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Dating myself . . . where were you on this day in 1969?

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It was the day before my 5th birthday, and I thought the astronauts had gone to the moon just for that reason. :D A birthday present for me. :lol:

Ha! It was 2 days after my 10th birthday, but I knew better than thinking it was all about me:001_tt2:


ETA To actually answer the question, we didn't have a TV, so we went to some friends to watch with them. One of their teenage girls rolled my hair in foam rollers while we watched.

Edited by Lawana
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Today is the anniversary of the first moon landing . . .


I had just turned 6 and recall watching the fuzzy black and white pictures on our little TV in the trailer we lived in . . . made my dad drive all over to every Gulf gas station as they were giving away a commemorative book free with fill up. I still have that book. Were you here? Do you remember? :D


Well, I was not even a thought, apparently. Though one year later I was born! That's why I can remember the first moon landing date, but I have to stop and think about my Dc's birth dates! To be fair, Dc were both born on the same number day of the month, so I have to stop and think about who was born in which month!

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I was four years old. I don't remember my parents ever mentioning watching the moon landing.


I do remember how outraged they were when they looked at one of my third-grade textbooks and discovered it was still telling kids we hoped to go to the moon "someday."



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Threads like these remind me that I'm actually old enough to be a grandmother instead of a mother with young children. No wonder I'm always so tired. :D


Me, too.


I know, intellectually, how old I am. But I find I keep having to do the math over and over as I read posts in which people mention their parents are the same age as I am. It just doesn't compute.

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I was 13, almost 14, and was making caramel apples with my dad. It was his weekend to have us kids. I remember him saying, "Years from now when someone asks you where you were when man landed on the moon, you can say I was making caramel apples with my father". And that's what I say. :D


I was in school - I remember them wheeling TVs into several classrooms and we watched. I think many parents had brought their TVs to school so that they could use them in the classrooms that day, since this was a small Catholic school.


:confused: It was a Sunday.

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Today is the anniversary of the first moon landing . . .


I had just turned 6 and recall watching the fuzzy black and white pictures on our little TV in the trailer we lived in . . . made my dad drive all over to every Gulf gas station as they were giving away a commemorative book free with fill up. I still have that book. Were you here? Do you remember? :D


I was not quite 1 year old (born Aug 13, 1968). I don't actually know, but I was probably asleep in my crib. I wish I had been old enough to remember that!

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Watching it on TV with my parents then going outside later to look at the moon and marvel. I will never forget my father's thrill. He bought every major newspaper that day and saved them all. We could sure use a time of wonder like that today.

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I was six too. I remember people talking about the moon landing, and we watched it on television. I knew it was important, but I didn't understand why. We had a black and white television - we were the first people we knew to get colour, but we didn't have it yet.



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I would have been just a few days shy of 7 years old :). I remember gathering around the old, blonde, black & white TV (it had gold tipped legs) watching the news about the landing. We never watched TV - never seemed to miss it, but we had it for special occasions. I guess my folks thought the landing was special enough.

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Oooo, I remember that :). We went to my grandparent's for the big event. I found the whole prelude to the actual moment excruciatingly boring, so when the landing actually occurred my parents pretty much had to force me into the room to see the actual men-stepping-on-the-moon. They told me, "You don't care about it now, but this is history and you'll be glad you saw it when you grow up".


I can't say my life would be much different had I missed seeing that on TV in real-time ;)

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At a bed and breakfast in Ireland. It was a family home and all the kids moved out of their rooms and we slept in them. There were snap dragons in the garden. The man stayed up all night to watch. He said, "You must be very proud to be Americans." I replied, politely, "Yes", but all the time thinking: ho hum, it is just a moon shot, like it was nothing surprising. You could see the moon, and we went there.

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Today is the anniversary of the first moon landing . . .


I had just turned 6 and recall watching the fuzzy black and white pictures on our little TV in the trailer we lived in . . . made my dad drive all over to every Gulf gas station as they were giving away a commemorative book free with fill up. I still have that book. Were you here? Do you remember? :D



Also six, watching the landing on the black and white at home.

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I was 3 and a half, standing and grinning in front of the TV that my mom was trying to photograph. She was trying to capture history, but all you can see is my big ol' face looking like this :D


I was 2 goin' on 3. I seem to have a fuzzy memory of my mom pointing at the B&W TV and saying "they're on the mooooon," but I could just be imagining it.

For some reason, my mother was in the kitchen cooking and I sat in front of the ol' b&w watching the newscast as a toddler. I recall calling out to my mom, "Mooooom! A man is on the moon!"


To which she said, "Don't lie." :001_huh:


Years later, I asked her what on earth made her say that with the coverage on TV and newspaper. She was a high school dropout and truthfully, not a bright woman. :lol:

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I had just finished 3rd grade and we lived in a new apartment complex with a fabulous pool. Friends brought out a telescope and we all looked at the moon. I was disappointed I couldn't see the astronauts, of course, but it was great fun. They even turned off all the pool lights so we had lots of darkness- it was great fun for a 9 year old!!


I guess during the way we watched it on tv but I don't remember that like I do the nighttime fun. It was a great party.

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