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A Sunday Chat

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Good Evening, everyone.


I'm feeling in need of some company. Please grab some chips and dip, some iced tea and sit down on one of the chairs on the deck. Bring a goodie if you'd like to share, otherwise come as you are!


How was your weekend?



Did you or did you not celebrate Father's Day in your family?



And a totally random question: What is your favorite super hero?

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My weekend was pretty good - did a little grocery shopping, a little cleaning and got some extra rest. I'm about to go cook something for dinner and have a bowl of ice cream for dessert.


We didn't celebrate Father's Day as there is no one here to celebrate it with. My father passed away in August, and dd's biological father isn't in the picture at all.


I never was into super heroes - I preferred Little House.

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Good day. My dad's birthday. So, dd, younger ds and I went to visit him and chat for a while. dh went to work. I also put together some supplies for a short trip we are taking for 2 nights this week.


We didn't really do father's day--it's not a big deal to dh at all.


Batman. He thinks. Superman is just about having superpowers and brute force--no brains at all.

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Hi, Jean! Great weekend. I worked in the office a little, cleaned my house a little, hung out in the pool with my oldest son(Home from college for the summer) ate dinner at a fantastic little restaurant. I am so stinking full that I can't breath! I just love Superman. Oh! I got to be a "sober ride home" for my ds and his friends the other night. :001_smile: I am just so happy he called me. they really weren't all that inebriated, they "just don't even go there and do that." I feel like all those warnings and preaching paid off. I showed up in pajamas, which they thought was hilarious because it was only 10:00. :D so... Good weekend, had a great run this morning, good weather, everyone is where they are supposed to be and that's just super. :D

How about you?

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i poured a glass of merlot instead ;).


tough day yesterday; dds and dh had trouble being peaceful together..... raised voices, people going off in anger, not so pretty. it ended well; the girls danced at the local ball stadium and we went out to father's day dinner afterwards.


today has been very peaceful. dh and i are cooking together, between drinking wine and chatting with you :001_smile:.


this week, two more baby chicks hatched, so we are up to three. our chickens aren't so good at this, so we've named the one from memorial day, but not these newest two yet. Looks as if naomi may actually be noah, as s/he is riding around on his/her mom's back.....


re superheros..... ever since crash test dummies song "superman never made any money", superman has been my favourite.


off to look for a link....



eta: found it...

Edited by elfgivas@yahoo.com
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When I woke up this morning, I had a headache and all I could think about was Tylenol and coffee. It wasn't until I had been up for a couple of hours that I remembered it was Father's Day. We don't do gifts for Mother's Day or Father's Day so it just slipped my mind. We do acknowledge the day and I kind of feel I dropped the ball on that one. DH didn't seem bothered though. He's not one to stew quietly. If he's not happy, he has no problem sharing his thoughts.


We didn't do much else today. Well, we got laundry done. But that doesn't quite count does it? And after the 'why don't you exercise thread', I decided to ask my ds15 if he would like to walk the running trail at the local park. It's only a .9 mile trail. It took 17 minutes to go around one time and it was a pleasant way to spend some one-on-one time with my son.


Oh, I don't have a favorite super hero. I never got into that. Sorry!

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Ya know, I'm up for a chat, too. My weekend was pretty chaotic. The last 10 days have been very chaotic. We went out of town last weekend for dd's rock climbing competition, came back to have several back-to-back cooking demonstration practices with another family, the 4H dog show and then my oldest's high school graduation party - over 30 people. I am in introvert cave today. Poor dh. Not a very eventful Father's Day for him. The kids made him a beautiful card and I surprised him by getting most of our vhs videos transferred to DVD. Dh's dad was really tired today so he asked us to stay home (he has out of town visitors and had a reprieve so he took a nap.) My dad has been gone for 14 years, so I obviously didn't get to see him.


Superhero??? Hmmm .... For total hunk value, it would have to be Wolverine (stayed up too late watching X-Men last night.) Who would I want around should I be a damsel in distress? Superman, of course. That reminds me ... I need to order another shirt for my daughter as she outgrew this one.

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Ice tea! Heavenly. Just what I've been craving.


My goodie that I would like to share is a bit of a brag on my oldest daughter. I blogged about my mommy moment with her earlier today.


