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"Don't tell anyone I let you listen to this"

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I LOVE Aerosmith. My kids KNOW not to change the station. I told them that the music HAS to be great because the dude us UGLY.


Just today I made the rule that " Children should be seen and not heard when 80's hair bands are playing in the car."


Bahahahaha I nearly spit my pepsi max all over my computer :lol: :lol:

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I remember being told not to tell my stepgrandmother that my stepdad was teaching us to play Spades. Apparently, he had grown up with the "playing cards is evil" mentality. He could count cards, so he was a good person to learn from. Love Spades.


:lol: we could never take cards to grandma's house, they were evil. ;)


As for music, well one thing that I loved about dh when we met was that he knew all the lyrics for every Led Zeppelin song. I couldn't understand Robert Plant at all, although I once had a dream I shared hair care tips with Robert.


So ds gets the 70s stuff from dh. He has Led Zeppelin on his Ipod and he bought Black Sabbath just for the Iron Man song. He also listens to Big Band, SuperChick and can pick a John Williams soundtrack out on TV, so he's diverse.


The only song I've ever heard dh censor was Faith Hill/Tim McGraw's Let's Make Love. We were in the car, he turned the CD down. I kind of laughed because they are married after all. But I didn't want ds to go around repeating the lyrics either.

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I was thinking about letting the kids listen to Bohemian Rhapsody but decided against it. I'm still thinking about it.


I'm just glad I'm not alone :grouphug:


They have to listen to Bohemian Rhapsody to understand

! Cultural literacy!


I think my 12yo knows the lyrics to Midichlorian Rhapsody better than she does the original.

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We are pretty conservative in our house...but I love all kinds of music. I listen to anything from the 50's-current. When the kiddos were little, I had to remove the Kinks from the playlist, when they started going around singing Lola :scared:


The Hubs was not impressed...

Lola is a life lesson. :D




We've listened to Billy Joel and Elton John,and Meatloaf and Hair Nation Radio. And obviously Jimmy Buffett.


The only things I've really censored is The B***h is Back by Elton and Why Don't We Get Drunk and ..... by Jimmy.

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My old homeschool group once had a talent night and my dd decided on the spur of the moment that she wanted to participate and sang Ace Frehley's New York Grove acapella into the microphone in front of the whole group of parents and kids. I turned beet red when she got to the line "in the back of my cadillac. Wicked lady sittin by my side saying 'Where are we?'" After the performance some parents came up to me and said, "well, I guess we know what kind of music mom listens to." :lol: All the other kids were singing nice Christian songs and my dd chose Ace Frehley. I guess I should be glad she didn't choose Dr. Love or Christine Sixteen. :p :lol:


To answer your question, I let dd listen to a lot, but I do draw the line on some songs if the lyrics are particularly rough. But we do lots of classic rock in my house as well as other things.

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I just can't get over how weird it seems to think it's somehow mildly scandalous that your young children are familiar with the Beatles, Aerosmith, or Billy Joel.


Boy, what a reminder that some of us seem to live on totally different planets! I mean that in good humor, not in a snarky sense. I truly can't think of a single person in my circle of friends or family who would ever find anything about Billy Joel scandalous or shocking, LOL.


My moment of horror was realizing that my 2yo had figured out how to pull up iTunes on my computer and play songs. I discovered this when he had been excused from the dinner table and into the kitchen floated the delightful strains of "My Girlfriend Who Lives in Canada" from the Avenue Q soundtrack. :leaving:


The worst thing we actually play for our children on purpose is probably Jonathan Coulton. They both love to sing "Re: Your Brains." (Aaaalll we want to do is eat your brains! We're not unreasonable - I mean, no one's going to eat your eyes.")

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All. The. Time.


I love theatre. When my daughter was three, I was listening all the time to the soundtrack from "Chicago." My daughter loved it and learned all the lyrics to all of the songs . . .


(Side note: She still hasn't forgiven us for not taking her with us to see the show on Broadway. I've explained that it was our anniversary and she was . . . well . . . three years old. But she's still huffy about it.)


My son got obsessed with Rent when he was about eight.


My daughter's all-time-favorite show is Hair.


The both love Bloody, Bloody Andrew Jackson.


The list goes on.


We taught them early that, although we believe words are just words, hearing children say or sing certain words makes other people uncomfortable. So, the polite thing to do is not to sing certain songs when you're out in public.


