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Poll: How long to boil fresh corn on the cob?

How long do you boil corn?  

  1. 1. How long do you boil corn?

    • 5 minutes or less
    • Between 5 and 10 minutes
    • Between 10 and 20 minutes
    • More than 20 minutes
    • I cook it differently (steamed, grilled, etc.)
    • I don't cook/eat corn but wanted to take the poll

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We get corn fresh from the field and cook it for less than 5 minutes. Really, just long enough so it's hot enough to melt the butter.


In a disturbing side note: my grandfather used to cook spaghetti for 30 minutes. :ack2:

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I said between 5 and 10. I can't imagine corn on the cob being edible after boiling for 30 minutes!


:iagree: 30!? I would think you'd have corn broth at that point?


ETA - when I know it's fresh from a field (and not from a grocery store), less than 5 minutes.

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When we boil, we dip it in just long enough to get hot. 2 minutes maybe...especially if the corn is at room temp to beging with. All extra boiling does is eliminate the sugars we love.


These days microwaving or roasting on the grill is our preferred methods.

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It depends on how long it takes for the water to boil. That involves aspects such as how big the pot is, how much corn is in the pot, and whether the pot is empty or full when you start the heat.


I usually taste it. Its not worth timing. Once I swear it took 30 minutes to boil (granted it was a big pot), other times it seems to take no more than 10.

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How long do you boil fresh corn on the cob? We aim for 5 minutes while my MIL cooks hers for 30 minutes. Who is the oddball? :tongue_smilie:


You're both right, actually. I read in a food journal (and actually retained the info!!) that people in your MIL generation 60+ thought you had to boil it for at least 30 minutes, and its gone down with each subsequent generation, with mine (under 30 crowd) believing only 1-5 minutes is right.


Funny, I never thought I'd have a reason to have that knowledge of corn cook times!

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When I boil it, I put it into already-boiling water (unlike some who start timing when they put the pot 0n with the corn in cold water), and boil for about 8-10 mins. But usually I nuke it--maybe put a couple tablespoons of water in a nuke-able dish and cover with saran (but not touching the corn). It steams that way. I nuke it for about 6 or 7 minutes.


Best way is on the grill--remove the silk but retain the husk. Mmmm....:D

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I do my corn in the microwave. Put it in whole-husk and all. Microwave 1-2 minutes each side. When it's done, cut off the stem and pop it out of the husk. First time I did it this way, I squeezed it a little too hard and the cob shot across the kitchen:D No husking, no silk to deal with. Soooo much easier! Seems like there's a vid on you-tube showing it done this way.

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Don't boil it!!! Ahhhh! Ruins it!


Keep the husk on, take off the silk at the end, and grill it until it kinda burns on the outside.

If you can't grill - then bring water to a boil. As soon as it boils, turn off the heat, put the corn in, and cover the pot. Leave them in there for about 5 minutes.

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Well, it depends.


Are you putting them in water and allowing the water to boil? Or are you putting them directly into boiling water?


I have made 12 ears of corn the past week...here's how we do it.


Fill the pan, put the ears of corn in with a tablespoon of sugar. Cover and turn up on high, it takes about 5 minutes to START boiling...then I cook for another 5-7 minutes. But when cooking bigger batches and just dropping them into boiling water, I generally boil them for 10 minutes. I let them cool for 5 and serve. We love summer corn :)

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5-7 minutes at a boil, but then it's okay to take it off the heat and let it sit in the water until you're ready to eat it. For some reason we eat most of the main meal before we bring the corn to the table. (maybe because it takes up so much space?)

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How long do you boil fresh corn on the cob?

I don't know. I boil it until the color of the corn changes. How long does that take?


ETA: I also don't remember if I start the corn in the water before it boils, or add it after it boils. After makes more sense. You'd get a more accurate cook time.

Edited by gardening momma
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What temp in the oven? Sounds like you leave silks in and all? could you clean it and season it, with some butter too, and wrap the the husks back up around it? And for how long? Don't tell me to smell it, I need a time!:D


350* for about 30 minutes on a cookie sheet. I rinse the outside of the corn, but don't open it at all until it's cooked.

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