My weekend has been slightly emotional. We dropped my husband off at the airport Friday so he could fly up to his mother in D.C. Then today he would take her with him to Korea. For some reason when I dropped him off at the airport on Friday I was fine and didn't feel like it was a big deal. Then today when he called as he was getting ready to board his plane I started to cry. I guess the first leg of his journey, stopping in D.C., blanketed the realization that he'll be on the other side of the world.

It's only for two weeks so I now we'll be fine and he'll be back before I know it. But now that my girls are in bed, I'm lonely. The house seems eerily quiet. :crying:


But I have a plan in the works. :tongue_smilie: I'm thinking my girls and I will take an impromptu road trip. I'm looking up scenic routes to take and fun stops to make. I'm even chatting with a forum member here to try and arrange a chance to meet up.


So... That's what's going on here.


What's everyone else up to?

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We had a great weekend. We just got home from visiting Portland, OR for the first time. It was fun.


Yes, we celebrated father's day. We gave my dh his presents this morning. I think we did a good job this year. Usually I am not too good at finding something to buy him.:blush: Then this afternoon we went grocery shopping together. :D


I have always been partial to Spiderman. :lol:I always thought Peter Parker was kinda cute.

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Sitting down with a glass of Mike's Hard Limeade and some tortilla chips. Dinner is prepped and just waiting to go on the grill in 30 or so.


I work on the weekends so tonight is my Friday night. :0)

We bought dd13 her first cell phone this weekend so she is very excited and texting me all the time. One of them was a random "thank you sooo much. I love you <3" It made me happy. LOL It is truly wonderful to have an appreciative, loving teenager.



Fathers day: Dh got a new phone for FD so he has been playing with it all day. He got it yesterday and he is still playing, downloading and setting it up. LOL Cake is in the oven (German choc with coconut/pecan topping). Burgers on the grill, 3 kinds. LOL


Super heros...don't have a fave. Can I pick Dr Who instead?

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Yesterday we drove 2.5 hours to the beach to just survive the day (peaked at F106). Today, we are ensconced in the house, waiting for it to cool down again, every fan on. We have A/C but the cost is prohibitive, however before we croak we will turn it on for a spell.

Son is working and called his Dad earlier. Church service was excellent.

I am living on smoothies - can't eat much in the heat.

My brain is too fried to think of super heros - Spiderman?

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Dh and the older two boys left for scout camp today. Both of my boys ended up not getting tents and will have to sleep in these 3 sided "cabins" that leave you open to the elements. :glare: NOT happy about that as one boy gets eaten alive and the other was so looking forward to a tent with his good friend and now has to share.


Called my dad. It was ok. Mom always gets on the other line so there is no talking to just my dad. :glare:


Watching Criminal Minds on CBS.com while on here.


Cleaned out some of the basement. Filled two trash cans and will need to wait until the trash is picked up tomorrow to actually continue cleaning up.

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I'm trying to avoid caffeine in the evenings, so I think I stick to water or one of these V8 Fruit drinks I bought today.


We made breakfast in bed for dad and then went over to my FIL for lunch. My father died about 6 years ago. Dads are awesome. I know my DH and my father both are.


These weekends sure go by quickly. It seems like I go from Friday night to Sunday night in a blink.


I did get in a trip out to the vegetable garden this evening. It is awesome this year, expect the rabbit are eating the green beans.

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Sorry, I invited you onto the deck and then dashed off to eat "grab your own dinner" here. I'm back to join in the conversation!


The weekend has been a mix of the usual chores and activities and celebrating dh's birthday (tomorrow) and Father's Day. I think that has been a good mix, actually. I don't do well when I don't get anything done at all but it's good to relax and celebrate a bit too. We went out to dinner last night at Z Tejas (Southwester grill) for dh's birthday dinner.


Our celebration of Father's Day has been more verbal than anything else. Dh has gotten lots of Father's Day hugs and best wishes. And I called my dad who is 91 and talked to him. Before she would let me talk to him, my mom reminded me that if she hadn't been around he wouldn't have been my father.:001_smile:


I asked the super hero question and now I have to stop and think if I have any favorites! I told you it was a random question.:D I think I like the Hulk. Even when he was green and angry he was always kind to women, children and small animals.

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Howdy. I just poured some iced tea (unsweetened!)