She was a huge Beatles fan when she was 3, then moved on to the Ramones.


Now, that's a kid after my own heart! I can't get my kids to listen to the Ramones at all, which is a crying shame.

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Now, that's a kid after my own heart! I can't get my kids to listen to the Ramones at all, which is a crying shame.

This Ramones shirt was one of her gifts for her 6th birthday. :)

I made the Meat Puppets shirt myself. The guys in the band freaked out...."Where did you get that SHIRT?!" They loved it. :D



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I have warned my college daughter not to be playing James Brown when others come over- specifically his song Get Up I feel like I am a Sex Machine.




That song reminds me of my brother's high school football coach. He used to drive my brother to and from school due to bullying. (long story) Anyway, one day bro came out and the guy was dancing in his car to the song. The car was just rocking. :lol:


We're careful about what music we play when other people are over. Some people don't like the same music as us and that's fine.

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Does anyone else ever say this to their kids? I've been trying to introduce the kids to some older music by the Beatles, Elton John, Billy Joel. We were listening to "Piano Man" and I had to tell the kids not to tell anyone they listened to it. There have been others recently also but I can't think of any right now.


Now my dd 10 knows what getting "stoned" is apart from the Biblical "stoned" :001_smile:


I happen to know people who are very conservative about music (more so than I am).


I feel guilty yet not really. Kelly


Nope, can't say I've ever censored music nor felt ashamed or guilty about it.


I really don't understand how parents can completely insulate their kids from things like this. Earplugs? Never set foot in grocery stores or medical offices wherein there is secular music playing?It's hard to walk through a grocery store or big box store without hearing Piano Man over the loudspeakers.


FWIW, "stoned" can also be a synonym for "drunk" as well as refer to marijuana use. Given the setting of the song in a bar, I'd wager that "stoned" (....as the businessmen slowly get stoned....) refers to alcohol. Yes, I realize it's not lily-white behavior, but at least it's not illegal, right?



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Just to redeem myself - I did draw the line at Nine Inch Nails. ;)


HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! This made me laugh SO hard. My son cannot figure out why I won't let him listen to NIN, particularly "the song that starts with all the thumps." I've had to avoid several Korn songs, too.


lol, the music my kids listen to would probably freak a lot of people out.



We're okay with that - but, yes, the kids are encouraged to not sing certain lyrics when they're with their friends... :eek: :laugh:


Yeah, I've had that conversation with my kiddos: "No singing Nickelback to [my 87-year-old] Grandma." They're really good about it.


It never occurred to me to worry about whether or not other people would approve of the music we listen to, so this thread is very interesting to me. :001_smile:


We listen to everything here, from classical to country to rock and just about everything in between (not a big rap fan, but I do like some hip-hop and blues). My DS' favorite musicians are Johnny Cash and the Beatles; my daughter loves Beethoven and Lady Gaga best. :)

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We also don't censor at our house, so this has been an interesting thread to read. Our kids have been listening to Machine Gun Etiquette by The D*mned since they were infants and my son had to hear the first 4 songs on Do the Collapse by Guided by Voices anytime he was rocked to sleep :001_smile:.


And as some ancient unwritten law dictates, they love the opposite of what their parents love and exposed them to. They ONLY listen to classical music. I keep expecting them to catch on to how hip and cool their parents are :lol:. We enjoy classical music, too, but there is no mutual appreciation for any other music that their dad and I love, except The Beatles and some bluegrass.

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The worst thing we actually play for our children on purpose is probably Jonathan Coulton. They both love to sing "Re: Your Brains." (Aaaalll we want to do is eat your brains! We're not unreasonable - I mean, no one's going to eat your eyes.")


Oh, we adore that song!!! Ds goes around singing it and we have to play it every couple of months.


The favorite for a long time was Bang on the Drum, by Todd Rundgren. It's like a family theme song, that and anything by Neil Young. We can not road trip without listening to Neil Young at least twice.

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I want to say that I don't mind if my friends censor the music their kids listen to. That's fine. They can censor it so all the kids do is listen to Christian music because that is their right as parents. I don't agree but that's ok. We will respect their wishes at our house. I'm not going to drop friendships over music and I hope they won't either.


