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What forums do you frequent?

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I used to visit MDC a lot but I've come to a point where I realize it was largely more unhelpful than helpful to me. I'm never going to be that crunchy and a lot of times I am more like, "whaaaat?!" when I'm reading over there than anything else.


I visit Catholic Answers forum often but hardly ever post there. It is a great place for people of all religions to come together and chat though. I've read some really fascinating threads over there!

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I visit and post on Baby Bargains. I found WTM because of that board because there are other homeschoolers there that suggested WTM.


I have an on again/off again thing with MDC but I have never been very active there and am presently in an off time. I found it more helpful when planning a VBAC and when my kids were wee babies.


Aside from searching technical forums for answers (example: how to down save from this version of InDesign to that version of InDesign on a Mac when such and such error comes up) I have not participated in other big forums.

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I used to have my own forum, a long time ago, with a bunch of friends. We would write stories together on a forum. Around that same time, I was on a bunch of different writing forums.


I used to go to The Bump, but I stopped.


I am going to check out the Catholic Answers forum- sounds like it might be fun.


This is the only board I check daily.

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I'm apparently a "one forum" kind of girl. Boring, but I don't have time. I check email, check facebook, and come here.


:iagree:Same here.


I tried other forums, but there was little diversity found at any of them. The broad range of families, beliefs, experience and knowledge here has been the best support network of any forum that I know to exist. I learn so much from people here that come from all walks of life. Truly, I would be an epic failure at hs'ing if it weren't for The Hive.




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:iagree:Same here.


I tried other forums, but there was little diversity found at any of them. The broad range of families, beliefs, experience and knowledge here has been the best support network of any forum that I know to exist. I learn so much from people here that come from all walks of life. Truly, I would be an epic failure at hs'ing if it weren't for The Hive.






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Back in the day (like 15 years ago), Vegsource was the top spot. Now it just crawls and I never go there anymore (plus my computer always acted up there).

Now, I come here at the WTM several times a day. I only pop in on the K-8 Curriculum Board and this General Board.

I also check in at Home School Reviews....usually not daily. But only the Homeschooling Discussions room....never the Chit-Chat room anymore. Nope....that place can get down right mean and nasty and my skin just isn't thick enough.

That's it. I'm almost afraid of knowing what other homeschool forums are out there. I barely have time for my obsession here.

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I have only been active on one other forum, dance.net. I started chatting on it right out of college. I stayed on the teacher boards, when we opened the studio, I paid to join tyebstudio owner board. It used to be a busy place, it is slow now. I check it a few times a week. If I want a good debate, I go read the debate board there.


Now I spend more time than I want to admitted here.

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I have only been active on one other forum, dance.net. I started chatting on it right out of college. I stayed on the teacher boards, when we opened the studio, I paid to join tyebstudio owner board. It used to be a busy place, it is slow now. I check it a few times a week. If I want a good debate, I go read the debate board there.


Now I spend more time than I want to admitted here.


I used to go to the dance.net forums years ago.


Now, I mostly visit here - the K-8 curriculum board, this board, the accelerated learner board - and Secular Homeschoolers forum. I very very occasionally visit the Homeschool Reviews forum but only to read, I never post. I have a bunch of yahoo groups that I belong to and a couple of Homeschool facebook groups.


I spend too much time online.:001_huh:

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Homeschool Library is my main "home" but I like here for curriculum info.


This is me, too.


I have some long-time relationships at The Homeschool Library that I cherish, but there isn't enough traffic there any more to completely meet my homeschooling discussion needs. I also appreciate the wider diversity of membership here.

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WTM is my main forum. :001_wub: I love the fast pace of the boards and how there are so many people of different backgrounds here. I also appreciate how everyone gets along with each other (for the most part :D). AND - y'all have the best sense of humor - so sharp and witty!


Next is Ravelry - I could browse the yarn for hours if I let myself!


I go onto the SL boards once or twice a month to join in the "What did you read this month?" thread.


Maybe once a month I pop over to the Children With Diabetes forum (my 7yo dd is type 1) and see what's new or if I need an answer to something diabetes related.


I used to visit Diaperswappers a lot when my youngest was little but haven't gone there in months.

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Back in the day (like 15 years ago), Vegsource was the top spot. Now it just crawls and I never go there anymore (plus my computer always acted up there).


Now, I come here at the WTM several times a day. I only pop in on the K-8 Curriculum Board and this General Board.


I also check in at Home School Reviews....usually not daily. But only the Homeschooling Discussions room....never the Chit-Chat room anymore. Nope....that place can get down right mean and nasty and my skin just isn't thick enough.


That's it. I'm almost afraid of knowing what other homeschool forums are out there. I barely have time for my obsession here.


wow, I haven't been to Vegsource in YEARS! I'm sorry to hear it's mostly dead. But for everything there is a season.


I also like the The Homeschool Library. Been there since nearly the beginning. It's really what I'd consider my home. But it has been very slow and I've found that the discussions aren't nearly has lively as they are here :D


What is MDC??


Besides here and THSL... I frequent an Eastern Orthodox information forum and Weavolution. I mostly go to Weavolution for their projects page. I get so inspired there. But, both of those are mostly a one-topic forum, and I prefer the diverse conversations I get here.

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I used to go to the dance.net forums years ago.



I used to go to the Irish Dance boards there!



What is MDC??



Mothering.com -- called Mothering Dot Com (or Commune), and thus MDC. It's been around since, wow, maybe the late 1990s? The entire thing crashed in 2001, and had to be totally revamped, so the oldest members you'll see are those who signed on Nov. 2001, but it was around before then. And, yeah, I'm one of the Nov. 2001 crowd, although back in the day I spent more time over at Mango Mama's.

