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Update on dd with mass in her abdomen.

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I drove down here on Thursday and went with her to her appt. on Friday. I was really hoping that it was just a cyst that they could drain and send her on her way but that doesn't appear to be the case. Her uterus, overies and fallopian tubes look good. They can't see any attachment from the front but it is still possible that it is attached to the back of those part. The mass is solid and is a little over 8 cm. It is sitting right behind her uterus and they think that her interstines, colon or bowel may be involved. The dr. she saw passed her up to a GYN/Oncologist. We are expected to hear from him on Monday and the dr. said he thinks that they will move pretty quickly to remove it.


In the mean time, my hubby is home alone with the kids. They have been doing a good job watch over him and trying to help take car of him. He is hoping to get enough time off to come up here for the surgery. Hopefully we will know tomorrow. In the mean time prayers and well wisher welcome.

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