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How many of you have a passion area outside of family and homeschooling?

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I have lots of interests that I'm pretty dedicated to (cars, guitars, cooking, gardening) but my "passion" would have to be music. I've always loved music so much and it's probably the only thing that comes natural to me. I swear, I could probably tell my whole life story with songs. lol :p

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I didn't leave the house until my baby was 4.


Now, I'm a semi-professional bellydancer. I say semi-professional, because I barely break even :D I teach 5 classes a week and direct/choreograph for my student troupe, but I also take 3 classes a week, perform with a professional troupe, travel to out-of-town workshops and shows, and buy deliciously sparkly costumes, books, DVDs, etc. It's amazing for my body and soul. It's cheaper than therapy and husbands generally do not complain when their wives turn into bellydancers.


It all started with a class just to get out of the house one night a week.


Love this! And I'm sure your husband is not complaining. :)

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Other than my kids, scrapbooking and eating whole foods are my passions that I currently spend energy on. Before kids, I LOVED to swing dance, but find it too difficult to get to dances these days. I also am pretty passionate about traveling, and do so whenever I can, but funds and time are always short.


I have other passions regarding helping other people, which have also unfortunately been put on hold a bit while raising kids, but I hope to get back into full swing with those in a few years as well. I still do a little volunteering, but not as much as I'd like.

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Theatre. I am an actor/director at heart and it is what truly feeds my soul. I have not been able to do anything for the past 10 years other than a few costume designs because of kid/work demands. I am in a different job now and while it still prohibits me from acting right now, I am slated to direct one of my dream shows next season for a local community theatre. I am just thrilled.

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Knitting and epic poetry. (Reading the poetry--not writing it. I don't believe my experience would lend itself to an informed epic poem...)

I also want to learn to spin and naturally dye the yarn. This may eventually lead to keeping sheep if I am not careful. I really don't want to keep sheep, but they grow all that fiber!

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I have several passions but no free time to pursue them. I hope I might be able to follow them in about 10 years time.


I love physics and would like to explore that area of science and learn more.


I love gardening/cooking/natural food/natural health/herbalism and preserving but lack the time to do more than the bare minimum of gardening for food and day to day cooking.


I enjoy many crafts and they help me think straight. I do a little but it is always related to making kids toys like felting/dolls/decorations or making clothes for my children or presnts. I would love to actually get into a craft and learn it inside out and get really good.


Bee keeping is something I would like to learn more about, I have been reading about bee keeping for a few years but would love to do a course, again it is something I can't find time for.


I also love learning and reading about Japan, I do this a little but would love to learn japanese and go further with it.

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Photography. It's perfect for me, because I can make a record of our family life while doing something creative that I enjoy.


This. I can hang out with my kids while practicing, I just take my camera everywhere we go. (I have pics on my 365 blogs of our vet visit yesterday, I'm often stared at because I take pics in weird places.)


Also, interior design/decorating, when the baby gets a little older I'm looking forward to learning how to refinish furniture and plan to paint and redo my entire house.


Reading. But maybe that falls under homeschooling? I'm talking about reading for pleasure though. And I collect certain books.


Cooking, when I have time to be leisurely I enjoy it. Not so much at this stage of life because the baby's always fussing while I rush to make dinner, but pre- baby dh and I used to make new recipes together on the weekend while listening to jazz and sipping wine and it was relaxing and fun.


Animals. Dh jokes that I'll be the crazy cat lady after the kids are gone because I'll probably run a cat rescue or volunteer a lot for one.

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:iagree: Although I'm finding myself really drawn to landscapes. Probably because I don't have to bribe them to hold still or beg them to look at the camera :glare:



I just upgraded to a D7000 and I love it. I switched from Canon, so I only have a 35 mm so far and I'm already dreaming about another lens. I'd love a 24-70 but we have a lot of stuff we need to do with our house this year. . . little things like fix the roof and replace the A/C. . . :svengo:


I have had my d40 for almost three years and *just* got my first non-kit lens. I got the 35 mm f 1.8G. Love it! Quite a learning curve though. I'm still fiddling with getting the auto focus to focus on what I want. I'm afraid my vision is not good enough to pull it off otherwise. The shots that do come out the way I intended come out great though.


Just after Christmas I got the 55-300mm zoom. It's much easier to use, but I haven't had much chance to use it yet.


I also just got a little speedlight (SB400) What a difference!


That 24-70 looks like a great general purpose lens (and the photos taken with it! :drool5:) but ouch!

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To various degrees, I'm passionately interested in...



edible landscaping/permaculture and native gardening

homesteading skills

science education

quilting and embroidery (also want to take up knitting)



I struggle with fitting everything (sometimes anything :lol:) in though, on top of house and homeschooling. I go through seasons of pouring myself into any of the above.

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Well, it WAS college. I absolutely love being a student, and my passion is learning about children ages 0 to 5 yrs old. But I had to drop out, yet again, because the kids are not in a good place with their classes for me to be taking a full load of classes of my own.


I would be happy to just take classes and never graduate. I like the act of going to school. I don't care too much about the end result.

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#1 MOVIES- watching, discussing, making, all of it! We were all in our first movie this year (finished shooting a week ago, premieres in 3 weeks), watched three premieres last night (love supporting local filmmakers), and picked up posters for the our town's international film festival next month! I'm in heaven!


#2 Photography - getting the perfect shot makes me giddy


#3 Reading- getting lost in a book is the best form of relaxation, and I look forward to it every day


#4 Writing - fiction and non; the power of words, getting lost in places and characters... It's all bliss.

