses in my parents house are older than 10 yrs. One of them is 24 years old. I am sure the their master bed matress is older than that. The one on my old bed was replaced 10 years ago -- and that is the newest one in the house.


Here, our master bedroom mattress is 6 years old so it doesn't need replacing. We'll be looking for a replacement soon because it is not wearing well.

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We've lived here less than 10 years and are on our 4th bed. I wish we had kept our old, old one. Now, they just seem built to sag.


Our current very expensive one, is less than a year old. It was uber wonderful for about 6 months, but I can tell it's going to be like the others.

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Ours is 11 years old and still in great shape. It is so comfy! It was in storage for two years. We were very good about flipping and rotating for several years. It needs it again, but will wait until baby is born.


My parents have had theirs over 20 years.


I had one twin mattress for 20 years.


ETA: our mattress was a 15-20 year life as listed in the paperwork.

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Our is about 14 years old now. It was getting very uncomfortable, but then we bought a memory foam mattress topper, and it works just fine for both of us now. We talk about buying a new, king bed occasionally, but we don't have the money for it, we don't seem to really need a new bed, and we're fine with the size of the queen we have.

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Ours in the master bedroom was bought new after the fire 5.5 yrs ago, we have no intention of replacing it anytime soon. It is still wonderfully comfortable. We bought a fairly nice one and it still doesn't sag in the least.


The kids have used beds and I have no idea how old they are, but no plans to replace unless there is an issue.

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DH and I have only had three mattresses in our marriage...every single one of them has been handed down to us. The kids have been the only ones to get new mattresses every few years.


A new bed is the one thing I really want to buy after dh goes to school and changes jobs.

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Ours will be 16 years old this week. We flip it maybe once a year or so if we remember. We still both sleep well so I see no need to replace it. However, we have a platform bed (as do all our kids) so I don't know if that makes a difference in how long the mattress will last versus one that is on a box spring.

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My parents finally replaced their mattress...it was used when they bought it, and they bought it before I was born (it was probably 45 years old...way, way, way past its prime).


DH and I have a 15yo mattress with a 3yo foam topper. We're planning on getting a gel-infused foam mattress (hopefully) soon.

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We have had our new mattress for about 3 years now. Our last one for about 10. We bought it at Costco and it is one of those memory foam type things. It was close to the least expensive one. I cannot believe how much you can spend on a mattress!

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Ours is 16 years old and I want to replace it but we keep having babies and we cosleep. I can't decide what is potentially more dangerous for a baby, offgassing from a new mattress or the yuck from an old one. I really wish that we could afford an organic mattress but we just can't.

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Well, we had a mattress that had to be replaced after about 5-6 years because of sag. And then another for the same reason. But then when we were co-sleeping with twins, we bought a really, really nice expensive king mattress and now, 7 years later, it's still going strong. I'm hoping to keep it at least another four years or so... So I guess what I'm saying is that the quality really matters in answering that question.

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ours is 10 yrs old and still very comfy and in great shape. we have a mattress cover on it at all times, so no dirt or liquid has ever gotten on it either. I'd say we'd keep it at least another 10 years, maybe more. when we went from a queen to a king it took forever to adjust to the different feel of the mattress.


my inlaws have mattresses from when they got married over 45 yrs ago. you can fold them in half and they will stay that way. but they keep everything

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We usually replace most things pretty frequently, but for some reason, we keep mattresses way longer than we should. I keep meaning to buy new ones, but even when I go so far as to actually look at them in the store, the choices are so overwhelming that I end up leaving without buying anything.


There should be 2 choices. Do you want the soft one or the firm one? Period. Done. :tongue_smilie:

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I actually WISH I could find a mattress exactly like I had in China. I slept better than ever there AND didn't have any back or neck issues in the mornings. I went to 3 different hotels and all of them had the same type of mattress. Very firm, on a wood slat, so no box springs, etc....


I also noticed the bed didn't MOVE when someone turned over.


I have never been able to find a mattress similar to it in the USA.


We usually replace most things pretty frequently, but for some reason, we keep mattresses way longer than we should. I keep meaning to buy new ones, but even when I go so far as to actually look at them in the store, the choices are so overwhelming that I end up leaving without buying anything.


