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Do you allow your children in your bed? why/ why not?

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My husband was not allowed in his parents bed or bedroom at all growing up. I was only allowed in my parents bed when my dad was away on business. I was welcome in their room, but had to knock first.


My kids come in our room and on our bed at any time. The only time they knock is when the door is locked. In some ways I like having them in our room. But, in some ways I think we may need some space and respect for the master bedroom! I like snuggling with my kids in the morning, but I find them on my bed during the day and every once in a while I find the little ones doing dives on to it and wrestling with the covers. Maybe a new rule that once mommy and daddy are out of bed it's not to be touched?

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We insist that the kids knock. We have an ensuite, and well...lets just say that I've been caught under dressed for the occasion w/a kid barging in when I've just finished a shower.


Wolf reads to the kids for bedtime, all of them snuggled in our bed.


We've had them bunk on our floor for whatever reason they need to be w/us, but not in our bed. For one, we have queen, and for 2, my getting bumped is painful.


Plus, we both find having a sanctuary that is just *ours* makes both of us feel better, rather than the kids having full reign over everywhere in the house.


Basically, they're not welcome in our room unless invited.

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One of my kids naps in my bed. Other than that, they aren't allowed to play on my bed during the day. They never sleep with us, and we sometimes let them come snuggle with us in the morning, but only when we are trying to avoid getting up :001_smile: They all share a room and we have a small place, so I do let them go in to play during the day if one needs some quiet time.

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I don't want to sleep with kids - never could, even when they were smaller.

The morning snuggle is essential, though!


Generally, our bedroom is the only place at home not invaded by kids (books, toys,...mess). So, I am becoming quite protective of this serene environment.

During the day our bedroom door is closed, and no kid goes in without telling/asking me first.

We have the Playmobil under our bed and a DVD player in our room, so access is a real treat...;)

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My kids are allowed in both the room and our bed.


We use the lock if we need privacy.


Growing up - when I got scared, I could come in but only stay for "5 minutes". And then I had to get up and walk back, or occasionally my dad would carry me back if I was asleep or "asleep". I stopped going in sooner than my kids. I'm not wanting a bit more space and less kid time in bed, so I'm contemplating making the same rule.

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dd4 still bedshares with me. For a couple days ds13 was sleeping on my floor. DS8 still climbs in after major trauma, injury or illness. DD12 never wanted to cosleep, from 8 weeks on she was in her own bed in her own room. She still prefers that. All 4 climb in for hugs and cuddles when needed though before heading off to separate sleep spaces.


As for during the day, they are allowed in as long as they ask me first. DS13's computer is set up in there, so they either lay on the bed watching a movie on it, or play a game. If there is rough housing, or jumping on the bed etc everyone is kicked out of the room for the day.

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Free reign in the bedroom. House rule is always knock on any closed door (and of course, our bedroom door is locked if we don't want any unexpected visitors walking in).


DS9 and DS6 sleep in my bed....recently I implemented a every-other night rule...one night in my bed, next night in your own....just wanted a bit of "me" time and the luxury of laying in bed watching TV at night if I want to. DH works nights, but if he is off work, they don't sleep in my bed.


But other than that, no real rules about not coming in. Come on in, jump around, wrestle etc...as long as you are not damaging my stuff, let's have fun. For some reason, jumping, playing on a made appeals to young children....it's rarely something that adults to...so one of those things that just speak "young children"....love that.


Lots of other rules in life we follow. Sure, there are days when I get annoyed walking into my room to see a zoo of stuffed animals set up, I like having a bedroom that exudes "elegant" and "designed" etc, as much as the next guy. On those days, I simply require them to get their stuff out of my room. I know that soon they will won't want alot to do with me, lol, so I am not pushing them out sooner than they have to. DS14 has no interest in coming to my room and I know that will come soon enough for the younger two. There is going to be a time in my life, all too soon, when I won't have any worries about toys, boy stuff everywhere, children sleeping in my bed, etc etc....I'm going to enjoy the snuggles of it while I have it. Actually one of the most peaceful times in my life is laying next to my boy, as his sweet little boy breath breathes warmly in my ear late at night, with his little boy snores and his face looking so sweet and peaceful. Frankly, I've got a bigger fight in my life right now then access to my bedroom...it's the "peeing on the seat" issue!