My weekend was nice. I took ds grocery shopping to tide him over until payday. Went to Lowe's and got a sheet of white bead-board. Got them to cut it into the size pieces I need, then got some paint. I came home and painted a terra cotta colored book case a lovely shade of "sea glass" and used one piece of the bead-board for the backing. It went from "southwestern" to "cottage". I went to church today, home for the afternoon, and back this evening. I called my dad to wish him a Happy Father's Day, texted the same to EX and worked on lesson plans for next year while watching old episodes of Glee on Netflix.


Dd is away at camp for the summer. She's working there as a "kitchen girl" until August. So, my house is quiet, clean, and teen-angst free.


Favorite super hero...hmm...Underdog.

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We had a nice weekend. DH, DS17, and I played in a kickball league Friday evening. It was a blast. At 42, I think I have finally found my sport. We won both games. One of the other teams said they should have round up some neighborhood high school kids, too. I said we didn't round them up, we gave birth to them. (Maybe you had to be there, but it was funny at the time.)


On Saturday I met another WTMer, but I didn't realize it at the time. We are now planning to get together.


I am still going through the weird transition of having a kid who can drive. He has had his license for about a month. He is very safe.


Father's Day--DH slept in until noon. He played some tennis with the kids. I picked up Chipotle for dinner. I got to talk to my dad for 30 minutes. Usually he doesn't stay on the phone that long, but since he got hearing aids, he stays on longer. He and my mom are on their last leg of a month long journey to visit friends and relatives. I love that they are still healthy enough to enjoy that. A year ago it looked like my mom wouldn't be able to do those kind of things any more.


Favorite superhero--The Greatest American Hero. (I wasn't allowed to watch cartoons growing up. Or Dallas.) (I also like the Hulk when he is played by Edward Norton, on whom I have had a crush for 30 years.)

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Hi! :seeya:


Thanks for the invite.


The weekend was good -- pasta party/pep rally on friday night. Swim team time trials yesterday. dd11 and I watched Fantastic Mr.Fox last night on tv - she has wanted me to see it for the longest time. It was over at 9pm and she and I were asleep in no time at all. We had been at the pool at 7am.


Nice Sunday - I wouldn't say we celebrated Father's Day, but we all had a nice day. I am working feverishly on the guest house getting it all ready for Heather's visit, dh did stuff around outside, we finally got our bed put together (our new mattress and box spring was delivered last week), went to Church and out for a bite to eat. Oh, and dd11 and I took the puppy for a 'little' walk.


Home now, getting everyone settled - we have to be at the pool at 7:30am tomorrow -- morning practice starts.


I'll pass on the chips and dip; I am doing Medifast - it will be two weeks this coming wednesday.:001_smile:


Oh, the superhero -- i don't think I have a favorite. I guess that being my own favorite superhero doesn't count, right?

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I haven't had the best days lately. I am off of two medicines that were making my pain go away ( and also helping my mood). Unfortunately, they also raised my blood pressure to high (it is normally fine).


WE did do Father's Day today. My son came over early, drove my oldest daughter around to get donuts and things for breakfast. We had a nice breakfast and then went to church. After church, my son, oldest daughter and husband went hiking on a nearby mountain. YOungest daughter (who is recovering from a stress fracture) and I stayed home. Then we had a nice dinner and dh got his presents. He really liked them. My son left and now we are supposed to watch a mystery together.


I was never into super heroes. I did like the Batman tune from the tv series. I would turn on the tv a bit early just to hear that tune at the end of the show before whatever show I was watching.

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I haven't had the best days lately. I am off of two medicines that were making my pain go away ( and also helping my mood). Unfortunately, they also raised my blood pressure to high (it is normally fine).


WE did do Father's Day today. My son came over early, drove my oldest daughter around to get donuts and things for breakfast. We had a nice breakfast and then went to church. After church, my son, oldest daughter and husband went hiking on a nearby mountain. YOungest daughter (who is recovering from a stress fracture) and I stayed home. Then we had a nice dinner and dh got his presents. He really liked them. My son left and now we are supposed to watch a mystery together.


I was never into super heroes. I did like the Batman tune from the tv series. I would turn on the tv a bit early just to hear that tune at the end of the show before whatever show I was watching.

I'm so sorry, pain and high blood pressure mean you had a rough day. I hate that feeling.

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Super hero? Daffy Duck?