There should be 2 choices. Do you want the soft one or the firm one? Period. Done. :tongue_smilie:

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We have a king Tempurpedic mattress that we bought in 2005. It is the most comfortable thing ever. It is supposed to be a 20 year mattress, so it's got a lot of years left. It is the heaviest mattress you can imagine. It takes both of us to move it and even then it's difficult.


We had 2 inexpensive, queen mattresses in 10 years before getting the king. I insisted on a good mattress when we bought the king and I'm so glad I did. James Bond misses the queen bed (not the mattress, the size) because he likes to snuggle. I do not like to be touched while I sleep, because I'm a mover (also, JB is like a freaking heater), so the king is perfect IMO.


Oddly, our mattress has a cashmere blend cover. It is so soft, but why would they have that kind of cover? We always put a mattress cover and sheets over it, so it seems pointless. I have to say though that when I take the sheets off and toss them in the washer I like to go lay on the bed because it's so darn soft. I really want cashmere sheets, but they are, well, ridiculously expensive.

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We bought ours the year we got married (17 years ago) and have no plans to replace it anytime soon.

It is holding up well, and still extremely comfortable.

We have been faithful to flip and rotate it often.

It is a pain to do, ( esp since it is a Cal-king size,) but I think the newer no-flip mattresses wear out much sooner.

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Can you feel your spouse toss and turn? Mine tosses and turns all night. I need something I can't FEEL it and jolt awake with.


We have even considered two beds in the room because of it. I love him, but I need SLEEP!


We have a king Tempurpedic mattress that we bought in 2005. It is the most comfortable thing ever. It is supposed to be a 20 year mattress, so it's got a lot of years left. It is the heaviest mattress you can imagine. It takes both of us to move it and even then it's difficult.


We had 2 inexpensive, queen mattresses in 10 years before getting the king. I insisted on a good mattress when we bought the king and I'm so glad I did. James Bond misses the queen bed (not the mattress, the size) because he likes to snuggle. I do not like to be touched while I sleep, because I'm a mover (also, JB is like a freaking heater), so the king is perfect IMO.


Oddly, our mattress has a cashmere blend cover. It is so soft, but why would they have that kind of cover? We always put a mattress cover and sheets over it, so it seems pointless. I have to say though that when I take the sheets off and toss them in the washer I like to go lay on the bed because it's so darn soft. I really want cashmere sheets, but they are, well, ridiculously expensive.

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We were married 14 yrs. ago and we bought one then. It was only last year (after I had moved OUT of the bed because I couldn't stand the mattress any longer) that we finally replaced it. In all honesty though, it should have been done YEARS ago.

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We replaced our original mattress after only 5 years because it was horrible. We replaced it with a sleep number bed. Hopefully we won't need to buy a new one for many, many years.


For my kids, they have regular mattresses that I encase in high quality dust mite covers so the age doesn't matter as much unless they break down and become uncomfortable. I'm guessing that won't happen until they move out and we want to buy something nicer for guests.

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Can you feel your spouse toss and turn? Mine tosses and turns all night. I need something I can't FEEL it and jolt awake with.


We have even considered two beds in the room because of it. I love him, but I need SLEEP!


Have you tried Simmons Beautyrest? The pocketed coils (as opposed to joined) seem to help a lot. We have a Simmons in AZ and a Sealy in Chicago. I can really tell the difference.

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Dh and I have had our mattress for 12 years. Older dd has had hers for 10 years. Younger dd is the only one that needed a replacement within 5 years. She had one of the newer, no flip mattresses and it is the most uncomfortable thing ever! We're waiting until we absolutely have to replace the other ones because of it.


ETA: We do have zippered covers on all of them due to allergies, so I'm not too worried about all the gross stuff.

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Yes and that did NOT work for us. Every little toss and turn shook the bed.


Have you tried Simmons Beautyrest? The pocketed coils (as opposed to joined) seem to help a lot. We have a Simmons in AZ and a Sealy in Chicago. I can really tell the difference.
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Well, we need one right now. Ours is about 9-10 years old, I don't remember exactly. The mattress it replaced was about 20 years old. I think the old one was in better shape when we replaced it than our current one. They certainly don't make them like they used to.

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Ours lasted about 13 years give or take but it was very uncomfortable by the end. We ended up doing two latex foam toppers as a replacement mattress. I did it because I wanted to avoid the chemicals in new mattresses but I really love the comfort.

