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How old were you when you first got married?

How old were you when you first got married?  

  1. 1. How old were you when you first got married?

    • Under 18
    • 18-21
    • 22-25
    • 26-29
    • 30-35
    • After 35
    • I have never married

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I've never married, but my mom was 17 (my dad 19). They celebrated 50 years last fall. My brothers and sister were in their 20s (I believe about 22, 24, and 27) and no divorces so far. Shoot, I think my brother (who married at 22) will be coming up on 25 years soon.

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I was one month shy of my 22nd birthday and DH had just turned 23. We had originally set a wedding date 18 months later, but moved it up rather impulsively. I'm sure there were plenty of folks who thought at the time that I was pregnant, but I wasn't. DH had left to start officer basic and I stayed behind to finish college (I was in my last term). We were miserable without each other after just a month. I went to visit him and he asked if I would marry him after I graduated the following month. We had a JOP ceremony with just another lieutenant and his girlfriend as witnesses. My parents threw us a big reception on our original wedding date.

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I was 18 and DH was 21. I had no plans to marry right out of high school. I was going to go to school and be a CPA. Then I met DH and I knew right down to my tippy-toes that this was the man I was supposed to spend the rest of my life with and so far we've been together seventeen years. :D

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I was 19, almost 20. DH was 23. He was done with school and I had only one more year to complete my BS (when I graduated highschool I was a sophomore in college due to dual enrollment and AP/CLEP credits.)


We celebrated 16 years of marriage this week.

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I was 23 and he was 34. We were married 11 years.


I can honestly say I was not too young, and our divorce had nothing to do with age. It had a lot, however, to do with his immaturity, which continues to this day (he's now 51 and in many worse even less mature than when we married).


Happy to say I married for the 2nd time at 40, and so far, so good (almost 2 whole months later!) :D

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I'm surprised how low the average is. I was 29 when I got married, and that doesn't seem all that far off from average around here. And most people I know had their first kid around 30. But I think I've read that the average age is higher here in the northeast. I don't even know anyone IRL that got married as young as the highest response here (18-21).

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I was 19 and DH was 31. If anything, DH and I waited longer to get married than we would have liked... I don't think (and really, anyone that knows me well doesn't either) that I was too young and I have friends/family that I don't think 18 or 19 would be "too young" for... but on the other hand I have friends and family that would definitely be "too young" at that same age. I think it is really a personality/maturity thing more than actual years.


I couldn't agree more! :)

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This is me too. I had a lot of guy friends but not real dating or marriage candidates!


I am also so glad I got a career under my belt, an MA, and I was able to travel the world much more easily as a single.


There were times I worried I would never marry though.


Dh was 28 and I was 29 when we married (he is 6 months younger.) We will hit 17 years July 1st. :D




I was 30, almost 31. I didn't meet anyone before then that was a suitable candidate (or who thought I was a suitable candidate :lol:), so though I would have loved to marry in my mid-20s, it wasn't much of a possibility. I did get to do a lot of great stuff (travel, got my master's degree, learned some great skills) though when I was single and I don't regret that at all.
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By the time we got married, we'd been together almost seven years. We turned 21 and 23 in the spring, graduated college in May, and got married in August. The only reason we hadn't gotten married sooner was because we had no way to support ourselves until we graduated. (I finished a year early; he took an extra year, so we graduated together.) We'll have been married 14 years this summer.

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I'm surprised how low the average is. I was 29 when I got married, and that doesn't seem all that far off from average around here. And most people I know had their first kid around 30. But I think I've read that the average age is higher here in the northeast. I don't even know anyone IRL that got married as young as the highest response here (18-21).


:iagree:Same here.

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I was 17, and my parents had to "co-sign" my marriage license! Dh was 20. It was a week after I graduated from high school. Still going strong - better than ever, in fact -- and coming up on 16 years in a couple weeks. Proud parents of 4 rambunctious boys and a baby girl due in August. (And I know no one asked for all the details, but I couldn't help it!)

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