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FIRE in schoolhouse...lost everything...


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Last night our school house caught on fire and we lost everything. We've schooled for 8 years now and all curriculum was in there. I do not want want to re-order all our stuff since we're nearing the end of the year, but I definitely need to use something because we still had quite a bit left- At least 12 weeks left. I was hoping y'all could give me some suggestions on what I could use to get us through? I was thinking I would combine our spelling with history and geography, but I have no history left. We used SL Eastern Hemisphere and I lost all the books. Unfortunately, our local library isn't the best. For Latin we may just focus on Latin roots for rest of year. We used FLL for all 3 kids so I can prob find a used one at our Homeschool store in Houston. We used WRite shop for writing so I may just have to re-buy that since we were on our 1st year. Rainbow Science was our science program so I'll re-buy that for next year. I think I can wing it on Science and writing until next year, but I'm most concerned about Math. We used TT for all 3 kids. Our Home school store will not have that. So math is what I'm hoping for some good ideas for. They are in TT5, TT 7, and TT pre-alg.


Sorry if I'm all over the place in my writing. I've got a ton of things I'm trying to focus on. Thank y'all for any suggestions or ideas.

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I am so sorry this happened to you. I do not know what to tell you, except to think of what I'd do in your case. I would try the used curriculum forums, or even craigs list or ebay to see if there is anything cheap to get me through to the end of the "year". Also if you have a co-op or group that meets locally, maybe some of them have some materials you can borrow or have...once again, very sorry for the loss of your room.

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Oh dear, that is terrible. I can't imagine losing all those books.


For math you can try looking for online sites that provide games and practice. Like IXL, maybe. I'm sure if you do a search you will find lots of sites. My kids like to play on Dreambox.com, but they are 4 and 7, so not sure if that specific site will work for your kids.

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I live near Houston and have some old Saxon 6/5 and 8/7 books. You can have them if you want them if it will help you finish out the year.


:grouphug: for your loss. I would be a sobbing mess :crying:



ETA: The books are actually in really good, like new condition, so they aren't junk! I made it sound like they were falling apart!

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I'm so sorry, too - hard to imagine what you must be going through.


What about using Khan Academy for math? If your kids have been using TT, the computer lesson presentation/exercises will be familar to them. They have recently rearranged the website so that it's easier to follow a logical progression in arithmetic (the video portion, I mean). It could be a good filler until you are ready to start next year's curricula . . . and it is free!

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Another vote for trying out Khan Academy for math. You might be able to use MEP or Math Mammoth for the one who was in TT5, too. Could you do something like Ambleside Online for the rest of the year? Most of the books are in the public domain and can be read online or an e-reader, or you could order them from Amazon or HPB.com pretty inexpensively.

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For Math you can buy for a few dollars MM sections. MEP is an outstanding math and it is entirely free online.


The first 10 weeks of Writing With Skill are available for free at Peace Hill Press and if you haven't done them then I would highly recommend it! There is something in there for all of your dc.


Earlier this year SWB gave us the first 15 weeks of ALL free when we emailed Peace Hill Press. It is a grammar curriculum with diagramming and is very good. It goes right along with WWS. I am sure she would be happy to share it with you given the circumstances.


Also KISS Grammar is excellent and free as well!

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You DO have a lot of things to focus on, so I'd wait a few days or more before purchasing anything. Give the homeschooling community a chance to help you out. Have you reached out to your local groups? I would think they'd be able to help you get most of your materials for free from other homeschoolers or vendors.



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Everyone, thank y'all so much for the ideas. I would like to respond individually, but I'm trying to process it all and prioritize what is a necessity. I will get back with y'all as soon as I can. Please keep the suggestions coming. I'm going to check out some of the sites y'all suggested. :grouphug:

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Praying for you and your family.:grouphug:


Ambleside Online has lots of free resources.


For free classics/reading materials:








amazon has free Kindle books which can be read from your desktop.


Please post a list of what you need. I'd be happy to send you books if I have any which would be useful =)


In Him,

Teresa in NC

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Everyone, thank y'all so much for the ideas. I would like to respond individually, but I'm trying to process it all and prioritize what is a necessity. I will get back with y'all as soon as I can. Please keep the suggestions coming. I'm going to check out some of the sites y'all suggested. :grouphug:


Send me a list of what you lost- I am cleaning shelves this week and perhaps have something I could send you. :grouphug:

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Can you use older copyright free literature from online sources as your resources for the end of the year? Maybe there's one book about world cultures or history that you could use as a comprehensive study?


I keep a list of free resources sorted by topic here:

www.HWTK.net but it's an old list so a few of the links are out of date. You'll want to hit "Links for Schooling" for the free educational resources. Then if you go to the sister website Books@hwtk.net there are links to free online print and audio books.

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Send me a list of what you lost- I am cleaning shelves this week and perhaps have something I could send you. :grouphug:


Ditto! I am actually going through my books right now with you in mind. My DD is close in age to your two youngest, but I have a lot of the LCC literature and history books that I could pass on to you.

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Send me a list of what you lost- I am cleaning shelves this week and perhaps have something I could send you. :grouphug:


Or, post your list here.... it's possible that folks here have things they could help you with. How many times have we tried something and then changed? It's hard to sell something with a few pages written in, but very easy to give it to help you!

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Hi, everyone.

I'm sitting here reading all of your gracious offers and I'm about to cry. :crying:

I feel so very blessed by all of you taking time out of your lives to think about my family. The good news is that our insurance company called and they are bringing out a nice advance on supplies to get whatever I need to get things going again. I will probably save that for school in the fall and just go by home school store if I see I need something. My main concern is math with is TT. I called TT and they said I could purchase individual cd's for $15 each so that's doable. Honestly, I'm just not sure of anything yet. There are still parts of my school house that are smoking. :crying: I can't even go back there and look at it all just yet. It just breaks my heart.


Thank you all so much for being so sweet to me and my family. I'm so thankful today for my family's safety and protection. I'm so thankful my neighbor who got up in the middle of the night and called 911 so the fire didn't spread to our home and neighbors homes. Very, very thankful tonight. :grouphug:


Thank you all...

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I'm sure there are a few of us who could easily equip another homeschooler without missing a beat. :tongue_smilie: I'm one of them. I started clearing shelves recently and currently have three boxes of books I was about to donate to the library (and I'm just getting started!).


I know I have a good many Core 5 books here for instance. With 12 weeks left, it would be a shame to bail on that one if your kids were enjoying it.


Post a list!


ETA: Just saw your recent post. That is great news!!

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