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Can you feel your spouse toss and turn? Mine tosses and turns all night. I need something I can't FEEL it and jolt awake with.


We have even considered two beds in the room because of it. I love him, but I need SLEEP!


I can feel very little movement. James Bond likes to rock his foot while trying to go to sleep, which used to drive me up a wall because the whole bed moved. Every night I'd say "Stop rocking your foot" about 20 times. It was so annoying and one of the reasons I wanted to try a Tempurpedic. He rocks his foot and I don't feel a thing. Now, it's not like the commercial where they show a woman jumping up and down with a glass of wine that doesn't spill, but the feeling is very minimal.

If the mattress get really cold though, it's like a slab of marble! We went out of town one time in the winter and I asked JB to turn down the heat before we left. He decided it would be better to just turn it off completely. :glare: When we got home a week later it was 45 degrees in the house and the bed was so hard we ended up sleeping on the guest bed, which was not Tempurpedic and his foot rocking sent me to the sofa. I kind of hate going on holiday because I have to sleep in a bed that lets me feel every single movement. I love coming home to my comfy bed!

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Wow, all our mattresses are old. When the kids graduated from the toddler bed, they each got a nice, new twin mattress. The dc are now 11 to 18 and that means that the mattresses for them are about 8 to 15 -- and they feel great. DD16 has decided to sleep in the basement in the queen bed that we had when we got married (24 years ago). Our king bed upstairs must have a 15 year old mattress now. We stuck a foam topper on it and it feels pretty good but I'm ready for a new one.


When you get a new matttress, be sure to encase it because it will otherwise accumulate a bunch of dust mites. An unenclosed mattress accumulates dust mites so that by the time the mattress is 10 years old it has doubled its weight: http://www.glamour.com/health-fitness/blogs/vitamin-g/2009/06/fact-or-fiction-mattresses-dou.html Of course, this is disputed: http://www.straightdope.com/columns/read/2545/does-a-mattress-double-its-weight-due-to-dust-mites-and-their-debris At any rate, it's a gross enough thought for us to have encased all our mattresses in good quality covers (they don't feel plasticky). A good idea for allergies anyway.

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Our mattress is 20 years old and def. needs to be replaced. Ds's mattress is 14 years old and needs to be replaced. Dd's mattress is 14 years old and still going strong. I am old so I remember when a mattress would last forever. It ticks me off that they all so cheaply made now. I am saving to replace our mattresses with latex.

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About 15 years.

I got a new bed when I was 7 and used the same mattresses until after I was married at 22.

We had those for about 15 years before we replaced them. So only 3 years on the newest set so far, but they're wearing out a lot faster than the other sets did, so might be in the 5-10 year range.


The previous set goes on the guest bed, so I had my first mattresses for a total of 30 years.

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What sort of base do you have? I have often wondered if the base makes a difference.


When we first moved here we had the mattress on the floor until we set up the bed frame and I noticed I felt less movement with the mattress on the floor.


I have asked DH to make a solid wooden frame (just 4x4 posts with plywood to make it very solid so that if you walk on it it won't bow or bend) and then put the mattress on that, kind of a raised floor.


I thought if we had a tempurpedic on that it might eliminate the movement more.


I have also considered a base like that, with an additional 6" in width, and putting two long twins on that, that way, if I do feel him, I can scoot the mattress over a few inches.


Just trying to figure this out so we can both SLEEP.




I can feel very little movement. James Bond likes to rock his foot while trying to go to sleep, which used to drive me up a wall because the whole bed moved. Every night I'd say "Stop rocking your foot" about 20 times. It was so annoying and one of the reasons I wanted to try a Tempurpedic. He rocks his foot and I don't feel a thing. Now, it's not like the commercial where they show a woman jumping up and down with a glass of wine that doesn't spill, but the feeling is very minimal.

If the mattress get really cold though, it's like a slab of marble! We went out of town one time in the winter and I asked JB to turn down the heat before we left. He decided it would be better to just turn it off completely. :glare: When we got home a week later it was 45 degrees in the house and the bed was so hard we ended up sleeping on the guest bed, which was not Tempurpedic and his foot rocking sent me to the sofa. I kind of hate going on holiday because I have to sleep in a bed that lets me feel every single movement. I love coming home to my comfy bed!

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