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All of them have stayed in my bed. My husband never grew up like that, but he'd never kick them out. Time is too short. They'll be out and on their own in time enough, if they need to sleep with us now, that's what we're here for.


If a door is closed, it's polite to knock. :001_smile:


There have been times when I would have resorted to bribery, but they eventually move out on their own. We've never had problems with privacy.

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Maybe a new rule that once mommy and daddy are out of bed it's not to be touched?


Sounds like a plan!


We have a dormatory -- all of us sleep in the same room, but mostly our children stay in their own beds. They are welcome in ours, but they don't visit too frequently.

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My kids are allowed in our bed and bedroom. Actually DS1 is co-sleeping in my bed right now on a regular basis because DS2 has taken over his bed to sleep at the moment. DD is also coming into the room nightly, it use to be about 2 times a week, but since DS1's accident she has been with us nightly. It isn't a huge deal and when sleeping if they bother me, I just move to DD's bed.


During the day they also like to go in there, make pillow forts, have a huge stuffed animal party etc. It isn't a huge deal to me, I figure they will stop sooner or later. The only thing I insist on is they have to ask before turning on the tv in my bedroom and if the door is closed then knock.

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We co-slept for a while which was good at the time but I have had enough of it now. My eldest comes in when she is ill or had nightmares but basically stays in her own bed. My youngest turns up in the middle of the night but I am getting less keen on sleeping with him in the bed as he is such a wriggler. I don't really like them in my room in the daytime as it gets trashed and that is getting old.

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It's not that they aren't ALLOWED in my room, they were just discouraged from being dependent on us for sleeping. If they came to our room in the night, we dealt with the issue (whatever it was) and tucked them back into their own beds. Now that they are older, it has been a couple of years since we've had a late night visit.


For us, our bedroom was the only place dh and I could have private conversations and other "things". :lol: So yeah, I didn't want it to become the kid hangout too.

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Ds and dd1 co-slept until 2 and 5. Dd2 co-slept until 2.5. None have slept with us since. Ds1 never wakes at night, dd1 rarely does and dd2 does sometimes- need to go pee or bad dream, or one woke up the other. Dh takes over nightime when they move out of our bed, generally they are back to sleep in 5 min or less, or so he says, I sleep through it :). They haven't slept with us since co-sleeping and moved on their own smoothly.

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Our bedroom is downstairs in a two story house. My children are in my bedroom all the time. Our bed is my dd's favorite spot to read. I wrestle with my youngest and my bed is our wrestling spot. LOL!


They don't sleep with us, and I wake up before they do so no morning snuggles for me. When they were young we kept a sleeping bag in our room. If they were scared in the middle of the night they knew they could sleep on the floor of our bedroom. They all did it at one time or another and out grew it around age 8.

Edited by Ferdie
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Kiddo happily slept in his own room from 2 weeks of age until 8, when we moved. His imagination got vivid. Every sound woke him. I gave up and he sleeps in my room. I assume he'll move to his own bed when he's ready. I slept with my parents until I was 10.


As is, we read, we listen to opera, and we have careful quiet talks in the dark about important things. The rest of the day we are both go go go, and never talk about anything serious.

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Kiddo happily slept in his own room from 2 weeks of age until 8, when we moved. His imagination got vivid. Every sound woke him. I gave up and he sleeps in my room. I assume he'll move to his own bed when he's ready. I slept with my parents until I was 10.


As is, we read, we listen to opera, and we have careful quiet talks in the dark about important things. The rest of the day we are both go go go, and never talk about anything serious.

This happens in my room too. I'm quite pleased that we can have these conversations.

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We did co-sleep with son and younger dd. As far as son is concerned, we feel that co-sleeping with our son really helped him bond. We did not know he has autism until he was 2.5. We tried to let him cry it out but he worked himself into such a frenzy - something just seemed "wrong".


Younger dd co-slept, nursed, etc. She is my timid and sensitive child. I believe co-sleeping helped her confidence.


