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Husband is pretty shaken up

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My husband found a dead body this morning on the way to work.


It is horrible.


He saw a woman and a security guard standing over this man that looked like maybe he was homeless because he was just lying there. DH walked over and bent down and the woman (who had just gotten there) started screaming at him, "Don't touch him!"


My husband looked at her and said, "I have to know if he is breathing!" So, dh felt for a pulse and didn't find one. The man was face down. He started to lift him and the woman started shouting again. DH told her he HAD to know if the man was ok. He and the security guard turned him over and the man's face was completely smashed in.


They called 911 and the police and paramedics came. The man was literally hit by a truck just a minute before DH walked that same route. The man had headphones in his ears and it was believed the truck just didn't see him.


Turns out he is a high level executive with Wachovia bank and was only 47 years old.


It is horrible and DH said it really shook him up.


Please pray and send good thoughts to the man's family. I can't imagine losing someone like that.



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At work his boss told him to go home and take the day off.


He didn't. Sigh.




That is completely horrible. Praying for the man's family and also your dh. He should probably see a counselor...even briefly....how awfully traumatic.



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I just found out that the man did have a college age daughter that he had planned to take back to college this weekend.


I don't know any other details yet.





The news story for which you provided the link mentioned the daughter and the gentleman's mother said that he was married.


So very sad for everyone. Praying for your family and the gentleman's family.:grouphug:

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At work his boss told him to go home and take the day off.


He didn't. Sigh.




Oh Dawn, I can't imagine!


Maybe it'd help your dh if he was able to go to the man's funeral? I dunno. I guess I'm thinking like a woman of course, and I'd want to go to the funeral and tell his family that I tried to help him. Just, you know, to let them know. But of course, I don't know if a man would feel the same way about it that I do.


So maybe mention that he could try to go to the funeral, if you think it'd help him. It must be hard to process being involved in something like that.


So sad for all involved. :grouphug:

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How terrible, Dawn. I'm praying for the victim's family, the truck driver, and your poor husband. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:



ETA: I saw a horrific motorcycle accident almost two years ago, and I had severe (now mild) PTSD. It's nothing to play around with, so maybe when the smoke settles, so to speak, your husband might want to talk to someone about it. It really affects people greatly. I am so sorry he had to see that.

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Something similar happened to me once. I was on my way home to my parents in a very rural area and came upon the scene of an auto accident that had yet to be discovered by anyone. A badly injured little girl had been thrown from a vehicle, one lady was dead under a minivan, and another man and woman were also badly injured. It shook me up so much, after I left the scene awhile later I could barely drive and was pulled over by the police. I explained what had just happened and showed him the blood on my knees from me kneeling in the grass checking on people that he let me go. He should have called someone to help me!


I know how your dh feels. It's not a good feeling. Prayers and :grouphug:.


BTW, it was 15 years ago and I still recall nearly every detail.

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My husband found a dead body this morning on the way to work.


It is horrible.


He saw a woman and a security guard standing over this man that looked like maybe he was homeless because he was just lying there. DH walked over and bent down and the woman (who had just gotten there) started screaming at him, "Don't touch him!"


My husband looked at her and said, "I have to know if he is breathing!" So, dh felt for a pulse and didn't find one. The man was face down. He started to lift him and the woman started shouting again. DH told her he HAD to know if the man was ok. He and the security guard turned him over and the man's face was completely smashed in.


They called 911 and the police and paramedics came. The man was literally hit by a truck just a minute before DH walked that same route. The man had headphones in his ears and it was believed the truck just didn't see him.


Turns out he is a high level executive with Wachovia bank and was only 47 years old.


It is horrible and DH said it really shook him up.


Please pray and send good thoughts to the man's family. I can't imagine losing someone like that.




I am SO sorry. How horrible. Hugs!!

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My husband just keeps saying, "He was only 47 and had a family and all he did was walk from the train to work, the same route I go every day."


DH is 45, so I can imagine this is hitting him.


He said when he walked back to the train after work his heart was pounding just crossing the street at that spot.


He also said there was a guy across the street sobbing (during the incident). He was so focused on the victim that he didn't get a good look at the guy, but he wondered if it was the driver of the truck.



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Wow, apparently TODAY there was another pedestrian accident at the same spot! He was not killed though.


They pulled the security cameras and were able to see the pedestrian crossing where the service entrance is and they saw the truck him him and drag him to the intersection where my DH found him. My Dh has said it looked like the truck ran over his head, but thought it couldn't be possible because he found him near the intersection, but I guess that is what happened.


I really hope they see that this is a huge blind spot for vehicles and fix it.



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We've had 3 fatal accidents within a few miles of here in just over a week, 2 traffic ones and 1 woman crushed by her own van in a secluded spot right where my dh cycles along to work. If it had happened on a work day he may have been the one to make the discovery.:crying:

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Thanks all. He is doing better today. He is a pretty level headed guy, so he isn't overly emotional about it.


Turns out the guy was a member of the church we are still technically members of and I received an email from the church letting all members know that the funeral will be this Saturday at the church.


I have encouraged him to attend, but I doubt he will.


We did not know him as it is a very large church.



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Well, the security cams revealed he was hit down the street at the loading doc exit and dragged to the intersection area. Where he landed looked very much like he had been hit right there at the intersection, but the cameras showed differently.


Dh commented that he could NOT have viewed those tapes!




I am so very sorry. Does it look like an intersection issue or is someone...meaning to?
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