We do censor music around here. My kids aren't listening to Lady Gaga or any song that hasn't been cleaned up for bad words. I guess that isn't completely true but no F bombs or B*tch They also won't listen to Madonna's Like a Virgin at 10 years old like I did. Although I did let them listen to a song by Maroon 5 until I figured out the lyrics. Ooops :blush:


I'm somewhere in the middle of the spectrum I think. I just happen to know a lot of people who are on the ultra conservative end.


I had the kids listen to Bohemian Rhapsody today. They weren't as impressed with the song as I thought they would be. Oh well, I'll keep looking for music. Johnny Cash might be a fun one to listen to.


I'd like my kids to have a broader interest in music than I had. The New Kids really weren't all that good :tongue_smilie:



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I had the kids listen to Bohemian Rhapsody today. They weren't as impressed with the song as I thought they would be. Oh well, I'll keep looking for music.


Maybe Crazy Little Thing Called Love or We Will Rock You. :p My kids love both of those. It's funny too that you mentioned Lady Gaga and Queen together. It was Queen's song Radio Gaga that Lady Gaga got her stage name from. :p

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I have a very eclectic taste in music. I have everything from Michael Jackson to Taio Cruz to Alan Jackson on my iPod. My kids don't really like anything I play. My oldest really likes club music which drives DH batty, so he tries to limit him. My DD is really into Taylor Swift, and I like that, too. At least it's mostly sweet and no swearing and it doesn't make my ears bleed, so that's fine. My youngest really doesn't listen to music much.

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Kelly, I'm old enough to remember Piano Man on the radio. What did you tell her stoned meant in the song? He also used "bread" and it was almost the mid 70s when that came out. He had some old style sayings! (60s talk)


I told her "stoned" was using drugs. My dh said he thought it was more about getting drunk since it was a bar. I guess I've always pictured it as getting high when I hear the song. Maybe because of when the song came out. I can see people getting high at a bar. I'm sure many do.


I also chose that definition since I'm usually trying to make sure the kids know different ways of saying things so they aren't caught off guard. I should be a little more up to date on new slang. Not so sure they use that word much anymore :tongue_smilie:


Oh well, I'm trying and I think that is what we are all doing. Trying to do what we think is right. There are so many different parents out there and so many different kids. There isn't only one way to do it.



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Maybe Crazy Little Thing Called Love or We Will Rock You. :p My kids love both of those. It's funny too that you mentioned Lady Gaga and Queen together. It was Queen's song Radio Gaga that Lady Gaga got her stage name from. :p


I'm fine if they listen to Lady Gaga someday. I listen to Lady Gaga. At least, I listen to the songs I can stand. I really like her "You and I" song. I don't think the kids need to listen to her yet. I haven't heard all her songs so I may find some that would be ok.


My kids really like "We Will Rock You".



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I'm fine if they listen to Lady Gaga someday. I listen to Lady Gaga. At least, I listen to the songs I can stand. I really like her "You and I" song. I don't think the kids need to listen to her yet. I haven't heard all her songs so I may find some that would be ok.


My kids really like "We Will Rock You".




I don't intentionally listen to Lady Gaga, but I hear her nonetheless. I have a neighbor 2 houses down and in the back who is a Gaga fan. :p


I love Queen though. :)

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Yeah...imagine my horror when I googled the lyrics to Walk This Way by Aerosmith...that we had just been singing/listening to with the kids. (We only knew the chorus...had never paid much attention to the rest..lol.)


We listen to a lot of music with the kids, and much of it would probably horrify some folks.

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I told her "stoned" was using drugs. My dh said he thought it was more about getting drunk since it was a bar. I guess I've always pictured it as getting high when I hear the song. Maybe because of when the song came out. I can see people getting high at a bar. I'm sure many do.


I also chose that definition since I'm usually trying to make sure the kids know different ways of saying things so they aren't caught off guard. I should be a little more up to date on new slang. Not so sure they use that word much anymore :tongue_smilie:


Oh well, I'm trying and I think that is what we are all doing. Trying to do what we think is right. There are so many different parents out there and so many different kids. There isn't only one way to do it.




Well, if you choose to give her the more complete definition of slang, he wasn't talking about getting high at the bar! :svengo: We still had cops back then, and it was always illegal. :) People generally got high in the bathroom*, and drunk at the bar. :tongue_smilie: Overall, that song was odd at the time for the 60s-style slang that was out of style by 1973. I mean, if Billy had been older, it wouldn't have been odd, but coming from a relatively young guy of the time...he sang like a much older geezer! I can see where it would be confusing. (Also, "slowly" is a clue. I don't really know how to get high slowly, but I do know how to get drunk slowly).