I am very much a "do what works for your family" kind of gal.:001_smile:

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We insist that the kids knock. We have an ensuite, and well...lets just say that I've been caught under dressed for the occasion w/a kid barging in when I've just finished a shower.


Wolf reads to the kids for bedtime, all of them snuggled in our bed.


We've had them bunk on our floor for whatever reason they need to be w/us, but not in our bed. For one, we have queen, and for 2, my getting bumped is painful.


Plus, we both find having a sanctuary that is just *ours* makes both of us feel better, rather than the kids having full reign over everywhere in the house.


Basically, they're not welcome in our room unless invited.

:iagree: I found that even when my babies were very small, I needed to have just one spot where I was "me" and not "mommy." I spend the majority of my life serving my kids, so I really needed the space.

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In the day time we use our bedroom as a pseudo den area. Half of our room has recliners and a large TV.


However, at bedtime they never come in. We didn't have a hard and fast rule about it, but they just either knock if there is a problem OR they stand at the open door and call in before entering.


My kids are older though. When they were really little they did sleep with us until about age 2.



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We co-slept with nursing babies and toddlers. Anytime someone is scared or needs the comfort of another person they are welcome. When I was a child I was routinely scared during the night and would go to my brother's room. My parents' room was strictly off limits!



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Nope, no kids in the bed is our usual rule. Our 4 year old comes in to snuggle in the mornings but never before 7:30am and only with permission. I am about to stop that entirely too since baby #3 is coming and we're moving to a house where we'll be on a different floor anyway.


I was allowed in my parents' bed during thunderstorms/bad dreams, my younger brother crept in there all too often which was annoying. My DH's parents never ever let him in their bed, not even for a thunderstorm or anything. Oddly he's the super snuggly one and I need my space, honestly if I had things my way I wouldn't even share a bed with DH, I toss and turn too much, lol!

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I came in my parents room until I was old for nightmares and such. My kids have never tried to crawl in bed in the middle of the night, dh seems to hear them as soon as they are awake and go and calm them down in their own bed. A few times one was sick and dh would put them in bed with me early in the am when he left for work. A few times they've said something about sleeping with us but we just say no. Right now especially I'm pregnant and cannot stand the thought of anyone being with me in bed, as it is dh and I are divided by a pillow (I have one on each side and one for my head). We do are before bed reading and such in our bed with everyone and then tuck everyone in.

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I don't mind at all when they're in our bed. The 10-year-old almost never comes in; the 7-year-old like to have someone to put her feet up on. As in, she sleeps perpendicular to whoever she is in bed next to, and she has her feet and legs propped up on the person. Makes it hard to sleep sometimes as I'm a turner. But, they're getting older so quickly that I actually like it (sometimes).


We only lock our door during particular times, otherwise they just walk in. We're not uncomfortable with normal nudity, as in I just stepped out of the shower. We don't have a door in our master bathroom and when they were younger I didn't want to lock them out of our bedroom and have them get into trouble in the house. Now, I'm too lazy to lock them out when I jump in the shower.


DS now naturally avoids being anywhere near me when I'm naked. :lol:

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Yes - when they are afraid in the middle of the night, when they are having a hard time taking a nap and want to sleep in my bed or are feeling sick, when I'm giving violin/cello lessons in my room and the baby wants to sit and listen/"play along". Sometimes they'll come in and snuggle with us if they're up very early. My older dd will sometimes read in my bed - all my kids have shared bedrooms, so sometimes my room is the most "peacefull" place in the house. Plus, we have a great fluffy comforter that is cool in the summer and extra snuggly in the winter.


In general they aren't allowed to play in our room with toys which they rarely want to do.


We pretty much have an open door policy, literally. If we don't want them in, we shut and lock the door.

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If we're in there, yes. If we're not in the bedroom, it's off limits. They choose to sleep in their own beds the majority of the time unless they are sick or had a nightmare. The baby still is in our room but he even does better in his PnP instead of in the middle of our bed though we do cosleep with him sometimes.

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We half co-sleep.


Basically, DH knew from the very beginning (not re:co-sleep) that I wanted the children to feel "safe" and able to come for hugs, cuddles, and reassurance.