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I'm so impressed with all your interests/passions/talents!!


I have absolutely nothing I'm interested in pursuing. I've thought about how sad that is, but there is nothing that I want to do now or once I finish homeschooling. I definitely don't want or plan to go back to work, so it would be nice to have something I'm interested in, but I've got nothing. I like to read and nap. No, I'm not kidding. That's what I plan to spend my days doing once my kids are grown. :shrug:

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I would be happy to just take classes and never graduate. I like the act of going to school. I don't care too much about the end result.




Dh recently applied for a position at a university. One of the perks was two free classes a semester for himself, and he offered to ask if he could transfer them to me. "I thought you'd have fun going to law school or something." The man knows me! :-)

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Midwifery. The natural birth process always amazes me. I've attended a couple of homebirths and WOW. Once my kids are older I will dive in and get my licence. Amazing, beautiful, and soul moving.


Photography, sewing, and decorating. If I can combine the three Score!


This year I am going to take some pattern drafting classes at the local University as well as photography and web design.

Edited by caitlinsmom
Once again I combined two thoughts in one sentance...
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At your kid's ages, not necessarily.


Sorry, I just couldn't resist being snarky last night. ;) It was one of those (many) nights where I was beyond exhaustion and still didn't get the basic tasks done for the day.


I like to read a lot, but spend a lot less time reading since I started homeschooling.


I love the idea of edible landscaping and gardening, but I don't have the energy to actually keep plants alive. I loved what someone else said on another thread about "if it doesn't follow me around making noise, it doesn't get fed." That's been a real challenge for my poor garden.


I think my one passion that I am able to pursue is home decorating. Sometimes I decide that something in my house needs to change and I keep myself up at night trying to figure out how to best utilize the space I have. When I walk into other people's homes my mind automatically turns to admiration for how they have decorated and organized things and/or thoughts of what I would do with the space if I had unlimited funds--not in a judgmental way, but in a looking-for-a-new-challenge kind of way.

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I love the idea of edible landscaping and gardening, but I don't have the energy to actually keep plants alive. I loved what someone else said on another thread about "if it doesn't follow me around making noise, it doesn't get fed." That's been a real challenge for my poor garden.


It is a challenge.


I research. I measure and chart/graph. I research some more. I plan. I research even more. I purchase. I plant. Then I stand back, patting myself on the back and enjoying the view...until it slowly begins to wither away. DH knows his role is tending the garden. My role is everything else. This is one reason I am so attracted to native landscaping. Native plants are as close to self-care as you can possibly grow.


This thought process recently produced an epiphany for me. I definitely need improvement in the department of tending all of my "gardens."

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Education & Teaching

Edible landscaping and gardening

Homesteading-ish/natural living


Writing -which is why I started blogging 3 yrs ago. I've been working on mag articles, and am getting some larger projects beyond idea stage.

House restoration- the house fire provided motivation to make time to do it ;)

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Midwifery. The natural birth process always amazes me. I've attended a couple of homebirths and WOW. Once my kids are older I will dive in and get my licence. Amazing, beautiful, and soul moving.





I forgot about this one. I don't think I'll become a midwife but I've thought about doula training once my kids are gone.

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Passions that I indulge to a degree:


Gardening, foraging, horticultural, old time food/life skills

Baking, bread, pastries


Master's degree in Library Science


European board games


Passions I wish I had more time for:


Learning how to code Python, HTML, Java, SQL

Relearning Trig, learning Calc

Relearning or improving guitar, piano, cello

Joining a choir


Writing fiction


Getting more degrees (Biology, Neuro-linguistics, History, maybe a PhD)

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I would be happy to just take classes and never graduate. I like the act of going to school. I don't care too much about the end result.


:iagree: I mean, I care about the end result a little, but I would definitely go to school forever. I just found out that one day while my parents and aunt and uncle were playing cards and talking, my dad said that if he won the lottery, he'd pay for me to be a student forever, because he knows that's what I'd really like to do with my life. :D My Dad knew me well.

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I just found out that one day while my parents and aunt and uncle were playing cards and talking, my dad said that if he won the lottery, he'd pay for me to be a student forever, because he knows that's what I'd really like to do with my life. :D My Dad knew me well.


Awwww That is so sweet. :001_wub:

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I love reading about how people learn. I'm currently reading a little book in which various mathematicians describe the mental processes of making their discoveries. It even includes a blurb from a letter Mozart wrote where he describes how he composed his music. I discuss it with our dc as I go. Or sometimes my dh, but his eyes tend to glaze over. :tongue_smilie:


You know that rule about not mentioning food without giving a recipe? Same deal with books, woman. Hand over the title and no one gets hurt.... :D

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Reading and travel. I love planning travels -- not even for myself necessarily, but for anyone. It's kind of a weird past time, but the moment I have a "travel project," it almost consumes me. I love looking for the best deals, the best inexpensive places to stay, the travel logistics, etc. So if any of you have any travel-related questions...?!

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What a great thread! :)


My passions are:



  • helping people through my coaching practice (I'm a certified Life Coach)
  • nutrition and alternative/natural medicine (I just completed a nutrition training and certification program last month and plan to add nutrition coaching to my practice in the next few months)
  • Autism advocacy (involved with a local Autism non-profit and am looking into volunteer opportunities with some national non-profits)
  • reading, reading, and more reading (like many on this thread!) - almost exclusively non-fiction
  • writing - my blog and have a rough draft of a book
  • politics


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