*If you ever meet a woman about 50 or older who can go out and never go to the bathroom, chances are that habit was formed young! Lots of us didn't like to go into the bathroom when while out at a bar or such, due to the amount of "smoking" going on in the bathroom. Just had a recent conversation about that with friends... I'm one of those. Couldn't take going to the bathroom and coming out contact high and stinky!

Edited by nono
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HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! This made me laugh SO hard. My son cannot figure out why I won't let him listen to NIN, particularly "the song that starts with all the thumps." :)


Haha, mine aren't old enough to catch the lyrics and repeat them (I think :001_huh:), but they've been in the room when we've played "The Perfect Drug" on Rock Band. "Closer" gets turned off pretty quickly. :tongue_smilie:


They can probably recognize a Smashing Pumpkins song, Chopin etudes, and the Halo soundtrack, the latter of which we'd hum to the boys when they were fussy babies.

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My DD is 13, and what is hard is that every song she listens to she memorizes the lyrics.


I don't know all the lyrics to half of the songs on my ipod that I have had on there for years!


So I do wonder if it affects her more.


We are pretty conservative compared to the general public, but liberal compared to some of our friends. So we started out early explaining that everyone's conscience is different, that doesn't make people right or wrong, but it is a good reason why we don't "broadcast" all our personal choices to everyone. It only serves to cause conflict.


I find that a better explanation that "don't tell anyone!" because I don't want her to think we are hiding things because they are wrong.


ETA, she has developed her own standards as well, I let her have songs with some things in them, and she has chosen not to have them on her ipod. It's interesting to watch develope!

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I took Aidan to see Mama MIA at the theatre when he was 3, he wayched the movies of that and Hairspray over amd over and listened to the music to those amd Shred afyer we saw it.....my four year old son running around singing "Honey Honey" was pretty funny....but we had to find new music ;)

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My music lists are very eclectic!


The current playlist has Maroon 5 (Moves Like Jagger), Sean Paul (anything of his), Bruno Mars (The Lazy Song), Akon, Rascal Flatts, Shania Twain, Aerosmith, Benny Benassi, Santana, Flo-Rida vs Katy Perry remix, NIN, etc.


I would honestly be thrilled if ds was capable of repeating lines of a song, any song at this point!

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Well, if you choose to give her the more complete definition of slang, he wasn't talking about getting high at the bar! :svengo: We still had cops back then, and it was always illegal. :) People generally got high in the bathroom*, and drunk at the bar. :tongue_smilie: Overall, that song was odd at the time for the 60s-style slang that was out of style by 1973. I mean, if Billy had been older, it wouldn't have been odd, but coming from a relatively young guy of the time...he sang like a much older geezer! I can see where it would be confusing. (Also, "slowly" is a clue. I don't really know how to get high slowly, but I do know how to get drunk slowly).



I'll give her an updated definition of stoned :001_smile: I've always pictured the bar in this song to be dark and smokey with the guy getting stoned off in the corner. I'll reconsider how I see it in my mind.



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Well, I was about 9 when Like a Virgin came out, and I used to sing it all the time. No clue what it meant. QUOTE]







:lol: In about 2nd or 3rd grade my best friend and I put on a lip sych show for her 2 grandmas to that song! We didn't. have . a . clue!!:blushing:


My kids haven't heard that song, but I did bring it up the other day to explain what Weird Al's 'Like a Surgeon' was based on! :lol:

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I have a clear memory of singing along to "Like a Prayer" on the radio on the way to CCD and my mom telling me not to sing it once we got to church. :lol:


My kids listen to a lot of stuff, but I don't really worry about what other people think. :shrug:



Yep, but for me it was 'Papa Don't Preach'

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Currently my 8 and 4 yr olds favorite songs are "I like big butts", "Hold my beer", and "red solo cup". Oh and my 8 yr old also likes to belt out "save a horse ride a cowboy" Yeah we have a lot of songs they are not allowed to sing in public, and I have not exposed them to much more than country lol


My 13 yr old has started to discover old rock but he is a bit older so it is not quite as bad (plus he is too shy to start singing any song in public.


They have heard a few lady gaga songs etc but those have been limited.


