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I did it!!! Remember that elephant's penis I talked so much about?!

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Haha...well, I lost it!


Start weight: 247.6 lbs.

Today's weight: 187.4 lbs.

Total loss: 60.2 lbs.

Gone: One elephant's penis!

Next to go: An Irish Setter


(That'd be 70 lbs as a goal, or getting down to 177.6 lbs- if I get that far before I get pregnant again- fingers crossed)!! :)




How Much Weight Have You Lost?


1 pound = a Guinea Pig

1.5 pounds = a dozen Krispy Kreme glazed donuts

2 pounds = a rack of baby back ribs

3 pounds = an average human brain

4 pounds = an ostrich egg

5 pounds = a Chihuahua

6 pounds = a human skin

7.5 pounds = an average newborn

8 pounds = a human head

10 pounds= chemical additives an American consumes each year

11 pounds = an average housecat

12 pounds = a Bald Eagle

15 pounds = 10 dozen large eggs

16 pounds = a sperm whale's brain

20 pounds = an automobile tire

23 pounds = amount of pizza an average American eats in a year

24 pounds = a 3-gallon tub of super premium ice cream

25 pounds = an average 2 year old

30 pounds = amount of cheese an average American eats in a year

33 pounds = a cinder block

36 pounds = a mid-size microwave

40 pounds = a 5-gallon bottle of water or an average human leg

44 pounds = an elephant's heart

50 pounds = a small bale of hay

55 pounds = a 5000 BTU air conditioner

60 pounds = an elephant's penis

66 pounds = fats and oils an average American eats in a year

70 pounds = an Irish Setter

77 pounds = a gold brick

80 pounds = the World's Largest Ball of Tape

90 pounds = a newborn calf

100 pounds = a 2 month old horse

111 pounds = red meat an average American eats in a year

117 pounds = an average fashion model

118 pounds = the complete Encyclopedia Britannica

120 pounds = amount of trash you throw away in a month

130 pounds = a newborn giraffe

138 pounds = potatoes an average American eats in a year

140 pounds = refined sugar an average American eats in a year

144 pounds = an average adult woman

150 pounds = the complete Oxford English Dictionary

187 pounds = an average adult man

200 pounds = 2 Bloodhounds

235 pounds = Arnold Schwarzenegger

300 pounds = an average football lineman

400 pounds = a Welsh pony






And how am I doing it, for those who don't already know? By eating no grains whatsoever. No breads, no pastas, no rices, and also no white potatoes. I do eat sweet potatoes, squashes, lots of fruits and veggies, nuts, dairy- milks, eggs, cheeses, yogurts, etc. I eat any meats, seafood, poultry, etc. that I want. I eat full-fat- butter, mayo, peanut butter, olive oil and coconut oil. I do not eat "lite," "fat free," or processed foods. I try to stick to whole and natural foods as much as possible. I drink pretty much just water (other than one cup of coffee a day). I walk for exercise. By breaking the cycle of carb addiction I apparently had, I lose much better and MUCH faster than I ever did on all my many, many years on and off Weight Watchers.






And lastly, I want to extend the invite one last time to anyone else trying to lose weight to come join our Weight Loss Challenge social group! :) Support, encouragement, and fun motivation in the form of various exercise and dietary "challenges" which anyone can join or start at any time!









And, now, I promise, no more weight loss updates from me until I hit another milestone lol. Maybe after another 5 or 10 lbs I'll give you some more before and "after" pics!



Thanks for being my cheerleaders along the way, though! :D

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Okay, that list is hilarious! Many congrats on finally getting rid of that elephant's p-nis (in case the real word attracts unsavory spam.....)!!! I'm sure it was very awkward carrying that thing around all the time ;)


You're doing a great job, and sounds like a healthy way to do so. Keep up the good work!

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Congrats to you!

I'm on the same diet (approximately)

I need to lose an average 2yo. So far I've lost a human head. But that's not remotely funny when the newspapers here are talking about one thing only, and that's the murderer who dismembered his victim and mailed parts to the gov. I really don't want to lose a human head these days!

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:hurray::party:Congrats!! That's an awesome accomplishment.

I'm not allowed to lose anymore weight:tongue_smilie:. We went off of most grains ages ago and grow most of our own food now to try and stay away from the processed stuff and all the GMO's. The only grain we have is Emmer as it's an older grain and not as hard to digest.

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What do you use instead since youre carb free? Ex: How do you eat a burger or make spaghetti?


For lunch im having a PB&J, so would you just eat them on crackers instead of bread? If dinner was steak/potatoes, buttered bread/and greenbeans- youd only eat the steak and greenbeans?

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What do you use instead since youre carb free? Ex: How do you eat a burger or make spaghetti?


For lunch im having a PB&J, so would you just eat them on crackers instead of bread? If dinner was steak/potatoes, buttered bread/and greenbeans- youd only eat the steak and greenbeans?


I'm not Nance (great job btw!) but for hamburgers I either have a "burger in a bowl" (break the burger up, add fixings, use a fork), or a lettuce wrap (my favorite and the easiest, but messy), or you can make a substitute bun (usually with almond meal, flax meal, or even cream cheese).


To replace spaghetti I love shredded zucchini - lightly stir-fryed in butter. You can also use spaghetti squash.


I don't have PB&J anymore, mainly because the jelly gets to my teeth. I have made some lovely primal / paleo pancakes, and one could make a sandwich with them. Lunch is the hardest thing for me to figure out - especially with kids.


For dinner I'd have the steak and greenbeans, I might have potatoes if I'd been working out, and I'd certainly serve them to the kids. I would probably not make rolls/bread (I haven't found a satisfactory substitute for buttered bread). I might add salad, or open some fruit for the kids.