I'm not a chippy person, but that bag of chips sounds good-I wish I chose than rather than what I did. I made the huge mistake of eating a Reeses Klondike bar and now I want to ralph.... WHY? Why did I do this to myself? *banghead*


So not worth it.


Sat was we went on a hike and then spent some time antiquing. Dh and I ran out to an auction, and had leftovers for dinner, so that was a super easy day.


Today we had a nice breakfast, then went fishing. Kids caught a ton of ferocious Sunnies. The Sunnies had a feast of big, fat, night crawlers. Then we came home, swam a bit, threw on some steaks for Big Daddy-O, then went to church.


I think I'm going to go take the dog for a walk in hopes that I can feel better after this bad decision.


I'm planning on relaxing tomorrow. :D

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We went to church with my mom this morning. I'm up visiting for a couple of weeks, with the kids. Hub came up for the weekend. He and the 3 eldest played for worship for the church. They did a good job. In my unbiased opinion ;) (no, really, they did well today..someone in the foyer was drop jawed and commented on Eldest 'rocking out' on the drums and a very experienced elder drummer told him he really had some talent :) it's always nice to hear such from a fellow musician..anyway...)


We enjoyed lunch with hub and then he had to start on the 6+hr drive home.


Happy Father's Day...you get to drive through 4 states, all alone. To go home, all alone, for another week. :(


Favorite superhero? I don't really have one..I've never really gotten into that. Best I can offer is...my husband is my Superman and..I'm going to have to ditto whoever it was above who mentioned Iron Man :) He *is* pretty doggone cool :D

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As a child I adored Wonder Woman (the real people on the tv show, not the cartoon... although I liked her on Saturday mornings with the other super heroes just fine). I loved wearing my headband on my forehead, pretending I was Linda Carter!!!! I used my jump rope as my lasso, too! I got sent home by an angry dad one day when I had his daughter tied up in the woods, though.... :001_huh:


The weekend has been busy... my dh took our 4 youngest boys out on the boat yesterday enjoying swimming and water fun and picnic-ing while I worked two jobs... Today I went to visit my daughter who has 2 hours visitation each Sunday where she is staying (rehab) and it was a fun visit with two of my boys and her. This morning my oldest son stopped by to share a business he got started with, selling expensive knives... I picked out a very small set to support him and will actually be very glad to have a few nice knives!!! (The ones I have are low priced department store, very dull and drive me nutty!)


This evening I watered the garden for dh... he had grilled for me when I got back from my road trip to see dd... and now I am going to swap laundry, bathe and wait for dh to return from his visit with his friends at the boat...


(Hey, now, Jean! You can't be bored too long if you ask me what I've been up to... I give novels to read for answers!!)

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Good Evening, everyone.


I'm feeling in need of some company. Please grab some chips and dip, some iced tea and sit down on one of the chairs on the deck. Bring a goodie if you'd like to share, otherwise come as you are!


Good evening to you, too!


How was your weekend?


It's been pretty nice. I hit my personal frustration threshold yesterday while trying to figure out what to do about cell phones for the family. My son needs a new one (because I get stressed when he's out and about without a way to contact me, especially after he was stuck at the city pool when the storm hit on Thursday), and my husband's iPhone may or may not be on it's way out, too. We don't want to sign up for a new two-year contract if we can avoid it, but we're having a lot of trouble deciding which way to go from here. We finally decided to table the discussion until Tuesday.


Other than that, though, it was nice. We had fewer things on the calendar than on a typical weekend, and I enjoyed driving less and sleeping more.



Did you or did you not celebrate Father's Day in your family?


We did, for my husband. My father-in-law passed on a few years ago, and we have no contact with my family of origin. So, we just have to worry about my husband.


Of course, as any of you who have followed any of my threads over the years begging for help with gift-giving for this man know, he's quite enough to worry about on these occasions. We might actually have gotten it more or less right this year, though. We took him to breakfast, then strolled through the farmer's market picking up goodies for dinner. We then came home and played a couple of rounds of the new game we gave him (Munchkin) and ate dinner while watching the first season of The Guild on the DVD we gave him. We finished the evening watching The People vs. George Lucas on Netflix. And, as he headed off to bed, he actually thanked us for a great day(!).


My daughter looked at me and mouthed, in her best Dora the Explorer imitation, "We did it! We did it! We did it! Yay!"


So, now we can breathe for a month or two until it's time to worry about his birthday.