ETA: I just remembered 1 that I accidently let my ds13 listen to when he was about 11. THe assumption song by errogant worms. NOthing overtly bad but he caught on enough to know what the assumptions were, even worse was I was watching it on youtube when he saw it (he was behind me and I didn't know), so they make it look like the things you will assume.

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Currently my 8 and 4 yr olds favorite songs are "I like big butts", "Hold my beer", and "red solo cup". Oh and my 8 yr old also likes to belt out "save a horse ride a cowboy" Yeah we have a lot of songs they are not allowed to sing in public, and I have not exposed them to much more than country lol




I love Red Solo Cup.



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I was thinking of this thread this afternoon when DS and I were at the bowling alley and they were playing "Hey, Ladies" (Beastie Boys)

I doubt my DS noticed anything besides the cowbell, though.

(ETA: I do wonder what people who would be appalled to know kids listen to "Piano Man" would think! Would they complain to the management? Vow to never go bowling again?)


Right now my son's listening to Minecraft parodies of pop songs.

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My old homeschool group once had a talent night and my dd decided on the spur of the moment that she wanted to participate and sang Ace Frehley's New York Grove acapella into the microphone in front of the whole group of parents and kids. I turned beet red when she got to the line "in the back of my cadillac. Wicked lady sittin by my side saying 'Where are we?'" After the performance some parents came up to me and said, "well, I guess we know what kind of music mom listens to." :lol: All the other kids were singing nice Christian songs and my dd chose Ace Frehley. I guess I should be glad she didn't choose Dr. Love or Christine Sixteen. :p :lol:


To answer your question, I let dd listen to a lot, but I do draw the line on some songs if the lyrics are particularly rough. But we do lots of classic rock in my house as well as other things.


That totally reminds me of our friend who used to be a youth pastor. He had his daughter with him at a high school karaoke event. I think she was in 5th or 6th grade. She got up on stage and started singing Bootylicious. :lol::lol: He had to run up and pull her off stage.

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My kids have been raised on rock and roll .. of all varieties and tastes.


Full disclosure...before I had children, I was a disc jockey...so I have a vast -- and I mean VAST -- music library.


Jimmy Hendrix, Pink Floyd, and AC/DC are played here almost daily by my oldest son, who also plays the electric guitar and the piano.


Rush, Ozzy Osbourne, Aerosmith, Van Halen and Guns 'n Roses are my youngest son's favorite bands -- and he plays the drums as well as the piano.


My youngest daughter prefers Lady Gaga, Rhianna, and Katy Perry. All the "girl bands". She also likes the Go-Gos, which takes me back to high school every time I hear it!


I remember several years ago, when we were at a BBQ at my brother's house. "Slow Ride" came on the radio and my youngest son commented loudly, "This is my favorite Foghat song!" My brother looked at him and said, "You're 8. You're too young to have a favorite Foghat song!" :lol:

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That totally reminds me of our friend who used to be a youth pastor. He had his daughter with him at a high school karaoke event. I think she was in 5th or 6th grade. She got up on stage and started singing Bootylicious. He had to run up and pull her off stage.


:lol::lol::lol: That's too funny! hehehe Ay, when I saw my post quoted in yours I realized I made a typo. It should be New York Groove not New York Grove! :p


My kids have been raised on rock and roll .. of all varieties and tastes.


Full disclosure...before I had children, I was a disc jockey...so I have a vast -- and I mean VAST -- music library.


Jimmy Hendrix, Pink Floyd, and AC/DC are played here almost daily by my oldest son, who also plays the electric guitar and the piano.


Rush, Ozzy Osbourne, Aerosmith, Van Halen and Guns 'n Roses are my youngest son's favorite bands -- and he plays the drums as well as the piano.


My youngest daughter prefers Lady Gaga, Rhianna, and Katy Perry. All the "girl bands". She also likes the Go-Gos, which takes me back to high school every time I hear it!


I remember several years ago, when we were at a BBQ at my brother's house. "Slow Ride" came on the radio and my youngest son commented loudly, "This is my favorite Foghat song!" My brother looked at him and said, "You're 8. You're too young to have a favorite Foghat song!" :lol:


That's awesome! I'm glad to see that "the classics" are played in your house as well! :p hehe Slow Ride is my favorite Foghat song too! hehehehe Your son's comments reminded me of the first cassette tape I ever owned. My step dad gave it to me when I was like 6 years old. It was Iron Butterfly In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida :lol::lol:

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