I was always scared of the dark, for as long as I can remember (still am in certain situations :tongue_smilie: I keep my light on all night). My parents would never, ever allow me to do so (when they were together & apart). My mother would "roar" at me to go back to bed. When a child is that frightened, yelling at them is only going to make the situation worse, any loud sounds, angry-ness etc, will. She would not accept my light on (bedside lamp) and when I would turn it on, she would sense it, come in and switch it off. My Father barely tolerated the light when I lived with him for a bit, tolerated my nightmares, but his girlfriend didn't, and told him to get rid of me (thus plopping me back at my mothers, but thats a whole other story).


Because of my 1st hand experience in this, I don't want them to ever feel that way. We used to co-sleep (first because its easier with a newborn bubby, then because we lived in a small house), now where slowly transitioning them to sharing a bed by themselves (king size, top quality - was originally our bed lol, but makes more sense (financially & house-wise) to let them share it. DH sleeps "half" (i.e. from time they go to bed about to about 12am) the night with them, then moves to his bed (we have seperate beds, I have sensitivity and bruising issues, DH snores and jumps/rolls on the bed, and I can't sleep, and the kids elbow/knee jostle me, I'm an extremely light sleeper) DH can sleep through an earthquake, so he's happy enough sleeping anywhere :lol: The kids can come to either one of us during the night (my doors closed (elsewise the cats use my body as a springboard whilst I'm trying to sleep. My CFS causes insomnia making it difficult to get back to sleep if I'm woken up)


They go to Daddy if they just want help to/on the toilet or sippy cup re-fills (he sleepwalks and helps them, then goes back to his bed, and drops straight to sleep) or Mummy if they had nightmares (I calm them down, makes shhhshing sounds, and carry them back to their bed or leave them in mine for the rest of the night depending upon the situtation) they have a dimmer switch in their room (so Chaos doesn't fall over) and both of our beds are only a short distance away.


Honestly, I couldn't just tell them to "go back to bed" or get angry with them, if they are obviously upset :( And if they come for morning snuggles, well who wants to miss out on that? :D On a lazy afternoon we'll often do our read-alouds on the King bed, and snuggle under the covers, half the time we all end up having a nap :tongue_smilie:


Not sure if that answered your question or not, but I'm rambling a lot, which means its bed-time for me!

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My kids are all aging up in the next 3 weeks to be 13, 17, and 19. The 19 year old is home from college for the summer, the 17 year old will be leaving to live on campus at a university soon. No one ever slept with us unless they had a fever when they were small. We never really had rules or anything, just places for everyone to sleep so that is where they slept. Now, for some reason, I can't get into my room because there are always a bunch of people there. :001_huh: Everyone has their own bedroom and BATHROOM, why do they want to use my shower/bath/mirror/sink/bed? I thought it was just that they wanted to be close but when I get home from work, there is usually someone stretched across my bed reading, they aren't there to be close to me or my husband, we have been at work! I bought everyone the same shampoo, soap and conditioner I use because I thought that was it. It wasn't. It is driving me a little bananas so I am thinking we are getting ready to have a rule. There are just too many people in my room. :) We don't have this problem at night, by the way. We probably bore them to death because we go to sleep at 8:30.

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This happens in my room too. I'm quite pleased that we can have these conversations.



Not long ago, we were in the dark and I was humming Black Muddy River ... not even saying the words (kiddo had never heard the song). In the dark he started to cry and when asked, he said it was because some day I would be dead and he would miss me. (The song is about a person saying what would happen when they died!)


I stopped humming and asked him if he wanted to know a secret. He stopped crying and of course did. I told him that I missed my mother, but that I had so many memories of her, all so close and vivid, it was as if she were still here in this room and that that is "enough". Then I promised that he would feel that way about me, and he drifted off to sleep without another word.

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All of them have stayed in my bed. My husband never grew up like that, but he'd never kick them out. Time is too short. They'll be out and on their own in time enough, if they need to sleep with us now, that's what we're here for.


If a door is closed, it's polite to knock. :001_smile:


There have been times when I would have resorted to bribery, but they eventually move out on their own. We've never had problems with privacy.