And a totally random question: What is your favorite super hero?


I don't have a favorite superhero, a fact about which my son loves to tease me. I have been known to remind my gifted children that "With great power comes great responsibility," but I don't actually know much about the character.


(My daughter, reading over my shoulder, is explaining with great enthusiasm why Spiderman is her favorite.)

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Well Jean... it'd be fun to be on your porch!! :)


Hey Bee... bet they're Cutco... You'll love them and buy more!! :) Wait till his commission % goes up and then ask for a bit of a deal ;)


I'm only drinking water :) We went to Olive Garden and got reseated to a better spot, because they had cramped us in a small spot. Bonus was no crying child at the next table.


I was able to be with my brother, dad, mom, and my family. (Minus my daughter who is in MI with her Bio-dad)


I'm waiting for Baseball season for my 9 year old to be over... about 5 more games. Seriously I feel like it's been all baseball since April :(


I'm hoping for a sunshiny week with air conditioning to keep me cool :)


My favorite Super Hero is Wonder Woman!!! :)

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Quiet weekend in Empty Nester Land. :D

Yesterday, Mr. Ellie did a hula show. Yes. Well, ok, he didn't dance, but he went to a show in Lakeway and did sound for the dancers. The tables are turned: I did the shows for several years while Mr. Ellie stayed home. But I'm not dancing now, and Mr. Ellie has his own sound equipment and whatnot, so sometimes he is asked to do that.


Today we did church, then lunch at a nice restaurant for Father's Day. I actually had a gift for him: a painting of bluebonnets that he had seen and admired. He's mighty hard to buy for, so I was pretty pleased with myself. :D


We skyped in the afternoon with older dd and dgs#1.


Then we napped through The Fifth Element, and watched Dr. Who and Eureka on Netflix.



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I was just thinking about brewing a cup of tea.


We had a nice weekend. We just got home a little over an hour ago from visiting Yuma, AZ at DH's request for his Father's Day gift (hotel/restaurant expense). That is where DH and I lived when we were first married and when DD was a baby. We left in 2003, so we went on a little trip down memory lane, took the kids to the Territorial Prison and enjoyed the dry heat.


I don't have a favorite superhero.

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My husband is gone on a business trip and he'll be back Monday evening, so celebrating his fatherhood was done via phone passing and texting. I called my Dad too. And Dad-in-law. And then texted DH to remind him to call his Dad.....:001_smile:


After my vent yesterday about always repeating myself 10000 times when instructing/disciplining the kids, I did much better today. MUCH, MUCH better. I hoping for the same tomorrow.


I've never been a big super hero fan, but I have a strong visual memory from childhood of checking out a giant compendium of Wonder Woman comics from our tiny rural library. I was so fascinated by those amazon women.


Thank you for the chat invite.

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Hi :001_smile:


Pretty good, quiet weekend here. I didn't get much accomplished yesterday, but I've been feeling much better, so the boys and I spent some time this afternoon after church cleaning up some of the clutter that has accumulated over these last weeks while I've been out of commission. There's still a lot to do, but we made good progress!


Dh had to work, so we didn't get to do any Father's Day stuff until he got home. We gave him a Sonic gift card and a bag of goodies (the boys were strongly reminded that they were NOT to ask for some of dad's candy!), and between them, they gave him $1.19, completely of their own accord. I think the amount of tape ds 7 used in wrapping his cost more than the amount of money he wrapped! :tongue_smilie:


A couple of my goofy college friends decided that dh was "Stupendous Man" (I can't remember what prompted it), complete with a personalized Stupendous Man plunged for his weapon. So I'd have to say Stupendous Man is my favorite superhero. He is pretty stupendous. :D

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Much schooling, some cleaning, baking, cooking. Then I settled into read about grammar.


Kiddo ate a whole plate of cherries ... just to get the pits, which he is shooting at trees outside as the light fails.


The breeze was lovely today. Aired the house out completely.


I love iced tea, but it keeps me up even more than coffee does. It makes me think of long Kansas summer nights, and rare moment I saw either of my parents add sugar to ANYthing. My father put it in his iced tea, and our silver set had long-handled ice tea spoons. I'd set the table and put one of those next to his plate, and get out the silver sugar bowl (which usually only came out with guests were there) to put by him. After he'd poured a spoonful from the shell shaped spoon that matched the bowl, I'd hear the pleasant tink-tink-tink of the ice cubes being vigorously stirred. It meant summer. It meant the sun would be heading down and the cicadas would start their chorus, and someone would start a lawn mower and my mother would curse. "Every *^%$ time. They must hear us sitting down to eat." :D

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Hiya, Jean!


