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What time does your 6 year old go to bed and wake up?

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What time does your 6 year old go to bed and wake up?


bed at 6:30 or 7 (though 2 nights w week we have outside activities so Monday nights are 7:30 and Wed nights are sadly 9 pm)


up at 6 (on his own, or little brother, not momma) or before --


my boy sometimes go to be ad early as 6 -- they need their sleep

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bed at 6:30 or 7 (though 2 nights w week we have outside activities so Monday nights are 7:30 and Wed nights are sadly 9 pm)


up at 6 (on his own, or little brother, not momma) or before --


my boy sometimes go to be ad early as 6 -- they need their sleep


Someone else with an early bedtime! Most people think we are crazy. We very rarely do anything outside of the house in the evenings because it interferes with bedtime routines.

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If it was up to her she would stay up all night. She goes to bed between 9 and 10 depending on our work schedule. She doesn't always fall asleep. Sometimes she stays awake for 2 hours or more. If she goes to bed at 9 she would wake up on her own around 9 or 9:30 but we usually get her up between 7:30 and 8:30 depending on our schedule for the day. If it's closer to 10pm when she goes to bed she wouldn't wake up on her own until 10 or 10:30.


We have quiet time most afternoons but she rarely falls asleep during quiet time. She usually reads or plays quietly in her bed.


During vacation or holidays she has been known to stay up past midnight. She is definately a night owl.

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I put him to bed by 9ish most nights, but he doesn't fall asleep until closer to 11, it's ridiculous. (He spends that time listening to music quietly so he won't be "scared" but constantly calling us to ask us questions, check what we're doing, go to the bathroom, ask for a drink, ask if he can come in our room, ask if we can solve a math problem, ask what that sound was, to say he had a bad dream- yeah, before he even fell asleep- to ask how much longer our show will be and so on and so forth. This kid has NEVER been a good sleeper lol). At some point, usually somewhere around 11, he'll fall asleep. And then at some point in the middle of the night he will wake up, come in my room, lay on my floor, and go back to sleep there.


He wakes up somewhere between 8 and 8:30 most mornings.


P.S. It doesn't matter if I put him to bed earlier, either. He'd still stay awake that late.

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I'm a very relaxed parent when it comes to bedtimes. I'm usually up until 2am anyway so I don't want them up at 6 or anything like that.


All of my kids go up to their rooms at 8, they can, draw, read, watch tv until midnight, then they must turn off the lights and tv and can listen to their ipod/audiobooks until they fall asleep. They usually wake up sometime between 9:30 and 11.


I'm good with that.

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My DD is 5 1/2 and her bedtime ( and ds 1) is 8pm.

They both wake around 7.30 am


The older 2 have a bedtime of 830 and they are 12 and 14.

We have always been on the stricter side when it comes to bed times, as when the kids are in bed by 830, the adult tv shows start,( which Dh and I like to watch on occasion), and it gives us each night to spend together- chatting about our days, snuggling on the couch. Its like a stay-at-home date night....every night.

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I probably shouldn't answer this....

Right now, DD goes to bed between 2-4am and wakes up between noon and 1pm. :tongue_smilie:

Starting tomorrow we'll be transitioning back to a more normal schedule since I start classes in 1.5 weeks. I'm aiming for 10-8.


We're night owls. We are on a somewhat normal schedule while I'm in classes, but within a week of the semester ending we've just naturally shifted later.

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DD6 is in bed at 8 pm and asleep by 8:05! (He plays HARD from 4-6 with the neighborhood boys!) He has to be woken up at 7:30. I think he probably needs 7-7 but I just haven't been able to swing it (with DH getting home from work only around 6:30 and wanting to spend time with the kids!)

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My 6yo goes to bed around 7:30-8:00 and he's allowed to stay up another half hour if he's reading. He falls asleep with his book about half of the time. He gets up between 7:30 and 8 also, unless his brother wakes him earlier. If he gets up much before 7:30 he's terribly cranky.

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