Same for us :) They always knock on a closed door. DD has always been ok with the dark. DS not so much. He STILL ends up waking me but I go in his room. We bought them full sized beds because I am too lazy to do the keep putting them back thing LOL. It works for us.


Kiddo happily slept in his own room from 2 weeks of age until 8, when we moved. His imagination got vivid. Every sound woke him. I gave up and he sleeps in my room. I assume he'll move to his own bed when he's ready. I slept with my parents until I was 10.


As is, we read, we listen to opera, and we have careful quiet talks in the dark about important things. The rest of the day we are both go go go, and never talk about anything serious.


We each have our own bedroom now. Dd is allowed in my room. She is even allowed to hang out with me in my bed. We spend days at a time in there when we are sick.


These are sweet :D

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It's not that they aren't ALLOWED in my room, they were just discouraged from being dependent on us for sleeping. If they came to our room in the night, we dealt with the issue (whatever it was) and tucked them back into their own beds. Now that they are older, it has been a couple of years since we've had a late night visit.


For us, our bedroom was the only place dh and I could have private conversations and other "things". :lol: So yeah, I didn't want it to become the kid hangout too.


This. We encouraged healthy independent sleep habits from a young age, and for us that meant sleeping in their own beds and independent badtime rituals (we spend plenty of quality time otherwise, so a bedtime discussion, book, etc. wasn't necessary.) It also carved out space for our marriage.

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We were co-sleepers. Now, years later we still do read aloud snuggled in the bed. Okay, a teen and a tween make for awkward snuggles but we are all in the bed.


However, they are not allowed in the bedroom when mom or dad are not in the room. If the door is closed all the way you have to knock first.

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It's not that they aren't ALLOWED in my room, they were just discouraged from being dependent on us for sleeping. If they came to our room in the night, we dealt with the issue (whatever it was) and tucked them back into their own beds. Now that they are older, it has been a couple of years since we've had a late night visit.


For us, our bedroom was the only place dh and I could have private conversations and other "things". :lol: So yeah, I didn't want it to become the kid hangout too.


This. We encouraged healthy independent sleep habits from a young age, and for us that meant sleeping in their own beds and independent bedtime rituals. It also carved out space for our marriage.

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I've always put my daughter to bed in her own bed because I want her to be able to sleep by herself and self-soothe as much as possible. But she's still only three, so she wakes up at night and comes into bed with me/us 2 or 3 times a week. Most of the time she sleeps straight through the night though. Also, my husband is gone a lot and frequently at night because of his job and he's happy to have her in bed when she comes in. I'm a foster kid and his parents were very arms-length, so we try very hard not to ever give her the feeling that she's unwanted.


As she gets older, we'll have to put more emphasis on the knocking/closed door rule, but I can't see us forbidding her from our room.


She plays on the bed sometimes during the day too. She'll grab my phone and play Angry Birds or something if I'm at the computer for a while. I don't see this changing much either. It's possible a lot of this for me is because I have a daughter, we're alone together frequently, and I have only one child and will only have one. Maybe with more kids it would be more intrusive or I might worry about fairness issues.

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All of them have stayed in my bed. My husband never grew up like that, but he'd never kick them out. Time is too short. They'll be out and on their own in time enough, if they need to sleep with us now, that's what we're here for.


If a door is closed, it's polite to knock. :001_smile:


There have been times when I would have resorted to bribery, but they eventually move out on their own. We've never had problems with privacy.




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We coslept our two boys through age 5ish. They outgrew it and now sleep great in their own beds. They both come in whenever they want if we are in there, but it's not often. I don't want the boys to ever feel like we are off limits to them if they need something. Also, we know how to be careful if we need "time" to ourselves.

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Since we share both a bed and a bedroom, guess I can't really kick her out, huh? :lol:


For most of her 6.5 years, she has actually had her own room, but she's never used it for more than storage. When we were looking to move this last time, the apartment we are now in was perfect except for being one bedroom short. Since we will only be here a year, and since DD was gung ho about sharing with mommy, we went ahead and took it. :D


We enjoy sleeping together. We snuggle into bed together and read for awhile, then talk and sing... then when it's time to sleep we snuggle together and sleep. :001_wub: It's really very awesome. I'll let DD share my bed until she doesn't want to anymore.