This is my favorite recipe site. It's low-carb, so I modify some things (I'm aiming at Primal as in Mark's Daily Apple). Every recipe I've tried from Linda's website is top-notch & [almost always] kid-approved.

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What do you use instead since youre carb free? Ex: How do you eat a burger or make spaghetti?


For lunch im having a PB&J, so would you just eat them on crackers instead of bread? If dinner was steak/potatoes, buttered bread/and greenbeans- youd only eat the steak and greenbeans?

She's not carb free. Veggies and fruit still have carbs, just not nearly as many as grains do. And if she's grain free, she wouldn't eat crackers.

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Thanks for all of the comments!!


I have lost an elephants penis too! I have been doing the hCG diet and maintenance is exactly the same foods as what you eat. I'm looking at losing another 40 lbs.


Yay, congrats! I should probably lose at least another 30-40, too, but we'll see how it goes! I don't think I've gotten down that low since I was like 20 years old!


:hurray: Of course, I had to open this thread to see what exactly you were talking about. I haven't lost a guinea pig yet...maybe an ant?!?


hahaha, that's funny!


:hurray: :party:


Don't we get a photo this time?


Soon, I promise! I have a before pic that is positively horrible, you're going to love it lol.


Congrats to you!

I'm on the same diet (approximately)

I need to lose an average 2yo. So far I've lost a human head. But that's not remotely funny when the newspapers here are talking about one thing only, and that's the murderer who dismembered his victim and mailed parts to the gov. I really don't want to lose a human head these days!


Yeah, the body parts do sound particularly horrible these days! Still, congrats on the head and good luck w/the two year old! lol




Interesting how you are losing. I just picked up The Wheat Belly book. I haven't started it yet.


I've actually had that on my "to read" list for a while now but haven't yet picked up a copy! I really should! You'll have to let me know what you think if you start reading it!




(And, you sure know how to write a 'hook' title! :lol: I think you could rival Stephen King if you started novel writing. ;))


LOL thank you, glad you liked it!


Way to go!


I have lost a car tire so far. I'm about to start week 3 of HCG phase 2


My goal is to lose an elephant's p_nis. Love the list. :)


Congrats on the car tire, that's a great start!! Good luck with the elephant's penis! heh!


What do you use instead since youre carb free? Ex: How do you eat a burger or make spaghetti?


For lunch im having a PB&J, so would you just eat them on crackers instead of bread? If dinner was steak/potatoes, buttered bread/and greenbeans- youd only eat the steak and greenbeans?


Well, it's grains I don't eat as someone else said, not carbs per se. If I want a burger, I eat it without the bun. Maybe I'd just eat it by cutting it up with a knife and fork but I'd still have it with the cheese and lettuce, tomato, mayo, pickles, onions and so on.


Spaghetti, unfortunately, I just refrain from these days. I did try once to have spaghetti squash with some butter and parmesan cheese but I didn't love it. Maybe it would have been better with sauce, I haven't tried.


I eat peanut butter on apple slices frequently, or even just by the spoonful for a snack, or sometimes on sliced bananas with raisins, like "ants on a log." But no I would not eat PB&J on bread or crackers.


I do not eat white potatoes and I do not eat bread, so if the kids were eating steak and white potatoes and bread, I would eat steak with a sweet potato and extra veggies and maybe a salad but no white potatoes or bread.


For breakfast, I might have bacon and eggs, or fruit and cheese, or a smoothie. For lunch I might have a salad with cold cuts, or a BLT salad, or tuna salad, or egg salad, etc. For dinner I might have steak, chicken, shrimp, fish, pork chops, ribs, or whatever with squash or sweet potatoes and/or lots of veggies. Snacks might be fruit, cheese, nuts. I don't USUALLY have processed stuff but once in a while if I want something sweet other than fruit I might have a sugar free jello or pudding or a low fat ice cream or a few semi sweet chocolate chips or something at night, but usually I don't even want that stuff.


Best thread title ever. ;)


Congrats on losing your elephant's penis, and I hope you never find it again. :)


LOL thank you!


Not the OP, but my sil posted on fb the other day that she made "spaghetti" using julienned zucchini with a tomato sauce, it looked (and sounds) great.


Maybe I'll try that!

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Congrats! (I haven't read responses; it's late and I'm trying to get littles settled, but maybe I'll come back soon and/or visit the group. Fun!)


In the hospital after having the twins in Sept 2010, I weighed 267. Last week at Mom's (I don't own a scale...) I weighed 220 - less than I've weighed since my first year of marriage!


I've lost 47 lbs.


Somewhere between...

44 pounds = an elephant's heart

50 pounds = a small bale of hay


...but more than a whole human leg! :o



(And I'm not really doing anything to lose it, except nursing and chasing twin toddlers. It's enough, apparently. :tongue_smilie: )

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I've lost 10 dozen eggs!!!!


I'm losing by following the Diabetic Exchanges. So many carbs, meat, fats, and fruits a day dependent on your height (no, I don't have diabetes). Veggies unlimited.


Way to go! I'm hoping to lose an automobile tire:auto:




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Congratulations Nance!! Woo Hoo! I'm so proud of you!! But you know with a thread title like that it's going to wind up in the Forum Game thread right. :D




I somehow missed this the first time around. Thank you forum game.


Nance, I am just getting ready to try and go gung ho with the weight loss thing. I am printing your list and putting it on my fridge today:D


Congratulations on your accomplishment, I have not yet managed to lose an elephant's p*nis, but I will be happy when I do!

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I'm up to the 16 pounds = a sperm whale's brain

not totally sure exactly how much I want to loose totally. but the cinder block or microwave is close.


I'm up to a sperm whale's brain too. Aiming for that elephant's penis :lol:

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