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s/o How old will you be when done w/HS?

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What are all of you planning to do when all is said and done?


I'll be 48. My DD is my only. I'm already working on another degree. I've thought about getting my teaching certificate, but for what? Working in the system I abhore? I love homeschooling, maybe too much. What if it defines me? :001_unsure:

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I'm 48 now (and will be 56 when I'm done). I'm not too old to have new aspirations and loves. It may or may not be a return (for me) to public school style teaching, but there is a whole world out there. If you don't mind substituting, you can pick up a substitute teacher's certification very easily in many states. There is also tutoring - either freelance or for an agency. Many volunteers start volunteering once they've retired from other jobs. Or you may discover a totally new hobby that can turn into a job - like landscaping!

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I'm just beginning to think this one out. I will be retiring from my full time career and facing the end of having a child in the house (homeschooled or not) right about the same time. :001_huh:


Let me correct that: I'm just beginning to realize I need to consider beginning to think this one out. Right now everything is full pelt forward. I haven't looked down to see if there is a brake pedal!

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I'm 48 now (and will be 56 when I'm done). I'm not too old to have new aspirations and loves. It may or may not be a return (for me) to public school style teaching, but there is a whole world out there. If you don't mind substituting, you can pick up a substitute teacher's certification very easily in many states. There is also tutoring - either freelance or for an agency. Many volunteers start volunteering once they've retired from other jobs. Or you may discover a totally new hobby that can turn into a job - like landscaping!


Actually, Jean. That's a great idea. Maybe WA will allow other people to homeschool others kids by then, or maybe volunteer at a co-op.


As for hobbies, we already have a farm and raise all our own vegetables and livestock. Maybe I can school the pigs. :D

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I will be 56 and I have no idea what I am going to do. I love raising a family and homeschooling and I kind of feel like I am too old at that point to start something new. But that is just me being sad and depressed about the end of an era right now. And it is a ways off. I am sure I will find things to do when the time comes. I would like to finish the degree I interrupted to raise children, though it would just be for my own interest, not for a career.


And I hope there will be some grandchildren by then ;)

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I'm just beginning to think this one out. I will be retiring from my full time career and facing the end of having a child in the house (homeschooled or not) right about the same time. :001_huh:


Let me correct that: I'm just beginning to realize I need to consider beginning to think this one out. Right now everything is full pelt forward. I haven't looked down to see if there is a brake pedal!


Me too, until I read the other post and realized that there really was and end. :001_huh:

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I plan on getting more and more into farming as the years go by. When my babies are gone (that makes me choke a bit) I plan on replacing them with horses, pigs, and goats. :D


I actually have those now. Sadly, they don't dispute my words or show much of a learning curve. Luckily, my DD plans on being a Vet, so I do have discounted vet bills to look forward to. ;)

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I'll be 46, maybe 47 when my youngest finishes HS. The thought of sitting on my rear devouring books for weeks on end fills me with a giddy anticipation. But that is coming from a place of being "mommy on call" for the past 10 years, and for at least a few more to come. By the time my baby is done there will have been lots of time for me transition to having more independent offspring, and I may long for totally different things.


I used to plan to get certified to teach HS math. I do not know how many of my undergrad Ed courses I would have to re-take. As much as I adore teaching Algebra, I think I might lose it if I had to sit through some of those courses again.


Maybe I'll just wear funny looking hats, ugly clothes, and grow vegetables in the dirt! :tongue_smilie:

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46. I'm hoping to go back to work outside the home before that though. I taught before... I might want to get into museum education... Or maybe I'll go get a design degree and make playgrounds. Or maybe the economy will have collapsed further and I'll be lucky to work at a shop.

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I will be 57.... my oldest will be 26, so likely I'll be a grandma. Methinks I will spoil my grandchildren!


On second thought, I just read David Platt's Radical, so I will spoil my grandchildren half of the time and run an afterschool ministry in the local slums the other half of the time.

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I posted on the other thread that I'll be 52 or so. I'd like to go back to work at some point but have a super flexible schedule to help with grandkids, be there when my kids need me, etc. I have a master's degree in counseling but I'm not sure if I'll do something with that or go back to school. I've thought about becoming a labor and delivery or NICU nurse. We'll see. :)

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If I homeschool my little one all the way through, I will be 55. I am still not sure what I will do. I would really love to just travel with my husband. We have always dreamed of buying an RV and traveling. However, there is still a part of me that would like to go back to school. Maybe for nursing, not sure.

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There has to be an alebraic formula for aging with children something like (actual time x amount of children) squared (for homeschooling)


I just had to explain 4 times how I wanted the dog fed tonight (between Dh and DD, there was a mass confusion about WHERE to put the soup bone).


DD10 and dd 8 are looking at coupons, cutting out the ads, and telling me to go buy stuff (but they cut the ad so I don't know WHERE to buy the peanut butter that is on sale)

DS 6 is reading comics out loud to *anyone* and asking what they are about.


So--- I figure I'll be 12,000 years old by the time they leave home, I plan on taking a long, undisturbed nap at that time.

