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Moms, do you hang a Christmas stocking for yourself?

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If you have a Christmas stocking, who fills it? I mean, besides Santa. ;)

I haven't filled one for myself, and that means I don't get one, but DH does. Does your DH and/or kids make one up for you?

I have heard of an idea where moms fill stockings and trade them with each other, to open on Xmas morning. I think that is a nice idea, but I am not together enough to organize it, most years.

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I love doing stockings for the kids and DH and my husband knows it. Each year he makes a little more effort to do a little more of a stocking for me. Every year I tell him I just like making them for them, and I don't really care if I have one. This year was his best attempt yet (the first year he hasn't been either active duty Air Force OR a full time student).

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Yes, of course! ;) My husband puts a couple of things in there for me.


And, this year my 5 year old started a new tradition of writing 'love' letters for each family member and placing them in the stockings to be opened on Christmas morning. I think it's a beautiful idea, and I joined in. We'll be continuing that tradition!

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I usually just do the kids only.


however this year I came downstairs christmas morning to find a tube sock taped to the mantel of the fireplace along with the other stockings. My 18 year old son advised he thought I should have a stocking too.


Inside was loose change he found around the house, candy he took out of the other stockings , sharpie markers he got out of the junk drawer and then he had put a $25 gift card to olive garden that he bought with his own money. I was laughing soo hard as I was pulling everything out of the sock... thankfully he used a clean sock.


I will never forget this :001_smile:

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I usually just do the kids only.


however this year I came downstairs christmas morning to find a tube sock taped to the mantel of the fireplace along with the other stockings. My 18 year old son advised he thought I should have a stocking too.


Inside was loose change he found around the house, candy he took out of the other stockings , sharpie markers he got out of the junk drawer and then he had put a $25 gift card to olive garden that he bought with his own money. I was laughing soo hard as I was pulling everything out of the sock... thankfully he used a clean sock.


I will never forget this :001_smile:


That is completely awesome.

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We all have stockings.


My husband and I cooperate to fill the kids'. He fills one for me, and I fill one for him.


There are certain things we might end up putting in our own stockings. For example, all family members get lottery tickets. My husband always buys them, and he buys enough for himself, too. This year, I put new filters for our Bobbles in the stockings, and I bought one for myself, too.

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In dh's family, stockings are not Santa's domain. Stocking stuffers are a big part of the gifts they give.


My kids have always known that I fill the family stockings, and they help me pick out things for dh's stocking. This year each dd (7 &10) spent money of their own to buy candy for everyone's stockings (including their own :lol:). Dh bought candy for mine. I bought gifts and candy for everyone, and I put some stuff in my own stocking too. I know just what I like. :D I don't wrap my own stuff though, as I really dislike wrapping.

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Yup, I have one.


My parents and sister send stocking stuffers, so they go in, along with anything DH adds....and Santa leaves some things too. This year DS (7) added a small ornament he made me too - that was fun to open Christmas morning since I had no idea he made me something for Christmas!

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Yes, I hang a stocking for myself. DH grew up in a non-stocking household (GASP) so, for the first few yrs. of our marriage I bought & filled my own stocking along with everyone else's. Now, he's gotten the hang of it & does it himself (except this yr, because he was in the hospital Christmas eve & Christmas day)

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I usually just do the kids only.


however this year I came downstairs christmas morning to find a tube sock taped to the mantel of the fireplace along with the other stockings. My 18 year old son advised he thought I should have a stocking too.


Inside was loose change he found around the house, candy he took out of the other stockings , sharpie markers he got out of the junk drawer and then he had put a $25 gift card to olive garden that he bought with his own money. I was laughing soo hard as I was pulling everything out of the sock... thankfully he used a clean sock.


I will never forget this :001_smile:


That is SO sweet!


DH fills my stocking and I do his and the kids. We have traditional items that go in our stockings (candy corn in mine, Toblerone and a chocolate orange in his) and then we usually add a few little useful items or something that goes along with a gift we've given each other. This year DH got me a GPS and the case was in my stocking.

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Yes, in our house, mine is the original stocking. Way back when I was a baby, the lady next door to us in London made us each stockings. I made dh's and the kids' to match MINE!


:iagree: My mother cross-stitched my stocking and I love it. So I've started cross-stitching my kids' (and eventually my husband's) to match. I finished my first one on Christmas Eve for my older daughter and am trying to decide on a pattern for my younger daughter. I already have one for hubby, but his is lowest priority because I want our kids to grow up with theirs.


As for filling them, I fill everyone's and my hubby fills mine. Usually with lots and lots of quality chocolate and candy.

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I have an only child, so DH and I feel it's important that we all get gifts and stockings. Maybe if I had other kids I wouldn't bother!


I do everything. I buy all the presents, and I fill all the stockings. When we were first married, DH got so frustrated trying to find things I liked and I got frustrated pretending I liked what he got me :lol:. We finally had a discussion about it, and were both relieved to just have me do it! It's fun for me to get myself some treats once a year like body products or magazines. I kind of enjoy filling my own stocking, as silly as it sounds ;)!

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Yes, of course! ;) My husband puts a couple of things in there for me.


And, this year my 5 year old started a new tradition of writing 'love' letters for each family member and placing them in the stockings to be opened on Christmas morning. I think it's a beautiful idea, and I joined in. We'll be continuing that tradition!


I LOVE it!!!!! I may start next year.


I usually just do the kids only.


however this year I came downstairs christmas morning to find a tube sock taped to the mantel of the fireplace along with the other stockings. My 18 year old son advised he thought I should have a stocking too.


Inside was loose change he found around the house, candy he took out of the other stockings , sharpie markers he got out of the junk drawer and then he had put a $25 gift card to olive garden that he bought with his own money. I was laughing soo hard as I was pulling everything out of the sock... thankfully he used a clean sock.


I will never forget this :001_smile:


Super sweet!!!! LOVE it!


My entire family - 6 siblings and all their kids come. So, everyone brings stockings (made by my mom!). I have hooks for all under the mantle. Every family brings three stocking stuffers for everyone. Works really well!!!

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Well, for a number of years, my stocking didn't get filled. Then I made it clear there needed to be SOMETHING in it. I've had to do some coaching over the years, to help dh know what I'd like. Now he and ds pick out my stocking stuff together. This year, it was a Godiva dark chocolate bar, a light for my new Kindle, and a couple other things I forget. Good stuff!


Even the bunnies get stockings and presents here. This year, they got treats, toys, and a new bed.



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I have a stocking and it is filled by DH, my mom (she is here Christmas morning) and myself. I usually buy myself a nice candy bar (this year was a Ritter Sport Dark Chocolate Marzipan bar) and a new toothbrush and then DH and mom add extras (lip balm, candle, M&Ms, etc.) One year DH forgot and made a trip to the gas station Christmas Eve. That year I had beef jerky and candy in my stocking.

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DD13 insisted that I get a stocking this year as she had bought me something for it. (I put a Starbucks card in it too. :0) )


Her gift to me...a small plant. :0) LOL She was very sweet about it, but I was very happy she didn't really try to put it in my stocking.



Usually, no, I don't get a stocking.

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We all have stockings. I fill them. I don't fill mine. I do fill dh's. For several years mine was always empty on Christmas morning. Dh has finally figured it out. He puts candy in mine. Everyone else gets candy and a little thing. This year the older kids each got a book and younger got some Cars movie action figures, dh got candles (this has meaning to him).

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