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If you count school days, how many have you done?

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We just completed day 73 today with 11 more before Christmas break. I really like to be at least halfway done before Christmas, but it's just not happening this year. We have to do 180 per school year.


Today is Day 67. We are required to have 180 days.


I almost didn't look at this thread :tongue_smilie: because I thought I'd be discouraged by far behind everyone else I was even though in my mind, I feel we're "ahead" (hee, hee!).


If we make 100 days of school sometime in February, I usually feel like we're doing a good job.

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We're at about 80 days. We're required to count days, but aren't required to have a certain number by the end of the year. We just have to school for 9 months total. It doesn't make much sense to me, but I guess by counting the days we are showing that we did 9 months of schooling altogether.

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I'm not required to count, but we do because the kids like it. We're on day 45 and are on break. Even though we won't complete 180 days this year we'll still finish our books since the kids tend to do more than a days worth a lot of times. I think I figured we have about 100 days after we get back before we'll be finished with out books for this year, just in time for us to finish the year before dh returns from deployment.

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We just finished week 9 (so 67) We have had field trip days etc... But I base around 36 weeks, and don't count field trip weeks, and school lite. I was hoping to be a little further, but oh well. The kids and I find it easier doing school in the summer. Which is strange I thought it would be the opposite.

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It's amazing to me how many of us are near the same week! We just finished day 82/180, and we have ten days more till Christmas break. I do aim to be half done by Christmas, but would be even happier if we were near day 100 or more.


Ooo, oo, I just re-counted and we are actually on day 84/180! yay!

Edited by SnowWhite
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We just completed day 73 today with 11 more before Christmas break. I really like to be at least halfway done before Christmas, but it's just not happening this year. We have to do 180 per school year.


Today is Day #86. This is our last week before Christmas Break, and at the end of this week, we will have 89 days. We have to have 180 days per school year.

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We are on day 48 out of a 192 day school year.


Looks like I'm far behind everyone else:glare: :tongue_smilie: I started in late September because we finished last year so late. We are making great progress this year compared to previous years. Last year we didn't hit this point in our school year until after Christmas. This is the first school year in 3 years where we didn't move mid-year. Yay! If we keep going with few breaks we should finish by the time the local schools finish in late June.

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Day 77 today. We'll hit 90 before Christmas break. We're required to have 180, but we'll probably go over by a few weeks. My dc have better behavior on the days when they have schoolwork to complete. Correlation may not equal causation, but why take the chance?

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We will have done 85 by the end of this week. Our halfway point, week 18, always comes the week after we return from Christmas break, because we take off three weeks for Christmas and just can't seem to start early enough to get 18 weeks in prior to Christmas break. We will still be done by the end of May, before other schools around here....

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Day 81. We have 11 more to go and then we'll break for the holidays resuming school on January 2nd.


We'll school until the 2nd week of June, take six weeks off (well, not off from education - just off from the grind because the kids will each have 12 science projects to get ready for their 4-H competition), and then be back in the routine during the first week of August.



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