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I used to go to the Irish Dance boards there!




Mothering.com -- called Mothering Dot Com (or Commune), and thus MDC. It's been around since, wow, maybe the late 1990s? The entire thing crashed in 2001, and had to be totally revamped, so the oldest members you'll see are those who signed on Nov. 2001, but it was around before then. And, yeah, I'm one of the Nov. 2001 crowd, although back in the day I spent more time over at Mango Mama's.


Thanks Gail.

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wow, I haven't been to Vegsource in YEARS! I'm sorry to hear it's mostly dead. But for everything there is a season.


Remember Gigi....the "reading expert"? :lol: I just went back over there to check it out again. On the Community Board there are 6 posts this February. Not a single reply to any of them. :001_huh: On the Reading and Math board (which still says that Gigi is the reading expert), there is 1 post this month; yeterday...no reply. The post right before that one.....was 9/30/11. :001_huh: :001_huh: It's just so bizarre that it's pretty much dead. I mean, years and years ago....I seriously think it was one of the first and most popular homeschool forums. Sad. One thing I noticed stayed the same when I checked them out again tonight......the annoying pop-ups.

Edited by ~AprilMay~
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Does anyone on here remember a batgirls forum? I was a member for a while and then didn't post much... then they changed names several times. I wonder if they are still out there somewhere? A lot of people from diaperswappers used to go there.


I used to be on diaperswappers, then I hung out on mdc for awhile before and after our last baby. Now I am mostly just on here. I go to car-seat.org whenever I need a new seat to read the latest stuff, but I don't hang out there for long. I sometimes go to mdc if I get a bunch of computer time and can't find anything else to read here.

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diversity found at any of them. The broad range of families, beliefs, experience and knowledge here has been the best support network of any forum that I know to exist. I learn so much from people here that come from all walks of life. Truly, I would be an epic failure at hs'ing if it weren't for The Hive.


I love the large pool here, the traffic, and all the fabulous responses.


I am on several active Yahoo groups.

I used to be, but I had to stop since I really dislike the layout of the emails. I'm big on presentation. Part of the reason that I stopped with the Sonlight forums was that their new layout was ugly.


I've been on the FIAR forums for almost 10 years, but I'm less active there now. The group there is much, much smaller and there is far less diversity.


I go to VideoFitness.com - but am more of a lurker there.


Here is my absolute favorite place. :D


I love Good Reads also, but that's not really a forum.

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WTM is my main forum. :001_wub: I love the fast pace of the boards and how there are so many people of different backgrounds here. I also appreciate how everyone gets along with each other (for the most part :D). AND - y'all have the best sense of humor - so sharp and witty!


Next is Ravelry - I could browse the yarn for hours if I let myself!




I used to love the Ravelry general discussion forum as it was fun! But since they got rid of it, WTM is my main board. :)

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Remember Gigi....the "reading expert"? :lol: I just went back over there to check it out again. On the Community Board there are 6 posts this February. Not a single reply to any of them. :001_huh: On the Reading and Math board (which still says that Gigi is the reading expert), there is 1 post this month; yeterday...no reply. The post right before that one.....was 9/30/11. :001_huh: :001_huh: It's just so bizarre that it's pretty much dead. I mean, years and years ago....I seriously think it was one of the first and most popular homeschool forums. Sad. One thing I noticed stayed the same when I checked them out again tonight......the annoying pop-ups.


I do remember the name. It's been so long. Is that you?


Since we're talking about some oldies but goodies. Did anyone ever use to go to the Titus2 forums back in the early days of AOL? I think there may have been another homeschooling one there too, but I don't remember the name.

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I pop over to Diaperswappers still occasionally. I was a regular over there while my kids were little. I still go over there because my oldest just had her first baby and I've helped her out alot with cloth diapering. I still look at their "Off Topic" forum. I use WTM most of the time now that I'm HSing my younger kids. I just found this site about 1 year ago.

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I do remember the name. It's been so long. Is that you?


Since we're talking about some oldies but goodies. Did anyone ever use to go to the Titus2 forums back in the early days of AOL? I think there may have been another homeschooling one there too, but I don't remember the name.


No, I'm not Gigi. Although....I'm flattered that you asked. :lol:

I'm not in the least bit surprised. Vegsource used to be "the" place to go for homeschoolers, but the mods there treated everyone terribly, started banning people left and right for no good reason (I was permanently banned for sharing an ISP with someone who apparently ticked them off over something, even though I did NOTHING), so those who remained abandoned ship. I feel no sympathy at all. They got what they deserved, IMO.


Really?? I had no idea. I know things were getting kinda bad, but I must have left before I found out what really happened. It's so odd that it looks today *exactly* as it did back then. You'd think they would have just closed it down completely. So, basically they commited homeschool forum suicide. Not cool. :thumbdown:

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WTM is my favorite. I also frequent serviceacademyforums.com and collegeconfidential. When DD was is the midst of applying to Med school I was on student doctor.net a lot, and when I was the main caregiver for my father in law, who had ALS, I got lots of info from alsforums.com

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I'm not in the least bit surprised. Vegsource used to be "the" place to go for homeschoolers, but the mods there treated everyone terribly, started banning people left and right for no good reason (I was permanently banned for sharing an ISP with someone who apparently ticked them off over something, even though I did NOTHING), so those who remained abandoned ship. I feel no sympathy at all. They got what they deserved, IMO.


wow, I had no idea. I must have left before it got bad. I remember having some good conversations there where people strongly disagreed. I don't remember any banning... wow.

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