I'm sure that my stand on it comes from the way I grew up with my parents. I slept with them until I was.... oh, 10? And even after then would occasionally fall asleep in their bed with one or the other.

Not anymore since mom and I live together and have our own bed, but up until last year when I'd go home to visit my parents, it wouldn't be rare for me to nap with my daddy. :D

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I don't mind the kids in our room.


The 7 year old almost always sleeps in his own bedroom, but occasionally comes into our room to snuggle in the mornings or will very rarely take a nap with me. He co-slept from the time he was a newborn until he was 3/4 years old, then transitioned to his own room.


The 4 y/o does not like to sleep alone, not at all. She has her own bedroom but never sleeps in it. She typically starts off the night in the 7 y/o's bed and ends up in ours by morning. I'm not worried, I've got faith that she'll eventually outgrow it.


As for private time with dh? That's why we installed a hook and eye latch on the inside of our door, LOL (our house is old and the antique doorknobs don't have built-in locks.)

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My husband was not allowed in his parents bed or bedroom at all growing up. I was only allowed in my parents bed when my dad was away on business. I was welcome in their room, but had to knock first.


My kids come in our room and on our bed at any time. The only time they knock is when the door is locked. In some ways I like having them in our room. But, in some ways I think we may need some space and respect for the master bedroom! I like snuggling with my kids in the morning, but I find them on my bed during the day and every once in a while I find the little ones doing dives on to it and wrestling with the covers. Maybe a new rule that once mommy and daddy are out of bed it's not to be touched?


I think it's a matter of personal preference. We're more like your current situation, and we're fine with it. We figure in a few years we will miss them!

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Except for the baby co-sleeping...the older kids sleep in their own beds. I don't mind them coming in our room and they know to knock first. Come this time next year, the baby will have her own room, once step-son goes to Army basic training. It's bittersweet for me. I love cuddling her in our bed, BUT I also like my space. I can't even get to sleep if dh is cuddling with me. I have to move away from him.

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Oh, oh! This just reminded me: My grandma (maternal) had three older brothers growing up. They only had a two bedroom house. So, the three boys shared a room and grandma slept with her mom until she was 12 yrs. old. At that point, they added another room onto the house. Grandma's father slept on the couch (poor great grandpa). Grandma said that her father always joked about what a prude her mother was...LOL. True story!

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Yes, they're allowed in our room and the bed. My bed has always been a place of snuggling, watching t.v., reading stories, doing homeschool, just hanging out together. Since DH has to get up early and needs extra quiet, he will often sleep upstairs. My DD sleeps with me most of the time. I've made her sleep in her own room a few times since moving here almost a year ago and she did fine.


Weird thing is that I was NEVER allowed in my parents bed and wasn't allowed in their room without permission.:001_huh:

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Children are allowed in our room and bed at any time except if the door is locked with us behind it. Oldest was in our room until she was 9 and baby moved in with her at 3, I think.


It's weird, but I don't remember my parent's room growing up and don't remember any rules. I'd have to ask my dad. They split when I was 11.


I do remember cosleeping with my grandparents (dad's parents) when I was younger and when I got a little bigger, I would sleep on the floor next to my Memaw and hold her hand. I was about 10 when I slept in the guestroom.


DH's dad was a truck driver, so he slept with his mom quite a lot. He was the baby.

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I don't allow them to play in there, but they sleep in there every once in a while. ds6 went through a stage (OK - a 5 year stage.:tongue_smilie:) of waking at 4am and snuggling in bed next to me. When he finally gave up that habit, dd went for a few months of wanting to sleep with me...we had just moved and I think she was not quite comfy in her new room.


Now we are expecting baby #4 and will have a bassinet in our room soon.

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We're at the point right now that the four older boys feel like they're too old to come into our bed, and we're working on a good bedtime/morning routine with my youngest. So, none of them sleep here. When the older boys were little, we always seemed to wake up with an extra body in the bed. Now, they come in in the morning and chat while I'm doing my hair, or while Dh is shaving. During the day and in the evening, they watch a bit of TV in our room, or read here because it's quiet.

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