Grabbing a glass of cab and sittin' with you for a bit.

My weekend was good. I started doing yoga again and have decided, by hook or by crook, I will do 30 minutes every night after the kids are in bed. I keep telling myself, "It's only 30 minutes." But, I pulled a hamstring tonight and have spent the last few hours heating and icing it, so we'll see.

The boys spent several hours yesterday catching up with their friends at pokemon club. Dh and I ran errands and truly enjoyed each other's company.

Today was scorching hot but nice, until I had to deal with my brother at my folks' this afternoon. *sigh* I have to say though, that having almost lost my dad twice in the last year, I didn't care one bit that my brother was being a horse's rear. I'm so glad my dad is still here and he liked the vintage nicknack shelf I got for him.

And my new apple dessert was a hit. :)

My dh is heading out of town for a couple weeks tomorrow and I'm sad. Before this job, we'd never been a part for more than a couple days. Now it seems we're always apart. And I hate it. Hence, the extra wine tonight.


My favorite super hero is Wolverine, but my husband says that he's not a superhero, he's a mutant. I say his favorite, Aquaman, isn't really a superhero either. So, there.


Cheers, Jean. Sleep well.

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How was your weekend?



Did you or did you not celebrate Father's Day in your family?



And a totally random question: What is your favorite super hero?


1) Well, Adrian was not doing well Friday or Saturday. That means I didn't sleep well, and I took him to work with me yesterday and had him stay in a back classroom. I spent some time with friends on Saturday night and this evening. It was "ok" for a weekend. I miss my kids!


2) Not really, but Adrian did hear from 2 of his sons and 2 of my kids. :) One of his sons gets a pass (he's deployed).


3) Well, none but I did like Christopher Reeves as Superman.

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How was your weekend?

I had a great weekend. Friday was consumed with preparations for a homeschool end of the year picnic that ended up going really well. We spent the day at an airshow Saturday and got burned to a crisp, but we had fun. Today, we enjoyed a great sermon. After church our small group had lunch together even though our study is over and small groups are generally not meeting for the summer. Without the study, we had time to sit and talk for a couple of hours. Learned some fun things about the couples (shared how we had met our spouses among other things) and laughed a lot. We came home and cleaned up. The kids did most of it because my little one needed some holding and I wasn't feeling well. After a little rest, I got up and made pizzas for a dinner shared with our neighbor and his sons.


Did you or did you not celebrate Father's Day in your family?

My immediate family spent the weekend as described. I did not call my dad because he is grumpy and miserable to talk to on holidays.


And a totally random question: What is your favorite super hero?

Spiderman, I guess.

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We have had a good weekend. We drove home from Texas and will be here for a week. We got in Saturday afternoon. DD turns 2 this week so all the grandparents are in town and well as an aunt and cousin.


We had a crawfish boil Sunday afternoon. We had a great afternoon of swimming and eating crawfish, corn, and potatoes. We picked up a couple of books and a pair of suspenders that dh has wanted to try for a while for father's day.


Even though my dad and I had some rough times, I still miss him. He passed away about 15 years ago.

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How was your weekend?

Saturday was fabulous, Sunday I spent some time in the ER before heading to the city to see my dad


Did you or did you not celebrate Father's Day in your family? Yes we did, with my dad not with their dad


And a totally random question: What is your favorite super hero? Don't really have one, but if I was forced to pick one my first thought was superman

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Good Evening, everyone.


I'm feeling in need of some company. Please grab some chips and dip, some iced tea and sit down on one of the chairs on the deck. Bring a goodie if you'd like to share, otherwise come as you are!


How was your weekend?



Did you or did you not celebrate Father's Day in your family?



And a totally random question: What is your favorite super hero?


Weekend was OK - getting ready for 16yods and I to leave the country :eek: and leave my other 5 kids at home. :willy_nilly:


We celebrated Father's Day - waffles, fruit, eggs, sausage, and homemade cards for an early breakfast - dh had to be at church early in the morning.


Favorite Superhero is The Tick.

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