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If I homeschool our youngest all the way through and we stick with our current plan, I will be 44! So, pretty young I think.



Me too! A spring chicken really! My youngest will turn 18 when I'm 44, so plenty of time to do something else, my DH will be 46.


I'm working on my music teacher certification at the moment, so I'll hopefully have some work to keep me busy. But honestly, I have no idea where we'll be then, it's exciting to think that DH & I will have the world at our feet... so I guess we'll be staying home watching TV :lol:

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I'm be 49. People have suggested I get a degree and teach. :lol::lol: No, I don't think so. I love my child, but my teaching tolerance extends to him alone.


When ds was in about 4th or 5th grade I had those few panicked moments realizing homeschooling WAS my life. I have since explored some hobbies, one of which I hope to turn into some income over the next few years.


I will continue with self-education, but I have no desire to get a degree at age 50. I also have aging parents that are currently very healthy and active, but who knows what a few more years will bring. We moved back closer to them to be helpful in their elder years.

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Well, if ds graduates "on time", I'll be 48. However, he has Asperger's and will undoubtedly still need a lot of help making the transition to adulthood. So I may be 50 before I'm "done".


When ds graduates high school, I'll probably work part-time (to help pay for his college expenses). I'd also like to have more time for volunteering.



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Since I'm only about 85% sure I'll be homeschooling the kids next year, it could theoretically be anywhere in the 36-45 range, 47 if they take away the dual enroll option for 11th-12th grade and CC between now and then.


I would love to finish my education and possibly teach college (probably CC). Maybe the grass is greener, but I get excited about the idea of school and working after being away from it for so long.

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If my younger son were to stay with me through graduation, I would be 56. I'm thinking of trying to complete grad level work so that I might be able to teach as an adjunct professor at some of our small area colleges. Like you, I would not want to go into the system of K-12 schools we currently have in our country. I might continue to teach homeschoolers; I might try to put together some unit studies for homeschoolers. I'm just not sure yet....

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I'll be 62 and DH will be 67, so I certainly hope DH will already be retired and we're enjoying his retirement with lots of travel while homeschooling our younger until he's done with HS....our oldest should be done with college by then, unless he pursues a PhD, MD or other advanced degree.

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Don't throw stones at me, but I'm planning on enjoying my empty nest. Dh & I went away for the first time last year since having kids. It was wonderful. I'm looking forward to just focusing on dh & myself. Of course I will miss the kids, and I will love being a grandma, but raising and hsing kids is hard work. I may go back to school or back to work or whatever. I think I will be just fine. Being a mother is grand, but there is a season to everything.

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I plan on working part time, volunteering more (not having to worry about them allowing children), and hanging out with dh more. We already feel young again being able to go out for a few hours on a Saturday while they stay home. I cannot imagine what we'll feel like when they're actually on their own.:tongue_smilie: We do worry about where our dds will settle down and may move depending upon that because we both wish we could see our own parents more.

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Is HS "homeschool" or "high-school"?


My life will change dramatically when he gets his license.

I'm not really sure how it will change when he graduates because he is likely going to live at home for at least another year. O-o. And maybe through college.


I meant homeschooling, but done with high school works too. :)

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Don't throw stones at me, but I'm planning on enjoying my empty nest. Dh & I went away for the first time last year since having kids. It was wonderful. I'm looking forward to just focusing on dh & myself. Of course I will miss the kids, and I will love being a grandma, but raising and hsing kids is hard work. I may go back to school or back to work or whatever. I think I will be just fine. Being a mother is grand, but there is a season to everything.




We will be mid 40s when our younger son is done with high school. I will work. Someone has to pay for college, right? I figure that my late 40s and 50s will be the peak of my working life and work related accomplishments. I will relish all of that. I will travel with my husband and get to do some of the things we did not do in our 20s as childless married people (because I got pregnant 6 months after we got married). I am really not unhappy at the prospect of a few decades of marriage post minor children.

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If I've worked it out right I'll be 48 when my son is 18 and theoretically done with home education. I hope to have done another degree by then that will lead to a job I actually enjoy or lead to post grad study. I can't go back to my pre-kids job so that is not an option.

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I'll be 54 when my youngest finishes high school. I'm just beginning to think about it, but I would like to learn to play the piano, play my flute more, sew, garden, paint...all those things that kind of got put on the back burner. I would like to pursue my own education (whether that means self educating or taking classes, I don't know), practice hospitality, and focus more on my husband.

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I will be 52. I started at 31. Would you look at that - my homeschool career will be of legal drinking age! :lol:


My dream is to get a PhD in Psychology when the kids are older and work until dh feels like retiring, but I haven't quite figured out how to make that happen in an area with so few programs to apply to...


I could be mostly content with gardening, reading, writing, and taking long naps.

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This is my last year hs'ing, as our kids will be going to ps next year. I am taking at least a year off to figure out what I want to do. I may not do anything until my youngest graduates anyway. I want to be able to be involved with the kids and be home when they are. I have thought about taking some classes and getting my Masters.

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