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My parents broke my heart today

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I've talked here before about how my mom is living with Lewy Body dementia. She has declined pretty significantly in the last year and I'm now needing to help her with personal hygiene, at times. I went over to their house today to help with that and so my dad could run out and pick-up a walker for her. She is becoming more and more unsteady and has fallen a few times :(.


Well, my dad got her walker, a few groceries, and a dozen roses for Valentine's Day :crying:. It was so sweet. And unexpected. It was everything I could do to hold it together. My dad is NOT a great caregiver. He's doing the best he can, but it's not in his nature to be nurturing. He loves her a lot, though.


I'm sorry. I'm not sure what I want, or need, for posting this, but I'm just feeling sad tonight.

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That is such a sweet story. They are blessed to have each other, and to have such a sweet love in their lifetime. As someone else said, I would have bawled if they were my parents. I'm quite emotional! I'm sorry they are going through this part. It must be so difficult.

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:grouphug: my mom was diagnosed with cancer and kidney failure last year...she is now on dialysis 3x a week, has lost a lot of her hair because of some of her treatments and her mobility and strength have declined significantly. It is so very hard to watch.


I admit that I read your post and thought how sweet it be if my Dad had stuck around and could make such a gesture. :crying:

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I want to thank you all for the hugs, good thoughts, and prayers. I truly needed them and I'm feeling much better tonight. It's a tough road that I know many of you are on, or have been down.


I think why my dad's gesture struck me so much is that he's a really difficult person to read. We have never had a great relationship, but my mom's illness has brought us together by necessity. My parents' relationship was not fantastic either, but they stuck it out. Their marriage was much more complex than I realized. I guess it's just one of those moments in time, where as an adult, you step back and realize your parents have this whole history and love that is theirs and has nothing to do with you. Does that even make sense :confused:.

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I have not posted on here yet, and felt compelled to respond to you. I don't want to get all, "I know what you are going through", blah blah blah. Let's just say treasure those little moments, because they do. The man that you see before you is a romantic soul, maybe not storybook, but enough to have raised a family and keep a wonderful woman that would love him if he brought home roses or her favorite take out meal. I don't know you or them, but for you to be the kind of person to want to be there for them says a lot about them. Reading your post I could almost picture a woman getting Valentine roses from her love and him not making a big deal about it, but her lighting up like school girl getting her first little dandelion.


I love that you shared that with us. I appreciate your candidness. Hope that I do not offend you or anyone else on this thread.

Peace be unto you.....:grouphug:

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I've talked here before about how my mom is living with Lewy Body dementia. She has declined pretty significantly in the last year and I'm now needing to help her with personal hygiene, at times. I went over to their house today to help with that and so my dad could run out and pick-up a walker for her. She is becoming more and more unsteady and has fallen a few times :(.


Well, my dad got her walker, a few groceries, and a dozen roses for Valentine's Day :crying:. It was so sweet. And unexpected. It was everything I could do to hold it together. My dad is NOT a great caregiver. He's doing the best he can, but it's not in his nature to be nurturing. He loves her a lot, though.


I'm sorry. I'm not sure what I want, or need, for posting this, but I'm just feeling sad tonight.


Oh honey! :crying: I'm so sorry. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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I want to thank you all for the hugs, good thoughts, and prayers. I truly needed them and I'm feeling much better tonight. It's a tough road that I know many of you are on, or have been down.


I think why my dad's gesture struck me so much is that he's a really difficult person to read. We have never had a great relationship, but my mom's illness has brought us together by necessity. My parents' relationship was not fantastic either, but they stuck it out. Their marriage was much more complex than I realized. I guess it's just one of those moments in time, where as an adult, you step back and realize your parents have this whole history and love that is theirs and has nothing to do with you. Does that even make sense :confused:.

It does. I'm glad you're feeling better. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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Yes. My dad was diagnosed with esophageal cancer just before Christmas. My parents' anniversary was in early January. When they opened their card from us, they made such a fuss over it. They read it together, held hands, said how pretty the card was.... as if they were savoring the moment of celebrating 49 years together, and wondering about the upcoming year.


I came home and cried my eyes out. It's hard to watch, isn't it? :grouphug:

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